Пример #1
 * Return a newlly allocated string with the next dpip token in the socket.
 * Return value: token string and length on success, NULL otherwise.
 * (useful for handling null characters in the data stream)
char *a_Dpip_dsh_read_token2(Dsh *dsh, int blocking, int *DataSize)
   char *p, *ret = NULL;
   *DataSize = 0;

   /* Read all available data without blocking */
   Dpip_dsh_read(dsh, 0);

   /* switch mode upon request */
   if (dsh->mode & DPIP_LAST_TAG)
      dsh->mode = DPIP_RAW;

   if (blocking) {
      if (dsh->mode & DPIP_TAG) {
         /* Only wait for data when the tag is incomplete */
         if (!strstr(dsh->rdbuf->str, DPIP_TAG_END)) {
             do {
                Dpip_dsh_read(dsh, 1);
                p = strstr(dsh->rdbuf->str, DPIP_TAG_END);
             } while (!p && dsh->status == EAGAIN);

      } else if (dsh->mode & DPIP_RAW) {
         /* Wait for data when the buffer is empty and there's no ERR/EOF */
         while (dsh->rdbuf->len == 0 &&
                dsh->status != DPIP_ERROR && dsh->status != DPIP_EOF)
            Dpip_dsh_read(dsh, 1);

   if (dsh->mode & DPIP_TAG) {
      /* return a full tag */
      if ((p = strstr(dsh->rdbuf->str, DPIP_TAG_END))) {
         ret = dStrndup(dsh->rdbuf->str, p - dsh->rdbuf->str + 3);
         *DataSize = p - dsh->rdbuf->str + 3;
         dStr_erase(dsh->rdbuf, 0, p - dsh->rdbuf->str + 3);
         if (strstr(ret, DPIP_MODE_SWITCH_TAG))
            dsh->mode |= DPIP_LAST_TAG;
   } else {
      /* raw mode, return what we have "as is" */
      if (dsh->rdbuf->len > 0) {
         ret = dStrndup(dsh->rdbuf->str, dsh->rdbuf->len);
         *DataSize = dsh->rdbuf->len;
         dStr_truncate(dsh->rdbuf, 0);

   return ret;
Пример #2
 * Read raw data from the socket into our buffer in
 * either BLOCKING or NONBLOCKING mode.
static void Dpip_dsh_read(Dsh *dsh, int blocking)
   char buf[RBUF_SZ];
   int req_mode, old_flags = 0, st, ret = -3, nb = !blocking;

   dReturn_if (dsh->status == DPIP_ERROR || dsh->status == DPIP_EOF);

   req_mode = (nb) ? DPIP_NONBLOCK : 0;
   if ((dsh->mode & DPIP_NONBLOCK) != req_mode) {
      /* change mode temporarily... */
      old_flags = fcntl(dsh->fd_in, F_GETFL);
      fcntl(dsh->fd_in, F_SETFL,
            (nb) ? O_NONBLOCK | old_flags : old_flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);

   while (1) {
      st = read(dsh->fd_in, buf, RBUF_SZ);
      if (st < 0) {
         if (errno == EINTR) {
         } else if (errno == EAGAIN) {
            dsh->status = DPIP_EAGAIN;
            ret = -1;
         } else {
            MSG_ERR("[Dpip_dsh_read] %s\n", dStrerror(errno));
            dsh->status = DPIP_ERROR;
      } else if (st == 0) {
         dsh->status = DPIP_EOF;
      } else {
         /* append to buf */
         dStr_append_l(dsh->rdbuf, buf, st);
         if (blocking)

   if ((dsh->mode & DPIP_NONBLOCK) != req_mode) {
      /* restore old mode */
      fcntl(dsh->fd_out, F_SETFL, old_flags);

   /* assert there's no more data in the wire...
    * (st < buf upon interrupt || st == buf and no more data) */
   if (blocking)
      Dpip_dsh_read(dsh, 0);