Пример #1
// **************************************************************************************
EDMA3_DRV_Result edmaInit(void)
  EDMA3_DRV_Result edmaResult = EDMA3_DRV_SOK;
  int chCnt, coreCnt;
  extern EDMA3_DRV_InstanceInitConfig sampleInstInitConfig[][EDMA3_MAX_REGIONS];

  // modify the dma sample configuration so that DSP zero owns
  // channels from 32 to 49

  memset(gEdmaXfer, 0, NUM_CORES*EDMA_CHANNELS*sizeof(EdmaXfer_t));

  // use EDMA instance #1
  gHEdma[0] = edma3init(1, &edmaResult);
  gHEdma[1] = edma3init(2, &edmaResult);

  for(coreCnt=0; coreCnt<NUM_CORES;coreCnt++)
    for(chCnt = 0; chCnt < EDMA_CHANNELS; chCnt++) // initialize all channels
      // fix channel id and corresponding tcc
      gEdmaXfer[coreCnt][chCnt].tcc = BASE_CH+EDMA_CHANNELS*(coreCnt&3)+chCnt; //EDMA3_DRV_TCC_ANY;
      gEdmaXfer[coreCnt][chCnt].chId = BASE_CH+EDMA_CHANNELS*(coreCnt&3)+chCnt; //EDMA3_DRV_DMA_CHANNEL_ANY;

      // Request any DMA channel with given TCC and channel
      // no callback function is registered, we will be polling
      edmaResult = EDMA3_DRV_requestChannel (gHEdma[coreCnt/4],
		                                     (unsigned int *) &gEdmaXfer[coreCnt][chCnt].chId,
		                                     (unsigned int *) &gEdmaXfer[coreCnt][chCnt].tcc,
                                             (EDMA3_RM_EventQueue) (coreCnt&3), // separate event queue for each core
                                             NULL, NULL);

      // if failure to allocate, don't continue
      if(edmaResult != EDMA3_DRV_SOK) return(edmaResult);
} // edmaInit()
Пример #2
 *  \brief   EDMA3 mem-to-mem data copy test case, using two DMA
 *              channels, linked to each other.
 *  \param  acnt        [IN]      Number of bytes in an array
 *  \param  bcnt        [IN]      Number of arrays in a frame
 *  \param  ccnt        [IN]      Number of frames in a block
 *  \param  syncType    [IN]      Synchronization type (A/AB Sync)
 *  \return  EDMA3_DRV_SOK or EDMA3_DRV Error Code
EDMA3_DRV_Result edma3_test_with_link(
						EDMA3_DRV_Handle hEdma,
	                    unsigned int acnt,
	                    unsigned int bcnt,
	                    unsigned int ccnt,
	                    EDMA3_DRV_SyncType syncType)
    EDMA3_DRV_Result result = EDMA3_DRV_SOK;
    EDMA3_DRV_PaRAMRegs paramSet = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    unsigned int ch1Id = 0;
    unsigned int ch2Id = 0;
    unsigned int tcc1 = 0;
    unsigned int tcc2 = 0;
    int i;
    unsigned int count;
    unsigned int Istestpassed1 = 0u;
    unsigned int Istestpassed2 = 0u;
    unsigned int numenabled = 0;
    unsigned int BRCnt = 0;
    int srcbidx = 0, desbidx = 0;
    int srccidx = 0, descidx = 0;

    srcBuff1 = (signed char*) GLOBAL_ADDR(_srcBuff1);
    dstBuff1 = (signed char*) GLOBAL_ADDR(_dstBuff1);
    srcBuff2 = (signed char*) GLOBAL_ADDR(_srcBuff2);
    dstBuff2 = (signed char*) GLOBAL_ADDR(_dstBuff2);

    /* Initalize source and destination buffers */
    for (count = 0u; count < (acnt*bcnt*ccnt); count++)
        srcBuff1[count] = (int)count+1;
        srcBuff2[count] = (int)count+1;
         * No need to initialize the destination buffer as it is being invalidated.
        dstBuff1[count] = initval;
        dstBuff2[count] = initval;

    * Note: These functions are required if the buffer is in DDR.
    * For other cases, where buffer is NOT in DDR, user
    * may or may not require the below functions.
    /* Flush the Source Buffers */
    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = Edma3_CacheFlush((unsigned int)srcBuff1, (acnt*bcnt*ccnt));
    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = Edma3_CacheFlush((unsigned int)srcBuff2, (acnt*bcnt*ccnt));

