Пример #1
Файл: Perf.c Проект: Kohrara/edk
UpdateMeasure (
  EFI_HANDLE         Handle,
  IN UINT16          *Token,
  IN UINT16          *Host,
  EFI_HANDLE         HandleNew,
  IN UINT16          *TokenNew,
  IN UINT16          *HostNew

Routine Description:
  Update measure.

  Handle      - A pointer of an efi handle.
  Token       - A pointer to the token.
  Host        - A pointer to the host.
  HandleNew   - A pointer of an new efi handle.
  TokenNew    - A pointer to the new token.
  HostNew     - A pointer to the new host.

  Status code.

  EFI_NOT_FOUND       - The speicified gauge data node not found.
  EFI_SUCCESS         - Update successfully.

  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  EFI_GAUGE_DATA            *GaugeData;

  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiPerformanceProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &Perf);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  GaugeData = Perf->GetGauge (Perf, Handle, Token, Host, NULL);
  if (!GaugeData) {
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  GaugeData->Handle = HandleNew;
  if (HostNew != NULL) {
    EfiStrCpy (GaugeData->Host, HostNew);
  } else {
    EfiStrCpy (GaugeData->Host, L"");

  if (TokenNew != NULL) {
    EfiStrCpy (GaugeData->Token, TokenNew);
  } else {
    EfiStrCpy (GaugeData->Token, L"");

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
Файл: Perf.c Проект: Kohrara/edk
CreateDataNode (
  IN EFI_HANDLE       Handle,
  IN UINT16           *Token,
  IN UINT16           *Host

Routine Description:

  Create a EFI_PERF_DATA_LIST data node.


  Handle  - Handle of gauge data
  Token   - Token of gauge data
  Host    - Host of gauge data


  Pointer to a data node created.


  // Al\ a new image structure
  Node = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_PERF_DATA_LIST));
  if (Node != NULL) {

    Node->Signature         = EFI_PERFORMANCE_DATA_SIGNATURE;

    Node->GaugeData.Handle  = Handle;

    if (Token != NULL) {
      EfiStrCpy ((Node->GaugeData).Token, Token);

    if (Host != NULL) {
      EfiStrCpy ((Node->GaugeData).Host, Host);

    if (Handle != NULL) {
      GetNameFromHandle (Handle, Node->GaugeData.PdbFileName);

  return Node;
Пример #3
CHAR16 *
StslStrDuplicate (
  IN CHAR16             *String
  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  CHAR16      *Buffer;

  if (String == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  Status = gBS->AllocatePool (
                  (EfiStrLen (String) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16),
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return NULL;

  EfiStrCpy (Buffer, String);

  return Buffer;
Пример #4
AddName (
  IN  SERIAL_DEV                               *SerialDevice,

  Routine Description:
    Add the component name for the serial io device

    SerialDevice              - A pointer to the SERIAL_DEV instance.
    IsaIo                     - A pointer to the EFI_ISA_IO_PROTOCOL or EFI_LIGHT_ISA_IO_PROTOCOL instance.

  CHAR16  SerialPortName[sizeof (SERIAL_PORT_NAME)];

  EfiStrCpy (SerialPortName, L"ISA Serial Port # ");
  SerialPortName[sizeof (SERIAL_PORT_NAME) - 2] = (CHAR16) (L'0' + (UINT8) IsaIo->ResourceList->Device.UID);
  EfiLibAddUnicodeString (
    (CHAR16 *) SerialPortName
Пример #5
TrlSetConfig (
  IN EFI_TRL_PRIVATE_INTERFACE              *This,
  EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL                  *DevicePath,
  CHAR16                                    *FileName

Routine Description:

  One private interface function of the TestRecoveryLibrary to set config.


  This        - the private interface instance structure.
  DevicePath  - device path of the reset record file.
  FileName    - filename of the reset record file.


  EFI_SUCCESS           - set config successfully.
  EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - not enough memory.
  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - invalid parameters.

