Пример #1
LineEditWithButtons::LineEditWithButtons(const QString &text, QWidget *parent):
    layout_ = new QHBoxLayout(this);

    lineEditor_ = new QLineEdit(this);
    connect(lineEditor_, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SIGNAL(EditingFinished()));
Пример #2
QWidget *LineEditPropertyFactory::createEditor(QtStringPropertyManager *manager, QtProperty *property, QWidget *parent)
    LineEditWithButtons *editor = new LineEditWithButtons(manager->value(property), parent);
    buttonFactory = new EditorButtonFactory(parent);

    for(uint i = 0; i < (uint)buttons_.size(); ++i)
        QPushButton *button = buttonFactory->AddButton(buttons_[i].objectName, buttons_[i].text);
        connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(OnButtonClicked()));

    propertyToWidget_[property] = editor;
    widgetToProperty_[editor] = property;

    connect(editor, SIGNAL(EditingFinished()), SLOT(OnEditingFinished()));
    connect(editor, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(OnEditorDestroyed(QObject*)));

    emit EditorCreated(property, this);

    return editor;
void tInstrumentDeviceConfigurePage::Init( tNDP2kDevice* pDevice )
    // Title text
    m_DeviceName = pDevice->ModelId();
    QString title =  m_DeviceName + " - " + tr("Device configuration");

    QFont f = font();
    f.setPixelSize( style()->pixelMetric( NPM( tNOSStyle::NPM_FontSizeSmall ) ) );
    setFont( f );

    // Widgets
    m_pConfigMainGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Configuration"), this);
    m_pAdvancedMainGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Advanced Options"), this);
    m_pDeviceName = new QLabel( m_DeviceName + " " + pDevice->Nickname(), this );
    m_pDeviceLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Device " ), this );

    m_pUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this);
    m_pUpdateTimer->setSingleShot( true );

    m_LastInstanceValue = pDevice->Instance();
    m_pInstanceEdit = new tInstrumentIntEdit(m_LastInstanceValue, 0, 255, this);
    m_pInstanceLabel = new QLabel(tr("Instance"), this);
    // Use queued connection to make the textEdit popup edit smoother. Confirmation dialog seems to stop the new value showing.
    Connect( m_pInstanceEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished() ), this, SLOT( OnInstanceChange() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );

    bool serNoOk;
    QString serNoStr = pDevice->SerialNo();
    if( pDevice->N2kName().ManCode() == SIMRAD_ID )
        // device->SerialNo ends in #
        serNoStr.remove( '#' );
    long long serNo = serNoStr.toLongLong(&serNoOk);

    m_pSerialNumberEdit = new tInstrumentDoubleEdit((double)serNo, 0, 9999999999LL, 0, this);
    m_pSerialNumberEdit->SetTitle( tr( "Serial Number" ) );
    m_pSerialNumberLabel = new QLabel(tr("Serial #"), this);
    m_pSendSerialPushButton = new tPushButton( tr("Send Serial"), this);

    m_pDefaultsPushButton = new tPushButton( tr("Unconfigure"), this);
    Connect( m_pDefaultsPushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ResetDefaults() ) );

    m_pUpdatingLabel = new QLabel(tr("Configuring..."), this);


    m_SequenceActive = false;
    unsigned short manCode = m_pDevice->N2kName().ManCode();
    m_SerialEditable = serNoOk &&
                       ( (manCode == LOWRANCE_ID && !m_pDevice->IsInternalDevice() && !m_pDevice->HasNosProductCode() ) ||
                         (manCode == SIMRAD_ID && m_pDevice->IsInternalDevice() ) );
    m_pNDP2k = tGlobal<tNDP2k>::Instance();
    Connect(&m_pNDP2k->DeviceManager(), SIGNAL(DeviceListChanged(const tN2kName&)), this, SLOT(UpdateDeviceInstance(const tN2kName&)));
    Connect(m_pSendSerialPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ChangeSerialNumber()));
    m_pConfigLayout = new QGridLayout();
    m_pConfigLayout->setMargin( 2 );
    m_pConfigLayout->addWidget( m_pDeviceLabel, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
    m_pConfigLayout->addWidget( m_pDeviceName, 0, 1, 2, 2 );