    /* Invalidate the Destination Buffers */
    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = Edma3_CacheInvalidate((unsigned int)dstBuff1, (acnt*bcnt*ccnt));
    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = Edma3_CacheInvalidate((unsigned int)dstBuff2, (acnt*bcnt*ccnt));
#endif  /* EDMA3_ENABLE_DCACHE */

    irqRaised1 = 0;
    irqRaised2 = 0;

    /* Set B count reload as B count. */
    BRCnt = bcnt;

    /* Setting up the SRC/DES Index */
    srcbidx = (int)acnt;
    desbidx = (int)acnt;
    if (syncType == EDMA3_DRV_SYNC_A)
        /* A Sync Transfer Mode */
        srccidx = (int)acnt;
        descidx = (int)acnt;
        /* AB Sync Transfer Mode */
        srccidx = ((int)acnt * (int)bcnt);
        descidx = ((int)acnt * (int)bcnt);

    /* Setup for Channel 1*/
    tcc1 = EDMA3_DRV_TCC_ANY;

    /* Request any DMA channel and any TCC */
    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_requestChannel (hEdma, &ch1Id, &tcc1,
                                            &callback1, NULL);

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        /* Fill the PaRAM Set with transfer specific information */
        paramSet.srcAddr    = (unsigned int)(srcBuff1);
        paramSet.destAddr   = (unsigned int)(dstBuff1);

         * Be Careful !!!
         * Valid values for SRCBIDX/DSTBIDX are between –32768 and 32767
         * Valid values for SRCCIDX/DSTCIDX are between –32768 and 32767
        paramSet.srcBIdx    = srcbidx;
        paramSet.destBIdx   = desbidx;
        paramSet.srcCIdx    = srccidx;
        paramSet.destCIdx   = descidx;

         * Be Careful !!!
         * Valid values for ACNT/BCNT/CCNT are between 0 and 65535.
         * ACNT/BCNT/CCNT must be greater than or equal to 1.
         * Maximum number of bytes in an array (ACNT) is 65535 bytes
         * Maximum number of arrays in a frame (BCNT) is 65535
         * Maximum number of frames in a block (CCNT) is 65535
        paramSet.aCnt       = acnt;
        paramSet.bCnt       = bcnt;
        paramSet.cCnt       = ccnt;

        /* For AB-synchronized transfers, BCNTRLD is not used. */
        paramSet.bCntReload = BRCnt;

        paramSet.linkAddr   = 0xFFFFu;

        /* Src & Dest are in INCR modes */
        paramSet.opt &= 0xFFFFFFFCu;
        /* Program the TCC */
        paramSet.opt |= ((tcc1 << OPT_TCC_SHIFT) & OPT_TCC_MASK);

        /* Enable Intermediate & Final transfer completion interrupt */
        paramSet.opt |= (1 << OPT_ITCINTEN_SHIFT);
        paramSet.opt |= (1 << OPT_TCINTEN_SHIFT);

        if (syncType == EDMA3_DRV_SYNC_A)
            paramSet.opt &= 0xFFFFFFFBu;
            /* AB Sync Transfer Mode */
            paramSet.opt |= (1 << OPT_SYNCDIM_SHIFT);

        /* Now, write the PaRAM Set. */
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setPaRAM (hEdma, ch1Id, &paramSet);

     * There is another way to program the PaRAM Set using specific APIs
     * for different PaRAM set entries. It gives user more control and easier
     * to use interface. User can use any of the methods.
     * Below is the alternative way to program the PaRAM Set.


    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setSrcParams (hEdma, ch1Id, (unsigned int)(srcBuff1),

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setDestParams (hEdma, ch1Id,
                                            (unsigned int)(dstBuff1),

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setSrcIndex (hEdma, ch1Id, srcbidx, srccidx);

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result =  EDMA3_DRV_setDestIndex (hEdma, ch1Id, desbidx, descidx);

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        if (syncType == EDMA3_DRV_SYNC_A)
            result = EDMA3_DRV_setTransferParams (hEdma, ch1Id, acnt, bcnt,
                                                ccnt, BRCnt,
            result = EDMA3_DRV_setTransferParams (hEdma, ch1Id, acnt, bcnt,
                                                ccnt, BRCnt,

