Пример #1
void _Geothermal_FieldMaps_AssignFromXML( void* component, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
   Geothermal_FieldMaps*   self = (Geothermal_FieldMaps*)component;
   Dictionary*             dict = Codelet_GetPluginDictionary( component, cf->rootDict );
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* mapList;
   unsigned                map_i;
   Stream*                 errorStream = Journal_Register( ErrorStream_Type, Geothermal_FieldMaps_Type );
   Stream_SetPrintingRank( errorStream, 0 );

   /* Plugin-wide stuff */
   self->context = (AbstractContext*)Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName(
      cf, "context", UnderworldContext, True, data ); 
   /*self->swarm = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName(
      cf, Dictionary_GetString( dict, "Swarm" ), Swarm, True, data );*/
   mapList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"maps" );
   if( mapList ) {
      self->numMaps = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( mapList );
      self->maps = malloc( self->numMaps * sizeof(Map*) );
   else {
      self->numMaps = 0;
      self->maps = NULL;

   /* Per map stuff */
   for( map_i = 0; map_i < self->numMaps; map_i++ ) {
      self->maps[map_i] = malloc( sizeof(Map) );
      Dictionary* mapEntryDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( mapList, map_i ) );
      char* tmpStr;

      #define SDEK   Dictionary_Entry_Key
      #define SDGDWD Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault
      #define SDGSWD Dictionary_GetString_WithDefault
      #define SDGBWD Dictionary_GetBool_WithDefault
      #define SCFCBN Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName
      strncpy( self->maps[map_i]->name, Dictionary_GetString( mapEntryDict, "name" ), FILENAME_MAX );
      strncpy( self->maps[map_i]->outputPath, SDGSWD( mapEntryDict, (SDEK)"outputPath", self->context->outputPath ), FILENAME_MAX);
      self->maps[map_i]->field = SCFCBN( cf, Dictionary_GetString( mapEntryDict, "Field" ), FeVariable, True, data );
      self->maps[map_i]->depth = SDGDWD( mapEntryDict, (SDEK)"depthFromSurface", 0.0 );

      /* Type of map */
      self->maps[map_i]->outputAllNodes = False;
      self->maps[map_i]->outputTopNodes = False;
      self->maps[map_i]->outputDepth = False;
      self->maps[map_i]->depth = 0.0;
      self->maps[map_i]->heightField = NULL;
      tmpStr = Dictionary_GetString( mapEntryDict, "of" );
      if( strcmp( "surface", tmpStr ) == 0 ) {
         self->maps[map_i]->outputTopNodes = True;
      else if( strcmp( "volume", tmpStr ) == 0 ) {
         self->maps[map_i]->outputAllNodes = True;
      else if( strcmp( "depth", tmpStr ) == 0 ) {
         self->maps[map_i]->outputDepth = True;
         self->maps[map_i]->depth = SDGDWD( mapEntryDict, (SDEK)"depthFromSurface", 0.0 );
/* TODO: firewall if depth not given!!!*/
      else if( strcmp( "height", tmpStr ) == 0 ) {
         self->maps[map_i]->outputDepth = True;
         self->maps[map_i]->heightField = SCFCBN( cf, Dictionary_GetString( mapEntryDict, "HeightField" ), FieldVariable, True, data );
/* TODO: firewall if HeightField not given!!!*/
         self->maps[map_i]->outputTopNodes || self->maps[map_i]->outputAllNodes || self->maps[map_i]->outputDepth, 
         "Error: On FieldMaps plugin entry %u (named: \"%s\"), the \"of\" parameter must be either \"surface\", \"volume\", " 
         "\"depth\", or \"height\" (\"%s\" was given).\n", 
         map_i, self->maps[map_i]->name, tmpStr );

      /* Formats */
      self->maps[map_i]->gocadOutput = SDGBWD( mapEntryDict, (SDEK)"GOCADOutput", True );
      self->maps[map_i]->nodeValues = 0;
      self->maps[map_i]->nodeCoords = 0;
      self->maps[map_i]->topNodesCount = 0;

