Пример #1
int OPENSSL_atexit(void (*handler)(void))
    OPENSSL_INIT_STOP *newhand;

#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DSO) && !defined(OPENSSL_USE_NODELETE)
        union {
            void *sym;
            void (*func)(void);
        } handlersym;

        handlersym.func = handler;
# ifdef DSO_WIN32
            HMODULE handle = NULL;
            BOOL ret;

             * We don't use the DSO route for WIN32 because there is a better
             * way
            ret = GetModuleHandleEx(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS
                                    | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN,
                                    handlersym.sym, &handle);

            if (!ret)
                return 0;
# else
         * Deliberately leak a reference to the handler. This will force the
         * library/code containing the handler to remain loaded until we run the
         * atexit handler. If -znodelete has been used then this is
         * unnecessary.
            DSO *dso = NULL;

            dso = DSO_dsobyaddr(handlersym.sym, DSO_FLAG_NO_UNLOAD_ON_FREE);
# endif

    newhand = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*newhand));
    if (newhand == NULL)
        return 0;

    newhand->handler = handler;
    newhand->next = stop_handlers;
    stop_handlers = newhand;

    return 1;
Пример #2
 * syscall_random(): Try to get random data using a system call
 * returns the number of bytes returned in buf, or < 0 on error.
static ssize_t syscall_random(void *buf, size_t buflen)
     * Note: 'buflen' equals the size of the buffer which is used by the
     * get_entropy() callback of the RAND_DRBG. It is roughly bounded by
     *   2 * RAND_POOL_FACTOR * (RAND_DRBG_STRENGTH / 8) = 2^14
     * which is way below the OSSL_SSIZE_MAX limit. Therefore sign conversion
     * between size_t and ssize_t is safe even without a range check.

     * Do runtime detection to find getentropy().
     * Known OSs that should support this:
     * - Darwin since 16 (OSX 10.12, IOS 10.0).
     * - Solaris since 11.3
     * - OpenBSD since 5.6
     * - Linux since 3.17 with glibc 2.25
     * - FreeBSD since 12.0 (1200061)
#  if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2 && defined(__ELF__) && !defined(__hpux)
    extern int getentropy(void *buffer, size_t length) __attribute__((weak));

    if (getentropy != NULL)
        return getentropy(buf, buflen) == 0 ? (ssize_t)buflen : -1;
#  else
    union {
        void *p;
        int (*f)(void *buffer, size_t length);
    } p_getentropy;

     * We could cache the result of the lookup, but we normally don't
     * call this function often.
    p_getentropy.p = DSO_global_lookup("getentropy");
    if (p_getentropy.p != NULL)
        return p_getentropy.f(buf, buflen) == 0 ? (ssize_t)buflen : -1;
#  endif

    /* Linux supports this since version 3.17 */
#  if defined(__linux) && defined(SYS_getrandom)
    return syscall(SYS_getrandom, buf, buflen, 0);
#  elif (defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && defined(KERN_ARND)
    return sysctl_random(buf, buflen);
#  else
    errno = ENOSYS;
    return -1;
#  endif
Пример #3
 * syscall_random(): Try to get random data using a system call
 * returns the number of bytes returned in buf, or <= 0 on error.
int syscall_random(void *buf, size_t buflen)
     * Do runtime detection to find getentropy().
     * Known OSs that should support this:
     * - Darwin since 16 (OSX 10.12, IOS 10.0).
     * - Solaris since 11.3
     * - OpenBSD since 5.6
     * - Linux since 3.17 with glibc 2.25
     * - FreeBSD since 12.0 (1200061)
#  if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2 && defined(__ELF__) && !defined(__hpux)
    extern int getentropy(void *bufer, size_t length) __attribute__((weak));

    if (getentropy != NULL)
        return getentropy(buf, buflen) == 0 ? buflen : 0;
#  else
    union {
        void *p;
        int (*f)(void *buffer, size_t length);
    } p_getentropy;

     * We could cache the result of the lookup, but we normally don't
     * call this function often.
    p_getentropy.p = DSO_global_lookup("getentropy");
    if (p_getentropy.p != NULL)
        return p_getentropy.f(buf, buflen) == 0 ? buflen : 0;
#  endif

    /* Linux supports this since version 3.17 */
#  if defined(__linux) && defined(SYS_getrandom)
    return (int)syscall(SYS_getrandom, buf, buflen, 0);
#  endif

