Пример #1
AdaptiveNonLinearStatic :: solveYourselfAt(TimeStep *tStep)
    proceedStep(1, tStep);

#ifdef __OOFEG
    ESIEventLoop( YES, const_cast< char * >("AdaptiveNonLinearStatic: Solution finished; Press Ctrl-p to continue") );

    this->terminate( this->giveCurrentStep() );

    if ( preMappingLoadBalancingFlag ) {
        this->balanceLoad( this->giveCurrentStep() );


    // evaluate error of the reached solution
    this->defaultErrEstimator->estimateError( equilibratedEM, this->giveCurrentStep() );
    //this->defaultErrEstimator->estimateError( temporaryEM, this->giveCurrentStep() );
    this->defaultErrEstimator->giveRemeshingCrit()->estimateMeshDensities( this->giveCurrentStep() );
    RemeshingStrategy strategy = this->defaultErrEstimator->giveRemeshingCrit()->giveRemeshingStrategy( this->giveCurrentStep() );

    // if ((strategy == RemeshingFromCurrentState_RS) && (this->giveDomain(1)->giveSerialNumber() == 0))
    //  strategy = RemeshingFromPreviousState_RS;

    if ( strategy == NoRemeshing_RS ) {
    } else if ( ( strategy == RemeshingFromCurrentState_RS ) || ( strategy == RemeshingFromPreviousState_RS ) ) {
        // do remeshing
        MesherInterface *mesher = classFactory.createMesherInterface( meshPackage, this->giveDomain(1) );

        Domain *newDomain;
        MesherInterface :: returnCode result = mesher->createMesh(this->giveCurrentStep(), 1,
                                                                  this->giveDomain(1)->giveSerialNumber() + 1, & newDomain);

        delete mesher;

        if ( result == MesherInterface :: MI_OK ) {
            this->initFlag = 1;
        } else if ( result == MesherInterface :: MI_NEEDS_EXTERNAL_ACTION ) {
            if ( strategy == RemeshingFromCurrentState_RS ) {
                // ensure the updating the step
                //this->terminate (this->giveCurrentStep());
            } else {
                // save previous step (because update not called)

            throw OOFEM_Terminate();
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("createMesh failed");
Пример #2
LEPlic :: updatePosition(TimeStep *atTime)
#ifdef __OOFEG
    this->doInterfaceReconstruction(atTime, true, false);
#ifdef __OOFEG
    //ESIEventLoop (YES, "doInterfaceReconstruction Finished; Press Ctrl-p to continue");
    // here the new VOF values are determined, now we call doInterfaceReconstruction
    // to reconstruct interface (normal, constant) on original grid
    this->doInterfaceReconstruction(atTime, false, true);
#ifdef __OOFEG
    ESIEventLoop( NO, const_cast< char * >("doInterfaceReconstruction Finished; Press Ctrl-p to continue") );
    //ESIEventLoop (YES, "doInterfaceReconstruction Finished; Press Ctrl-p to continue");
Пример #3
AdaptiveNonLinearStatic :: adaptiveRemap(Domain *dNew)
    int ielem, nelem, result = 1;


    this->ndomains = 2;
    this->domainNeqs.at(2) = 0;
    this->domainPrescribedNeqs.at(2) = 0;
    this->domainList->put(2, dNew);

    ParallelContext *pcNew = new ParallelContext(this);

    this->parallelContextList->put(2, pcNew);

    // init equation numbering

    // measure time consumed by mapping
    Timer timer;
    double mc1, mc2, mc3;


    // map primary unknowns
    EIPrimaryUnknownMapper mapper;

    d2_totalDisplacement.resize( this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations( 2, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() ) );
    d2_incrementOfDisplacement.resize( this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations( 2, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() ) );

    result &= mapper.mapAndUpdate( d2_totalDisplacement, VM_Total,
                                  this->giveDomain(1), this->giveDomain(2), this->giveCurrentStep() );

    result &= mapper.mapAndUpdate( d2_incrementOfDisplacement, VM_Incremental,
                                  this->giveDomain(1), this->giveDomain(2), this->giveCurrentStep() );

    mc1 = timer.getUtime();