   ContextEP_Append( self->context, AbstractContext_EP_Dump, Geothermal_FieldMaps_Dump );
Пример #2
void _VariableAllVC_ReadDictionary( void* variableCondition, void* dictionary ) {
	VariableAllVC*			self = (VariableAllVC*)variableCondition;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*		vcDictVal;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value		_vcDictVal;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*		varsVal;
	VariableAllVC_Entry_Index	entry_I;
	/* Find dictionary entry */
	if (self->_dictionaryEntryName)
		vcDictVal = Dictionary_Get( dictionary, self->_dictionaryEntryName );
		vcDictVal = &_vcDictVal;
		Dictionary_Entry_Value_InitFromStruct( vcDictVal, dictionary );
	if (vcDictVal)
		/* Obtain the variable entries */
		self->_entryCount = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount(Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(vcDictVal, "variables"));
		self->_entryTbl = Memory_Alloc_Array( VariableAllVC_Entry, self->_entryCount, "VariableAllVC->_entryTbl" );
		varsVal = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(vcDictVal, "variables");
		for (entry_I = 0; entry_I < self->_entryCount; entry_I++)
			char*			valType;
			Dictionary_Entry_Value*	valueEntry;
			Dictionary_Entry_Value*	varDictListVal;
			varDictListVal = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement(varsVal, entry_I);
			valueEntry = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "value");
			self->_entryTbl[entry_I].varName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(
				Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "name"));
			valType = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "type"));
			if (!strcasecmp(valType, "func"))
				char*	funcName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(valueEntry);
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_CFIndex;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeCFIndex = ConditionFunction_Register_GetIndex(
					self->conFunc_Register, funcName);
			else if (!strcasecmp(valType, "array"))
				Dictionary_Entry_Value*	valueElement;
				Index			i;

				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_DoubleArray;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount(valueEntry);
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.array = Memory_Alloc_Array( double,
					self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size,"VariableAllVC->_entryTbl[].value.as.typeArray.array" );
				for (i = 0; i < self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size; i++)
					valueElement = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement(valueEntry, i);
					self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.array[i] = 
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "double" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "d" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "float" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "f" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Double;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeDouble = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( valueEntry );
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "integer" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "int" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "i" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Int;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeInt = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "short" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "s" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Short;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeShort = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "char" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "c" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Char;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeChar = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "pointer" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "ptr" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "p" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Ptr;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typePtr = (void*) ( (ArithPointer) Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry ));
			else {
				/* Assume double */
				Journal_DPrintf( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "myStream" ), "Type to variable on variable condition not given, assuming double\n" );
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Double;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeDouble = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( valueEntry );
void ModulesManager_Load( void* modulesManager, void* _dictionary, Name contextName ) {
   ModulesManager*         self = (ModulesManager*)modulesManager;
   Dictionary*             dictionary = (Dictionary*)_dictionary;
   unsigned int            entryCount;
   unsigned int            entry_I;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* modulesVal;

    * First add the directory list onto LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that it can potentially
    * resolve the unknown symbols */
   #ifndef NOSHARED
   char* curEnvPath;
   char* newEnvPath;
   Index newEnvPathLength;
   Index dir_I;
   Index i, count;
   char* dir;

   newEnvPathLength = 0;

   if( dictionary ) {
      Dictionary_Entry_Value* localLibDirList = Dictionary_Get( dictionary, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" );

      if( localLibDirList ) {
         count = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( localLibDirList );
         for( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
            dir = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( localLibDirList, i ) );
            ModulesManager_AddDirectory( "FromDictionary", dir );
   for( dir_I = 0; dir_I < moduleDirectories->count; ++dir_I ) {
      newEnvPathLength += strlen( (char*)Stg_ObjectList_ObjectAt( moduleDirectories, dir_I ) );
      /* Add one make space for the ':' inbetween the directories */
      newEnvPathLength += 1; 
   curEnvPath = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
   if( curEnvPath ) {
      newEnvPathLength += strlen( curEnvPath );

   if( newEnvPathLength > 0 ) {
      /* Add one to make space for the Null Terminator '\0' */
      newEnvPathLength += 1;
      newEnvPath = Memory_Alloc_Array( char, newEnvPathLength, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" );
      newEnvPath[0] = '\0';
      for( dir_I = 0; dir_I < moduleDirectories->count; ++dir_I ) {
         strcat( newEnvPath, (char*)Stg_ObjectList_ObjectAt( moduleDirectories, dir_I ) );
         strcat( newEnvPath, ":" );
      if( curEnvPath ) {
         strcat( newEnvPath, curEnvPath );
      setenv( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", newEnvPath, 1 );