#  if (defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && defined(KERN_ARND)
    return (int)sysctl_random(buf, buflen);
#  endif

    return -1;
Пример #4
/* Minor tweak to operation: free up EVP_PKEY */
static int pubkey_cb(int operation, ASN1_VALUE **pval, const ASN1_ITEM *it,
                     void *exarg)
    if (operation == ASN1_OP_FREE_POST) {
        X509_PUBKEY *pubkey = (X509_PUBKEY *)*pval;
    } else if (operation == ASN1_OP_D2I_POST) {
        /* Attempt to decode public key and cache in pubkey structure. */
        X509_PUBKEY *pubkey = (X509_PUBKEY *)*pval;
         * Opportunistically decode the key but remove any non fatal errors
         * from the queue. Subsequent explicit attempts to decode/use the key
         * will return an appropriate error.
        if (x509_pubkey_decode(&pubkey->pkey, pubkey) == -1)
            return 0;
    return 1;
Пример #5
static STACK_OF(X509) *load_certs_from_file(const char *filename)
    STACK_OF(X509) *certs;
    BIO *bio;
    X509 *x;

    bio = BIO_new_file(filename, "r");

    if (bio == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    certs = sk_X509_new_null();
    if (certs == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    do {
        x = PEM_read_bio_X509(bio, NULL, 0, NULL);
        if (x != NULL && !sk_X509_push(certs, x)) {
            sk_X509_pop_free(certs, X509_free);
            return NULL;
        } else if (x == NULL) {
             * We probably just ran out of certs, so ignore any errors
             * generated
    } while (x != NULL);


    return certs;
Пример #6
int X509_print_ex(BIO *bp, X509 *x, unsigned long nmflags,
                  unsigned long cflag)
    long l;
    int ret = 0, i;
    char *m = NULL, mlch = ' ';
    int nmindent = 0;
    ASN1_INTEGER *bs;
    EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL;
    const char *neg;

    if ((nmflags & XN_FLAG_SEP_MASK) == XN_FLAG_SEP_MULTILINE) {
        mlch = '\n';
        nmindent = 12;

    if (nmflags == X509_FLAG_COMPAT)
        nmindent = 16;

    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_HEADER)) {
        if (BIO_write(bp, "Certificate:\n", 13) <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (BIO_write(bp, "    Data:\n", 10) <= 0)
            goto err;
    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_VERSION)) {
        l = X509_get_version(x);
        if (BIO_printf(bp, "%8sVersion: %lu (0x%lx)\n", "", l + 1, l) <= 0)
            goto err;
    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_SERIAL)) {

        if (BIO_write(bp, "        Serial Number:", 22) <= 0)
            goto err;

        bs = X509_get_serialNumber(x);
        if (bs->length <= (int)sizeof(long)) {
                l = ASN1_INTEGER_get(bs);
        } else {
            l = -1;
        if (l != -1) {
            if (bs->type == V_ASN1_NEG_INTEGER) {
                l = -l;
                neg = "-";
            } else
                neg = "";
            if (BIO_printf(bp, " %s%lu (%s0x%lx)\n", neg, l, neg, l) <= 0)
                goto err;
        } else {
            neg = (bs->type == V_ASN1_NEG_INTEGER) ? " (Negative)" : "";
            if (BIO_printf(bp, "\n%12s%s", "", neg) <= 0)
                goto err;

            for (i = 0; i < bs->length; i++) {
                if (BIO_printf(bp, "%02x%c", bs->data[i],
                               ((i + 1 == bs->length) ? '\n' : ':')) <= 0)
                    goto err;


    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_SIGNAME)) {
        X509_ALGOR *tsig_alg = X509_get0_tbs_sigalg(x);
        if (X509_signature_print(bp, tsig_alg, NULL) <= 0)
            goto err;

    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_ISSUER)) {
        if (BIO_printf(bp, "        Issuer:%c", mlch) <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (X509_NAME_print_ex(bp, X509_get_issuer_name(x), nmindent, nmflags)
            < 0)
            goto err;
        if (BIO_write(bp, "\n", 1) <= 0)
            goto err;
    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_VALIDITY)) {
        if (BIO_write(bp, "        Validity\n", 17) <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (BIO_write(bp, "            Not Before: ", 24) <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (!ASN1_TIME_print(bp, X509_get_notBefore(x)))
            goto err;
        if (BIO_write(bp, "\n            Not After : ", 25) <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (!ASN1_TIME_print(bp, X509_get_notAfter(x)))
            goto err;
        if (BIO_write(bp, "\n", 1) <= 0)
            goto err;
    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_SUBJECT)) {
        if (BIO_printf(bp, "        Subject:%c", mlch) <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (X509_NAME_print_ex
            (bp, X509_get_subject_name(x), nmindent, nmflags) < 0)
            goto err;
        if (BIO_write(bp, "\n", 1) <= 0)
            goto err;
    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_PUBKEY)) {
        X509_PUBKEY *xpkey = X509_get_X509_PUBKEY(x);
        ASN1_OBJECT *xpoid;
        X509_PUBKEY_get0_param(&xpoid, NULL, NULL, NULL, xpkey);
        if (BIO_write(bp, "        Subject Public Key Info:\n", 33) <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (BIO_printf(bp, "%12sPublic Key Algorithm: ", "") <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (i2a_ASN1_OBJECT(bp, xpoid) <= 0)
            goto err;
        if (BIO_puts(bp, "\n") <= 0)
            goto err;

        pkey = X509_get_pubkey(x);
        if (pkey == NULL) {
            BIO_printf(bp, "%12sUnable to load Public Key\n", "");
        } else {
            EVP_PKEY_print_public(bp, pkey, 16, NULL);

