Пример #1
bool GoalKeeper::BallWithinRangeForIntercept()const
		return (DistanceSq(team->match->pitch->bottomGoal->GetPositionInPixels(), team->match->ball->GetPositionInPixels()) <=
		20000); // GoalKeeperInterceptRange
		return (DistanceSq(team->match->pitch->topGoal->GetPositionInPixels(), team->match->ball->GetPositionInPixels()) <=
		20000); // GoalKeeperInterceptRange

Пример #2
float kexVec3::Distance(const kexVec3 &vec) const {
    return kexMath::Sqrt(DistanceSq(vec));
Пример #3
bool GoalKeeper::TooFarFromGoalMouth()const
	return (DistanceSq(GetPositionInPixels(), GetRearInterposeTarget()) >
		20000); // GoalKeeperInterceptRangeSq
Пример #4
bool SphereToBox(const VEC3 &SphereCenter, float SphereRadius, const BOX &Box)
	VEC3 PointInBox;
	ClosestPointInBox(&PointInBox, Box, SphereCenter);
	return DistanceSq(SphereCenter, PointInBox) < SphereRadius*SphereRadius;
//--------------------------- DetermineBestSupportingPosition -----------------
//  see header or book for description
b2Vec2 SupportSpotCalculator::DetermineBestSupportingPosition()
	//only update the spots every few frames                              


	if((frameCounter < noOfFramesBeforeUpdate) && bestSupportSpot)
		return bestSupportSpot->position;

	frameCounter = 0; // reset the counter

	//reset the best supporting spot
	bestSupportSpot = NULL;

	double BestScoreSoFar = 0.0;

	std::vector<SupportSpot>::iterator curSpot;

	for (curSpot = spots.begin(); curSpot != spots.end(); ++curSpot)
		//first remove any previous score. (the score is set to one so that
		//the viewer can see the positions of all the spots if he has the 
		//aids turned on)
		curSpot->score = 1.0;

		//Test 1. is it possible to make a safe pass from the ball's position 
		//to this position?
			50)) //Prm.MaxPassingForce))
			curSpot->score += 2.0; //Prm.Spot_PassSafeScore;

		//Test 2. Determine if a goal can be scored from this position.  
		if( team->CanShoot(curSpot->position,            
			30)) //Prm.MaxPassingForce))
			curSpot->score +=  1.0; //Prm.Spot_CanScoreFromPositionScore;

		//Test 3. calculate how far this spot is away from the controlling
		//player. The further away, the higher the score. Any distances further
		//away than OptimalDistance pixels do not receive a score.
		if (team->SupportingPlayer())
			const double OptimalDistance = 40000.0;

			double dist = DistanceSq(team->ControllingPlayer()->GetPositionInPixels(),

			double temp = fabs(OptimalDistance - dist);

			if (temp < OptimalDistance)

				//normalize the distance and add it to the score
				curSpot->score += 2.0 * //Prm.Spot_DistFromControllingPlayerScore *

		//check to see if this spot has the highest score so far
		if (curSpot->score > BestScoreSoFar)
			BestScoreSoFar = curSpot->score;

			bestSupportSpot = &(*curSpot);


	return bestSupportSpot->position;