CAMLprim value caml_condition_wait(value cond, value mut) { int retcode; HANDLE m = Mutex_val(mut); HANDLE s = Condition_val(cond)->sem; HANDLE handles[2]; Condition_val(cond)->count ++; Begin_roots2(cond, mut) /* prevent deallocation of cond and mutex */ enter_blocking_section(); /* Release mutex */ ReleaseMutex(m); /* Wait for semaphore to be non-null, and decrement it. Simultaneously, re-acquire mutex. */ handles[0] = s; handles[1] = m; retcode = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, TRUE, INFINITE); leave_blocking_section(); End_roots(); if (retcode == WAIT_FAILED) caml_wthread_error("Condition.wait"); return Val_unit; }
static void camlzip_error(char * fn, value vzs) { char * msg; value s1 = Val_unit, s2 = Val_unit, bucket = Val_unit; msg = ZStream_val(vzs)->msg; if (msg == NULL) msg = ""; if (camlzip_error_exn == NULL) { camlzip_error_exn = caml_named_value("Zlib.Error"); if (camlzip_error_exn == NULL) invalid_argument("Exception Zlib.Error not initialized"); } Begin_roots3(s1, s2, bucket); s1 = copy_string(fn); s2 = copy_string(msg); bucket = alloc_small(3, 0); Field(bucket, 0) = *camlzip_error_exn; Field(bucket, 1) = s1; Field(bucket, 2) = s2; End_roots(); mlraise(bucket); }
CAMLprim value unix_pipe(value unit) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attr; HANDLE readh, writeh; value readfd = Val_unit, writefd = Val_unit, res; attr.nLength = sizeof(attr); attr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; attr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; if (! CreatePipe(&readh, &writeh, &attr, SIZEBUF)) { win32_maperr(GetLastError()); uerror("pipe", Nothing); } Begin_roots2(readfd, writefd) readfd = win_alloc_handle(readh); writefd = win_alloc_handle(writeh); res = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(res, 0) = readfd; Field(res, 1) = writefd; End_roots(); return res; }
value caml_gr_dump_image(value image) { int width, height, i, j; XImage * idata, * imask; value m = Val_unit; Begin_roots2(image, m); caml_gr_check_open(); width = Width_im(image); height = Height_im(image); m = alloc(height, 0); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { value v = alloc(width, 0); modify(&Field(m, i), v); } idata = XGetImage(caml_gr_display, Data_im(image), 0, 0, width, height, (-1), ZPixmap); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) for (j = 0; j < width; j++) Field(Field(m, i), j) = Val_int(caml_gr_rgb_pixel(XGetPixel(idata, j, i))); XDestroyImage(idata); if (Mask_im(image) != None) { imask = XGetImage(caml_gr_display, Mask_im(image), 0, 0, width, height, 1, ZPixmap); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) for (j = 0; j < width; j++) if (XGetPixel(imask, j, i) == 0) Field(Field(m, i), j) = Val_int(Transparent); XDestroyImage(imask); } End_roots(); return m; }
CAMLprim value unix_select(value readfds, value writefds, value exceptfds, value timeout) { fd_set read, write, except; int maxfd; double tm; struct timeval tv; struct timeval * tvp; int retcode; value res; Begin_roots3 (readfds, writefds, exceptfds); maxfd = -1; fdlist_to_fdset(readfds, &read, &maxfd); fdlist_to_fdset(writefds, &write, &maxfd); fdlist_to_fdset(exceptfds, &except, &maxfd); tm = Double_val(timeout); if (tm < 0.0) tvp = (struct timeval *) NULL; else { tv.tv_sec = (int) tm; tv.tv_usec = (int) (1e6 * (tm - tv.tv_sec)); tvp = &tv; } enter_blocking_section(); retcode = select(maxfd + 1, &read, &write, &except, tvp); leave_blocking_section(); if (retcode == -1) uerror("select", Nothing); readfds = fdset_to_fdlist(readfds, &read); writefds = fdset_to_fdlist(writefds, &write); exceptfds = fdset_to_fdlist(exceptfds, &except); res = alloc_small(3, 0); Field(res, 0) = readfds; Field(res, 1) = writefds; Field(res, 2) = exceptfds; End_roots(); return res; }
CAMLprim value unix_single_write(value fd, value buf, value vofs, value vlen) { intnat ofs, len, written; DWORD numbytes, numwritten; char iobuf[UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD err = 0; Begin_root (buf); ofs = Long_val(vofs); len = Long_val(vlen); written = 0; if (len > 0) { numbytes = len > UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE ? UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE : len; memmove (iobuf, &Byte(buf, ofs), numbytes); if (Descr_kind_val(fd) == KIND_SOCKET) { int ret; SOCKET s = Socket_val(fd); enter_blocking_section(); ret = send(s, iobuf, numbytes, 0); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) err = WSAGetLastError(); leave_blocking_section(); numwritten = ret; } else { HANDLE h = Handle_val(fd); enter_blocking_section(); if (! WriteFile(h, iobuf, numbytes, &numwritten, NULL)) err = GetLastError(); leave_blocking_section(); } if (err) { win32_maperr(err); uerror("single_write", Nothing); } written = numwritten; } End_roots(); return Val_long(written); }
