Пример #1
void wxTopLevelWindowGTK::GTKUpdateDecorSize(const DecorSize& decorSize)
    if (!IsMaximized() && !IsFullScreen())
        GetCachedDecorSize() = decorSize;
    if (m_updateDecorSize && memcmp(&m_decorSize, &decorSize, sizeof(DecorSize)))
        m_useCachedClientSize = false;
        const wxSize diff(
            decorSize.left - m_decorSize.left + decorSize.right - m_decorSize.right,
            decorSize.top - m_decorSize.top + decorSize.bottom - m_decorSize.bottom);
        m_decorSize = decorSize;
        bool resized = false;
        if (m_minWidth > 0 || m_minHeight > 0 || m_maxWidth > 0 || m_maxHeight > 0)
            // update size hints, they depend on m_decorSize
            DoSetSizeHints(m_minWidth, m_minHeight, m_maxWidth, m_maxHeight, m_incWidth, m_incHeight);
        if (m_deferShow)
            // keep overall size unchanged by shrinking m_widget
            int w, h;
            GTKDoGetSize(&w, &h);
            // but not if size would be less than minimum, it won't take effect
            if (w >= m_minWidth - (decorSize.left + decorSize.right) &&
                h >= m_minHeight - (decorSize.top + decorSize.bottom))
                gtk_window_resize(GTK_WINDOW(m_widget), w, h);
                if (!gtk_window_get_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(m_widget)))
                    gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(m_widget), w, h);
                resized = true;
        if (!resized)
            // adjust overall size to match change in frame extents
            m_width  += diff.x;
            m_height += diff.y;
            if (m_width  < 1) m_width  = 1;
            if (m_height < 1) m_height = 1;
            m_clientWidth = 0;
    if (m_deferShow)
        // gtk_widget_show() was deferred, do it now
        m_deferShow = false;
        DoGetClientSize(&m_clientWidth, &m_clientHeight);
        wxSizeEvent sizeEvent(GetSize(), GetId());


        wxShowEvent showEvent(GetId(), true);
Пример #2
void wxTopLevelWindowGTK::DoSetSize( int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags )
    wxCHECK_RET( m_widget, wxT("invalid frame") );

    // deal with the position first
    int old_x = m_x;
    int old_y = m_y;

    if ( !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) )
        // -1 means "use existing" unless the flag above is specified
        if ( x != -1 )
            m_x = x;
        if ( y != -1 )
            m_y = y;
    else // wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE
        m_x = x;
        m_y = y;

    const wxSize oldSize(m_width, m_height);
    if (width >= 0)
        m_width = width;
    if (height >= 0)
        m_height = height;
    if (m_width < 1) m_width = 1;
    if (m_height < 1) m_height = 1;

    if ( m_x != old_x || m_y != old_y )
        gtk_window_move( GTK_WINDOW(m_widget), m_x, m_y );
        wxMoveEvent event(wxPoint(m_x, m_y), GetId());

    if (m_width != oldSize.x || m_height != oldSize.y)
        m_deferShowAllowed = true;
        m_useCachedClientSize = false;

        int w, h;
        GTKDoGetSize(&w, &h);
        gtk_window_resize(GTK_WINDOW(m_widget), w, h);
        if (!gtk_window_get_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(m_widget)))
            gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(m_widget), w, h);

        DoGetClientSize(&m_clientWidth, &m_clientHeight);
        wxSizeEvent event(GetSize(), GetId());
Пример #3
// default resizing behaviour - if only ONE subwindow, resize to fill the
// whole client area
void wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoLayout()
    // if we're using constraints or sizers - do use them
    if ( GetAutoLayout() )
        // do we have _exactly_ one child?
        wxWindow *child = (wxWindow *)NULL;
        for ( wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst();
              node = node->GetNext() )
            wxWindow *win = node->GetData();

            // exclude top level and managed windows (status bar isn't
            // currently in the children list except under wxMac anyhow, but
            // it makes no harm to test for it)
            if ( !win->IsTopLevel() && !IsOneOfBars(win) )
                if ( child )
                    return;     // it's our second subwindow - nothing to do

                child = win;

        // do we have any children at all?
        if ( child )
            // exactly one child - set it's size to fill the whole frame
            int clientW, clientH;
            DoGetClientSize(&clientW, &clientH);

            // for whatever reasons, wxGTK wants to have a small offset - it
            // probably looks better with it?
#ifdef __WXGTK__
            static const int ofs = 1;
            static const int ofs = 0;

            child->SetSize(ofs, ofs, clientW - 2*ofs, clientH - 2*ofs);
Пример #4
// default resizing behaviour - if only ONE subwindow, resize to fill the
// whole client area
void wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoLayout()
    // if we're using constraints or sizers - do use them
    if ( GetAutoLayout() )
        // do we have _exactly_ one child?
        wxWindow *child = NULL;
        for ( wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst();
              node = node->GetNext() )
            wxWindow *win = node->GetData();

            // exclude top level and managed windows (status bar isn't
            // currently in the children list except under wxMac anyhow, but
            // it makes no harm to test for it)
            if ( !win->IsTopLevel() && !IsOneOfBars(win) )
                if ( child )
                    return;     // it's our second subwindow - nothing to do

                child = win;

        // do we have any children at all?
        if ( child && child->IsShown() )
            // exactly one child - set it's size to fill the whole frame
            int clientW, clientH;
            DoGetClientSize(&clientW, &clientH);

            child->SetSize(0, 0, clientW, clientH);