Пример #1
     static CHAR szCurrentPath [CCHMAXPATH], szBuffer [CCHMAXPATH] ;
     INT         iSelect ;

     switch (msg)
          case WM_INITDLG:
               FillDirListBox (hwnd, szCurrentPath) ;
               FillFileListBox (hwnd) ;

               WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwnd, IDD_FILEEDIT, EM_SETTEXTLIMIT,
                                        MPFROM2SHORT (CCHMAXPATH, 0), NULL) ;
               return 0 ;

          case WM_CONTROL:
               if (SHORT1FROMMP (mp1) == IDD_DIRLIST ||
                   SHORT1FROMMP (mp1) == IDD_FILELIST)
                    iSelect = (USHORT) WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwnd,
                                                  SHORT1FROMMP (mp1),
                                                  LM_QUERYSELECTION, 0L, 0L) ;

                    WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwnd, SHORT1FROMMP (mp1),
                                       MPFROM2SHORT (iSelect, sizeof szBuffer),
                                       MPFROMP (szBuffer)) ;

               switch (SHORT1FROMMP (mp1))             // Control ID
                    case IDD_DIRLIST:
                         switch (SHORT2FROMMP (mp1))   // notification code
                              case LN_ENTER:
                                   if (szBuffer [0] == ' ')
                                        DosSetDefaultDisk (szBuffer [1] - '@');
                                        DosSetCurrentDir (szBuffer) ;

                                   FillDirListBox (hwnd, szCurrentPath) ;
                                   FillFileListBox (hwnd) ;

                                   WinSetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDD_FILEEDIT, "") ;
                                   return 0 ;
                         break ;

                    case IDD_FILELIST:
                         switch (SHORT2FROMMP (mp1))   // notification code
                              case LN_SELECT:
                                   WinSetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDD_FILEEDIT,
                                                      szBuffer) ;
                                   return 0 ;

                              case LN_ENTER:
                                   ParseFileName (szFileName, szBuffer) ;
                                   WinDismissDlg (hwnd, TRUE) ;
                                   return 0 ;
                         break ;
               break ;

          case WM_COMMAND:
               switch (COMMANDMSG(&msg)->cmd)
                    case DID_OK:
                         WinQueryDlgItemText (hwnd, IDD_FILEEDIT,
                                              sizeof szBuffer, szBuffer) ;

                         switch (ParseFileName (szCurrentPath, szBuffer))
                              case 0:
                                   WinAlarm (HWND_DESKTOP, WA_ERROR) ;
                                   FillDirListBox (hwnd, szCurrentPath) ;
                                   FillFileListBox (hwnd) ;
                                   return 0 ;

                              case 1:
                                   FillDirListBox (hwnd, szCurrentPath) ;
                                   FillFileListBox (hwnd) ;
                                   WinSetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDD_FILEEDIT, "") ;
                                   return 0 ;

                              case 2:
                                   strcpy (szFileName, szCurrentPath) ;
                                   WinDismissDlg (hwnd, TRUE) ;
                                   return 0 ;
                         break ;

                    case DID_CANCEL:
                         WinDismissDlg (hwnd, FALSE) ;
                         return 0 ;
               break ;
     return WinDefDlgProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2) ;
Пример #2
INT ParseFileName (CHAR *pcOut, CHAR *pcIn)
             Input:    pcOut -- Pointer to parsed file specification.
                       pcIn  -- Pointer to raw file specification.
             Returns:  0 -- pcIn had invalid drive or directory.
                       1 -- pcIn was empty or had no filename.
                       2 -- pcOut points to drive, full dir, and file name.

             Changes current drive and directory per pcIn string.

     CHAR   *pcLastSlash, *pcFileOnly ;
     ULONG  ulDriveNum, ulDriveMap, ulDirLen = CCHMAXPATH ;

     strupr (pcIn) ;

               // If input string is empty, return 1

     if (pcIn [0] == '\0')
          return 1 ;

               // Get drive from input string or current drive

     if (pcIn [1] == ':')
          if (DosSetDefaultDisk (pcIn [0] - '@'))
               return 0 ;

          pcIn += 2 ;
     DosQueryCurrentDisk (&ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap) ;

     *pcOut++ = (CHAR) ulDriveNum + '@' ;
     *pcOut++ = ':' ;
     *pcOut++ = '\\' ;