         Journal_Register( Debug_Type, self->type ),
         "Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s\n",
         newEnvPath );
      Memory_Free( newEnvPath );
void _FieldVariable_AssignFromXML( void* fieldVariable, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
   FieldVariable*          self = (FieldVariable*)fieldVariable;
   FieldVariable_Register* fV_Register=NULL;
   Dimension_Index         dim;
   Index                   fieldComponentCount;
   Bool                    isCheckpointedAndReloaded, isCheckpointedAndReloaded2;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* feVarsList = NULL;
   char*                   o_units = NULL;
   DomainContext*          context;
   Bool                    useCacheMaxMin;

   context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey(
      data );

   if( !context )
      context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"context", DomainContext, False, data );
   if (context) {
      fV_Register = context->fieldVariable_Register;
      assert( fV_Register );

   dim = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetRootDictUnsignedInt( cf, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"dim", 0 );
   /* allow this to be overwritten by the component dub dict */
   dim = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"dim", dim );

   fieldComponentCount = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt(
      0 );

   useCacheMaxMin = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetBool( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"useCacheMaxMin", False );
   o_units = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputUnits", NULL );

    * Decide whether this FieldVariable will be checkpointed & reloaded, based on the dictionary list 
    * "fieldVariableToCheckpoint". NB may want to put this in the XML component definintion of a
    * FieldVariable itself, but for now prefer list so it can be centrally set.
    * -- Pat, Jules, Kath - 29 November 2006 

   isCheckpointedAndReloaded2 = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetBool( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"isCheckpointedAndReloaded", False );

   /* Case insensitive search */
   feVarsList = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"fieldVariablesToCheckpoint" );
   if( NULL == feVarsList ) {
      feVarsList = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"FieldVariablesToCheckpoint" );

   if( feVarsList != NULL ) {
      Index                   listLength = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( feVarsList );
      Index                   var_I = 0;
      Dictionary_Entry_Value* feVarDictValue = NULL;
      char*                   fieldVariableName;
      /* if the 'fieldVariablesToCheckpoint' list is empty (but exists)
       *    checkpoint every field
       * else selectively checkpoint based on list entries */
      if( listLength == 0 ) { 
         isCheckpointedAndReloaded = True; 
      else {
         isCheckpointedAndReloaded = False;
         for ( var_I = 0; var_I < listLength; var_I++  ) {
            feVarDictValue = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( feVarsList, var_I );
            fieldVariableName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( feVarDictValue ); 
            if ( 0 == strcmp( self->name, fieldVariableName ) ) {
               isCheckpointedAndReloaded = True;
   else {
      /* If there's no special list, just checkpoint/reload everything. */
      isCheckpointedAndReloaded = True;

   isCheckpointedAndReloaded = (isCheckpointedAndReloaded || isCheckpointedAndReloaded2 );

   feVarsList = NULL;
   /* also include check to see if this fevariable should be saved for analysis purposes */ 
   feVarsList = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"fieldVariablesToSave" );

   if( NULL == feVarsList ) {
      feVarsList = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"FieldVariablesToSave" );
   if( feVarsList != NULL ) {
      Index                   listLength = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( feVarsList );
      Index                   var_I = 0;
      Dictionary_Entry_Value* feVarDictValue = NULL;
      char*                   fieldVariableName;
      for( var_I = 0; var_I < listLength; var_I++ ) {
         feVarDictValue = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( feVarsList, var_I );
         fieldVariableName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( feVarDictValue ); 

         if( 0 == strcmp( self->name, fieldVariableName ) ) {
            self->isSavedData = True;
      useCacheMaxMin );