  EFI_STATUS                      Status;

  TrlFreePointer (Private);

  if ((DevicePath == NULL) || (FileName == NULL)) {

  // DevicePath & FileName
  Private->DevicePath = EfiDuplicateDevicePath (DevicePath);
  if (Private->DevicePath == NULL) {
    TrlFreePointer (Private);
  Status = gBS->AllocatePool (
                  (EfiStrLen (FileName) + 1) * 2,
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    TrlFreePointer (Private);
    return Status;
  EfiStrCpy (Private->FileName, FileName);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
EfiStrCat (
  IN CHAR16   *Destination,
  IN CHAR16   *Source

Routine Description:
  Concatinate Source on the end of Destination

  Destination - String to added to the end of.
  Source      - String to concatinate.


  EfiStrCpy (Destination + EfiStrLen (Destination), Source);
Пример #7
AddString (
  IN      VOID                *StringBuffer,
  IN      CHAR16              *Language,
  IN      CHAR16              *String,
  IN OUT  STRING_REF          *StringToken

Routine Description:

  Add a string to the incoming buffer and return the token and offset data
  StringBuffer      - The incoming buffer
  Language          - Currrent language
  String            - The string to be added
  StringToken       - The index where the string placed

  EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    - No enough buffer to allocate
  EFI_SUCCESS             - String successfully added to the incoming buffer

  EFI_HII_STRING_PACK *StringPackBuffer;
  VOID                *NewBuffer;
  RELOFST             *PackSource;
  RELOFST             *PackDestination;
  UINT8               *Source;
  UINT8               *Destination;
  UINTN               Index;
  BOOLEAN             Finished;

  StringPack  = (EFI_HII_STRING_PACK *) StringBuffer;
  Finished    = FALSE;

  // Pre-allocate a buffer sufficient for us to work on.
  // We will use it as a destination scratch pad to build data on
  // and when complete shift the data back to the original buffer
  NewBuffer = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (DEFAULT_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE);
  if (NewBuffer == NULL) {

  StringPackBuffer = (EFI_HII_STRING_PACK *) NewBuffer;

  // StringPack is terminated with a length 0 entry
  for (; StringPack->Header.Length != 0;) {
    // If this stringpack's language is same as CurrentLanguage, use it
    if (EfiCompareMem ((VOID *) ((CHAR8 *) (StringPack) + StringPack->LanguageNameString), Language, 3) == 0) {
      // We have some data in this string pack, copy the string package up to the string data
      EfiCopyMem (&StringPackBuffer->Header, &StringPack->Header, sizeof (StringPack));

      // These are references in the structure to tokens, need to increase them by the space occupied by an additional StringPointer
      StringPackBuffer->LanguageNameString = (UINT16) (StringPackBuffer->LanguageNameString + (UINT16) sizeof (RELOFST));
      StringPackBuffer->PrintableLanguageName = (UINT16) (StringPackBuffer->PrintableLanguageName + (UINT16) sizeof (RELOFST));

      PackSource      = (RELOFST *) (StringPack + 1);
      PackDestination = (RELOFST *) (StringPackBuffer + 1);
      for (Index = 0; PackSource[Index] != 0x0000; Index++) {
        // Copy the stringpointers from old to new buffer
        // remember that we are adding a string, so the string offsets will all go up by sizeof (RELOFST)
        PackDestination[Index] = (UINT16) (PackDestination[Index] + sizeof (RELOFST));
      // Add a new stringpointer in the new buffer since we are adding a string.  Null terminate it
      PackDestination[Index] = (UINT16)(PackDestination[Index-1] + 
                                        EfiStrSize((CHAR16 *)((CHAR8 *)(StringPack) + PackSource[Index-1])));
      PackDestination[Index + 1] = (UINT16) 0;

      // Index is the token value for the new string
      *StringToken = (UINT16) Index;

      // Source now points to the beginning of the old buffer strings
      // Destination now points to the beginning of the new buffer strings
      Source      = (UINT8 *) &PackSource[Index + 1];
      Destination = (UINT8 *) &PackDestination[Index + 2];

      // This should copy all the strings from the old buffer to the new buffer
      for (; Index != 0; Index--) {
        // Copy Source string to destination buffer
        EfiStrCpy ((CHAR16 *) Destination, (CHAR16 *) Source);

        // Adjust the source/destination to the next string location
        Destination = Destination + EfiStrSize ((CHAR16 *) Source);
        Source      = Source + EfiStrSize ((CHAR16 *) Source);
      // This copies the new string to the destination buffer
      EfiStrCpy ((CHAR16 *) Destination, (CHAR16 *) String);