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setOptField (hEdma, ch1Id,
                                        EDMA3_DRV_OPT_FIELD_TCINTEN, 1u);

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setOptField (hEdma, ch1Id,
                                        EDMA3_DRV_OPT_FIELD_ITCINTEN, 1u);


    /* Request any LINK channel and any TCC */
    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        /* Setup for Channel 2 */
        ch2Id   = EDMA3_DRV_LINK_CHANNEL;
        tcc2    = EDMA3_DRV_TCC_ANY;

        result = EDMA3_DRV_requestChannel (hEdma, &ch2Id, &tcc2,
                                            &callback1, NULL);

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
         * Fill the PaRAM Set for the LINK channel
         * with transfer specific information.
        paramSet.srcAddr    = (unsigned int)(srcBuff2);
        paramSet.destAddr   = (unsigned int)(dstBuff2);

         * Be Careful !!!
         * Valid values for SRCBIDX/DSTBIDX are between –32768 and 32767
         * Valid values for SRCCIDX/DSTCIDX are between –32768 and 32767
        paramSet.srcBIdx    = srcbidx;
        paramSet.destBIdx   = desbidx;
        paramSet.srcCIdx    = srccidx;
        paramSet.destCIdx   = descidx;

         * Be Careful !!!
         * Valid values for ACNT/BCNT/CCNT are between 0 and 65535.
         * ACNT/BCNT/CCNT must be greater than or equal to 1.
         * Maximum number of bytes in an array (ACNT) is 65535 bytes
         * Maximum number of arrays in a frame (BCNT) is 65535
         * Maximum number of frames in a block (CCNT) is 65535
        paramSet.aCnt       = acnt;
        paramSet.bCnt       = bcnt;
        paramSet.cCnt       = ccnt;

        /* For AB-synchronized transfers, BCNTRLD is not used. */
        paramSet.bCntReload = BRCnt;

        paramSet.linkAddr   = 0xFFFFu;

        /* Reset opt field first */
        paramSet.opt = 0x0u;
        /* Src & Dest are in INCR modes */
        paramSet.opt &= 0xFFFFFFFCu;

        /* Enable Intermediate & Final transfer completion interrupt */
        paramSet.opt |= (1 << OPT_ITCINTEN_SHIFT);
        paramSet.opt |= (1 << OPT_TCINTEN_SHIFT);

        if (syncType == EDMA3_DRV_SYNC_A)
            paramSet.opt &= 0xFFFFFFFBu;
            /* AB Sync Transfer Mode */
            paramSet.opt |= (1 << OPT_SYNCDIM_SHIFT);

        /* Now, write the PaRAM Set. */
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setPaRAM(hEdma, ch2Id, &paramSet);

     * There is another way to program the PaRAM Set using specific APIs
     * for different PaRAM set entries. It gives user more control and easier
     * to use interface. User can use any of the methods.
     * Below is the alternative way to program the PaRAM Set.


    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setSrcParams (hEdma, ch2Id, (unsigned int)(srcBuff2),

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setDestParams (hEdma, ch2Id,
                                        (unsigned int)(dstBuff2),

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setSrcIndex (hEdma, ch2Id, srcbidx, srccidx);

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result =  EDMA3_DRV_setDestIndex (hEdma, ch2Id, desbidx, descidx);

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        if (syncType == EDMA3_DRV_SYNC_A)
            result = EDMA3_DRV_setTransferParams (hEdma, ch2Id, acnt, bcnt,
            result = EDMA3_DRV_setTransferParams (hEdma, ch2Id, acnt, bcnt,

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setOptField (hEdma, ch2Id,
                                        EDMA3_DRV_OPT_FIELD_TCINTEN, 1u);

    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_setOptField (hEdma, ch2Id,
                                        EDMA3_DRV_OPT_FIELD_ITCINTEN, 1u);


    /* Link both the channels. */
    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        result = EDMA3_DRV_linkChannel (hEdma, ch1Id, ch2Id);

     * Since the transfer is going to happen in Manual mode of EDMA3
     * operation, we have to 'Enable the Transfer' multiple times.
     * Number of times depends upon the Mode (A/AB Sync)
     * and the different counts.
    if (result == EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
        /*Need to activate next param*/
        if (syncType == EDMA3_DRV_SYNC_A)
            numenabled = bcnt * ccnt;
            /* AB Sync Transfer Mode */
            numenabled = ccnt;

        for (i = 0; i < numenabled; i++)
            irqRaised1 = 0;

