Пример #1
 *  FUNCTION: ApptNewRecord
 *  DESCRIPTION: Create a new packed record in sorted position
 *  PARAMETERS: database pointer
 *              database record
 *  RETURNS: ##0 if successful, error code if not
 *  CREATED: 1/25/95 
 *  BY: Roger Flores
Err ApptNewRecord(DmOpenRef dbP, ApptDBRecordPtr r, UInt16 *index) {
    MemHandle recordH;
    ApptPackedDBRecordPtr recordP;
    UInt16                    newIndex;
    Err err;

    // Make a new chunk with the correct size.
    recordH = DmNewHandle (dbP, (UInt32) ApptPackedSize(r));
    if (recordH == NULL)
        return dmErrMemError;

    recordP = MemHandleLock (recordH);

    // Copy the data from the unpacked record to the packed one.
    ApptPack (r, recordP);

    newIndex = ApptFindSortPosition(dbP, recordP);

    MemPtrUnlock (recordP);

    // 4) attach in place
    err = DmAttachRecord(dbP, &newIndex, recordH, 0);
    if (err)
        *index = newIndex;

    return err;
Пример #2
/* Create an app info chunk if missing, return result from the database call */
static void InitPlkrAppInfo
    DmOpenRef docRef    /* reference to document */
    /* THROWS */
    UInt16              cardNo;
    MemHandle           handle;
    LocalID             dbID;
    LocalID             appInfoID;
    PlkrAppInfoType*    appInfoP;
    Err                 err;

    err = DmOpenDatabaseInfo( docRef, &dbID, NULL, NULL, &cardNo, NULL );
    THROW_IF( err != errNone, err );

    err = DmDatabaseInfo( cardNo, dbID, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, &appInfoID, NULL, NULL, NULL );
    THROW_IF( err != errNone, err );

    if ( appInfoID == 0 ) {
        handle = DmNewHandle( docRef, sizeof *appInfoP );
        THROW_IF( handle == NULL, dmErrMemError );

        appInfoID = MemHandleToLocalID( handle );
        DmSetDatabaseInfo( cardNo, dbID, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, NULL, &appInfoID, NULL, NULL, NULL );
    appInfoP = MemLocalIDToLockedPtr( appInfoID, cardNo );
    DmSet( appInfoP, 0, sizeof *appInfoP, 0 );
    CategoryInitialize( ( AppInfoPtr ) appInfoP, strCatDefault );
    MemPtrUnlock( appInfoP );
Пример #3
Int16 HDNewRecord(DmOpenRef dbP, HappyDays *r, UInt16 *index)
    MemHandle recordH;
    PackedHappyDays* recordP;
    Int16 err;
    UInt16 newIndex;

    // 1) and 2) (make a new chunk with the correct size)
    recordH = DmNewHandle(dbP, (Int16)HDPackedSize(r));
    if (recordH == NULL)
        return dmErrMemError;

    // 3) Copy the data from the unpacked record to the packed one.
    recordP = MemHandleLock(recordH);
    PackHappyDays(r, recordP);

    // Get the index
    newIndex = HDFindSortPosition(dbP, recordP);

    // 4) attach in place
    err = DmAttachRecord(dbP, &newIndex, recordH, 0);
    if (err)
    else *index = newIndex;

    return err;
Пример #4
 *  FUNCTION: ApptChangeRecord
 *  DESCRIPTION: Change a record in the Appointment Database
 *  PARAMETERS: database pointer
 *                   database index
 *                   database record
 *                   changed fields
 *  RETURNS: ##0 if successful, errorcode if not
 *  CREATED: 1/25/95 
 *  BY: Roger Flores
 *  COMMENTS:   Records are not stored with extra padding - they
 *  are always resized to their exact storage space.  This avoids
 *  a database compression issue.  The code works as follows:
 *  1)  get the size of the new record
 *  2)  make the new record
 *  3)  pack the packed record plus the changes into the new record
 *  4)  if the sort position is changes move to the new position
 *  5)  attach in position
Err ApptChangeRecord(DmOpenRef dbP, UInt16 *index, ApptDBRecordPtr r,
                     ApptDBRecordFlags changedFields) {
    Err result;
    Int16 newIndex;
    UInt16 attributes;
    Boolean dontMove;
    MemHandle oldH;
    MemHandle srcH;
    MemHandle dstH;
    ApptDBRecordType src;
    ApptPackedDBRecordPtr dst = 0;
    ApptPackedDBRecordPtr cmp;

    // We do not assume that r is completely valid so we get a valid
    // ApptDBRecordPtr...
    if ((result = ApptGetRecord(dbP, *index, &src, &srcH)) != 0)
        return result;

    // and we apply the changes to it.
    if (changedFields.when)
        src.when = r->when;

    if (changedFields.alarm)
        src.alarm = r->alarm;

    if (changedFields.repeat)
        src.repeat = r->repeat;

    if (changedFields.exceptions)
        src.exceptions = r->exceptions;

    if (changedFields.description)
        src.description = r->description;

    if (changedFields.note)
        src.note = r->note;

    // Allocate a new chunk with the correct size and pack the data from
    // the unpacked record into it.
    dstH = DmNewHandle(dbP, (UInt32) ApptPackedSize(&src));
    if (dstH) {
        dst = MemHandleLock (dstH);
        ApptPack (&src, dst);

    MemHandleUnlock (srcH);
    if (dstH == NULL)
        return dmErrMemError;

    // If the sort position is changed move to the new position.
    // Check if any of the key fields have changed.
    if ((!changedFields.when) && (! changedFields.repeat))
        goto attachRecord;      // repeating events aren't in sorted order

    // Make sure *index-1 < *index < *index+1, if so it's in sorted
    // order.  Leave it there.
    if (*index > 0) {
        // This record wasn't deleted and deleted records are at the end of the
        // database so the prior record may not be deleted!
        cmp = MemHandleLock (DmQueryRecord(dbP, *index-1));
        dontMove = (ApptComparePackedRecords (cmp, dst, 0, NULL, NULL, 0)
                    <= 0);
        MemPtrUnlock (cmp);
    } else
        dontMove = true;

    if (dontMove && (*index+1 < DmNumRecords (dbP))) {
        DmRecordInfo(dbP, *index+1, &attributes, NULL, NULL);
        if ( ! (attributes & dmRecAttrDelete) ) {
            cmp = MemHandleLock (DmQueryRecord(dbP, *index+1));
            dontMove &= (ApptComparePackedRecords (dst, cmp, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                                   0) <= 0);
            MemPtrUnlock (cmp);

    if (dontMove)
        goto attachRecord;

    // The record isn't in the right position.  Move it.
    newIndex = ApptFindSortPosition (dbP, dst);
    DmMoveRecord (dbP, *index, newIndex);
    if (newIndex > *index) newIndex--;
    *index = newIndex;                      // return new position

    // Attach the new record to the old index,  the preserves the
    // category and record id.
    result = DmAttachRecord (dbP, index, dstH, &oldH);


    if (result) return result;


    return 0;