      // Adjust the size of the changed string pack by adding the size of the new string
      // along with the size of the additional offset entry for the new string
      StringPackBuffer->Header.Length = (UINT32) ((UINTN) StringPackBuffer->Header.Length + EfiStrSize (String) + sizeof (RELOFST));

      // Advance the buffers to point to the next spots.
      StringPackBuffer  = (EFI_HII_STRING_PACK *) ((CHAR8 *) (StringPackBuffer) + StringPackBuffer->Header.Length);
      StringPack        = (EFI_HII_STRING_PACK *) ((CHAR8 *) (StringPack) + StringPack->Header.Length);
      Finished          = TRUE;
    // This isn't the language of the stringpack we were asked to add a string to
    // so we need to copy it to the new buffer.
    EfiCopyMem (&StringPackBuffer->Header, &StringPack->Header, StringPack->Header.Length);

    // Advance the buffers to point to the next spots.
    StringPackBuffer  = (EFI_HII_STRING_PACK *) ((CHAR8 *) (StringPackBuffer) + StringPack->Header.Length);
    StringPack        = (EFI_HII_STRING_PACK *) ((CHAR8 *) (StringPack) + StringPack->Header.Length);
  // If we didn't copy the new data to a stringpack yet
  if (!Finished) {
    PackDestination = (RELOFST *) (StringPackBuffer + 1);
    // Pointing to a new string pack location
    StringPackBuffer->Header.Length = (UINT32)
        sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_PACK) -
        sizeof (EFI_STRING) +
        sizeof (RELOFST) +
        sizeof (RELOFST) +
        EfiStrSize (Language) +
        EfiStrSize (String)
    StringPackBuffer->Header.Type           = EFI_HII_STRING;
    StringPackBuffer->LanguageNameString    = (UINT16) ((UINTN) &PackDestination[3] - (UINTN) StringPackBuffer);
    StringPackBuffer->PrintableLanguageName = (UINT16) ((UINTN) &PackDestination[3] - (UINTN) StringPackBuffer);
    StringPackBuffer->Attributes            = 0;
    PackDestination[0]                      = (UINT16) ((UINTN) &PackDestination[3] - (UINTN) StringPackBuffer);
    PackDestination[1]                      = (UINT16) (PackDestination[0] + EfiStrSize (Language));
    PackDestination[2]                      = (UINT16) 0;

    // The first string location will be set to destination.  The minimum number of strings
    // associated with a stringpack will always be token 0 stored as the languagename (e.g. ENG, SPA, etc)
    // and token 1 as the new string being added and and null entry for the stringpointers
    Destination = (CHAR8 *) &PackDestination[3];

    // Copy the language name string to the new buffer
    EfiStrCpy ((CHAR16 *) Destination, Language);

    // Advance the destination to the new empty spot
    Destination = Destination + EfiStrSize (Language);

    // Copy the string to the new buffer
    EfiStrCpy ((CHAR16 *) Destination, String);

    // Since we are starting with a new string pack - we know the new string is token 1
    *StringToken = (UINT16) 1;

  // Zero out the original buffer and copy the updated data in the new buffer to the old buffer
  EfiZeroMem (StringBuffer, DEFAULT_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE);
  EfiCopyMem (StringBuffer, NewBuffer, DEFAULT_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE);

  // Free the newly created buffer since we don't need it anymore
  gBS->FreePool (NewBuffer);
  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
ReadString (
  IN  UI_MENU_OPTION              *MenuOption,
  IN  CHAR16                      *Prompt,
  OUT CHAR16                      *StringPtr

Routine Description:
  Get string or password input from user.

  MenuOption       -  Pointer to the current input menu.
  Prompt           -  The prompt string shown on popup window.
  StringPtr        -  Destination for use input string.