             * Now enable the transfer for Master channel as many times
             * as calculated above.
            result = EDMA3_DRV_enableTransfer (hEdma, ch1Id,
            if (result != EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
                EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF ("error from edma3_test_with_link\n\r\n");
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */

            while (irqRaised1 == 0)
                /* Wait for the Completion ISR on Master Channel. */
                printf ("waiting for interrupt...\n");	

            /* Check the status of the completed transfer */
            if (irqRaised1 < 0)
                /* Some error occured, break from the FOR loop. */
                EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF ("\r\nedma3_test_with_link: Event Miss Occured!!!\r\n");
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */

                /* Clear the error bits first */
                result = EDMA3_DRV_clearErrorBits (hEdma, ch1Id);


     * Now the transfer on Master channel is finished.
     * Trigger next (LINK) param.
    if (EDMA3_DRV_SOK == result)
        for (i = 0; i < numenabled; i++)
            irqRaised1 = 0;

             * Enable the transfer for LINK channel as many times
             * as calculated above.
            result = EDMA3_DRV_enableTransfer (hEdma, ch1Id,
            if (result != EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
                EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF ("error from edma3_test_with_link\n\r\n");
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */

            while (irqRaised1 == 0)
                /* Wait for the Completion ISR on the Link Channel. */
                printf ("waiting for interrupt...\n");	

            /* Check the status of the completed transfer */
            if (irqRaised1 < 0)
                /* Some error occured, break from the FOR loop. */
                EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF ("\r\nedma3_test_with_link: Event Miss Occured!!!\r\n");
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */

                /* Clear the error bits first */
                result = EDMA3_DRV_clearErrorBits (hEdma, ch2Id);


    /* Match the Source and Destination Buffers. */
    if (EDMA3_DRV_SOK == result)
        for (i = 0; i < (acnt*bcnt*ccnt); i++)
            if (srcBuff1[i] != dstBuff1[i])
                Istestpassed1 = 0u;
                EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF("edma3_test_with_link: Data write-read " \
                                "matching FAILED at i = %d " \
                                "(srcBuff1 -> dstBuff1)\r\n", i);
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */
        if (i == (acnt*bcnt*ccnt))
            Istestpassed1 = 1u;

        for (i = 0; i < (acnt*bcnt*ccnt); i++)
            if (srcBuff2[i] != dstBuff2[i])
                Istestpassed2 = 0;
                EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF("edma3_test_with_link: Data write-read " \
                            "matching FAILED at i = %d " \
                            "(srcBuff2 -> dstBuff2)\r\n", i);
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */
        if (i == (acnt*bcnt*ccnt))
            Istestpassed2 = 1u;

        /* Free the previously allocated channels. */
        result = EDMA3_DRV_freeChannel (hEdma, ch1Id);
        if (result != EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
            EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF("edma3_test_with_link: EDMA3_DRV_freeChannel() " \
                                "for ch1 FAILED, error code: %d\r\n", result);
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */
            result = EDMA3_DRV_freeChannel (hEdma, ch2Id);
            if (result != EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
                EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF("edma3_test_with_link: " \
                                "EDMA3_DRV_freeChannel() for ch 2 FAILED, " \
                                "error code: %d\r\n", result);
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */

    if((Istestpassed1 == 1u) && (Istestpassed2 == 1u))
        EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF("edma3_test_with_link PASSED\r\n");
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */
        EDMA3_DRV_PRINTF("edma3_test_with_link FAILED\r\n");
#endif  /* EDMA3_DRV_DEBUG */
        result = ((EDMA3_DRV_SOK == result) ?
                                EDMA3_DATA_MISMATCH_ERROR : result);

    return result;
Пример #3
/*paramSet have 127, event have 63(some resevered), link can use 64-127*/
int create_channel(unsigned int acnt,
                   unsigned int bcnt,
                   unsigned int ccnt,
                   unsigned char *srcBuff,
                   unsigned char *destBuff,
                   unsigned int event, //event number or EDMA3_DRV_TCC_ANY
                   unsigned char type,  //MAIN_CHANNEL, LINK_CHANNEL, CHAIN_CHANNEL
                   unsigned char event_queue,//event queue number
                   unsigned char sam, //1: fifo, 0: increment
                   unsigned char dam,//1: fifo,  0: increment
                   unsigned int  *chnlId, //return chnlId
                   unsigned char intEnable, //1: enable interrupt. 0:disable interrupt
                   unsigned int srcbidx,
                   unsigned int destbidx
  EDMA3_DRV_Result result = EDMA3_DRV_SOK;
  EDMA3_DRV_PaRAMRegs paramSet = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
  unsigned int chId = 0;
  unsigned int tcc = 0;
  unsigned int BRCnt = 0;
  EDMA3_RM_TccCallback callback;