void unix_error(int errcode, char *cmdname, value cmdarg) { value res; value name = Val_unit, err = Val_unit, arg = Val_unit; int errconstr; Begin_roots3 (name, err, arg); arg = cmdarg == Nothing ? copy_string("") : cmdarg; name = copy_string(cmdname); err = unix_error_of_code (errcode); if (unix_error_exn == NULL) { unix_error_exn = caml_named_value("Unix.Unix_error"); if (unix_error_exn == NULL) invalid_argument("Exception Unix.Unix_error not initialized, please link unix.cma"); } res = alloc_small(4, 0); Field(res, 0) = *unix_error_exn; Field(res, 1) = err; Field(res, 2) = name; Field(res, 3) = arg; End_roots(); mlraise(res); }
static value alloc_process_status(int pid, int status) { value st, res; if (WIFEXITED(status)) { st = alloc_small(1, TAG_WEXITED); Field(st, 0) = Val_int(WEXITSTATUS(status)); } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { st = alloc_small(1, TAG_WSTOPPED); Field(st, 0) = Val_int(caml_rev_convert_signal_number(WSTOPSIG(status))); } else { st = alloc_small(1, TAG_WSIGNALED); Field(st, 0) = Val_int(caml_rev_convert_signal_number(WTERMSIG(status))); } Begin_root (st); res = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(res, 0) = Val_int(pid); Field(res, 1) = st; End_roots(); return res; }
CAMLprim value unix_recv(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len, value flags) { SOCKET s = Socket_val(sock); int flg = convert_flag_list(flags, msg_flag_table); int ret; intnat numbytes; char iobuf[UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD err = 0; Begin_root (buff); numbytes = Long_val(len); if (numbytes > UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE) numbytes = UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE; enter_blocking_section(); ret = recv(s, iobuf, (int) numbytes, flg); if (ret == -1) err = WSAGetLastError(); leave_blocking_section(); if (ret == -1) { win32_maperr(err); uerror("recv", Nothing); } memmove (&Byte(buff, Long_val(ofs)), iobuf, ret); End_roots(); return Val_int(ret); }
static void caml_zlib_error(char * fn, value vzs) { char * msg; value s1 = Val_unit, s2 = Val_unit, tuple = Val_unit, bucket = Val_unit; msg = ZStream_val(vzs)->msg; if (msg == NULL) msg = ""; if (caml_zlib_error_exn == NULL) { caml_zlib_error_exn = caml_named_value("Cryptokit.Error"); if (caml_zlib_error_exn == NULL) invalid_argument("Exception Cryptokit.Error not initialized"); } Begin_roots4(s1, s2, tuple, bucket); s1 = copy_string(fn); s2 = copy_string(msg); tuple = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(tuple, 0) = s1; Field(tuple, 1) = s2; bucket = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(bucket, 0) = *caml_zlib_error_exn; Field(bucket, 1) = tuple; End_roots(); mlraise(bucket); }
/* Initialisation, based on tkMain.c */ value camltk_opentk(value argv) /* ML */ { /* argv must contain argv[0], the application command name */ value tmp = Val_unit; char *argv0; Begin_root(tmp); if ( argv == Val_int(0) ){ failwith("camltk_opentk: argv is empty"); } argv0 = String_val( Field( argv, 0 ) ); if (!cltk_slave_mode) { /* Create an interpreter, dies if error */ #if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION >= 8 Tcl_FindExecutable(String_val(argv0)); #endif cltclinterp = Tcl_CreateInterp(); if (Tcl_Init(cltclinterp) != TCL_OK) tk_error(cltclinterp->result); Tcl_SetVar(cltclinterp, "argv0", String_val (argv0), TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); { /* Sets argv if needed */ int argc = 0; tmp = Field(argv, 1); /* starts from argv[1] */ while ( tmp != Val_int(0) ) { argc++; tmp = Field(tmp, 1); } if( argc != 0 ){ int i; char *args; char **tkargv; char argcstr[256]; tkargv = malloc( sizeof( char* ) * argc ); tmp = Field(argv, 1); /* starts from argv[1] */ i = 0; while ( tmp != Val_int(0) ) { tkargv[i] = String_val(Field(tmp, 0)); tmp = Field(tmp, 1); i++; } sprintf( argcstr, "%d", argc ); Tcl_SetVar(cltclinterp, "argc", argcstr, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); args = Tcl_Merge(argc, tkargv); /* args must be freed by Tcl_Free */ Tcl_SetVar(cltclinterp, "argv", args, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_Free(args); free( tkargv ); } } if (Tk_Init(cltclinterp) != TCL_OK) tk_error(cltclinterp->result); /* Retrieve the main window */ cltk_mainWindow = Tk_MainWindow(cltclinterp); if (NULL == cltk_mainWindow) tk_error(cltclinterp->result); Tk_GeometryRequest(cltk_mainWindow,200,200); } /* Create the camlcallback command */ Tcl_CreateCommand(cltclinterp, CAMLCB, CamlCBCmd, (ClientData)NULL,(Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *)NULL); /* This is required by "unknown" and thus autoload */ Tcl_SetVar(cltclinterp, "tcl_interactive", "0", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); /* Our hack for implementing break in callbacks */ Tcl_SetVar(cltclinterp, "BreakBindingsSequence", "0", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); /* Load the traditional rc file */ { char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home != NULL) { char *f = stat_alloc(strlen(home)+strlen(RCNAME)+2); f[0]='\0'; strcat(f, home); strcat(f, "/"); strcat(f, RCNAME); if (0 == access(f,R_OK)) if (TCL_OK != Tcl_EvalFile(cltclinterp,f)) { stat_free(f); tk_error(cltclinterp->result); }; stat_free(f); } } End_roots(); return Val_unit; }
CAMLprim value mlresolv_query(value vdname, value vclass, value vtype) { union { HEADER hdr; /* defined in resolv.h */ u_char buf[PACKETSZ]; /* defined in arpa/nameser.h */ } response; int rc; u_char *cp, *tcp; u_char *eom; char r_name[MAXDNAME+1]; u_short r_class; u_short r_type; u_int32_t r_ttl; u_short r_len; int ancount, qdcount; value vres = Val_emptylist; if(vtype == caml_hash_variant("PTR")) { int a, b, c, d; a = b = c = d = 0; sscanf(String_val(vdname), "%u.%u.%u.%u", &a, &b, &c, &d); sprintf(r_name, "", d, c, b, a); rc = res_query(r_name, mlvariant_to_c(rr_class, vclass), mlvariant_to_c(rr_type, vtype), (u_char*)&response, sizeof(response)); } else rc = res_query(String_val(vdname), mlvariant_to_c(rr_class, vclass), mlvariant_to_c(rr_type, vtype), (u_char*)&response, sizeof(response)); if (rc < 0) { switch (h_errno) { case NETDB_INTERNAL: mlresolv_error(errno); case HOST_NOT_FOUND: /* Authoritative Answer Host not found */ raise_constant(*mlresolv_host_not_found_exn); case TRY_AGAIN: /* Non-Authoritative Host not found, or SERVERFAIL */ raise_constant(*mlresolv_try_again_exn); case NO_RECOVERY: raise_constant(*mlresolv_no_recovery_exn); case NO_DATA: /* Valid name, no data record of requested type */ raise_constant(*mlresolv_no_data_exn); case NETDB_SUCCESS: /* no problem */ defaykt: failwith("res_query: unknown error"); } } cp = (u_char *)&response.buf + sizeof(HEADER); eom = (u_char *)&response.buf + rc; ancount = ntohs(response.hdr.ancount) + ntohs(response.hdr.nscount); qdcount = ntohs(response.hdr.qdcount); for (; (qdcount > 0) && (cp < eom); qdcount--) { rc = dn_skipname(cp, eom) + QFIXEDSZ; if(rc < 0) failwith("dn_skipname failed"); cp += rc; } for (; (ancount > 0) && (cp < eom); ancount--) { value vrdata, vfields = Val_unit; rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, cp, (void*)r_name, MAXDNAME); if(rc < 0) failwith("dn_expand1 failed"); cp += rc; NS_GET16(r_type, cp); NS_GET16(r_class, cp); NS_GET32(r_ttl, cp); NS_GET16(r_len, cp); if(cp + r_len > eom) /* is this check necessary? */ r_len = eom - cp; tcp = cp; switch(r_type) { case ns_t_a: /* if(r_class == ns_c_in || r_class == ns_c_hs) { */ if(INADDRSZ > r_len) vfields = copy_string(""); else { struct in_addr inaddr; char *address; bcopy(tcp, (char *)&inaddr, INADDRSZ); address = (char *)inet_ntoa(inaddr); vfields = copy_string(address); } break; case ns_t_cname: case ns_t_ns: case ns_t_mb: case ns_t_md: case ns_t_mf: case ns_t_mg: case ns_t_mr: case ns_t_ptr: case ns_t_nsap_ptr: { char r_name[MAXDNAME+1]; rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, cp, (void *) r_name, MAXDNAME); if(rc < 0) vfields = copy_string(""); else vfields = copy_string(r_name); break; } case ns_t_null: /* max up to 65535 */ vfields = caml_alloc_string(r_len); memmove(String_val(vfields), cp, r_len); break; case ns_t_txt: { int txtlen, rdata_len = r_len; value newcons, txt; vfields = Val_emptylist; while(tcp < eom && *tcp <= rdata_len) { txtlen = *tcp++; txt = caml_alloc_string(txtlen); memmove(String_val(txt), tcp, txtlen); tcp += txtlen; rdata_len -= txtlen+1; newcons = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(newcons, 0) = txt; Field(newcons, 1) = vfields; vfields = newcons; } break; } case ns_t_srv: if(INT16SZ * 3 <= r_len) { char r_name[MAXDNAME+1]; int prio, weight, port; NS_GET16(prio, tcp); NS_GET16(weight, tcp); NS_GET16(port, tcp); rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, (void *) r_name, MAXDNAME); vfields = alloc_small(4, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = Val_int(prio); Field(vfields, 1) = Val_int(weight); Field(vfields, 2) = Val_int(port); if(rc < 0) Field(vfields, 3) = copy_string(""); else Field(vfields, 3) = copy_string(r_name); } break; case ns_t_mx: case ns_t_rt: case ns_t_afsdb: if(INT16SZ <= r_len) { char r_name[MAXDNAME+1]; int prio; NS_GET16(prio, tcp); rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, (void *) r_name, MAXDNAME); vfields = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = Val_int(prio); if(rc < 0) Field(vfields, 1) = copy_string(""); else Field(vfields, 1) = copy_string(r_name); } break; case ns_t_soa: { char mname[MAXDNAME+1]; char rname[MAXDNAME+1]; u_int serial, minimum; int refresh, retry, expire; if((rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, (void *)mname, MAXDNAME)) < 0) break; tcp += rc; if((rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, (void *)rname, MAXDNAME)) < 0) break; tcp += rc; if (tcp - cp + INT32SZ * 5 > r_len) break; NS_GET32(serial, tcp); NS_GET32(refresh, tcp); NS_GET32(retry, tcp); NS_GET32(expire, tcp); NS_GET32(minimum, tcp); vfields = alloc_small(7, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = copy_string(mname); Field(vfields, 1) = copy_string(rname); Field(vfields, 2) = Val_int(serial); Field(vfields, 3) = Val_int(refresh); Field(vfields, 4) = Val_int(retry); Field(vfields, 5) = Val_int(expire); Field(vfields, 6) = Val_int(minimum); } break; case ns_t_minfo: { char rmailbx[MAXDNAME+1]; char emailbx[MAXDNAME+1]; if((rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, rmailbx, MAXDNAME)) < 0) break; tcp += rc; if((rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, emailbx, MAXDNAME)) < 0) break; vfields = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = copy_string(rmailbx); Field(vfields, 1) = copy_string(emailbx); } break; /* two strings */ case ns_t_hinfo: case ns_t_isdn: /* <ISDN-address> <sa> */ case ns_t_nsap: if(r_len > 0 && *tcp < r_len) { value str1; value str2; rc = *tcp++; if(r_type == ns_t_nsap) { int result = 0; for(; rc; rc--, tcp++) result += result * 10 + (*tcp - 0x38); str1 = Val_int(result); } else { str1 = caml_alloc_string(rc); memmove(String_val(str1), tcp, rc); tcp += rc; } if(rc + 1 > r_len && *tcp + rc + 2 >= r_len) { rc = *tcp++; str2 = caml_alloc_string(rc); memmove(String_val(str2), tcp, rc); } else str2 = copy_string(""); vfields = caml_alloc_small(2, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = str1; Field(vfields, 1) = str2; } break; case ns_t_wks: if(INADDRSZ + 1 <= r_len) { struct in_addr inaddr; char* address; u_short protocol; value bitmap; bcopy(tcp, (char *) &inaddr, INADDRSZ); address = (char*) inet_ntoa(inaddr); tcp += INADDRSZ; protocol = *tcp++; /* getprotobynumber(*cp) */ /* n = 0; while (cp < eom) { c = *cp++; do { if (c & 0200) { int port; port = htons((u_short)n); if (protocol != NULL) service = getservbyport(port, protocol->p_name); else service = NULL; if (service != NULL) doprintf((" %s", service->s_name)); else doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); } c <<= 1; } while (++n & 07); } doprintf((" )")); */ bitmap = caml_alloc_string(r_len - INADDRSZ - 1); memmove(String_val(bitmap), tcp, eom - tcp); vfields = alloc_small(4, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = copy_string(address); Field(vfields, 1) = Val_int(protocol); Field(vfields, 2) = bitmap; } break; case ns_t_rp: /* <mbox-dname> <txt-dname> */ { char rname1[MAXDNAME+1]; char rname2[MAXDNAME+1]; rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, rname1, MAXDNAME); if(rc < 0) break; tcp += rc; rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, rname2, MAXDNAME); if(rc < 0) break; vfields = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = copy_string(rname1); Field(vfields, 1) = copy_string(rname2); } break; case ns_t_x25: /* <PSDN-address> */ if(r_len > 0 && *tcp >= r_len) { rc = *tcp++; vfields = caml_alloc_string(rc); memmove(String_val(vfields), tcp, rc); } else vfields = copy_string(""); break; case ns_t_px: if(r_len > INT16SZ) { int pref; char rname1[MAXDNAME]; char rname2[MAXDNAME]; NS_GET16(pref, tcp); rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, rname1, MAXDNAME); if(rc < 0) break; tcp += rc; rc = dn_expand(response.buf, eom, tcp, rname2, MAXDNAME); if(rc < 0) break; tcp += rc; vfields = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = copy_string(rname1); Field(vfields, 1) = copy_string(rname2); } break; case ns_t_gpos: if(r_len > 0 && *tcp <= r_len) { float f1, f2, f3; char *tmp; rc = *tcp++; tmp = (char *) malloc(rc + 1); bcopy(tcp, tmp, rc); tmp[rc] = '\0'; f1 = atof(tmp); tcp += rc; if(tcp < eom && tcp + *tcp <= eom) { if(*tcp > rc) tmp = realloc(tmp, *tcp); rc = *tcp++; bcopy(tcp, tmp, rc); tmp[rc] = '\0'; f2 = atof(tmp); tcp += rc; } else f2 = 0.0; if(tcp < eom && tcp + *tcp <= eom) { if(*tcp > rc) tmp = realloc(tmp, *tcp); rc = *tcp++; bcopy(tcp, tmp, rc); tmp[rc] = '\0'; f3 = atof(tmp); tcp += rc; } else f3 = 0.0; free(tmp); vfields = alloc_small(3, 0); Field(vfields, 0) = copy_double((double)f1); Field(vfields, 1) = copy_double((double)f2); Field(vfields, 2) = copy_double((double)f3); } break; case ns_t_loc: failwith("LOC not implemented"); /* if(r_len > 0 && *tcp != 0) failwith("Invalid version in LOC RDATA"); if(r_len > 0) { rc = INT n = INT32SZ + 3*INT32SZ; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, n) < 0) break; c = _getlong(cp); cp += INT32SZ; n = _getlong(cp); doprintf(("\t%s ", pr_spherical(n, "N", "S"))); cp += INT32SZ; n = _getlong(cp); doprintf((" %s ", pr_spherical(n, "E", "W"))); cp += INT32SZ; n = _getlong(cp); doprintf((" %sm ", pr_vertical(n, "", "-"))); cp += INT32SZ; doprintf((" %sm", pr_precision((c >> 16) & 0xff))); doprintf((" %sm", pr_precision((c >> 8) & 0xff))); doprintf((" %sm", pr_precision((c >> 0) & 0xff))); break; */ /* case T_UID: case T_GID: if(INT32SZ <= r_len) NS_GET32(rc, cp); if (dlen == INT32SZ) { n = _getlong(cp); doprintf(("\t%s", dtoa(n))); cp += INT32SZ; } break; case T_UINFO: doprintf(("\t\"%s\"", stoa(cp, dlen, TRUE))); cp += dlen; break; case T_UNSPEC: cp += dlen; break; case T_AAAA: if (dlen == IPNGSIZE) { doprintf(("\t%s", ipng_ntoa(cp))); cp += IPNGSIZE; } break; case T_SIG: if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, INT16SZ) < 0) break; n = _getshort(cp); if (n >= T_FIRST && n <= T_LAST) doprintf(("\t%s", pr_type(n))); else doprintf(("\t%s", dtoa(n))); cp += INT16SZ; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, 1) < 0) break; n = *cp++; doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, 1) < 0) break; n = *cp++; doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); n = 3*INT32SZ + INT16SZ; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, n) < 0) break; doprintf((" (")); n = _getlong(cp); doprintf(("\n\t\t\t%s", dtoa(n))); doprintf(("\t\t;original ttl")); cp += INT32SZ; n = _getlong(cp); doprintf(("\n\t\t\t%s", pr_date(n))); doprintf(("\t;signature expiration")); cp += INT32SZ; n = _getlong(cp); doprintf(("\n\t\t\t%s", pr_date(n))); doprintf(("\t;signature inception")); cp += INT32SZ; n = _getshort(cp); doprintf(("\n\t\t\t%s", dtoa(n))); doprintf(("\t\t;key tag")); cp += INT16SZ; n = expand_name(rname, type, cp, msg, eom, dname); if (n < 0) break; doprintf(("\n\t\t\t%s", pr_name(dname))); cp += n; if (cp < eor) { register char *buf; register int size; n = eor - cp; buf = base_ntoa(cp, n); size = strlength(buf); cp += n; while ((n = (size > 64) ? 64 : size) > 0) { doprintf(("\n\t%s", stoa((u_char *)buf, n, FALSE))); buf += n; size -= n; } } doprintf(("\n\t\t\t)")); break; case T_KEY: if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, INT16SZ) < 0) break; n = _getshort(cp); doprintf(("\t0x%s", xtoa(n))); cp += INT16SZ; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, 1) < 0) break; n = *cp++; doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, 1) < 0) break; n = *cp++; doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); if (cp < eor) { register char *buf; register int size; n = eor - cp; buf = base_ntoa(cp, n); size = strlength(buf); cp += n; doprintf((" (")); while ((n = (size > 64) ? 64 : size) > 0) { doprintf(("\n\t%s", stoa((u_char *)buf, n, FALSE))); buf += n; size -= n; } doprintf(("\n\t\t\t)")); } break; case T_NXT: n = expand_name(rname, type, cp, msg, eom, dname); if (n < 0) break; doprintf(("\t%s", pr_name(dname))); cp += n; n = 0; while (cp < eor) { c = *cp++; do { if (c & 0200) { if (n >= T_FIRST && n <= T_LAST) doprintf((" %s", pr_type(n))); else doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); } c <<= 1; } while (++n & 07); } break; case T_NAPTR: if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, INT16SZ) < 0) break; n = _getshort(cp); doprintf(("\t%s", dtoa(n))); cp += INT16SZ; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, INT16SZ) < 0) break; n = _getshort(cp); doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); cp += INT16SZ; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, 1) < 0) break; n = *cp++; doprintf((" \"%s\"", stoa(cp, n, TRUE))); cp += n; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, 1) < 0) break; n = *cp++; doprintf((" \"%s\"", stoa(cp, n, TRUE))); cp += n; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, 1) < 0) break; n = *cp++; doprintf((" \"%s\"", stoa(cp, n, TRUE))); cp += n; n = expand_name(rname, type, cp, msg, eom, dname); if (n < 0) break; doprintf((" %s", pr_name(dname))); cp += n; break; case T_KX: if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, INT16SZ) < 0) break; n = _getshort(cp); doprintf(("\t%s", dtoa(n))); cp += INT16SZ; n = expand_name(rname, type, cp, msg, eom, dname); if (n < 0) break; doprintf((" %s", pr_name(dname))); cp += n; break; case T_CERT: if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, INT16SZ) < 0) break; n = _getshort(cp); doprintf(("\t%s", dtoa(n))); cp += INT16SZ; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, INT16SZ) < 0) break; n = _getshort(cp); doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); cp += INT16SZ; if (check_size(rname, type, cp, msg, eor, 1) < 0) break; n = *cp++; doprintf((" %s", dtoa(n))); if (cp < eor) { register char *buf; register int size; n = eor - cp; buf = base_ntoa(cp, n); size = strlength(buf); cp += n; doprintf((" (")); while ((n = (size > 64) ? 64 : size) > 0) { doprintf(("\n\t%s", stoa((u_char *)buf, n, FALSE))); buf += n; size -= n; } doprintf(("\n\t\t\t)")); } break; case T_EID: failwith("EID not implemented"); break; case T_NIMLOC: failwith("NIMLOC not implemented"); break; case T_ATMA: failwith("ATMA not implemented"); */ default: failwith("unknown RDATA type"); } if(vfields != Val_unit) { value vrecord, vrdata, newcons; Begin_root(vres); vrecord = alloc_small(5, 0); Field(vrecord, 0) = copy_string(r_name); Field(vrecord, 1) = c_to_mlvariant(rr_type, r_type); Field(vrecord, 2) = c_to_mlvariant(rr_class, r_class); Field(vrecord, 3) = Val_int(r_ttl); vrdata = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(vrdata, 0) = c_to_mlvariant(rr_type, r_type); Field(vrdata, 1) = vfields; Field(vrecord, 4) = vrdata; newcons = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(newcons, 0) = vrecord; Field(newcons, 1) = vres; vres = newcons; End_roots(); vrdata = Val_unit; } cp += r_len; } return vres; }
CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub0( intnat v_opt, value v_rex, intnat v_pos, intnat v_subj_start, value v_subj, value v_ovec, value v_maybe_cof, value v_workspace) { int ret; int is_dfa = v_workspace != (value) NULL; long pos = v_pos, len = caml_string_length(v_subj), subj_start = v_subj_start; long ovec_len = Wosize_val(v_ovec); if (pos > len || pos < subj_start) caml_invalid_argument("Pcre.pcre_exec_stub: illegal position"); if (subj_start > len || subj_start < 0) caml_invalid_argument("Pcre.pcre_exec_stub: illegal subject start"); pos -= subj_start; len -= subj_start; { const pcre *code = get_rex(v_rex); /* Compiled pattern */ const pcre_extra *extra = get_extra(v_rex); /* Extra info */ const char *ocaml_subj = String_val(v_subj) + subj_start; /* Subject string */ const int opt = v_opt; /* Runtime options */ /* Special case when no callout functions specified */ if (v_maybe_cof == None) { int *ovec = (int *) &Field(v_ovec, 0); /* Performs the match */ if (is_dfa) ret = pcre_dfa_exec(code, extra, ocaml_subj, len, pos, opt, ovec, ovec_len, (int *) &Field(v_workspace, 0), Wosize_val(v_workspace)); else ret = pcre_exec(code, extra, ocaml_subj, len, pos, opt, ovec, ovec_len); if (ret < 0) handle_exec_error("pcre_exec_stub", ret); else handle_pcre_exec_result(ovec, v_ovec, ovec_len, subj_start, ret); } /* There are callout functions */ else { value v_cof = Field(v_maybe_cof, 0); value v_substrings; char *subj = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(char) * len); int *ovec = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(int) * ovec_len); int workspace_len; int *workspace; struct cod cod = { 0, (value *) NULL, (value *) NULL, (value) NULL }; struct pcre_extra new_extra = #ifdef PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION # ifdef PCRE_EXTRA_MARK # ifdef PCRE_EXTRA_EXECUTABLE_JIT { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL }; # else { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }; # endif # else { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0 }; # endif #else { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL }; #endif cod.subj_start = subj_start; memcpy(subj, ocaml_subj, len); Begin_roots4(v_rex, v_cof, v_substrings, v_ovec); Begin_roots1(v_subj); v_substrings = caml_alloc_small(2, 0); End_roots(); Field(v_substrings, 0) = v_subj; Field(v_substrings, 1) = v_ovec; cod.v_substrings_p = &v_substrings; cod.v_cof_p = &v_cof; new_extra.callout_data = &cod; if (extra != NULL) { new_extra.flags = PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA | extra->flags; new_extra.study_data = extra->study_data; new_extra.match_limit = extra->match_limit; new_extra.tables = extra->tables; #ifdef PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION new_extra.match_limit_recursion = extra->match_limit_recursion; #endif } if (is_dfa) { workspace_len = Wosize_val(v_workspace); workspace = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(int) * workspace_len); ret = pcre_dfa_exec(code, extra, subj, len, pos, opt, ovec, ovec_len, (int *) &Field(v_workspace, 0), workspace_len); } else ret = pcre_exec(code, &new_extra, subj, len, pos, opt, ovec, ovec_len); caml_stat_free(subj); End_roots(); if (ret < 0) { if (is_dfa) caml_stat_free(workspace); caml_stat_free(ovec); if (ret == PCRE_ERROR_CALLOUT) caml_raise(cod.v_exn); else handle_exec_error("pcre_exec_stub(callout)", ret); } else { handle_pcre_exec_result(ovec, v_ovec, ovec_len, subj_start, ret); if (is_dfa) { caml_int_ptr ocaml_workspace_dst = (caml_int_ptr) &Field(v_workspace, 0); const int *workspace_src = workspace; const int *workspace_src_stop = workspace + workspace_len; while (workspace_src != workspace_src_stop) { *ocaml_workspace_dst = *workspace_src; ocaml_workspace_dst++; workspace_src++; } caml_stat_free(workspace); } caml_stat_free(ovec); } } } return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub( intnat v_opt, value v_rex, intnat v_pos, intnat v_subj_start, value v_subj, value v_ovec, value v_maybe_cof) { return pcre_exec_stub0(v_opt, v_rex, v_pos, v_subj_start, v_subj, v_ovec, v_maybe_cof, (value) NULL); } /* Byte-code