  EFI_SUCCESS       - If string input is read successfully
  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR  - If operation fails

  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  EFI_INPUT_KEY           Key;
  CHAR16                  NullCharacter;
  UINTN                   ScreenSize;
  CHAR16                  Space[2];
  CHAR16                  KeyPad[2];
  CHAR16                  *TempString;
  CHAR16                  *BufferedString;
  UINTN                   Index;
  UINTN                   Count;
  UINTN                   Start;
  UINTN                   Top;
  UINTN                   DimensionsWidth;
  UINTN                   DimensionsHeight;
  BOOLEAN                 CursorVisible;
  UINTN                   Minimum;
  UINTN                   Maximum;
  BOOLEAN                 IsPassword;

  DimensionsWidth  = gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn;
  DimensionsHeight = gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - gScreenDimensions.TopRow;

  NullCharacter    = CHAR_NULL;
  ScreenSize       = GetStringWidth (Prompt) / sizeof (CHAR16);
  Space[0]         = L' ';
  Space[1]         = CHAR_NULL;

  Question         = MenuOption->ThisTag;
  Minimum          = (UINTN) Question->Minimum;
  Maximum          = (UINTN) Question->Maximum;

  if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP) {
    IsPassword = TRUE;
  } else {
    IsPassword = FALSE;

  TempString = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool ((Maximum + 1)* sizeof (CHAR16));
  ASSERT (TempString);

  if (ScreenSize < (Maximum + 1)) {
    ScreenSize = Maximum + 1;

  if ((ScreenSize + 2) > DimensionsWidth) {
    ScreenSize = DimensionsWidth - 2;

  BufferedString = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (ScreenSize * 2);
  ASSERT (BufferedString);

  Start = (DimensionsWidth - ScreenSize - 2) / 2 + gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + 1;
  Top   = ((DimensionsHeight - 6) / 2) + gScreenDimensions.TopRow - 1;

  // Display prompt for string
  CreatePopUp (ScreenSize, 4, &NullCharacter, Prompt, Space, &NullCharacter);

  gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_BLACK, EFI_LIGHTGRAY));

  CursorVisible = gST->ConOut->Mode->CursorVisible;
  gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE);

  do {
    Status = WaitForKeyStroke (&Key);

    gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_BLACK, EFI_LIGHTGRAY));
    switch (Key.UnicodeChar) {
    case CHAR_NULL:
      switch (Key.ScanCode) {
      case SCAN_LEFT:

      case SCAN_RIGHT:

      case SCAN_ESC:
        gBS->FreePool (TempString);
        gBS->FreePool (BufferedString);
        gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK));
        gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, CursorVisible);
        return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;



      if (GetStringWidth (StringPtr) >= ((Minimum + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16))) {

        gBS->FreePool (TempString);
        gBS->FreePool (BufferedString);
        gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK));
        gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, CursorVisible);
        return EFI_SUCCESS;
      } else {
        // Simply create a popup to tell the user that they had typed in too few characters.
        // To save code space, we can then treat this as an error and return back to the menu.
        do {
          CreateDialog (4, TRUE, 0, NULL, &Key, &NullCharacter, gMiniString, gPressEnter, &NullCharacter);
        } while (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN);

        gBS->FreePool (TempString);
        gBS->FreePool (BufferedString);
        gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK));
        gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, CursorVisible);
        return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;


      if (StringPtr[0] != CHAR_NULL) {
        for (Index = 0; StringPtr[Index] != CHAR_NULL; Index++) {
          TempString[Index] = StringPtr[Index];
        // Effectively truncate string by 1 character
        TempString[Index - 1] = CHAR_NULL;
        EfiStrCpy (StringPtr, TempString);

      // If it is the beginning of the string, don't worry about checking maximum limits
      if ((StringPtr[0] == CHAR_NULL) && (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_BACKSPACE)) {
        StrnCpy (StringPtr, &Key.UnicodeChar, 1);
        StrnCpy (TempString, &Key.UnicodeChar, 1);
      } else if ((GetStringWidth (StringPtr) < ((Maximum + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16))) && (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_BACKSPACE)) {
        KeyPad[0] = Key.UnicodeChar;
        KeyPad[1] = CHAR_NULL;
        EfiStrCat (StringPtr, KeyPad);
        EfiStrCat (TempString, KeyPad);