    // map internal ip state
    nelem = this->giveDomain(2)->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
        /* HUHU CHEATING */
        if ( this->giveDomain(2)->giveElement(ielem)->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {


        result &= this->giveDomain(2)->giveElement(ielem)->adaptiveMap( this->giveDomain(1), this->giveCurrentStep() );

    /* replace domains */
    OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("deleting old domain\n");
    //delete domainList->at(1);
    //domainList->put(1, dNew);
    //domainList->put(2, NULL);
    domainList->put( 1, domainList->unlink(2) );

    parallelContextList->put( 1, parallelContextList->unlink(2) );

    // keep equation numbering of new domain
    this->numberOfEquations = this->domainNeqs.at(1) = this->domainNeqs.at(2);
    this->numberOfPrescribedEquations = this->domainPrescribedNeqs.at(1) = this->domainPrescribedNeqs.at(2);
    this->equationNumberingCompleted = 1;

    // update solution
    totalDisplacement = d2_totalDisplacement;
    incrementOfDisplacement = d2_incrementOfDisplacement;

    this->ndomains = 1;
    // init equation numbering
    // this->forceEquationNumbering();

    if ( isParallel() ) {
        // set up communication patterns


    mc2 = timer.getUtime();

    // computes the stresses and calls updateYourself to mapped state
    for ( ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
        /* HUHU CHEATING */
        if ( this->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(ielem)->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {


        result &= this->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(ielem)->adaptiveUpdate( this->giveCurrentStep() );

    // finish mapping process
    for ( ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
        /* HUHU CHEATING */
        if ( this->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(ielem)->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {


        result &= this->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(ielem)->adaptiveFinish( this->giveCurrentStep() );


    // increment time step if mapped state will be considered as new solution stepL
    // this->giveNextStep();
    if ( equilibrateMappedConfigurationFlag ) {
        // we need to  assemble the load vector in same time as the restarted step,
        // so new time step is generated with same intrincic time as has the
        // previous step if equilibrateMappedConfigurationFlag is set.
        // this allows to equlibrate the previously reached state
        TimeStep *cts = this->giveCurrentStep();
        // increment version of solution step

        //cts = this->givePreviousStep();

    if ( this->giveCurrentStep()->giveNumber() == this->giveCurrentMetaStep()->giveFirstStepNumber() ) {
        this->updateAttributes( this->giveCurrentMetaStep() );

    // increment solution state counter - not needed, IPs are updated by adaptiveUpdate previously called
    // and there is no change in primary vars.
    // this->giveCurrentStep()->incrementStateCounter();

    // assemble new initial load for new discretization
    this->assembleInitialLoadVector( initialLoadVector, initialLoadVectorOfPrescribed,
                                    this, 1, this->giveCurrentStep() );
    this->assembleIncrementalReferenceLoadVectors( incrementalLoadVector, incrementalLoadVectorOfPrescribed,
                                                  refLoadInputMode, this->giveDomain(1), EID_MomentumBalance,
                                                  this->giveCurrentStep() );

    // assemble new total load for new discretization
    // this->assembleCurrentTotalLoadVector (totalLoadVector, totalLoadVectorOfPrescribed, this->giveCurrentStep());
    // set bcloadVector to zero (no increment within same step)

    mc3 = timer.getUtime();

    // compute processor time used by the program
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("user time consumed by primary mapping: %.2fs\n", mc1);
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("user time consumed by ip mapping:      %.2fs\n", mc2);
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("user time consumed by ip update:       %.2fs\n", mc3);
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("user time consumed by mapping:         %.2fs\n", mc1 + mc2 + mc3);


