Пример #1
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    Tobj co;
    Psrc_t src;

#ifdef MTRACE
    extern int Mt_certify;
    Mt_certify = 1;
#ifdef STATS
    stime = time (NULL);

    idlerunmode = 0;
    exprstr = NULL;
    fp = NULL;
    init (argv[0]);
    Minit (GFXprune);
    Ginit ();
    FD_SET (Gxfd, &inputfds);

    Eerrlevel = 1;
    Estackdepth = 2;
    Eshowbody = 1;
    Eshowcalls = 1;

    processstr (leftyoptions);
    argv++, argc--;
    processargs (argc, argv);

    if (setjmp (exitljbuf))
        goto eop;

    Cinit ();
    IOinit ();
    Tinit ();
    Pinit ();
    Einit ();
    Sinit ();
    Dinit ();
    Iinit ();
    TXTinit (txtcoords);
    GFXinit ();
    gmapon = TRUE, G2Linit ();

    if (exprstr) {
        src.flag = CHARSRC, src.s = exprstr, src.fp = NULL;
        src.tok = -1, src.lnum = 1;
        while ((co = Punit (&src)))
            Eunit (co);
    if (fp) {
        src.flag = FILESRC, src.s = NULL, src.fp = fp;
        src.tok = -1, src.lnum = 1;
        while ((co = Punit (&src)))
            Eunit (co);
    if (endflag)
        goto eop;

    TXTupdate ();

    Gneedredraw = FALSE;
    for (;;) {
        if (Gneedredraw)
            GFXredraw (), Gneedredraw = FALSE;
        if (Gbuttonsdown > 0) {
            GFXmove (), Gprocessevents (FALSE, G_ONEEVENT);
            processinput (FALSE);
        } else {
            if (Mcouldgc) {
                if (!processinput (FALSE))
                    Mdogc (M_GCINCR);
            if (idlerunmode) {
                if (!processinput (FALSE))
                    GFXidle ();
            } else if (GMAPneedupdate) {
                processinput (FALSE);
            } else
                processinput (TRUE);
        if (gmapon)
            GMAPupdate ();
        if (Erun)
            TXTupdate (), Erun = FALSE;
    if (gmapon)
        G2Lterm ();
    GFXterm ();
    TXTterm ();
    Iterm ();
    Dterm ();
    Sterm ();
    Eterm ();
    Pterm ();
    Tterm ();
    IOterm ();
    Cterm ();
    Gterm ();
    Mterm ();
    FD_CLR (Gxfd, &inputfds);
    term ();
    printusage ();
    return 0;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  stream istr, ostr, gstr;
  real tnow, tgrav, eps2, tstop, dtime, tout, Mhqm, ahqm, bhqm, tol;
  real decrit, epot0, demin, demax, derms, de2avg, enow, denow;
  int nbody, ngrav;
  bodyptr btab = NULL, gtab = NULL, bp;
  string bdtags[MaxBodyFields], grtags[MaxBodyFields], *optags;
  gsprof *gravgsp = NULL;
  bool decrit_inc = FALSE;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  new_field(&EinitPBF, RealType, EinitTag);	// define initial energy field
  layout_body(bodytags, Precision, NDIM);	// layout necessary fields
  istr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
  if (! get_snap(istr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, bdtags, TRUE))
    error("%s: can't read input snapshot\n", getprog());
  if (! (set_member(bdtags, PosTag) && set_member(bdtags, VelTag)))
    error("%s: required data missing from input snapshot\n", getprog());
#if defined(NBDGRAV)
  gstr = stropen(getparam("grav"), "r");
  if (! get_snap(gstr, &gtab, &ngrav, &tgrav, grtags, FALSE))
    error("%s: can't read gravity snapshot\n", getprog());
  if (! (set_member(grtags, MassTag) && set_member(grtags, PosTag)))
    error("%s: required data missing from gravity snapshot\n", getprog());
  eps2 = rsqr(getdparam("eps"));
#elif defined(GSPGRAV)
  gstr = stropen(getparam("grav"), "r");
  gravgsp = get_gsprof(gstr);			// read GSP for grav. field
#elif defined(HQMGRAV)
  Mhqm = getdparam("M");
  ahqm = getdparam("a");
  bhqm = getdparam("b");
  tol = getdparam("tol");
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  tstop = getdparam("tstop");
  dtime = getdparam("dtime");
  decrit = getdparam("decrit");
  optags = burststring(getparam("outputs"), ",");
#if defined(NBDGRAV)
  sumforces(btab, nbody, gtab, ngrav, eps2);	// prime the pump...
#elif defined(GSPGRAV)
  gspforces(btab, nbody, gravgsp);
#elif defined(HQMGRAV)
  hqmforces(btab, nbody, Mhqm, ahqm, bhqm, tol);
  epot0 = 0.0;					// use as energy scale
  for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
    epot0 += Phi(bp) / nbody;			// compute avg. potential
    Einit(bp) = Phi(bp) + dotvp(Vel(bp), Vel(bp)) / 2;
  eprintf("[%s: initial average potential = %g]\n", getprog(), epot0);
  put_snap(ostr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, optags);
  tout = tnow + getdparam("dtout");
  demin = demax = derms = 0.0;			// track maximum errors
  while (tnow < tstop) {			// enter main loop
    for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
      ADDMULVS(Vel(bp), Acc(bp), 0.5 * dtime);	// step velocities by dt/2
      ADDMULVS(Pos(bp), Vel(bp), dtime);	// step positions by dt
    tnow = tnow + dtime;			// step time to new value
#if defined(NBDGRAV)
    if (! getbparam("frozen"))
      if (! get_snap(gstr, &gtab, &ngrav, &tgrav, grtags, TRUE))
	error("%s: can't read gravity snapshot\n", getprog());
    sumforces(btab, nbody, gtab, ngrav, eps2);	// get new accelerations
#elif defined(GSPGRAV)
    gspforces(btab, nbody, gravgsp);
#elif defined(HQMGRAV)
    hqmforces(btab, nbody, Mhqm, ahqm, bhqm, tol);
    de2avg = 0.0;
    for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
      ADDMULVS(Vel(bp), Acc(bp), 0.5 * dtime);	// step velocities by dt/2
      enow = 0.5 * dotvp(Vel(bp), Vel(bp)) + Phi(bp);
      denow = (enow - Einit(bp)) / ABS(epot0);	// compute rel. energy change
      demin = MIN(demin, denow);
      demax = MAX(demax, denow);
      de2avg += rsqr(denow) / nbody;
    derms = MAX(derms, rsqrt(de2avg));
    if (demin < -decrit || demax > decrit) {
      eprintf("[%s: warning: energy error exceeds %.4e at time = %-12.8f\n"
	      " min,max,rms = %.6g,%.6g,%.6g  threshold now %.4e]\n",
	      getprog(), decrit, tnow,
	      demin, demax, rsqrt(de2avg), decrit * rsqrt(2.0));
      decrit = decrit * rsqrt(2.0);
      decrit_inc = TRUE;
    if (tout <= tnow) {
      put_snap(ostr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, optags);
      tout = tout + getdparam("dtout");
  eprintf(decrit_inc ?
	  "[%s: WARNING: energy error: min,max,rms = %.6g,%.6g,%.6g]\n" :
	  "[%s: energy error: min,max,rms = %.6g,%.6g,%.6g]\n",
	  getprog(), demin, demax, derms);
  return (0);
Пример #3
int APIENTRY WinMain (
    HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow
) {
    Tobj co;
    Psrc_t src;

    hinstance = hInstance;
    hprevinstance = hPrevInstance;
    idlerunmode = 0;
    exprstr = NULL;
    fp = NULL;
    init (NULL);
    Ginit ();
#ifndef FEATURE_MS
    FD_SET (Gxfd, &inputfds);

    Eerrlevel = 1;
    Estackdepth = 2;
    Eshowbody = 1;
    Eshowcalls = 1;

    processstr (leftyoptions);
    __argv++, __argc--;
    processargs (__argc, __argv);

    if (setjmp (exitljbuf))
        goto eop;

    Cinit ();
    IOinit ();
    Minit (GFXprune);
    Tinit ();
    Pinit ();
    Einit ();
    Sinit ();
    Dinit ();
    Iinit ();
    TXTinit (txtcoords);
    GFXinit ();

    if (exprstr) {
        src.flag = CHARSRC, src.s = exprstr, src.fp = NULL;
        src.tok = -1, src.lnum = 1;
        while ((co = Punit (&src)))
            Eunit (co);
    if (fp) {
        src.flag = FILESRC, src.s = NULL, src.fp = fp;
        src.tok = -1, src.lnum = 1;
        while ((co = Punit (&src)))
            Eunit (co);
    if (endflag)
        goto eop;

    TXTupdate ();

    Gneedredraw = FALSE;
    for (;;) {
        if (Gneedredraw)
            GFXredraw (), Gneedredraw = FALSE;
        if (Gbuttonsdown > 0)
            GFXmove (), Gprocessevents (FALSE, G_ONEEVENT);
        else {
            if (Mcouldgc) {
                if (!processinput (FALSE))
                    Mdogc (M_GCINCR);
            } else if (idlerunmode) {
                if (!processinput (FALSE))
                    GFXidle ();
            } else
                processinput (TRUE);
        if (Erun)
            TXTupdate (), Erun = FALSE;

    GFXterm ();
    TXTterm ();
    Iterm ();
    Dterm ();
    Sterm ();
    Eterm ();
    Pterm ();
    Tterm ();
    Mterm ();
    IOterm ();
    Cterm ();
    Gterm ();
    term ();
    printusage ();
    exit (0);
Пример #4
PLP_page( )
int lvp, first;
char attr[NAMEMAXLEN], *line, *lineval;

char buf[512], devval[20];
char *outfilename, *mapfilename, *titledet, *pagetitle, *url;
int stat, nt, align, nlines, maxlen, landscapemode, dobackground, dopagebox, pagesizegiven, clickmap_enabled_here, tight, map;
double adjx, adjy, scalex, scaley, sx, sy;

TDH_errprog( "pl proc page" );

/* initialize */
landscapemode = PLS.landscape; /* from command line */
titledet = "";
outfilename = "";
mapfilename = "";
pagetitle = "";
dobackground = 1;
dopagebox = 1;
if( GL_member( PLS.device, "gesf" )) dopagebox = 0; /* bounding box shouldn't include entire page for gif , eps */
if( PLS.device == 'e' ) dobackground = 0; 
pagesizegiven = 0;
strcpy( devval, "" );
scalex = scaley = 1.0;
clickmap_enabled_here = 0;

/* get attributes.. */
first = 1;
while( 1 ) {
        line = getnextattr( first, attr, &lvp );
        if( line == NULL ) break;
        first = 0;
        lineval = &line[lvp];

	/* if an attribute is given on command line, it overrides anything here.. */
	if( GL_slmember( attr, PLS.cmdlineparms )) continue;
	if( strcmp( attr, "landscape" )==0 && GL_slmember( "portrait", PLS.cmdlineparms )) continue;
	if( strcmp( attr, "outfilename" )==0 && GL_slmember( "o", PLS.cmdlineparms )) continue;

