Пример #1
 * Function: WinMain()
 * Description:
 *    This is the main window function and we use it to initialize data
 *    and then call our loop function. This is a std. Win32 function.
 * Args:
 *    HINSTANCE hInstance         // handle to current instance
 *    HINSTANCE hPrevInstance     // handle to previous instance
 *    LPSTR     lpszCmdLine       // pointer to command line
 *    int       nCmdShow          // show state of window
 * Return Value:
 *    int       Returns the return value of DispatchLoopNT
WINAPI WinMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                 LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
    int  res;            /* SbInits result..if>0 it worked, if=0 it didnt work   */
    int  hsize, vsize;   /* size of window to be created,for each Dimension */

    /* Set Window Size */
    hsize = 280;
    vsize = 215;

    /* create our apps window */
    CreateSPWindow(0, 0, hsize, vsize, "SbTest32");

    /* update screen */
    InvalidateRect(hWndMain, NULL, FALSE);

    /* intitialize spaceball */
    res = SbInit();

    /* if SpaceBall was not detected then print error, close win., exit prog. */
    if (res < 1)
                   "Sorry - No supported Spacetec IMC device available.\n",
                   NULL, MB_OK);
        if (hWndMain != NULL)
            DestroyWindow(hWndMain);    /* destroy window */

        ExitProcess(1);                /* exit program */

    /* Function To be Repeated */

Пример #2
int WINAPI WinMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow )

  SpaceballControlStruct scs;
  SpaceballAppDataStruct app;
  PointStr World[2];
  char fname[256];
  float CTM[4][4];             /* Current transformation matrix */ 
  SiSpwHandlers DspHandlers;
  LONG addr = (long)&scs;
  HWND wndScreen;
  RECT screenRect;
  int size;
  DWORD dSizeNeeded;
  char appDir[256];
  //int ssize;
  //char DirName[256];
  ncmdshow = nCmdShow;
  //FILE *fp;
   *   Figure out how big the screen is so that we can make our
   *   window an appropriate size.
  wndScreen = GetDesktopWindow();
  GetWindowRect ( wndScreen, &screenRect );
  size = (int)(.8 * SPW_MIN( (screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top),
                   (screenRect.right - screenRect.left) ));
  Spw_WindowWidth = size;   
  Spw_WindowHeight = size;
  /* Add code to parse command line for alternate file --here-- */

  /* Code that finds the default data file in its usual spot */
 // if (0 != (dSizeNeeded = GetCurrentDirectory(256, appDir)))
  if (0 != (dSizeNeeded = GetModuleFileName(NULL, appDir, 256 )))
     char widgetUStr[] = "WIDGET\0";
     char widgetLStr[] = "widget\0";
     char DirName[256];
     char *pdest;
     int  result;
     FILE *fp;

     /* find "widget" in directory string */
     pdest = strstr( appDir, widgetUStr );
	 if (pdest == NULL)
        pdest = strstr( appDir, widgetLStr );
	 if (pdest != NULL)
        /* get the index of the end of "widget" */
        result = pdest - appDir + strlen(widgetUStr);
        /* snip everything after "widget" */
        appDir[result] = '\0'; 
        /* build the file name */
        strcpy(DirName, appDir);
        strcat(DirName, "\\dat\\widget.dat");
     /* see if we can open the file */
     if (NULL != (fp=fopen(DirName, "r")))
        fclose(fp);              /* close it back up */
        strcpy(fname, DirName);  /* save the file name */
     else /* file is in a non standard location; let user find it */
        strcpy(fname, "*.dat");
        GetNTFileName( NULL, fname );

   *  Initialize the Spaceball data structures

  /* Spaceball tuning values */

  scs.sbScaleFactor[0] = (float)0.05;
  scs.sbScaleFactor[1] = (float)0.05;
  scs.sbScaleFactor[2] = (float)0.005;
  scs.sbScaleFactor[3] = (float)0.0005;
  scs.sbScaleFactor[4] = (float)0.0005;
  scs.sbScaleFactor[5] = (float)0.0005;

  /* Initialize platform-independent data */

  MainInitialize (fname, &scs, &app, (float *)CTM, World);
  MoveWindow(hWndMain, 300, 0, Spw_WindowWidth, Spw_WindowHeight, TRUE);

  SetClassLong(hWndMain, 0, (LONG)(&scs));
   *  Initialize the Spaceball, render initial scene

  InitializeSpaceball(0, hWndMain, &DspHandlers, &scs);
  ResetWidgetView( (float(*)[4])app.CTM, app.center );
  app.redraw = TRUE;
  InvalidateRect(hWndMain, NULL, FALSE);


} /* end of WinMain */