      // If the width of the input string is now larger than the screen, we nee to
      // adjust the index to start printing portions of the string
      SetUnicodeMem (BufferedString, ScreenSize - 1, L' ');
      PrintStringAt (Start + 1, Top + 3, BufferedString);

      if ((GetStringWidth (StringPtr) / 2) > (DimensionsWidth - 2)) {
        Index = (GetStringWidth (StringPtr) / 2) - DimensionsWidth + 2;
      } else {
        Index = 0;

      if (IsPassword) {
        gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, Start + 1, Top + 3);

      for (Count = 0; Index + 1 < GetStringWidth (StringPtr) / 2; Index++, Count++) {
        BufferedString[Count] = StringPtr[Index];

        if (IsPassword) {
          PrintChar (L'*');

      if (!IsPassword) {
        PrintStringAt (Start + 1, Top + 3, BufferedString);

    gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK));
    gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, Start + GetStringWidth (StringPtr) / 2, Top + 3);
  } while (TRUE);

  gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK));
  gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, CursorVisible);
  return Status;
Пример #9
CHAR16 *
BOpt_AppendFileName (
  IN  CHAR16  *Str1,
  IN  CHAR16  *Str2

Routine Description
  Append file name to existing file name.

  Str1  -   existing file name
  Str2  -   file name to be appended

  Allocate a new string to hold the appended result.
  Caller is responsible to free the returned string.

  UINTN   Size1;
  UINTN   Size2;
  CHAR16  *Str;
  CHAR16  *Ptr;
  CHAR16  *LastSlash;

  Size1 = EfiStrSize (Str1);
  Size2 = EfiStrSize (Str2);
  Str   = EfiAllocateZeroPool (Size1 + Size2 + sizeof (CHAR16));
  ASSERT (Str != NULL);

  EfiStrCat (Str, Str1);
  if (!((*Str == '\\') && (*(Str + 1) == 0))) {
    EfiStrCat (Str, L"\\");

  EfiStrCat (Str, Str2);

  Ptr       = Str;
  LastSlash = Str;
  while (*Ptr != 0) {
    if (*Ptr == '\\' && *(Ptr + 1) == '.' && *(Ptr + 2) == '.' && *(Ptr + 3) != 0) {
      // Convert \Name\..\ to \
      // DO NOT convert the .. if it is at the end of the string. This will
      // break the .. behavior in changing directories.
      EfiStrCpy (LastSlash, Ptr + 3);
      Ptr = LastSlash;
    } else if (*Ptr == '\\' && *(Ptr + 1) == '.' && *(Ptr + 2) == '\\') {
      // Convert a \.\ to a \
      EfiStrCpy (Ptr, Ptr + 2);
      Ptr = LastSlash;
    } else if (*Ptr == '\\') {
      LastSlash = Ptr;


  return Str;
Пример #10
StslRecordAssertion (
  IN EFI_TEST_ASSERTION                     Type,
  IN EFI_GUID                               EventId,
  IN CHAR16                                 *Description,
  IN CHAR16                                 *Detail,

Routine Description:

  Records the test result.


  This          - Standard test library protocol instance.
  Type          - Test result.
  EventId       - GUID for the checkpoint.
  Description   - Simple description for the checkpoint.
  Detail        - Format string for the detail test information.


  EFI_SUCCESS           - record the assertion successfully.
  EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE   - the Description string is too long.

  EFI_STATUS                      Status;
  VA_LIST                         Marker;
  CHAR16                          Buffer[EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER];
  CHAR16                          AssertionType[10];


  // Check the parameter
  if (EfiStrLen (Description) + 14 > EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER) {

  // Write log file detail data
  switch (Type) {
    EfiStrCpy (AssertionType, L"PASS");
    Private->PassCount ++;
    EfiStrCpy (AssertionType, L"WARNING");
    Private->WarningCount ++;
    EfiStrCpy (AssertionType, L"FAILURE");
    Private->FailCount ++;

  SPrint (Buffer, EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER, L"%s -- %s\n", Description, AssertionType);
  Status = StslWriteLogFile (Private, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  SPrint (Buffer, EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER, L"%g\n", &EventId);
  Status = StslWriteLogFile (Private, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  VA_START(Marker, Detail);
  VSPrint (Buffer, EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER, Detail, Marker);
  VA_END (Marker);

  if ( EfiStrLen (Buffer) + 5 < EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER ) {
    EfiStrCat (Buffer, L"\r\n\r\n");

  Status = StslWriteLogFile (Private, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // write key file detail line
  SPrint (Buffer, EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER, L"%g:%s|%s:",
          &EventId, AssertionType, Description);
  Status = StslWriteKeyFile (Private, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  VA_START(Marker, Detail);
  VSPrint (Buffer, EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER, Detail, Marker);
  VA_END (Marker);

  if ( EfiStrLen (Buffer) + 3 < EFI_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER ) {
    EfiStrCat (Buffer, L"\r\n");

  Status = StslWriteKeyFile (Private, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  return Status;
Пример #11
PlatOverMngrCallback (
    IN UINT16                           KeyValue,
    IN EFI_IFR_DATA_ARRAY               *Data,
    OUT EFI_HII_CALLBACK_PACKET         **Packet

Routine Description:

  This is the function that is called to provide results data to the driver.  This data
  consists of a unique key which is used to identify what data is either being passed back
  or being asked for.


