Пример #1
void CColorButtonCtrl::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
    static BOOL bHaveDrawnUp	= FALSE;
    static BOOL bHaveDrawnDown	= FALSE;

    CDC* pDC = GetDC();

    // get button rect
    CRect rc;

    // check whether the button is down
    if (m_bDown) {
        // check whether mouse pointer is over button
        if (rc.PtInRect(point)) {
            bHaveDrawnUp = FALSE;
            if (!bHaveDrawnDown) {
                DrawButtonDown(pDC, rc);
                bHaveDrawnDown = TRUE;
        } else {
            bHaveDrawnDown = FALSE;
            if (!bHaveDrawnUp) {
                DrawButtonUp(pDC, rc);
                bHaveDrawnUp = TRUE;
    } else {
        bHaveDrawnUp	= FALSE;
        bHaveDrawnDown	= FALSE;
Пример #2
void CColorButtonCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
    // call the base class handler
    COleControl::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);

    CRect rc;
    CDC* pDC = GetDC();

    // set down flag
    m_bDown = TRUE;

    // set mouse capture


    DrawButtonDown(pDC, rc);

Пример #3
 * UpdateMenu:
 *    The routine which determines which menu buttons are being pressed and does
 * other tidbits of crap
void UpdateMenu(void)
    RECT SrcRect, DesRect; // Source and Destination rectangles
    HRESULT ret;
    // Set the source and destination rectangles
    SetRect(&SrcRect, 0, 0, 640, 480);
    SetRect(&DesRect, 0, 0, 640, 480);
    // Blit the lpDDSMenu surface (Menu Graphic) to the back buffer
    lpDDSBack->Blt(&DesRect, lpDDSMenu, &SrcRect, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL);
    // If the left mouse button is pressed
    if (MouseLB) {
        // Determine what was clicked on
        if (XYInRect(MouseX, MouseY, &StartGameRect)) {
            // The start game button was pressed
            // Game Start Code Here
            DrawButtonDown(0); // draw the button in it's down (highlighted) position
            DrawCursor(MouseX, MouseY); // Draw the mouse Cursor
            ret = DDFlip(); // flip to the primary surface
            if (ret == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
            DODPlayClickSound(); // play the clicking sound
            FadeToBlack(); // Fade the screen to black
            MidiStop(); // Stop the midi
            KillMenuGFX(); // release the menu graphic surface
            InitWorld();   // initialize the world
            LoadGameGFX(); // Load the games needed graphics
            Game_State = DOD_PLAYING; // set the game state to DOD_PLAYING
        } else if (XYInRect(MouseX, MouseY, &LoadGameRect)) {
            // The load game button was pressed
            // Load Game Code Here
            DrawButtonDown(1); // draw the button in it's down (highlighted) position
            DrawCursor(MouseX, MouseY); // Draw the mouse Cursor
            ret = DDFlip(); // flip to the primary surface
            if (ret == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
            DODPlayClickSound(); // play the clicking sound
        } else if (XYInRect(MouseX, MouseY, &OptionsRect)) {
            // The options button was pressed
            // Options Code Here
            DrawButtonDown(2); // draw the button in it's down (highlighted) position
            DrawCursor(MouseX, MouseY); // Draw the mouse Cursor
            ret = DDFlip(); // flip to the primary surface
            if (ret == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
            DODPlayClickSound(); // play the clicking sound
        } else if (XYInRect(MouseX, MouseY, &CreditsRect)) {
            // The credits button was pressed
            // Credits Code Here
            DrawButtonDown(3); // draw the button in it's down (highlighted) position
            DrawCursor(MouseX, MouseY); // Draw the mouse Cursor
            ret = DDFlip(); // flip to the primary surface
            if (ret == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
            DODPlayClickSound(); // play the clicking sound
            FadeToBlack(); // fade the menu to black
            MidiStop(); // stop the midi
            MidiPlay(".\\Music\\credits.mid", TRUE); // play the credits music
            Game_State = DOD_CREDITS; // set the Game_State into Credits mode
        } else if (XYInRect(MouseX, MouseY, &ExitRect)) {
            // The exit button was pressed
            // Exit Code Here
            DrawButtonDown(4); // draw the button in it's down (highlighted) position
            DrawCursor(MouseX, MouseY); // Draw the mouse Cursor
            ret = DDFlip(); // flip to the primary surface
            if (ret == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
            DODPlayClickSound(); // play the clicking sound
            FadeToBlack(); // Fade to a black screen
            DDFillSurface(lpDDSPrimary, 0); // Fill the primary surface with black
            DDFillSurface(lpDDSBack, 0);    // Fill the back surface with black
            KillMenuGFX(); // release the menu graphic surface
            PostMessage(main_window_handle, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0); // Post the destroy window message
            Game_State = DOD_NOTHING; // set the game state to nothing
        } else {
            // No buttons were pressed
            // Just draw the cursor, and flip
            DrawCursor(MouseX, MouseY); // Draw the mouse Cursor
            ret = DDFlip(); // flip to the primary surface
            if (ret == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
    } else {
        // the mouse button wasn't pressed
        // just draw the cursor and flip
        DrawCursor(MouseX, MouseY); // Draw the mouse Cursor
        ret = DDFlip(); // flip to the primary surface
        if (ret == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {