Пример #1
DWORD WINAPI InitEgClientDemo(void *pv)
/* This is a separate thread that initializes the Eyegaze functions and a   */
/* few support functions for fonts and terminates.  The thread should live  */
/* for just a few seconds.                                                  */

   HMENU hMenu;
   int   rc;
   _TCHAR achText[260];

/* Set up the structures to pass to EgInit().                               */
   stEgControl.iNDataSetsInRingBuffer = BUFFER_LEN;
   stEgControl.bEgCameraDisplayActive = FALSE;
   stEgControl.bTrackingActive        = TRUE;
   stEgControl.iScreenWidthPix        = iScreenWidth;
   stEgControl.iScreenHeightPix       = iScreenHeight;
   stEgControl.iEyeImagesScreenPos    = 1;
   stEgControl.iCommType              = EG_COMM_TYPE_SOCKET;
   stEgControl.pszCommName            = achCommAddress;
   rc = EgInit(&stEgControl);
   if (rc != 0)
      swprintf_s(achText, _countof(achText), TEXT("Error opening socket\nBe sure to start EgServer before starting EgClientDemo\nProvide the server IP address on the EgClientDemo command line."));

      MessageBox(hwndEyegaze, achText,
                 szAppName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
      bCommEstablished = FALSE;
      exit(1); // Kill the process on terminal error

   hMenu = GetMenu(hwndEyegaze);
   EnableMenuItem(hMenu, ID_COMMUNICATIONS_BEGIN,        MF_ENABLED);

   bCommEstablished = TRUE;


/* Initialize the fonts.                                                    */

   stGazeVergence.ulCameraFieldCount = 0;

   if (stEgControl.hEyegaze != NULL)
         0,    //  iEgMonHorzOffset
         0,    //  iEgMonVertOffset

   return 0;
Пример #2
DWORD WINAPI GazeDemo(void *pvoid)
/* This function is the core of the Eyegaze application that is executed    */
/* as a separate thread when the program starts.                            */

   #define EG_BUFFER_LEN 60      /* The constant EG_BUFFER_LEN sets the     */
                                 /*   number of past samples stored in      */
                                 /*   its gazepoint data ring buffer.       */
                                 /*   Assuming an Eyegaze sample rate of    */
                                 /*   60 Hz, the value 60 means that one    */
                                 /*   second's worth of past Eyegaze data   */
                                 /*   is always available in the buffer.    */
                                 /*   The application can get up to 60      */
                                 /*   samples behind the Eyegaze image      */
                                 /*   processing without losing eyetracking */
                                 /*   data.                                 */

/* Demonstration Program variables:                                         */
   int iIGazeSmooth;             /* smoothed values of the eyegaze          */
                                 /*   coordinates (pixels)                  */
   int iJGazeSmooth;
   int iVis;                     /* The vision system returning data        */
   int rc;                       /* Return code from EgInit function call   */

/*---------------------------- Function Code -------------------------------*/

/* Calibrate to the Eyegaze user (test subject).                            */
/* Since an Eyegaze thread has not yet been started, execute the external   */
/* Eyegaze Calibration program (CALIBRATE.EXE), which starts and terminates */
/* its own Eyegaze thread.                                                  */
/* (See discussion of alternative calibration calls in the Eyegaze System   */
/* Programmer's Manual. NOTE: If using the double computer configuration,   */
/* spawning the external CALIBRATE.EXE is not an option.  EgCalibrate must  */
/* be used.  See Programmer's Manual)                                       */
/* P_WAIT causes the calibration program to terminate before this program   */
/* proceeds.                                                                */
   //_spawnl(P_WAIT, "Calibrate.exe", "Calibrate.exe", NULL);