  KeyValue - A unique Goto OpCode callback value which record user's selection

  0x100 <= KeyValue <0x500    : user select a controller item in the first page;
  KeyValue == 0x1234               : user select 'Refresh' in first page, or user select 'Go to Previous Menu' in second page
  KeyValue == 0x1235               : user select 'Pci device filter' in first page
  KeyValue == 0x1500               : user select 'order ... priority' item in second page
  KeyValue == 0x1800               : user select 'commint changes' in third page
  KeyValue == 0x2000              : user select 'Go to Previous Menu' in third page

  Data -         EFI_IFR_DATA_ARRAY data
  Packet-       No use here.

  Returns -    Always successful

    EFI_CALLBACK_INFO                         *Private;
    EFI_STATUS                                Status;
    STRING_REF                                NewStringToken;

    Private     = EFI_CALLBACK_INFO_FROM_THIS (This);

    if (KeyValue == 0x1234 || KeyValue == 0x1235) {
        UpdateDeviceSelectPage (Private, KeyValue, Data);
        // Update page title string
        NewStringToken = (STRING_REF) STR_TITLE;
        Status = Private->Hii->NewString (Private->Hii, mLang, Private->RegisteredHandle, &NewStringToken, L"First, Select the controller by device path");
        ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

    if ((0x100 <= KeyValue) && (KeyValue < 0x500) || (KeyValue == 0x2000)) {
        if (KeyValue == 0x2000) {
            KeyValue = (UINT16)mSelectedCtrIndex + 0x100;
        UpdateBindingDriverSelectPage (Private, KeyValue, Data);
        // Update page title string
        NewStringToken = (STRING_REF) STR_TITLE;
        Status = Private->Hii->NewString (Private->Hii, mLang, Private->RegisteredHandle, &NewStringToken, L"Second, Select drivers for the previous selected controller");
        ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

    if (KeyValue == 0x1500) {
        UpdatePrioritySelectPage (Private, KeyValue, Data);
        // Update page title string
        NewStringToken = (STRING_REF) STR_TITLE;
        Status = Private->Hii->NewString (Private->Hii, mLang, Private->RegisteredHandle, &NewStringToken, L"Finally, Set the priority order for the drivers and save them");
        ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

    if (KeyValue == 0x1800) {
        Status = CommintChanges (Private, KeyValue, Data);
        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
            *Packet = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_HII_CALLBACK_PACKET) + sizeof ( L"Single Override Info too large, Saving Error!") + 2);
            EfiStrCpy ((*Packet)->String,  L"Single Override Info too large, Saving Error!");
            return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;

    if (KeyValue == 0x1236) {
        // Deletes all environment variable(s) that contain the override mappings info
        LibFreeMappingDatabase (&mMappingDataBase);
        Status = LibSaveOverridesMapping (&mMappingDataBase);
        UpdateDeviceSelectPage (Private, KeyValue, Data);

    return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #12
IfrCatenate (
  OUT  EFI_HII_VALUE       *Result

Routine Description:
  Evaluate opcode EFI_IFR_CATENATE.

  FormSet     - Formset which contains this opcode.
  Result      - Evaluation result for this opcode.

  EFI_SUCCESS - Opcode evaluation success.
  Other       - Opcode evaluation failed.