	if( strcmp( attr, "landscape" )==0 ) landscapemode = getyn( lineval );
	else if( strcmp( attr, "title" )==0 ) pagetitle = getmultiline( lineval, "get" ); 
	else if( strcmp( attr, "titledetails" )==0 ) titledet = lineval;
	else if( strcmp( attr, "color" )==0 ) tokncpy( Estandard_color, lineval, COLORLEN );
	else if( strcmp( attr, "scale" )==0 ) { 
		nt = sscanf( lineval, "%lf %lf", &scalex, &scaley ); 
		if( nt == 1 ) scaley = scalex; 
	else if( strcmp( attr, "backgroundcolor" )==0 ) {
		tokncpy( Estandard_bkcolor, lineval, COLORLEN );
		Ebackcolor( Estandard_bkcolor );
		dobackground = 1; /* added scg 9/27/99 */
	else if( strcmp( attr, "linewidth" )==0 ) Estandard_lwscale = ftokncpy( lineval );
	else if( strcmp( attr, "textsize" )==0 ) Estandard_textsize = itokncpy( lineval );
	else if( strcmp( attr, "font" )==0 ) tokncpy( Estandard_font, lineval, FONTLEN );
	else if( strcmp( attr, "dobackground" )==0 ) dobackground = getyn( lineval );
	else if( strcmp( attr, "dopagebox" )==0 ) dopagebox = getyn( lineval );
	else if( strcmp( attr, "tightcrop" )==0 ) { tight = getyn( lineval ); Etightbb( tight ); }
	else if( strncmp( attr, "crop", 4 )==0 ) {
		double cropx1, cropy1, cropx2, cropy2;
		nt = sscanf( lineval, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &cropx1, &cropy1, &cropx2, &cropy2 );
		if( nt != 4 ) Eerr( 2707, "usage: crop x1 y1 x2 y2 OR croprel left bottom right top", "" );
		else {
			if( PLS.usingcm ) { cropx1 /= 2.54; cropy1 /= 2.54; cropx2 /= 2.54; cropy2 /= 2.54; }
			if( strcmp( attr, "croprel" )==0 ) Especifycrop( 2, cropx1, cropy1, cropx2, cropy2 ); /* relative to tight */
			else Especifycrop( 1, cropx1, cropy1, cropx2, cropy2 ); /* absolute */

	else if( strcmp( attr, "pixsize" ) ==0 ) {  /* added scg 1/9/08 */
		int reqwidth, reqheight;
		nt = sscanf( lineval, "%d %d", &reqwidth, &reqheight );
		if( nt != 2 ) Eerr( 57233, "pixsize ignored.. it requires width and height (in pixels)", "" );
#ifndef NOGD
        	PLGG_setimpixsize( reqwidth, reqheight );
        	if( PLS.device != 'g' ) Eerr( 24795, "pixsize ignored.. it's only applicable when generating png/gif/jpeg images", "" ); 

	else if( strcmp( attr, "pagesize" )==0 ) {
		getcoords( "pagesize", lineval, &(PLS.winw), &(PLS.winh) );
		pagesizegiven = 1;
	else if( strcmp( attr, "outfilename" )==0 ) {
		outfilename = lineval;
		if( strlen( outfilename ) > MAXPATH-1 ) { PLS.skipout = 1; return( Eerr( 57932, "outfilename too long", "" ) ); }  
	else if( strncmp( attr, "mapfile", 7 )==0 ) {
		mapfilename = lineval;
		if( strlen( mapfilename ) > MAXPATH-1 ) { Eerr( 57932, "mapfile name too long", "" ); mapfilename = ""; }

	else if( strcmp( attr, "clickmapdefault" )==0 ) { 
		url = lineval;
		if( strlen( url ) > MAXURL-1 ) Eerr( 57933, "clickmapdefault url too long", "" );
		else clickmap_setdefaulturl( url ); 

	else if( strcmp( attr, "map" )==0 ) { map = getyn( lineval ); if( map ) { PLS.clickmap = 1; clickmap_enabled_here = 1; }}
	else if( strcmp( attr, "csmap" )==0 ){ map = getyn( lineval ); if( map ) { PLS.clickmap = 2; clickmap_enabled_here = 1; }} 
	else if( strcmp( attr, "outlabel" )==0 ) Esetoutlabel( lineval );
	else Eerr( 1, "page attribute not recognized", attr );

/* -------------------------- */
/* Page break logic.. */
/* -------------------------- */
if( PLS.npages == 0 ) {

	/* following 3 lines moved here from above - also replicated below.  scg 10/31/00 */
	if( scalex != 1.0 || scaley != 1.0 ) Esetglobalscale( scalex, scaley );
	Egetglobalscale( &sx, &sy );
	if( pagesizegiven ) Esetsize( PLS.winw * sx, PLS.winh * sy, PLS.winx, PLS.winy );
	else if( landscapemode && !PLS.winsizegiven ) Esetsize( 11.0, 8.5, PLS.winx, PLS.winy ); /* landscape */