    m_pConfigMainGroupBox->setLayout( m_pConfigLayout );


    m_pAdvancedLayout = new QGridLayout();
    m_pAdvancedLayout->setMargin( 2 );
    int row = 0;

    m_pAdvancedLayout->addWidget(m_pInstanceLabel, row, 0);
    m_pAdvancedLayout->addWidget(m_pInstanceEdit, row, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
    m_pAdvancedLayout->addWidget(m_pDefaultsPushButton, row, 2);

    if (m_pDigitalDataSettings->IsPossibleGenerator( pDevice->N2kName() ))
        QStringList genOptions;
        genOptions << tr("Auto") << tr("Yes") << tr("No");

        tDigitalDataSettings::eGeneratorStatus genStatus = m_pDigitalDataSettings->GeneratorStatus( pDevice->N2kName() );

        int index;
        switch (genStatus)
        case tDigitalDataSettings::eGenStatus_AutoNot:
        case tDigitalDataSettings::eGenStatus_ManualNot:
            index = 2;
        case tDigitalDataSettings::eGenStatus_ManualIs:
        case tDigitalDataSettings::eGenStatus_AutoIs:
            index = 1;
            index = 0;
        m_pGeneratorLabel = new QLabel( tr("Is Generator"), this );
        m_pGeneratorList = new tComboBox( genOptions, index, this );
        Connect( m_pGeneratorList, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnIsGeneratorChanged(int)) );

        m_pAdvancedLayout->addWidget(m_pGeneratorLabel, row, 0);
        m_pAdvancedLayout->addWidget(m_pGeneratorList, row, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
        //m_pAdvancedLayout->addWidget(m_pDefaultsPushButton, row, 2);
Пример #4
tLaylinesDialogTarget::tLaylinesDialogTarget( tSailingSettings& sailingSettings, QWidget* pParent )
: tSaveCancelDialog( tDialog::Partial, pParent )
, m_pTrueWindAngleCombo( 0 )
, m_pUpwindAngleLabel( 0 )
, m_pUpwindAngleEdit( 0 )
, m_pDownwindAngleLabel( 0 )
, m_pDownwindAngleEdit( 0 )
, m_pUpwindSpeedLabel( 0 )
, m_pUpwindSpeedEdit( 0 )
, m_pDownwindSpeedLabel( 0 )
, m_pDownwindSpeedEdit( 0 )
, m_SailingSettings( sailingSettings )
    setWindowTitle( tr("Targets") );

    // True Wind Angle
    QLabel* pTwaLabel = new QLabel( tr("True wind angle"), this );
    int initialIndex = static_cast<int>( m_SailingSettings.LaylineTargetAngleOption() );

    m_pTrueWindAngleCombo = new tComboBox( m_SailingSettings.LaylineTargetAngleOptionList(), initialIndex, this ); 
    Connect( m_pTrueWindAngleCombo, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );
    m_pUpwindAngleLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Upwind true wind angle (°)" ), this );
    m_pUpwindAngleEdit = new tIntEdit( m_SailingSettings.LaylineUpwindAngle(), 5, 85, this );
    Connect( m_pUpwindAngleEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished(int) ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );

    m_pDownwindAngleLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Downwind true wind angle (°)" ), this );
    m_pDownwindAngleEdit = new tIntEdit( m_SailingSettings.LaylineDownwindAngle(), 95, 175, this );
    Connect( m_pDownwindAngleEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished(int) ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );

    tConvert* pConvert = tConvert::Instance();
    const float cMaxTargetSpeedUserUnits = pConvert->BaseToUser( UNITS_BOAT_SPEED, cMaxTargetSpeed );
    const QString speedUnitsString = pConvert->GetUnitsString( UNITS_BOAT_SPEED );