  EFI_STATUS     Status;
  CHAR16         *String[2];
  UINTN          Index;
  CHAR16         *StringPtr;

  // String[0] - The second string
  // String[1] - The first string
  String[0] = NULL;
  String[1] = NULL;
  StringPtr = NULL;
  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

  for (Index = 0; Index < 2; Index++) {
    Status = PopExpression (&Value);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Done;

    if (Value.Type != EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) {
      Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
      goto Done;

    String[Index] = GetToken (Value.Value.string, FormSet->HiiHandle);
    if (String== NULL) {
      Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
      goto Done;

  StringPtr= EfiLibAllocatePool (EfiStrSize (String[1]) + EfiStrSize (String[0]));
  ASSERT (StringPtr != NULL);
  EfiStrCpy (StringPtr, String[1]);
  EfiStrCat (StringPtr, String[0]);

  Result->Type = EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING;
  Result->Value.string = NewString (StringPtr, FormSet->HiiHandle);

  EfiLibSafeFreePool (String[0]);
  EfiLibSafeFreePool (String[1]);
  EfiLibSafeFreePool (StringPtr);

  return Status;
Пример #13
AlignmentItem (
  IN        CHAR16   *ControllerHandleName,
  IN        CHAR16   *PrefixString,
  IN OUT    CHAR16   **NewString

Routine Description:
  Do controller item string swap and alignment if needed. The alignment is the length of PrefixString.
  Because controller device path is too long sometime and cannot be presented in one line,
  and the browser automatic swap will break the necessary alignment, so do some additional
  process  for the problem.

 ControllerHandleName - a pointer to the controller real device path string
 PrefixString- a pointer to the prefix string
 NewString - a pointer to the string which will be presented by the browser



  CHAR16                                    *PadString;
  UINTN                                     PtrIndex;
  UINTN                                     IndexOffset;
  UINTN                                     Width;
  CHAR16                                    *NewStringSwapped;
  UINTN                                     SwapLineNum;
  UINTN                                     SwapLine;

  // Register the device name string and create item in set options page
  *NewString = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (EfiStrSize (ControllerHandleName) + EfiStrSize (PrefixString));
  EfiStrCat (*NewString, PrefixString);
  EfiStrCat (*NewString, ControllerHandleName);
  // Add pad chars into the string  for string swap in set options page to solve following two issue:
  // Issue1: Our form browser will do the string swap according to the spaces in the string, so
  //              if a string is too long and without space in it, the string position will be ugly.
  //              The driver need add some spaces to control the swap in the long and no space string.
  // Issue2:  If browser find a space to do swap, it will not show any other space directly followed it in swap position.
  //                So if you want to use the space to do the alignment in swapped new line, you need add another char(e.g '.')  in it.
  // e.g. if the item max lenth is 5, then the following string need add some space and '.' to get right presentation
  // '12345678901234567890' --------> '      12345 .    67890 .    12345 .    67890' , and presentation is below
  // |     12345
  // |.    67890
  // |.    12345
  // |.    67890
  if ((EfiStrLen (*NewString)/SWAP_LENGTH > 0) && (EfiStrLen (PrefixString) > 0)) {
    // Prepare the pad string according to the PrefixString length
    // the pad string is string of ' ', except of the NO2 charater which is '.'
    PadString = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (EfiStrSize (PrefixString) + 2);
    for (PtrIndex = 0; PtrIndex < (EfiStrLen (PrefixString) + 1); PtrIndex++) {
      PadString[PtrIndex] = ' ';
    PadString[1] = '.';

    Width = SWAP_LENGTH - EfiStrLen (PrefixString);
    SwapLineNum = EfiStrLen (ControllerHandleName)/Width;

    NewStringSwapped = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (EfiStrSize (ControllerHandleName) +
                       EfiStrSize (PrefixString) +
                       SwapLineNum * EfiStrSize (PadString));
    ASSERT (NewStringSwapped != NULL);

    IndexOffset = 0;
    EfiStrCpy (NewStringSwapped, PrefixString);
    IndexOffset += EfiStrLen (PrefixString);

    for (SwapLine = 0; SwapLine < SwapLineNum; SwapLine++) {
      EfiStrnCpy (&NewStringSwapped[IndexOffset],
                  &ControllerHandleName[SwapLine * Width],
      IndexOffset += Width;

      EfiStrnCpy (&NewStringSwapped[IndexOffset],
                  EfiStrLen (PadString)
      IndexOffset += EfiStrLen (PadString);
    EfiStrCat (NewStringSwapped, &ControllerHandleName[SwapLine * Width]);
    gBS->FreePool (PadString);
    gBS->FreePool (*NewString);
    *NewString = NewStringSwapped;