               // If rest of string is empty, return 1

     if (pcIn [0] == '\0')
          return 1 ;

               // Search for last backslash.  If none, could be directory.

     if (NULL == (pcLastSlash = strrchr (pcIn, '\\')))
          if (!DosSetCurrentDir (pcIn))
               return 1 ;

                    // Otherwise, get current dir & attach input filename

          DosQueryCurrentDir (0, pcOut, &ulDirLen) ;

          if (strlen (pcIn) > 12)
               return 0 ;

          if (*(pcOut + strlen (pcOut) - 1) != '\\')
               strcat (pcOut++, "\\") ;

          strcat (pcOut, pcIn) ;
          return 2 ;
               // If the only backslash is at beginning, change to root

     if (pcIn == pcLastSlash)
          DosSetCurrentDir ("\\") ;

          if (pcIn [1] == '\0')
               return 1 ;

          strcpy (pcOut, pcIn + 1) ;
          return 2 ;
               // Attempt to change directory -- Get current dir if OK

     *pcLastSlash = '\0' ;

     if (DosSetCurrentDir (pcIn))
          return 0 ;

     DosQueryCurrentDir (0, pcOut, &ulDirLen) ;

               // Append input filename, if any

     pcFileOnly = pcLastSlash + 1 ;

     if (*pcFileOnly == '\0')
          return 1 ;

     if (*(pcOut + strlen (pcOut) - 1) != '\\')
          strcat (pcOut++, "\\") ;

     strcat (pcOut, pcFileOnly) ;
     return 2 ;
Пример #3
bool LocalInteractive( sys_handle fh )
    APIRET type;
    APIRET flags;

    //NYI: really should convert fh to sys_handle, but I know that it's
    // a one-to-one mapping
#ifdef _M_I86
    if( DosQHandType( fh, &type, &flags ) ) {
    if( DosQueryHType( fh, &type, &flags ) ) {
        return( false );
    if( type == 1 ) {   /* device type */
        return( true );
    return( false );

void LocalGetBuff( char *buff, unsigned size )
    struct _STRINGINBUF length;

    if( size > UCHAR_MAX ) {
        size = UCHAR_MAX;
    length.cb = size;
    length.cchIn = 0;
    if( KbdStringIn( buff, &length, 0, 0 ) ) {
        buff[0] = '\r';
        buff[1] = NULLCHAR;
    buff[length.cchIn] = NULLCHAR;

error_handle LocalRename( const char *from, const char *to )
#ifdef _M_I86
    return( StashErrCode( DosMove( from, to, 0 ), OP_LOCAL ) );
    return( StashErrCode( DosMove( from, to ), OP_LOCAL ) );

error_handle LocalMkDir( const char *name )
#ifdef _M_I86
    return( StashErrCode( DosMkDir( name, 0 ), OP_LOCAL ) );
    return( StashErrCode( DosCreateDir( name, NULL ), OP_LOCAL ) );

error_handle LocalRmDir( const char *name )
#ifdef _M_I86
    return( StashErrCode( DosRmDir( name, 0 ), OP_LOCAL ) );
    return( StashErrCode( DosDeleteDir( name ), OP_LOCAL ) );

error_handle LocalSetDrv( int drv )
#ifdef _M_I86
    return( StashErrCode( DosSelectDisk( drv + 1 ), OP_LOCAL ) );
    return( StashErrCode( DosSetDefaultDisk( drv + 1 ), OP_LOCAL ) );

int LocalGetDrv( void )
    APIRET    drive;
    ULONG     map;

#ifdef _M_I86
    if( DosQCurDisk( &drive, &map ) ) {
    if( DosQueryCurrentDisk( &drive, &map ) ) {
        return( -1 );
    return( drive - 1 );

error_handle LocalSetCWD( const char *name )
#ifdef _M_I86
    return( StashErrCode( DosChDir( name, 0 ), OP_LOCAL ) );
    return( StashErrCode( DosSetCurrentDir( name ), OP_LOCAL ) );

long LocalGetFileAttr( const char *name )
#ifdef _M_I86
    USHORT attr;

    if( DosQFileMode( name, &attr, 0 ) ) {
        return( -1L );
    return( attr );
    FILESTATUS3 fileinfo;

    if( DosQueryPathInfo( name, FIL_STANDARD, &fileinfo, sizeof( fileinfo ) ) ) {
        return( -1L );
    return( fileinfo.attrFile );