	/* clickmap (must come before init for eg. svg - scg 2/7/05) */
	if( clickmap_enabled_here ) {
		if( mapfilename[0] == '\0' ) {
        		if( PLS.clickmap == 2 ) strcpy( PLS.mapfile, "stdout" );  /* csmap defaults to stdout..  scg 8/26/04  */
        		else if( PLS.outfile[0] != '\0' ) makeoutfilename( PLS.outfile, PLS.mapfile, 'm', 1);
        		else strcpy( PLS.mapfile, "unnamed.map" );
#ifndef NOSVG
		/* must update this now too.. scg 2/7/05  */
		if( PLS.device == 's' ) PLGS_setparms( PLS.debug, PLS.tmpname, PLS.clickmap );
	else if( mapfilename[0] != '\0' ) strcpy( PLS.mapfile, mapfilename ); /* PPP */

	/* initialize and give specified output file name .. */
	if( outfilename[0] != '\0' ) Esetoutfilename( outfilename );
	stat = Einit( PLS.device );
	if( stat ) { PLS.skipout = 1; return( stat ); }

	/* set paper orientation */
	if( landscapemode ) Epaper( 1 );


else if( PLS.npages > 0 ) {

	if( GL_member( PLS.device, "gesf" )) {

		/* finish up current page before moving on to next one.. */
		stat = Eendoffile();
		if( stat ) return( stat );

		/* now set file name for next page.. */
		if( outfilename[0] != '\0' ) Esetoutfilename( outfilename );
		else	{
			makeoutfilename( PLS.outfile, buf, PLS.device, (PLS.npages)+1 );
			if( PLS.debug ) fprintf( PLS.diagfp, "Setting output file name to %s\n", PLS.outfile );
			Esetoutfilename( buf );

		if( PLS.clickmap ) {
			/* initialize a new click map file.. */
			if( mapfilename[0] != '\0' ) strcpy( PLS.mapfile, mapfilename );
			else makeoutfilename( PLS.outfile, PLS.mapfile, 'm', (PLS.npages)+1 );


		/* perhaps set global scaling and/or page size for next page.. */
		/* following 3 lines copied here from above - scg 10/31/00 */
		if( scalex != 1.0 || scaley != 1.0 ) Esetglobalscale( scalex, scaley );
		Egetglobalscale( &sx, &sy ); 
		if( pagesizegiven ) Esetsize( PLS.winw * sx, PLS.winh * sy, PLS.winx, PLS.winy );
		else if( landscapemode && !PLS.winsizegiven ) Esetsize( 11.0, 8.5, PLS.winx, PLS.winy ); /* landscape */

		/* initialize next page.. */
		stat = Einit( PLS.device );
		if( stat ) return( stat );

	else if ( PLS.device == 'x' ) PL_do_x_button( "More.." );

	else if ( GL_member( PLS.device, "pc" ) ) {
		if( landscapemode ) Epaper( 1 ); /* added scg 2/29/00 */
		Elinetype( 0, 0.6, 1.0 );   /* added scg 9/20/99 */

/* -------------------------- */
/* now do other work.. */
/* -------------------------- */

/* do background.. */
/* if( dopagebox ) Ecblock( 0.0, 0.0, EWinx, EWiny, Ecurbkcolor, 0 ); */ /* does update bb */
if( dopagebox ) Ecblock( 0.0, 0.0, PLS.winw, PLS.winh, Ecurbkcolor, 0 ); /* does update bb */
else if( dobackground ) {
	/* EPS color=transparent - best to do nothing.. */
        if( PLS.device == 'e' && strcmp( Ecurbkcolor, "transparent" )==0 ) ;

        else Eclr(); /* doesn't update bb */

if( pagetitle[0] != '\0' ) {
	textdet( "titledetails", titledet, &align, &adjx, &adjy, 3, "B", 1.0 );
	if( align == '?' ) align = 'C';
	measuretext( pagetitle, &nlines, &maxlen );
	if( align == 'L' ) Emov( 1.0 + adjx, (PLS.winh-0.8) + adjy );
	else if ( align == 'C' ) Emov( (PLS.winw / 2.0 ) + adjx, (PLS.winh-0.8) + adjy );
	else if( align == 'R' ) Emov( (PLS.winw-1.0) + adjx, (PLS.winh-0.8) + adjy );
	Edotext( pagetitle, align );

return( 0 );