/* Set the input control constants in stEgControl required for starting     */
/* the Eyegaze thread.                                                      */
   stEgControl.iNDataSetsInRingBuffer = EG_BUFFER_LEN;
                                 /* Tell Eyegaze the length of the Eyegaze  */
                                 /*   data ring buffer                      */
   stEgControl.bTrackingActive = FALSE;
                                 /* Tell Eyegaze not to begin image         */
                                 /*   processing yet (so no past gazepoint  */
                                 /*   data samples will have accumulated    */
                                 /*   in the ring buffer when the tracking  */
                                 /*   loop begins).                         */
   stEgControl.bEgCameraDisplayActive = FALSE;
                                 /* Tell Eyegaze not to display the full    */
                                 /*   camera image in a separate window.    */
   stEgControl.iScreenWidthPix  = iScreenWidth;
   stEgControl.iScreenHeightPix = iScreenHeight;
                                 /* Tell the image processing software what */
                                 /*   the physical screen dimensions are    */
                                 /*   in pixels.                            */
   stEgControl.iEyeImagesScreenPos = 1;

#if defined RUN_LOCALLY
   stEgControl.iCommType = EG_COMM_TYPE_LOCAL;
                                 /* We are calibrating on the local         */
                                 /*   computer, not over a serial or TCP/IP */
                                 /*   link.                                 */
   stEgControl.iCommType = EG_COMM_TYPE_SOCKET;
   stEgControl.pszCommName = achIPAddress;

/* Create the Eyegaze image processing thread.                              */
   rc = EgInit(&stEgControl);
   if (rc != 0)
      _TCHAR achErrorText[120];
      swprintf_s(achErrorText, _countof(achErrorText),
                 _T("Error %i Initializing Eyegaze"), rc);
      MessageBox(NULL, achErrorText,
                 _T("GazeDemo"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);

   EgCalibrate2(&stEgControl, EG_CALIBRATE_NONDISABILITY_APP);

/* Push the GazeDemo program window up into the upper right corner of the   */
/* screen.                                                                  */
   SetWindowPos(hwndEyegaze,             // handle to window
                HWND_TOP,                // placement-order handle
                iScreenWidth-160,        // horizontal position
                0,                       // vertical position
                160,                     // width
                50,                      // height
                0);                      // Flags

/* Tell Eyegaze to start eyetracking, i.e. to begin image processing.       */
/* Note: No eyetracking takes place until this flag is set to true, and     */
/* eye image processing stops when this flag is reset to false.             */
   stEgControl.bTrackingActive = TRUE;

/* Loop for ever until the program is terminated.                           */
   for (EVER)
/*-----------------------  Synchronize to Eyegaze --------------------------*/

/*    This code keeps the GazeDemo loop synchronized with the real-time     */
/*    Eyegaze image processing, i.e. looping at 60 Hz, but insures that all */
/*    gazepoint data samples are processed, even if the GazeDemo loop gets  */
/*    a little behind the real-time Eyegaze image processing.  Data         */
/*    buffers allow the GazeDemo loop to process all past gazepoint data    */
/*    samples even if the loop falls up to EG_BUFFER_LEN samples behind     */
/*    real time.                                                            */

/*    If the ring buffer has overflowed,                                    */
      if (stEgControl.iNBufferOverflow > 0)
/*       The application program acts on data loss if necessary.            */
//         (appropriate application code)

/*    The image processing software, running independently of this          */
/*    application, produces a new eyegaze data sample every 16.67 milli-    */
/*    seconds. If an unprocessed Eyegaze data sample is still available     */
/*    for processing, EgGetData() returns immediately, allowing the         */
/*    application to catch up with the Eyegaze image processing.  If the    */
/*    next unprocessd sample has not yet arrived, EgGetData blocks until    */
/*    data is available and then returns.  This call effectively puts the   */
/*    application to sleep until new Eyegaze data is available to be        */
/*    processed.                                                            */
      iVis = EgGetData(&stEgControl);

/*-------------------- Process Next Eyegaze Data Sample --------------------*/

/*    Compute the smoothed gazepoint, averaging over the last 12 samples.   */
                      &iIGazeSmooth, &iJGazeSmooth, 12);

/*    If the gazepoint was found this iteration,                            */
      if (stEgControl.pstEgData->bGazeVectorFound == TRUE)
/*        Move the mouse to the smoothed gazpoint location.                 */
                     iJGazeSmooth*65535/iScreenHeight, 0,  0);

   return 0;
   if (pvoid); // quiet the compiler.