    float currentValueInBaseUnits = m_SailingSettings.TargetUpwindSpeed();
    float currentValueInUserUnits = pConvert->BaseToUser( UNITS_BOAT_SPEED, currentValueInBaseUnits );
    m_pUpwindSpeedLabel = new QLabel( QString( tr( "Upwind speed (%1)" ) ).arg( speedUnitsString ), this );
    m_pUpwindSpeedEdit = new tDoubleEdit( currentValueInUserUnits, 0.0, cMaxTargetSpeedUserUnits, 1, this ); 
    Connect( m_pUpwindSpeedEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished() ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );

    currentValueInBaseUnits = m_SailingSettings.TargetDownwindSpeed();
    currentValueInUserUnits = pConvert->BaseToUser( UNITS_BOAT_SPEED, currentValueInBaseUnits );
    m_pDownwindSpeedLabel = new QLabel( QString( tr( "Downwind speed (%1)" ) ).arg( speedUnitsString ), this );
    m_pDownwindSpeedEdit = new tDoubleEdit( currentValueInUserUnits, 0.0, cMaxTargetSpeedUserUnits, 1, this ); 
    Connect( m_pDownwindSpeedEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished() ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );

    // Main layout
    QGridLayout* pMainLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
    int row = 0;

    pMainLayout->addWidget( pTwaLabel, row, 0 );
    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pTrueWindAngleCombo, row++, 1 );
    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pUpwindAngleLabel, row, 0 );
    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pUpwindAngleEdit, row++, 1 );
    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pDownwindAngleLabel, row, 0 );
    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pDownwindAngleEdit, row++, 1 );

    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pUpwindSpeedLabel, row, 0 );
    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pUpwindSpeedEdit, row++, 1 );
    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pDownwindSpeedLabel, row, 0 );
    pMainLayout->addWidget( m_pDownwindSpeedEdit, row++, 1 );

    setLayout( pMainLayout );

    Connect( m_pTrueWindAngleCombo, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( UpdateEnabled() ) );
Пример #5
//! Constructor for a dialog
tAutopilotAdvancedDialog::tAutopilotAdvancedDialog( tPilotController& pilotDevice, QWidget* pParent )
: tSaveCancelDialog( tDialog::Full, pParent )
, m_PilotDevice(pilotDevice)
    setWindowTitle( tr( "Advanced" ) );

    tPilotH5000AdvancedInterface::tH5000AdvancedParameters h5000AdvancedParameters;
    m_PilotDevice.GetH5000AdvancedInterface()->GetH5000AdvancedParameters( &h5000AdvancedParameters );

    // Gust response
    tLabel* pGustResponseLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Gust response" ) ), this );

    // Gust response - enable
    tLabel* pGustResponseEnableLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Enable" ) ), this );
    m_pGustResponseCheck = new tCheckBox( false, this );
    m_pGustResponseCheck->setChecked( h5000AdvancedParameters.gustResponse );
    Connect( m_pGustResponseCheck, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( OnGustResponseEnableChanged( bool ) ) );

    // Gust response - Gust MIN
    tLabel* pGustMinLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Gust MIN" ) ), this );
    m_pGustMinEdit = new tIntEdit( h5000AdvancedParameters.gustMin, 1, 10, this );
    m_pGustMinEdit->setFixedWidth( 100 );
    m_pGustMinEdit->setEnabled( m_pGustResponseCheck->isChecked() );
    Connect( m_pGustMinEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );

