Пример #1
_echoRayIntx_Cylinder(RAYINTX_ARGS(Cylinder)) {
  echoPos_t A, B, C, aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, dscr, cylt1, cylt2, t, tmax,
    twot[2], cylp1, cylp2, pos[3], tmp;
  int tidx, radi0, radi1, twocap[2], cap;


  if (!_echoRayIntx_CubeSolid(&t, &tmax,
                              -1-ECHO_EPSILON, 1+ECHO_EPSILON,
                              -1-ECHO_EPSILON, 1+ECHO_EPSILON,
                              -1-ECHO_EPSILON, 1+ECHO_EPSILON, ray)) {
    return AIR_FALSE;
  switch(obj->axis) {
  case 0:
    radi0 = 1; radi1 = 2;
  case 1:
    radi0 = 0; radi1 = 2;
  case 2: default:
    radi0 = 0; radi1 = 1;
  aa = ray->dir[radi0];
  bb = ray->dir[radi1];
  ee = ray->dir[obj->axis];
  cc = ray->from[radi0];
  dd = ray->from[radi1];
  ff = ray->from[obj->axis];
  A = aa*aa + bb*bb;
  B = 2*(aa*cc + bb*dd);
  C = cc*cc + dd*dd - 1;
  dscr = B*B - 4*A*C;
  if (dscr <= 0) {
    /* infinite ray grazes or misses the infinite cylinder (not
       bounded to [-1,1] along cylinder's axis), so therefore the ray
       grazes or misses the actual cylinder */
    return AIR_FALSE;
  /* else infinite ray intersects the infinite cylinder */
  dscr = sqrt(dscr);
  cylt1 = (-B - dscr)/(2*A);
  cylp1 = ff + cylt1*ee;
  cylt2 = (-B + dscr)/(2*A);
  cylp2 = ff + cylt2*ee;
  if ( (cylp1 <= -1 && cylp2 <= -1)
       || (cylp1 >= 1 && cylp2 >= 1) ) {
    /* both intersections with infinite cylinder lie on ONE side of the
       finite extent, so there can't be an intersection */
    return AIR_FALSE;
  /* else infinite ray DOES intersect finite cylinder; we have to find
     if any of the intersections are in the [neer, faar] interval */
  tidx = 0;
  if (AIR_IN_CL(-1, cylp1, 1)) {
    twot[tidx] = cylt1;
    twocap[tidx] = 0;
  if (AIR_IN_CL(-1, cylp2, 1)) {
    twot[tidx] = cylt2;
    twocap[tidx] = 0;
  if (tidx < 2) {
    /* at least one of the two intersections is with the endcaps */
    t = (-ff - 1)/ee;
    ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2(pos, 1, ray->from, t, ray->dir);
    aa = pos[radi0]; bb = pos[radi1]; cc = aa*aa + bb*bb;
    if (cc <= 1) {
      twot[tidx] = t;
      twocap[tidx] = 1;
    if (tidx < 2) {
      /* try other endcap */
      t = (-ff + 1)/ee;
      ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2(pos, 1, ray->from, t, ray->dir);
      aa = pos[radi0]; bb = pos[radi1]; cc = aa*aa + bb*bb;
      if (cc <= 1) {
        twot[tidx] = t;
        twocap[tidx] = 1;
  if (!tidx) {
    return AIR_FALSE;
  if (2 == tidx && twot[0] > twot[1]) {
    ELL_SWAP2(twot[0], twot[1], aa);
    ELL_SWAP2(twocap[0], twocap[1], cap);
  t = twot[0];
  cap = twocap[0];
  if (!AIR_IN_CL(ray->neer, t, ray->faar)) {
    if (1 == tidx) {
      return AIR_FALSE;
    t = twot[1];
    cap = twocap[1];
    if (!AIR_IN_CL(ray->neer, t, ray->faar)) {
      return AIR_FALSE;
  /* else one of the intxs is in [neer,faar] segment */
  intx->t = t;
  ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2(pos, 1, ray->from, t, ray->dir);
  switch(obj->axis) {
  case 0:
    ELL_3V_SET(intx->norm,     cap*pos[0], (1-cap)*pos[1], (1-cap)*pos[2]);
  case 1:
    ELL_3V_SET(intx->norm, (1-cap)*pos[0],     cap*pos[1], (1-cap)*pos[2]);
  case 2: default:
    ELL_3V_SET(intx->norm, (1-cap)*pos[0], (1-cap)*pos[1],     cap*pos[2]);
  ELL_3V_NORM(intx->norm, intx->norm, tmp);
  intx->obj = OBJECT(obj);
  /* does NOT set u, v */
  return AIR_TRUE;
Пример #2
static int
constraintSatLapl(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
                  double stepMax, unsigned int iterMax,
                  /* output */
                  int *constrFailP) {
  static const char me[]="constraintSatLapl";
    step,         /* current step size */
    valLast, val, /* last and current function values */
    grad[4], dir[3], len,
    posOld[3], posNew[3], tmpv[3];
  double a=0, b=1, s, fa, fb, fs, tmp, diff;
  int side = 0;
  unsigned int iter = 0;  /* 0: initial probe, 1..iterMax: probes in loop */

  step = stepMax/2;
  PROBEG(val, grad);
  if (0 == val) {
    /* already exactly at the zero, we're done. This actually happens! */
    /* printf("!%s: a lapl == 0!\n", me); */
    return 0;
  valLast = val;
  NORMALIZE(dir, grad, len);
  /* first phase: follow normalized gradient until laplacian sign change */
  for (iter=1; iter<=iterMax; iter++) {
    double sgn;
    ELL_3V_COPY(posOld, point->pos);
    sgn = airSgn(val); /* lapl < 0 => downhill; lapl > 0 => uphill */
    ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR(point->pos, sgn*step, dir);
    _pullPointHistAdd(point, pullCondConstraintSatA);
    PROBEG(val, grad);
    if (val*valLast < 0) {
      /* laplacian has changed sign; stop looking */
    valLast = val;
    NORMALIZE(dir, grad, len);
  if (iter > iterMax) {
    *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailIterMaxed;
    return 0;
  /* second phase: find the zero-crossing, looking between
     f(posOld)=valLast and f(posNew)=val */
  ELL_3V_COPY(posNew, point->pos);
  ELL_3V_SUB(tmpv, posNew, posOld);
  len = ELL_3V_LEN(tmpv);
  fa = valLast;
  fb = val;
  if (AIR_ABS(fa) < AIR_ABS(fb)) {
    ELL_SWAP2(a, b, tmp); ELL_SWAP2(fa, fb, tmp);
  for (iter=1; iter<=iterMax; iter++) {
    s = AIR_AFFINE(fa, 0, fb, a, b);
    ELL_3V_LERP(point->pos, s, posOld, posNew);
    _pullPointHistAdd(point, pullCondConstraintSatB);
    if (0 == fs) {
      /* exactly nailed the zero, we're done. This actually happens! */
      printf("!%s: b lapl == 0!\n", me);
    /* "Illinois" false-position. Dumb, but it works. */
    if (fs*fb > 0) { /* not between s and b */
      b = s;
      fb = fs;
      if (+1 == side) {
        fa /= 2;
      side = +1;
    } else { /* not between a and s */
      a = s;
      fa = fs;
      if (-1 == side) {
        fb /= 2;
      side = -1;
    diff = (b - a)*len;
    if (AIR_ABS(diff) < stepMax*task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin) {
      /* converged! */
  if (iter > iterMax) {
    *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailIterMaxed;
  } else {
    *constrFailP = AIR_FALSE;
  return 0;