Пример #1
void UTexture::PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)


	// Determine whether any property that requires recompression of the texture, or notification to Materials has changed.
	bool RequiresNotifyMaterials = false;

	UProperty* PropertyThatChanged = PropertyChangedEvent.Property;
	if( PropertyThatChanged )
		FString PropertyName = *PropertyThatChanged->GetName();
		if (FCString::Stricmp(*PropertyName, TEXT("CompressionSettings")) == 0)
			RequiresNotifyMaterials = true;

		bool bPreventSRGB = (CompressionSettings == TC_Alpha || CompressionSettings == TC_Normalmap || CompressionSettings == TC_Masks || CompressionSettings == TC_HDR);		
		if(bPreventSRGB && SRGB == true)
			SRGB = false;

	NumCinematicMipLevels = FMath::Max<int32>( NumCinematicMipLevels, 0 );

	if( (PropertyChangedEvent.ChangeType & EPropertyChangeType::Interactive) == 0 )
		// Update the texture resource. This will recache derived data if necessary
		// which may involve recompressing the texture.

	// Notify any loaded material instances if changed our compression format
	if (RequiresNotifyMaterials)
		TArray<UMaterialInterface*> MaterialsThatUseThisTexture;

		// Create a material update context to safely update materials.
			FMaterialUpdateContext UpdateContext;

			// Notify any material that uses this texture
			TSet<UMaterial*> BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture;
			for (TObjectIterator<UMaterialInterface> It; It; ++It)
				UMaterialInterface* MaterialInterface = *It;
				if (DoesMaterialUseTexture(MaterialInterface,this))

					// This is a bit tricky. We want to make sure all materials using this texture are
					// updated. Materials are always updated. Material instances may also have to be
					// updated and if they have static permutations their children must be updated
					// whether they use the texture or not! The safe thing to do is to add the instance's
					// base material to the update context causing all materials in the tree to update.

			// Go ahead and update any base materials that need to be.
			for (TSet<UMaterial*>::TConstIterator It(BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture); It; ++It)

		// Now that all materials and instances have updated send necessary callbacks.
		for (int32 i = 0; i < MaterialsThatUseThisTexture.Num(); ++i)
	// any texture that is referencing this texture as AssociatedNormalMap needs to be informed
		TArray<UTexture*> TexturesThatUseThisTexture;

		for (TObjectIterator<UTexture> It; It; ++It)
			UTexture* Tex = *It;

			if(Tex != this && Tex->CompositeTexture == this && Tex->CompositeTextureMode != CTM_Disabled)
		for (int32 i = 0; i < TexturesThatUseThisTexture.Num(); ++i)
Пример #2
void UTexture::PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)


	// Determine whether any property that requires recompression of the texture, or notification to Materials has changed.
	bool RequiresNotifyMaterials = false;
	bool DeferCompressionWasEnabled = false;

	UProperty* PropertyThatChanged = PropertyChangedEvent.Property;
	if( PropertyThatChanged )
		static const FName CompressionSettingsName("CompressionSettings");
		static const FName LODGroupName("LODGroup");
		static const FName DeferCompressionName("DeferCompression");
		static const FName MaxTextureSizeName("MaxTextureSize");

		const FName PropertyName = PropertyThatChanged->GetFName();
		if (PropertyName == CompressionSettingsName || PropertyName == LODGroupName)
			RequiresNotifyMaterials = true;
		else if (PropertyName == DeferCompressionName)
			DeferCompressionWasEnabled = DeferCompression;
		else if (PropertyName == MaxTextureSizeName)
			if (MaxTextureSize <= 0)
				MaxTextureSize = 0;
				MaxTextureSize = FMath::Min<int32>(FMath::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(MaxTextureSize), GetMaximumDimension());

		bool bPreventSRGB = (CompressionSettings == TC_Alpha || CompressionSettings == TC_Normalmap || CompressionSettings == TC_Masks || CompressionSettings == TC_HDR || CompressionSettings == TC_HDR_Compressed);
		if(bPreventSRGB && SRGB == true)
			SRGB = false;
		FMaterialUpdateContext UpdateContext;
		// Update any material that uses this texture
		TSet<UMaterial*> BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture;
		for (TObjectIterator<UMaterialInterface> It; It; ++It)
			UMaterialInterface* MaterialInterface = *It;
			if (DoesMaterialUseTexture(MaterialInterface, this))
				UMaterial *Material = MaterialInterface->GetMaterial();
				bool MaterialAlreadyCompute = false;
				BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture.Add(Material, &MaterialAlreadyCompute);
				if (!MaterialAlreadyCompute)
					if (Material->IsTextureForceRecompileCacheRessource(this))
		//If the DDC key was different the material is already recompile here
		RequiresNotifyMaterials = false;

	NumCinematicMipLevels = FMath::Max<int32>( NumCinematicMipLevels, 0 );

	// Don't update the texture resource if we've turned "DeferCompression" on, as this 
	// would cause it to immediately update as an uncompressed texture
	if( !DeferCompressionWasEnabled && (PropertyChangedEvent.ChangeType & EPropertyChangeType::Interactive) == 0 )
		// Update the texture resource. This will recache derived data if necessary
		// which may involve recompressing the texture.

	// Notify any loaded material instances if changed our compression format
	if (RequiresNotifyMaterials)
		TArray<UMaterialInterface*> MaterialsThatUseThisTexture;

		// Create a material update context to safely update materials.
			FMaterialUpdateContext UpdateContext;

			// Notify any material that uses this texture
			TSet<UMaterial*> BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture;
			for (TObjectIterator<UMaterialInterface> It; It; ++It)
				UMaterialInterface* MaterialInterface = *It;
				if (DoesMaterialUseTexture(MaterialInterface,this))

					// This is a bit tricky. We want to make sure all materials using this texture are
					// updated. Materials are always updated. Material instances may also have to be
					// updated and if they have static permutations their children must be updated
					// whether they use the texture or not! The safe thing to do is to add the instance's
					// base material to the update context causing all materials in the tree to update.

			// Go ahead and update any base materials that need to be.
			for (TSet<UMaterial*>::TConstIterator It(BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture); It; ++It)

		// Now that all materials and instances have updated send necessary callbacks.
		for (int32 i = 0; i < MaterialsThatUseThisTexture.Num(); ++i)
	// any texture that is referencing this texture as AssociatedNormalMap needs to be informed
		TArray<UTexture*> TexturesThatUseThisTexture;

		for (TObjectIterator<UTexture> It; It; ++It)
			UTexture* Tex = *It;

			if(Tex != this && Tex->CompositeTexture == this && Tex->CompositeTextureMode != CTM_Disabled)
		for (int32 i = 0; i < TexturesThatUseThisTexture.Num(); ++i)