  /* Set B count reload as B count. */
  BRCnt = bcnt;

  /* Setup for Channel*/
  tcc = event;
  if(type == MAIN_CHANNEL)
    chId = tcc;
  else if(type == LINK_CHANNEL)
    chId = EDMA3_DRV_LINK_CHANNEL; //link channe is from 64-127
  else if(type == CHAIN_CHANNEL)  
    chId = EDMA3_DRV_DMA_CHANNEL_ANY; //chain channel 
    printf("create_channel: channel type invalid\n");
    return -1;

  if((event == EVENT_DATA_STATE1) || (event == EVENT_DATA_STATE2) || (event == EVENT_C_DATA_STATE1) || (event == EVENT_C_DATA_STATE2))
    callback = data_callback;    
  else if((event == EVENT_REPORT1) ||(event == EVENT_REPORT2))
    callback = NULL/*report_callback*/;  
    //printf("create_channel: event invalid\n");
    //return -1;
    callback = NULL;

  /* Request any DMA channel and any TCC */
  result = EDMA3_DRV_requestChannel (hEdma, &chId, &tcc,
    callback, NULL);

  if (result != EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
    printf("create_channel: request channel failed, chId = %u\n", chId);
    return -1;

  /* Fill the PaRAM Set with transfer specific information */
  paramSet.srcAddr    = (unsigned int)(srcBuff);
  paramSet.destAddr   = (unsigned int)(destBuff);

  * Be Careful !!!
  * Valid values for SRCBIDX/DSTBIDX are between ?2768 and 32767
  * Valid values for SRCCIDX/DSTCIDX are between ?2768 and 32767
  paramSet.srcBIdx    = srcbidx;
  paramSet.destBIdx   = destbidx;
  paramSet.srcCIdx    = 1;
  paramSet.destCIdx   = 1;

  * Be Careful !!!
  * Valid values for ACNT/BCNT/CCNT are between 0 and 65535.
  * ACNT/BCNT/CCNT must be greater than or equal to 1.
  * Maximum number of bytes in an array (ACNT) is 65535 bytes
  * Maximum number of arrays in a frame (BCNT) is 65535
  * Maximum number of frames in a block (CCNT) is 65535
  paramSet.aCnt       = acnt;
  paramSet.bCnt       = bcnt;
  paramSet.cCnt       = ccnt;

  /* For AB-synchronized transfers, BCNTRLD is not used. */
  paramSet.bCntReload = BRCnt;

  //set link to NULL
  paramSet.linkAddr   = 0xFFFFu;

  /* Src & Dest modes */
  paramSet.opt &= 0xFFFFFFFCu;
  if(sam == FIFO_MODE)
    paramSet.opt |= 0x1;
  if(dam == FIFO_MODE)
    paramSet.opt |= ~0x2;

    //set tcc mode to normal
    paramSet.opt &= ~(1<<11);

  /* Program the TCC */
  paramSet.opt |= ((tcc << OPT_TCC_SHIFT) & OPT_TCC_MASK);

    /* Enable Intermediate & Final transfer completion interrupt */
    paramSet.opt |= (1 << OPT_ITCINTEN_SHIFT);
    paramSet.opt |= (1 << OPT_TCINTEN_SHIFT);
    /* Disable Intermediate & Final transfer completion interrupt */
    paramSet.opt &= ~(1 << OPT_ITCINTEN_SHIFT);
    paramSet.opt &= ~(1 << OPT_TCINTEN_SHIFT);

  //use AB-SYNC mode
  //paramSet.opt &= ~0xFFFFFFFBu;
  paramSet.opt |= 0x4u;
  /* Now, write the PaRAM Set. */
  result = EDMA3_DRV_setPaRAM (hEdma, chId, &paramSet);
  if (result != EDMA3_DRV_SOK)
    printf("create_channel: set PaRAM failed\n");
    return -1;
  *chnlId = chId;
  return 0;