void CCustomHeadersDlg::OnAddHeader() { CEditHeadersDlg EditDlg( " ",this); if (IDOK == EditDlg.DoModal()) { if ( !EditDlg.m_strHeader.IsEmpty()) { m_lbHeaderList.AddString(EditDlg.m_strHeader); } else { return; } } else { return; } CWnd *pWnd = (CWnd*) GetDlgItem(IDC_ADD_HEADER); if (pWnd) { pWnd->SetFocus(); } UpdateData(); }
// // Pops up an edit form for the currently selected item in the global list. // BOOL CPageAccess::Edit() { // Get currently selected spec. int item_index = m_LGlobalAccess.GetNextItem( FIND_FIRST, LVNI_SELECTED ); if ( item_index == NOTHING || item_index == IDLE_SPEC ) return FALSE; Test_Spec *spec = (Test_Spec*)m_LGlobalAccess.GetItemData( item_index ); // Create access spec edit dialog and pass currently selected item's index. CAccessDialog EditDlg( spec ); if ( EditDlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL ) return FALSE; // Display the correct default assignment icon for the new access spec. m_LGlobalAccess.SetItem( item_index, 0, LVIF_IMAGE, NULL, spec->default_assignment, NULL, NULL, NULL ); // Update a name change m_LGlobalAccess.SetItemText( item_index, 0, spec->name ); ShowAssignedAccess(); return TRUE; }
void CSVObsParamsWidget::editSet() { int CurrentRow = ui->SetsTableWidget->currentRow(); if (CurrentRow >= 0) { QString EditedSet = ui->SetsTableWidget->item(CurrentRow,0)->text(); QStringList SetNames; for (auto& Set : m_Sets) { QString CurrentSet = QString::fromStdString(Set.first); if (CurrentSet != EditedSet) SetNames << CurrentSet; } QStringList FormatNames; for (auto& Format : m_Formats) FormatNames << QString::fromStdString(Format.first); QStringList ClassNames = openfluid::tools::toQStringList(mp_Desc->spatialDomain().getClassNames()); EditSetDialog EditDlg(SetNames,FormatNames,ClassNames,this); QString SetStr = "set."+EditedSet+"."; EditDlg.initialize(EditedSet, getParamValue(SetStr+"format",""), getParamValue(SetStr+"unitsclass",""), getParamValue(SetStr+"unitsIDs","*"), getParamValue(SetStr+"vars","*")); if (EditDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { removeParamsStartingWith(SetStr); openfluid::ware::WareParams_t Params = EditDlg.getSetParams(); mp_Params->insert(Params.begin(),Params.end()); update(); emit changed(); } } }
void CSVObsParamsWidget::editFormat() { int CurrentRow = ui->FormatsTableWidget->currentRow(); if (CurrentRow >= 0) { QString EditedFormat = ui->FormatsTableWidget->item(CurrentRow,0)->text(); QStringList FormatNames; for (auto& Format : m_Formats) { QString CurrentFormat = QString::fromStdString(Format.first); if (CurrentFormat != EditedFormat) FormatNames << CurrentFormat; } EditFormatDialog EditDlg(FormatNames,this); QString FormatStr = "format."+EditedFormat+"."; EditDlg.initialize(EditedFormat, getParamValue(FormatStr+"header","colnames-as-comment"), getParamValue(FormatStr+"colsep",";"), getParamValue(FormatStr+"date","ISO"), getParamValue(FormatStr+"precision","5"), getParamValue(FormatStr+"commentchar","#")); if (EditDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { removeParamsStartingWith(FormatStr); openfluid::ware::WareParams_t Params = EditDlg.getFormatParams(); mp_Params->insert(Params.begin(),Params.end()); update(); emit changed(); } } }
void CCustomHeadersDlg::OnEditHeader() { int iSel = m_lbHeaderList.GetCurSel(); CString strHeader; if (iSel >= 0) { m_lbHeaderList.GetText(iSel,strHeader); } else { return; } CEditHeadersDlg EditDlg( strHeader,this); if (IDOK == EditDlg.DoModal()) { if ( !EditDlg.m_strHeader.IsEmpty() && !(EditDlg.m_strHeader.Compare(strHeader) == 0) ) { m_lbHeaderList.DeleteString(iSel); m_lbHeaderList.AddString(EditDlg.m_strHeader); } else { return; } } else { return; } CWnd *pWnd = (CWnd*) GetDlgItem(IDC_ADD_HEADER); if (pWnd) { pWnd->SetFocus(); } UpdateData(); }