     * #if 0
     * {
     * // evaluate the force error of mapped configuration
     * this->updateComponent (this->giveCurrentStep(), InternalRhs);
     * FloatArray rhs;
     * loadVector.resize (this->numberOfEquations);
     * loadVector.zero();
     * this->assemble (loadVector, this->giveCurrentStep(), ExternalForcesVector_Total, this->giveDomain(1)) ;
     * this->assemble (loadVector, this->giveCurrentStep(), ExternalForcesVector_Total, this->giveDomain(1));
     * rhs =  loadVector;
     * rhs.times(loadLevel);
     * if (initialLoadVector.isNotEmpty()) rhs.add(initialLoadVector);
     * rhs.subtract(internalForces);
     * //
     * // compute forceError
     * //
     * // err is relative error of unbalanced forces
     * double RR, RR0, forceErr = dotProduct (rhs.givePointer(),rhs.givePointer(),rhs.giveSize());
     * if (initialLoadVector.isNotEmpty())
     * RR0 = dotProduct (initialLoadVector.givePointer(), initialLoadVector.givePointer(), initialLoadVector.giveSize());
     * else
     * RR0 = 0.0;
     * RR = dotProduct(loadVector.givePointer(),loadVector.givePointer(),loadVector.giveSize());
     * // we compute a relative error norm
     * if ((RR0 + RR * loadLevel * loadLevel) < calm_SMALL_NUM) forceErr = 0.;
     * else forceErr = sqrt (forceErr / (RR0+RR * loadLevel * loadLevel));
     * printf ("Relative Force Error of Mapped Configuration is %-15e\n", forceErr);
     * }

#ifdef __OOFEG
    ESIEventLoop( YES, const_cast< char * >("AdaptiveRemap: Press Ctrl-p to continue") );

    // bring mapped configuration into equilibrium
    if ( equilibrateMappedConfigurationFlag ) {
        // use secant stiffness to resrore equilibrium
        NonLinearStatic_stiffnessMode oldStiffMode = this->stiffMode;
        stiffMode = nls_secantStiffness;

        if ( initFlag ) {
            if ( !stiffnessMatrix ) {
                stiffnessMatrix = classFactory.createSparseMtrx(sparseMtrxType);
                if ( stiffnessMatrix == NULL ) {
                    OOFEM_ERROR("sparse matrix creation failed");

            if ( nonlocalStiffnessFlag ) {
                if ( !stiffnessMatrix->isAsymmetric() ) {
                    OOFEM_ERROR("stiffnessMatrix does not support asymmetric storage");

            stiffnessMatrix->buildInternalStructure( this, 1, EID_MomentumBalance, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() );
            stiffnessMatrix->zero(); // zero stiffness matrix
            this->assemble( stiffnessMatrix, this->giveCurrentStep(), EID_MomentumBalance, SecantStiffnessMatrix,
                           EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), this->giveDomain(1) );
            initFlag = 0;

        // updateYourself() not necessary - the adaptiveUpdate previously called does the job
#ifdef VERBOSE
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO( "Equilibrating mapped configuration [step number %5d.%d]\n",
                       this->giveCurrentStep()->giveNumber(), this->giveCurrentStep()->giveVersion() );

        //double deltaL = nMethod->giveUnknownComponent (StepLength, 0);
        double deltaL = nMethod->giveCurrentStepLength();
        // call numerical model to solve arised problem
#ifdef VERBOSE
        OOFEM_LOG_RELEVANT( "Solving [step number %5d.%d]\n",
                           this->giveCurrentStep()->giveNumber(), this->giveCurrentStep()->giveVersion() );

        //nMethod -> solveYourselfAt(this->giveCurrentStep()) ;
        nMethod->setStepLength(deltaL / 5.0);
        if ( initialLoadVector.isNotEmpty() ) {
            numMetStatus = nMethod->solve( stiffnessMatrix, & incrementalLoadVector, & initialLoadVector,
                                          & totalDisplacement, & incrementOfDisplacement, & internalForces,
                                          internalForcesEBENorm, loadLevel, refLoadInputMode, currentIterations, this->giveCurrentStep() );
        } else {
            numMetStatus = nMethod->solve( stiffnessMatrix, & incrementalLoadVector, NULL,
                                          & totalDisplacement, & incrementOfDisplacement, & internalForces,
                                          internalForcesEBENorm, loadLevel, refLoadInputMode, currentIterations, this->giveCurrentStep() );


        this->updateYourself( this->giveCurrentStep() );
        this->terminate( this->giveCurrentStep() );
        // this->updateLoadVectors (this->giveCurrentStep()); // already in terminate

        // restore old step length

        stiffMode = oldStiffMode;
    } else {
        // comment this, if output for mapped configuration (not equilibrated) not wanted
        this->printOutputAt( this->giveOutputStream(), this->giveCurrentStep() );

    return result;