    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_IDS)) {
        ASN1_BIT_STRING *iuid, *suid;
        X509_get0_uids(&iuid, &suid, x);
        if (iuid != NULL) {
            if (BIO_printf(bp, "%8sIssuer Unique ID: ", "") <= 0)
                goto err;
            if (!X509_signature_dump(bp, iuid, 12))
                goto err;
        if (suid != NULL) {
            if (BIO_printf(bp, "%8sSubject Unique ID: ", "") <= 0)
                goto err;
            if (!X509_signature_dump(bp, suid, 12))
                goto err;

    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_EXTENSIONS))
        X509V3_extensions_print(bp, "X509v3 extensions",
                                X509_get0_extensions(x), cflag, 8);

    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_SIGDUMP)) {
        X509_ALGOR *sig_alg;
        ASN1_BIT_STRING *sig;
        X509_get0_signature(&sig, &sig_alg, x);
        if (X509_signature_print(bp, sig_alg, sig) <= 0)
            goto err;
    if (!(cflag & X509_FLAG_NO_AUX)) {
        if (!X509_aux_print(bp, x, 0))
            goto err;
    ret = 1;
    return (ret);
Пример #7
engine_table_select_tmp(ENGINE_TABLE **table, int nid, const char *f, int l)
	ENGINE *ret = NULL;
	ENGINE_PILE tmplate, *fnd = NULL;
	int initres, loop = 0;

	if (!(*table)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "engine_table_dbg: %s:%d, nid=%d, nothing "
		    "registered!\n", f, l, nid);
		return NULL;
	/* Check again inside the lock otherwise we could race against cleanup
	 * operations. But don't worry about a fprintf(stderr). */
	if (!int_table_check(table, 0))
		goto end;
	tmplate.nid = nid;
	fnd = lh_ENGINE_PILE_retrieve(&(*table)->piles, &tmplate);
	if (!fnd)
		goto end;
	if (fnd->funct && engine_unlocked_init(fnd->funct)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "engine_table_dbg: %s:%d, nid=%d, using "
		    "ENGINE '%s' cached\n", f, l, nid, fnd->funct->id);
		ret = fnd->funct;
		goto end;
	if (fnd->uptodate) {
		ret = fnd->funct;
		goto end;
	ret = sk_ENGINE_value(fnd->sk, loop++);
	if (!ret) {
		fprintf(stderr, "engine_table_dbg: %s:%d, nid=%d, no "
		    "registered implementations would initialise\n", f, l, nid);
		goto end;
	/* Try to initialise the ENGINE? */
	if ((ret->funct_ref > 0) || !(table_flags & ENGINE_TABLE_FLAG_NOINIT))
		initres = engine_unlocked_init(ret);
		initres = 0;
	if (initres) {
		/* Update 'funct' */
		if ((fnd->funct != ret) && engine_unlocked_init(ret)) {
			/* If there was a previous default we release it. */
			if (fnd->funct)
				engine_unlocked_finish(fnd->funct, 0);
			fnd->funct = ret;
			fprintf(stderr, "engine_table_dbg: %s:%d, nid=%d, "
			    "setting default to '%s'\n", f, l, nid, ret->id);
		fprintf(stderr, "engine_table_dbg: %s:%d, nid=%d, using "
		    "newly initialised '%s'\n", f, l, nid, ret->id);
		goto end;
	goto trynext;
	/* If it failed, it is unlikely to succeed again until some future
	 * registrations have taken place. In all cases, we cache. */
	if (fnd)
		fnd->uptodate = 1;
	if (ret)
		fprintf(stderr, "engine_table_dbg: %s:%d, nid=%d, caching "
		    "ENGINE '%s'\n", f, l, nid, ret->id);
		fprintf(stderr, "engine_table_dbg: %s:%d, nid=%d, caching "
		    "'no matching ENGINE'\n", f, l, nid);
	/* Whatever happened, any failed init()s are not failures in this
	 * context, so clear our error state. */
	return ret;
Пример #8
int OPENSSL_atexit(void (*handler)(void))
    OPENSSL_INIT_STOP *newhand;

