Пример #1
void SetChase( edict_t *ent, edict_t *target )
	if (!target) {
		DisableChaseCam( ent );

	if (target != ent->client->chase_target && ent->client->chase_mode == 2) {
		ent->client->clientNum = (target - g_edicts) - 1;
	ent->client->chase_target = target;
Пример #2
void NextChaseMode( edict_t *ent )
	ent->client->chase_mode = (ent->client->chase_mode + 1) % 3;

	if (ent->client->chase_mode == 1)
		//going 3rd person, remove gun and invisible player
		ent->client->clientNum = (ent - g_edicts) - 1;
		ent->client->ps.gunindex = ent->client->ps.gunframe = 0;
		if (!ent->client->chase_target) {
			GetChaseTarget( ent );
			if (!ent->client->chase_target) {
				ent->client->chase_mode = 0;

		if (ent->client->resp.team && teamplay->value && limchasecam->value == 2) {
			NextChaseMode( ent );
	else if (ent->client->chase_mode == 2)
		if (!ent->client->chase_target) {
			GetChaseTarget( ent );
			if (!ent->client->chase_target) {
				ent->client->chase_mode = 0;
		//set clientnum to hide chased person on supported server
		ent->client->clientNum = (ent->client->chase_target - g_edicts) - 1;
		ent->client->ps.gunindex = ent->client->ps.gunframe = 0;
	else// if (ent->client->chase_mode == CHASE_FREE)
		if (ent->client->resp.team && teamplay->value && limchasecam->value) {
			if (limchasecam->value == 1)  {
				NextChaseMode( ent );
			else {
				ent->client->chase_mode = 2;

		DisableChaseCam( ent );
Пример #3
int ChaseTargetGone( edict_t * ent )
	edict_t *targ = ent->client->chase_target;

	// is our chase target gone?
	if (!targ || !targ->inuse
		|| (targ->solid == SOLID_NOT && targ->deadflag != DEAD_DEAD))
		ChaseNext( ent );
		if (ent->client->chase_target == targ) {
			DisableChaseCam( ent );
			return 1;
	return 0;
Пример #4
Player hit Spectator menu option or used
chase command.
void ToggleChaseCam (edict_t *ent)
    if (ent->client->pers.team)
        TDM_LeftTeam (ent, true);
        TDM_TeamsChanged ();
        if (tdm_match_status == MM_TIMEOUT && teaminfo[TEAM_A].players == 0 && teaminfo[TEAM_B].players == 0)
            TDM_ResumeGame ();
        respawn (ent);

    if (ent->client->chase_target)
        DisableChaseCam (ent);

    PMenu_Close (ent);
Пример #5
Returns true if a player was set back on a team as a result of rejoining.
qboolean TDM_ProcessJoinCode (edict_t *ent, unsigned value)
	int				i;
	const char		*code;
	teamplayer_t	*t;
	edict_t			*ghost;

	edict_t			new_entity;
	gclient_t		new_client;

	gclient_t		*saved_client;

	if (tdm_match_status < MM_PLAYING || tdm_match_status == MM_SCOREBOARD)
		return false;

	//if no value was passed, look up userinfo
	if (!value)
		code = Info_ValueForKey (ent->client->pers.userinfo, "joincode");
		if (!code[0])
			return false;

		value = strtoul (code, NULL, 10);

	//must be a disconnected client for this to work
	t = TDM_FindTeamplayerForJoinCode (value);
	if (!t || t->client || !t->saved_client || !t->saved_entity)
		return false;

	//0000201: Joincode rejoin. don't allow bypassing of max players setting.
	if (teaminfo[t->team].players >= current_matchinfo.max_players_per_team)
		return false;

	//could be using a joincode while chasing, need to fix it here before we possibly overwrite entity
	if (ent->client->chase_target)
		DisableChaseCam (ent);

	gi.unlinkentity (ent);

	ent->client->pers.team = t->team;
	JoinedTeam (ent, true, true);

	//we only preserve the whole client state in 1v1 mode, in TDM we simply respawn the player
	if (TDM_Is1V1())
		//remove ghost model
		for (ghost = g_edicts + game.maxclients + 1; ghost < g_edicts + globals.num_edicts; ghost++)
			if (!ghost->inuse)

			if (ghost->enttype != ENT_GHOST)

			if (ghost->count == t->saved_entity->s.number)
				G_FreeEdict (ghost);

		//take copies of the current (new) structures
		new_entity = *ent;
		new_client = *ent->client;

		//preserve new client pointer
		saved_client = ent->client;

		//restore all edict fields and preserve new client pointer
		*ent = *t->saved_entity;
		ent->client = saved_client;

		//restore all client fields
		*ent->client = *t->saved_client;

		//restore stuff that shouldn't be overwritten
		ent->inuse = true;
		ent->s.number = new_entity.s.number;
		ent->client->resp.vote = VOTE_HOLD;
		VectorCopy (new_client.resp.cmd_angles, ent->client->resp.cmd_angles);

		strcpy (ent->client->pers.userinfo, new_client.pers.userinfo);

		//aiee :E :E
		ent->linkcount = new_entity.linkcount;
		ent->area = new_entity.area;
		ent->num_clusters = new_entity.num_clusters;
		memcpy (ent->clusternums, new_entity.clusternums, sizeof(ent->clusternums));
		ent->headnode = new_entity.headnode;
		ent->areanum = new_entity.areanum;
		ent->areanum2 = new_entity.areanum2;

		//set the delta angle
		for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
			ent->client->ps.pmove.delta_angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT(ent->client->v_angle[i] - ent->client->resp.cmd_angles[i]);
		ent->client->resp.score = t->saved_client->resp.score;
		ent->client->resp.enterframe = t->saved_client->resp.enterframe;
		ent->client->resp.ready = t->saved_client->resp.ready;

		ent->client->pers.joinstate = t->saved_client->pers.joinstate;
		ent->client->pers.admin = t->saved_client->pers.admin;

	//free the teamplayer saved info
	gi.TagFree (t->saved_entity);
	gi.TagFree (t->saved_client);

	t->saved_entity = NULL;
	t->saved_client = NULL;

	// wision: restore player's name
	G_StuffCmd (ent, "set name \"%s\"\n", t->name);

	//restore teamplayer links
	ent->client->resp.teamplayerinfo = t;
	t->client = ent;

	//no linkentity, we are called as part of PutClientInServer, linking here would telefrag ourselves!
	gi.unlinkentity (ent);

	return true;