Пример #1
void CAnimationInstance::DrawFrames( D3DXFRAME_ANIM * pFrame)
	if( pFrame->pMeshContainer)
		DrawMeshFrame( pFrame);

	if( pFrame->pFrameSibling)
		DrawFrames( (D3DXFRAME_ANIM *)pFrame->pFrameSibling);

	if( pFrame->pFrameFirstChild)
		DrawFrames( (D3DXFRAME_ANIM *) pFrame->pFrameFirstChild);
Пример #2
static char Input (char* Prompt, char* Buf, unsigned char Count)
/* Read input from the user, return 1 on success, 0 if aborted */
    int Frame;
    unsigned char OldColor;
    unsigned char OldCursor;
    unsigned char x1;
    unsigned char i;
    unsigned char done;
    char c;

    /* Clear the current prompt line */
    cclearxy (0, MAX_Y-1, MAX_X);

    /* Display the new prompt */
    OldColor = textcolor (COLOR_TEXTHIGH);
    cputsxy (0, MAX_Y-1, Prompt);
    (void) textcolor (COLOR_TEXTLOW);

    /* Remember where we are, enable the cursor */
    x1 = wherex ();
    OldCursor = cursor (1);

    /* Get input and handle it */
    i = done = 0;
    do {
        c = cgetc ();
        if (isalnum (c) && i < Count) {
            Buf [i] = c;
            cputcxy (x1 + i, MAX_Y-1, c);
        } else if (i > 0 && c == CH_DEL) {
            cputcxy (x1 + i, MAX_Y-1, ' ');
            gotoxy (x1 + i, MAX_Y-1);
        } else if (c == '\n') {
            Buf [i] = '\0';
            done = 1;
        } else if (IsAbortKey (c)) {
            /* Abort */
            done = 2;
    } while (!done);

    /* Reset settings, display old prompt line */
    cursor (OldCursor);
    (void) textcolor (OldColor);
    DrawFrames ();
    Frame = ActiveFrame;
    ActiveFrame = -1;
    ActivateFrame (Frame, 0);

    return (done == 1);
Пример #3
static void RedrawStatic (char Frame)
/* Redraw static display stuff */
    /* Reset the active frame */
    ActiveFrame = -1;

    /* Clear the screen hide the cursor */
    (void) bordercolor (COLOR_BORDER);
    (void) bgcolor (COLOR_BACKGROUND);
    clrscr ();
    cursor (0);

    /* Build the frame layout of the screen */
    (void) textcolor (COLOR_FRAMELOW);
    DrawFrames ();

    /* Draw the prompt line */
    HelpPrompt ();

    /* Activate the active frame */
    ActivateFrame (Frame, 0);
Пример #4
void CAnimationInstance::Draw(void)
	  DrawFrames( (D3DXFRAME_ANIM *)m_pAnimatedMesh->m_pFrameRoot);
Пример #5
// Name: Render()
// Desc: Called once per frame, the call is the entry point for 3d
//       rendering. This function sets up render states, clears the
//       viewport, and renders the scene.
HRESULT CMyD3DApplication::Render()
    // Set up viewing postion from ArcBall
    SDrawElement *pdeCur;
    D3DXMATRIXA16 mat;
    pdeCur = m_pdeHead;
    while (pdeCur != NULL)
        pdeCur->pframeRoot->matRot = *m_ArcBall.GetRotationMatrix();
        pdeCur->pframeRoot->matTrans = *m_ArcBall.GetTranslationMatrix();
        pdeCur = pdeCur->pdeNext;
    // Clear the viewport
    m_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(89,135,179), 1.0f, 0 );

    if (m_pdeHead == NULL)
        return S_OK;

    // Begin the scene 
    if( SUCCEEDED( m_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
        UINT cTriangles = 0;
        HRESULT hr;
        SDrawElement *pdeCur;
        D3DXMATRIXA16 mCur;
        D3DXVECTOR3 vTemp;

        D3DXMatrixTranslation(&m_mView, 0, 0, -m_pdeSelected->fRadius * 2.8f);

        hr = m_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, (D3DMATRIX*)&m_mView);
            return hr;

        pdeCur = m_pdeHead;
        while (pdeCur != NULL)

            hr = UpdateFrames(pdeCur->pframeRoot, mCur);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                return hr;
            hr = DrawFrames(pdeCur->pframeRoot, cTriangles);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                return hr;

            pdeCur = pdeCur->pdeNext;

        // Show frame rate
        m_pFont->DrawText( 2,  0, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,255,0), m_strFrameStats );
        m_pFont->DrawText( 2, 20, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,255,0), m_strDeviceStats );

        // End the scene.

    return S_OK;