Пример #1
int main( void )
   unsigned char *pCmdline;
   STARTDATA  sd;               /* structure defined in bsedos.h */
   STATUSDATA statusData;
   char      *buffer;
   char      *p1, *p2;
   char      *doscl2;
   ULONG      action;
   BOOL       Done, Done2=FALSE;

  /* Set exception handler for CTRL-C and CTRL-BREAK.                        */
  if ( SIG_ERR==signal(SIGILL, handler )  ||
       SIG_ERR==signal(SIGTERM, handler )  ||
       SIG_ERR==signal(SIGBREAK, handler )  )

   /* Get a pointer to the command line.                                      */
   pCmdline = get_cmdline( );

   /* Get the executable directory, use it for doscl2.exe */
   p1 = pCmdline + strlen( pCmdline );
   p2 = p1 + 1;
   while ( p1 != pCmdline && *(p1-1) != '\\' && *(p1-1) != '/' ) --p1;

   *p1 = '\0';

   /* Fully qualify doscl2.exe */
   doscl2 = malloc( strlen(pCmdline) + strlen("doscl2.exe") + 1 );
   strcpy( doscl2, pCmdline );
   strcat( doscl2, "doscl2.exe" );

   /* Open a tempfile for doscl2.exe to write and doscl1.exe to read */
   tempfile = tmpnam( NULL );
   if ( (rc=DosOpen( tempfile,
                              OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE,
                              0 )) != 0 )
     return rc;

   /* Construct the input parameter string to doscl2.exe */
   buffer = malloc( strlen(tempfile) + strlen(p2) + 2 );
   strcpy( buffer, tempfile );
   strcat( buffer, " " );
   strcat( buffer, p2 );

   sd.Length      = 32;
   sd.Related     = SSF_RELATED_CHILD;
   sd.FgBg        = SSF_FGBG_BACK;
   sd.TraceOpt    = SSF_TRACEOPT_NONE;
   sd.PgmTitle    = "WF/2 DOS Client";
   sd.PgmName     = doscl2;
   sd.PgmInputs   = buffer;
   sd.TermQ       = NULL;
   sd.Environment = NULL;
   sd.InheritOpt  = SSF_INHERTOPT_PARENT;
   sd.SessionType = SSF_TYPE_WINDOWEDVDM;

   statusData.Length = 6;
   statusData.SelectInd = 0;
   statusData.SelectInd = 0;

   if (!DosStartSession( &sd, &sess_id, &pid ))
      Done      = FALSE;

   /* Wait for doscl2.exe to finish, keep reading tempfile at the same time */
   while( !Done )
      if ( DosSetSession( sess_id, &statusData ) )
         Done = TRUE;


      Done2 = ReadData( handle );

   while ( !Done2 )
      Done2 = ReadData( handle );
      } /* endwhile */

   DosClose( handle );
   DosDelete( tempfile );
   free( doscl2 );
   free( buffer );

Пример #2
int main(VOID) {

   STARTDATA SData       = {0};

   PSZ       PgmTitle    = "Not in the Window List",    /* Title      */

             PgmName     = "CMD.EXE";  /* This starts an OS/2 session */

   APIRET    rc          = NO_ERROR;   /* Return code                 */

   PID       pid         = 0;          /* PID returned                */

   ULONG     ulSessID    = 0;          /* Session ID returned         */

   UCHAR     achObjBuf[100] = {0};     /* Error info if start fails   */

   STATUSDATA ChildStatus   = {0};     /* Child status data           */

   SData.Length  = sizeof(STARTDATA);

   SData.Related = SSF_RELATED_CHILD;       /* A dependent session          */

   SData.FgBg    = SSF_FGBG_FORE;           /* start session in foreground  */

   SData.TraceOpt = SSF_TRACEOPT_NONE;      /* No trace                     */

             /* Start an OS/2 session using "CMD.EXE /K" */

   SData.PgmTitle = PgmTitle;

   SData.PgmName = PgmName;

   SData.PgmInputs = "/K";                     /* Keep session up           */

   SData.TermQ = 0;                            /* No termination queue      */

   SData.Environment = 0;                      /* No environment string     */

   SData.InheritOpt = SSF_INHERTOPT_SHELL;     /* Inherit shell's environ.  */

   SData.SessionType = SSF_TYPE_WINDOWABLEVIO; /* Windowed VIO session      */

   SData.IconFile = 0;                         /* No icon association       */

   SData.PgmHandle = 0;


   SData.InitXPos  = 30;     /* Initial window coordinates              */

   SData.InitYPos  = 40;

   SData.InitXSize = 200;    /* Initial window size */

   SData.InitYSize = 140;

   SData.Reserved = 0;

   SData.ObjectBuffer  = achObjBuf; /* Contains info if DosExecPgm fails */

   SData.ObjectBuffLen = (ULONG) sizeof(achObjBuf);

   rc = DosStartSession(&SData, &ulSessID, &pid);  /* Start the session */

   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {

      printf ("DosStartSession error : return code = %u\n", rc);

      return 1;


   printf("Removing child process from the Window List... \n");

   ChildStatus.Length = sizeof(STATUSDATA);

   ChildStatus.SelectInd = SET_SESSION_NON_SELECTABLE;

   ChildStatus.BondInd = SET_SESSION_UNCHANGED;

   rc = DosSetSession(ulSessID, &ChildStatus);

   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {

      printf ("DosSetSession error : return code = %u\n", rc);

      return 1;


   printf("\nPress Ctrl-Esc  The child is no longer listed.\n");

   printf("\nProgram will terminate in 10 seconds...\n");

   rc = DosSleep(10000L);  /* wait 10 seconds */

   return NO_ERROR;
