Пример #1
TableOfReal CCA_and_TableOfReal_predict (CCA me, TableOfReal thee, long from)
	TableOfReal him = NULL;
	long ny = my y -> dimension, nx = my x -> dimension;
	long i, j, k, ncols, nev = my y -> numberOfEigenvalues;
	double *buf = NULL, **v = my y -> eigenvectors;
	double *d = my y -> eigenvalues;

		We can only predict when we have the largest dimension as input
		and the number of coefficients equals the dimension of the smallest.
	if (ny != nev) return Melder_errorp1 (L"There are not enough correlations present for prediction.");
	if (from == 0) from = 1;
	ncols = thy numberOfColumns - from + 1;
	if (from < 1 || ncols != nx) return Melder_errorp3 (L"The number of columns to analyze must be equal to ",
		Melder_integer (nx), L"."); 
	/* ???? dimensions if nx .. ny ?? */
	him = Eigen_and_TableOfReal_project (my x, thee, from, ny);
	if (him == NULL) return NULL;
	buf = NUMdvector (1, ny);
	if (buf == NULL) goto end;

		u = V a -> a = V'u
	for (i = 1; i <= thy numberOfRows; i++)
		NUMdvector_copyElements (his data[i], buf, 1, ny);
		for (j = 1; j <= ny; j++)
			double t = 0;
			for (k = 1; k <= ny; k++)
				t += sqrt (d[k]) * v[k][j] * buf[k];
			his data [i][j] = t;

	NUMdvector_free (buf, 1);
	if (Melder_hasError ()) forget (him);
	return him;
Пример #2
TableOfReal CCA_and_TableOfReal_predict (CCA me, TableOfReal thee, long from) {
	try {
		long ny = my y -> dimension, nx = my x -> dimension;
		long nev = my y -> numberOfEigenvalues;

			We can only predict when we have the largest dimension as input
			and the number of coefficients equals the dimension of the smallest.

		if (ny != nev) {
			Melder_throw (U"There are not enough correlations present for prediction.");

		if (from == 0) {
			from = 1;
		long ncols = thy numberOfColumns - from + 1;
		if (from < 1 || ncols != nx) {
			Melder_throw (U"The number of columns to analyze must be equal to ", nx, U".");

		// ???? dimensions if nx .. ny ??

		autoTableOfReal him = Eigen_and_TableOfReal_project (my x, thee, from, ny);
		autoNUMvector<double> buf (1, ny);

		// u = V a -> a = V'u

		double **v = my y -> eigenvectors;
		double *d = my y -> eigenvalues;
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy numberOfRows; i++) {
			NUMvector_copyElements (his data[i], buf.peek(), 1, ny);
			for (long j = 1; j <= ny; j++) {
				double t = 0.0;
				for (long k = 1; k <= ny; k++) {
					t += sqrt (d[k]) * v[k][j] * buf[k];
				his data [i][j] = t;
		return him.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no predictions created.");