#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DSO) \
    && !defined(OPENSSL_USE_NODELETE)\
    && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_PINSHARED)
        union {
            void *sym;
            void (*func)(void);
        } handlersym;

        handlersym.func = handler;
# ifdef DSO_WIN32
            HMODULE handle = NULL;
            BOOL ret;

             * We don't use the DSO route for WIN32 because there is a better
             * way
            ret = GetModuleHandleEx(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS
                                    | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN,
                                    handlersym.sym, &handle);

            if (!ret)
                return 0;
# else
         * Deliberately leak a reference to the handler. This will force the
         * library/code containing the handler to remain loaded until we run the
         * atexit handler. If -znodelete has been used then this is
         * unnecessary.
            DSO *dso = NULL;

            dso = DSO_dsobyaddr(handlersym.sym, DSO_FLAG_NO_UNLOAD_ON_FREE);
            /* See same code above in ossl_init_base() for an explanation. */
                       "atexit: obtained DSO reference? %s\n",
                       (dso == NULL ? "No!" : "Yes."));
# endif

    if ((newhand = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*newhand))) == NULL) {
        return 0;

    newhand->handler = handler;
    newhand->next = stop_handlers;
    stop_handlers = newhand;

    return 1;
Пример #9
int CryptoManager::verify_callback(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx) {
	int err = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx);
	SSL* ssl = (SSL*)X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(ctx, SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx());
	SSLVerifyData* verifyData = (SSLVerifyData*)SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, CryptoManager::idxVerifyData);

	// TODO: we should make sure that the trusted certificate store never overules KeyPrint, if present, because certificate pinning on an individual certificate is a stronger method of verification.

	// verifyData is unset only when KeyPrint has been pinned and we are not skipping errors due to incomplete chains
	// we can fail here f.ex. if the certificate has expired but is still pinned with KeyPrint
	if (!verifyData)
		return preverify_ok;

	bool allowUntrusted = verifyData->first;
	string keyp = verifyData->second;

	if (!keyp.empty()) {
		X509* cert = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx);
		if (!cert)
			return 0;

		string kp2(keyp);
		if (kp2.compare(0, 12, "trusted_keyp") == 0) {
			// Possible follow up errors, after verification of a partial chain
				X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, X509_V_OK);
				return 1;
		} else if (kp2.compare(0, 7, "SHA256/") != 0)
			return allowUntrusted ? 1 : 0;

		ByteVector kp = ssl::X509_digest(cert, EVP_sha256());
		ByteVector kp2v(kp.size());

		Encoder::fromBase32(&kp2[7], &kp2v[0], kp2v.size());
		if (std::equal(kp.begin(), kp.end(), kp2v.begin())) {
			// KeyPrint validated, we can get rid of it (to avoid unnecessary passes)
			SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, CryptoManager::idxVerifyData, NULL);

			if (err != X509_V_OK) {
				// This is the right way to get the certificate store, although it is rather roundabout
				X509_STORE* store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl));
				dcassert(store == ctx->ctx);

				// Hide the potential library error about trying to add a dupe
				if (X509_STORE_add_cert(store, cert)) {
					X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, X509_V_OK);
					err = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx);
				} else ERR_pop_to_mark();

				// KeyPrint was not root certificate or we don't have the issuer certificate, the best we can do is trust the pinned KeyPrint
					X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, X509_V_OK);
					// Set this to allow ignoring any follow up errors caused by the incomplete chain
					SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, CryptoManager::idxVerifyData, &CryptoManager::trustedKeyprint);
					return 1;

			return (err == X509_V_OK) ? 1 : 0;
		} else {
			if (X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(ctx) > 0)
				return 1;

	if (allowUntrusted) {
		// We let untrusted certificates through unconditionally, when allowed, but we like to complain
		if (!preverify_ok && err != X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT) {
			X509* cert = NULL;
			if ((cert = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx)) != NULL) {
				X509_NAME* subject = X509_get_subject_name(cert);
				string tmp, line;

				tmp = getNameEntryByNID(subject, NID_commonName);
				if (!tmp.empty()) {
					CID certCID(tmp);
					if (certCID)
						tmp = Util::listToString(ClientManager::getInstance()->getNicks(certCID));
					line += (!line.empty() ? ", " : "") + tmp;

				tmp = getNameEntryByNID(subject, NID_organizationName);
				if (!tmp.empty())
					line += (!line.empty() ? ", " : "") + tmp;

				ByteVector kp = ssl::X509_digest(cert, EVP_sha256());
				string keyp = "SHA256/" + Encoder::toBase32(&kp[0], kp.size());

				LogManager::getInstance()->message(STRING_F(VERIFY_CERT_FAILED, line % X509_verify_cert_error_string(err) % keyp), LogManager::LOG_INFO);

		return 1;

	return preverify_ok;