    // Gust response - Response rate
    tLabel* pGuestResponseRateLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Response rate" ) ), this );
    m_pGustResponseRateEdit = new tIntEdit( h5000AdvancedParameters.gustResponseRate, 1, 10, this );
    m_pGustResponseRateEdit->setFixedWidth( 100 );
    m_pGustResponseRateEdit->setEnabled( m_pGustResponseCheck->isChecked() );
    Connect( m_pGustResponseRateEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );
    // Gust response - TWA response
    tLabel* pTWAResponseLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "TWA response" ) ), this );
    m_pTWAReponseEdit = new tDoubleEdit( h5000AdvancedParameters.TWAResponse, 1.0F, 5.0F, 1, this );
    m_pTWAReponseEdit->setFixedWidth( 100 );
    m_pTWAReponseEdit->setEnabled( m_pGustResponseCheck->isChecked() );
    Connect( m_pTWAReponseEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished() ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );
    // TWS response
    tLabel* pTWSResponseLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "TWS response" ) ), this );

    // TWS response - enable
    tLabel* pTWSResponseEnableLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Enable" ) ), this );
    m_pTWSCheck = new tCheckBox( false, this );
    m_pTWSCheck->setChecked( h5000AdvancedParameters.TWSResponse );
    Connect( m_pTWSCheck, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( OnTWSResponseEnableChanged( bool ) ) );

    // TWS response - Response rate
    tLabel* pTWSResponseRateLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Response rate" ) ), this );
    m_pTWSResponseRateEdit = new tIntEdit( h5000AdvancedParameters.TWSResponseRate, 1, 10, this );
    m_pTWSResponseRateEdit->setFixedWidth( 100 );
    m_pTWSResponseRateEdit->setEnabled( m_pTWSCheck->isChecked() );
    Connect( m_pTWSResponseRateEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );
    // Heel compensation
    tLabel* pHeelCompensationLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Heel compensation" ) ), this );

    // Heel compensation - enable
    tLabel* pHeelCompensationEnableLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Enable" ) ), this );
    m_pHeelCompensationCheck = new tCheckBox( false, this );
    m_pHeelCompensationCheck->setChecked( h5000AdvancedParameters.heelCompensation );
    Connect( m_pHeelCompensationCheck, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( OnHeelCompensationEnableChanged( bool ) ) );

    // Heel compensation - Response rate
    tLabel* pHeelCompensationResponseRateLbl = new tLabel( QString( tr( "Response rate" ) ), this );
    m_pHeelCompensationResponseRateEdit = new tIntEdit( h5000AdvancedParameters.heelCompensationRate, 1, 10, this );
    m_pHeelCompensationResponseRateEdit->setFixedWidth( 100 );
    m_pHeelCompensationResponseRateEdit->setEnabled( m_pHeelCompensationCheck->isChecked() );
    Connect( m_pHeelCompensationResponseRateEdit, SIGNAL( EditingFinished( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnEdit() ) );
    int row( 0 );
    QGridLayout* pGridLayout = new QGridLayout( this );

    // Gust response
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pGustResponseLbl, row++, 0 ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pGustResponseEnableLbl, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight  ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pGustResponseCheck, row++, 1 );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pGustMinLbl, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight  ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pGustMinEdit, row++, 1 );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pGuestResponseRateLbl, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight  ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pGustResponseRateEdit, row++, 1 );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pTWAResponseLbl, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight  ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pTWAReponseEdit, row++, 1 );

    // TWS response
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pTWSResponseLbl, row++, 0 ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pTWSResponseEnableLbl, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight  ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pTWSCheck, row++, 1 );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pTWSResponseRateLbl, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight  ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pTWSResponseRateEdit, row++, 1 );

    // Heel compensation
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pHeelCompensationLbl, row++, 0 ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pHeelCompensationEnableLbl, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight  ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pHeelCompensationCheck, row++, 1 );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( pHeelCompensationResponseRateLbl, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight  ); 
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pHeelCompensationResponseRateEdit, row++, 1 );

    setLayout( pGridLayout );


    Connect ( m_PilotDevice.GetH5000AdvancedInterface(), SIGNAL( H5000AdvancedParametersChanged( tPilotH5000AdvancedInterface::tH5000AdvancedParameters ) ),
              this, SLOT( OnH5000AdvancedParametersChanged( tPilotH5000AdvancedInterface::tH5000AdvancedParameters ) ) );