hook for pcre_exec_stub Needed, because there are more than 5 arguments */ CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub_bc(value *argv, int __unused argn) { return pcre_exec_stub0( Int_val(argv[0]), argv[1], Int_val(argv[2]), Int_val(argv[3]), argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], (value) NULL); } /* Byte-code hook for pcre_dfa_exec_stub Needed, because there are more than 5 arguments */ CAMLprim value pcre_dfa_exec_stub_bc(value *argv, int __unused argn) { return pcre_exec_stub0( Int_val(argv[0]), argv[1], Int_val(argv[2]), Int_val(argv[3]), argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7]); } static struct custom_operations tables_ops = { "pcre_ocaml_tables", pcre_dealloc_tables, custom_compare_default, custom_hash_default, custom_serialize_default, custom_deserialize_default, custom_compare_ext_default }; /* Generates a new set of chartables for the current locale (see man page of PCRE */ CAMLprim value pcre_maketables_stub(value __unused v_unit) { /* GC will do a full cycle every 1_000_000 table set allocations (one table set consumes 864 bytes -> maximum of 864_000_000 bytes unreclaimed table sets) */ const value v_tables = caml_alloc_custom( &tables_ops, sizeof(struct pcre_ocaml_tables), 1, 1000000); set_tables(v_tables, pcre_maketables()); return v_tables; } /* Wraps around the isspace-function */ CAMLprim value pcre_isspace_stub(value v_c) { return Val_bool(isspace(Int_val(v_c))); } /* Returns number of substring associated with a name */ CAMLprim intnat pcre_get_stringnumber_stub(value v_rex, value v_name) { const int ret = pcre_get_stringnumber(get_rex(v_rex), String_val(v_name)); if (ret == PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING) caml_invalid_argument("Named string not found"); return ret; } CAMLprim value pcre_get_stringnumber_stub_bc(value v_rex, value v_name) { return Val_int(pcre_get_stringnumber_stub(v_rex, v_name)); } /* Returns array of names of named substrings in a regexp */ CAMLprim value pcre_names_stub(value v_rex) { CAMLparam0(); CAMLlocal1(v_res); int name_count; int entry_size; const char *tbl_ptr; int i; int ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT, &name_count); if (ret != 0) raise_internal_error("pcre_names_stub: namecount"); ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE, &entry_size); if (ret != 0) raise_internal_error("pcre_names_stub: nameentrysize"); ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE, &tbl_ptr); if (ret != 0) raise_internal_error("pcre_names_stub: nametable"); v_res = caml_alloc(name_count, 0); for (i = 0; i < name_count; ++i) { value v_name = caml_copy_string(tbl_ptr + 2); Store_field(v_res, i, v_name); tbl_ptr += entry_size; } CAMLreturn(v_res); } /* Generic stub for getting integer results from pcre_config */ static inline int pcre_config_int(int what) { int ret; pcre_config(what, (void *) &ret); return ret; } /* Generic stub for getting long integer results from pcre_config */ static inline int pcre_config_long(int what) { long ret; pcre_config(what, (void *) &ret); return ret; }
/* Executes a pattern match with runtime options, a regular expression, a string offset, a string length, a subject string, a number of subgroup offsets, an offset vector and an optional callout function */ CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub(value v_opt, value v_rex, value v_ofs, value v_subj, value v_subgroups2, value v_ovec, value v_maybe_cof) { const int ofs = Int_val(v_ofs), len = caml_string_length(v_subj); if (ofs > len || ofs < 0) caml_invalid_argument("Pcre.pcre_exec_stub: illegal offset"); { const pcre *code = (pcre *) Field(v_rex, 1); /* Compiled pattern */ const pcre_extra *extra = (pcre_extra *) Field(v_rex, 2); /* Extra info */ const char *ocaml_subj = String_val(v_subj); /* Subject string */ const int opt = Int_val(v_opt); /* Runtime options */ int subgroups2 = Int_val(v_subgroups2); const int subgroups2_1 = subgroups2 - 1; const int subgroups3 = (subgroups2 >> 1) + subgroups2; /* Special case when no callout functions specified */ if (v_maybe_cof == None) { int *ovec = (int *) &Field(v_ovec, 0); /* Performs the match */ const int ret = pcre_exec(code, extra, ocaml_subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); if (ret < 0) { switch(ret) { case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Not_found); case PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Partial); case PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_MatchLimit); case PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadPartial); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8 : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8Offset); default : caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_exec_stub"); } } else { const int *ovec_src = ovec + subgroups2_1; long int *ovec_dst = (long int *) ovec + subgroups2_1; /* Converts offsets from C-integers to OCaml-Integers This is a bit tricky, because there are 32- and 64-bit platforms around and OCaml chooses the larger possibility for representing integers when available (also in arrays) - not so the PCRE */ while (subgroups2--) { *ovec_dst = Val_int(*ovec_src); --ovec_src; --ovec_dst; } } } /* There are callout functions */ else { value v_cof = Field(v_maybe_cof, 0); value v_substrings; char *subj = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(char) * len); int *ovec = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(int) * subgroups3); int ret; struct cod cod = { (value *) NULL, (value *) NULL, (value) NULL }; struct pcre_extra new_extra = #ifdef PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0 }; #else { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL }; #endif memcpy(subj, ocaml_subj, len); Begin_roots3(v_rex, v_cof, v_substrings); Begin_roots2(v_subj, v_ovec); v_substrings = caml_alloc_small(2, 0); End_roots(); Field(v_substrings, 0) = v_subj; Field(v_substrings, 1) = v_ovec; cod.v_substrings_p = &v_substrings; cod.v_cof_p = &v_cof; new_extra.callout_data = &cod; if (extra == NULL) { ret = pcre_exec(code, &new_extra, subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); } else { new_extra.flags = PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA | extra->flags; new_extra.study_data = extra->study_data; new_extra.match_limit = extra->match_limit; new_extra.tables = extra->tables; #ifdef PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION new_extra.match_limit_recursion = extra->match_limit_recursion; #endif ret = pcre_exec(code, &new_extra, subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); } free(subj); End_roots(); if (ret < 0) { free(ovec); switch(ret) { case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Not_found); case PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Partial); case PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_MatchLimit); case PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadPartial); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8 : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8Offset); case PCRE_ERROR_CALLOUT : caml_raise(cod.v_exn); default : caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_exec_stub"); } } else { int *ovec_src = ovec + subgroups2_1; long int *ovec_dst = &Field(v_ovec, 0) + subgroups2_1; while (subgroups2--) { *ovec_dst = Val_int(*ovec_src); --ovec_src; --ovec_dst; } free(ovec); } } } return Val_unit; } /* Byte-code hook for pcre_exec_stub Needed, because there are more than 5 arguments */ CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub_bc(value *argv, int __unused argn) { return pcre_exec_stub(argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]); } /* Generates a new set of chartables for the current locale (see man page of PCRE */ CAMLprim value pcre_maketables_stub(value __unused v_unit) { /* GC will do a full cycle every 100 table set allocations (one table set consumes 864 bytes -> maximum of 86400 bytes unreclaimed table sets) */ const value v_res = caml_alloc_final(2, pcre_dealloc_tables, 864, 86400); Field(v_res, 1) = (value) pcre_maketables(); return v_res; } /* Wraps around the isspace-function */ CAMLprim value pcre_isspace_stub(value v_c) { return Val_bool(isspace(Int_val(v_c))); } /* Returns number of substring associated with a name */ CAMLprim value pcre_get_stringnumber_stub(value v_rex, value v_name) { const int ret = pcre_get_stringnumber((pcre *) Field(v_rex, 1), String_val(v_name)); if (ret == PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING) caml_invalid_argument("Named string not found"); return Val_int(ret); } /* Returns array of names of named substrings in a regexp */ CAMLprim value pcre_names_stub(value v_rex) { CAMLparam0(); CAMLlocal1(v_res); int name_count; int entry_size; const char *tbl_ptr; int i; int ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT, &name_count); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE, &entry_size); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE, &tbl_ptr); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); v_res = caml_alloc(name_count, 0); for (i = 0; i < name_count; ++i) { value v_name = caml_copy_string(tbl_ptr + 2); Store_field(v_res, i, v_name); tbl_ptr += entry_size; } CAMLreturn(v_res); }
CAMLexport value unix_getsockopt_aux(char * name, enum option_type ty, int level, int option, value socket) { union option_value optval; socklen_param_type optsize; switch (ty) { case TYPE_BOOL: case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_UNIX_ERROR: optsize = sizeof(optval.i); break; case TYPE_LINGER: optsize = sizeof(optval.lg); break; case TYPE_TIMEVAL: optsize = sizeof(; break; default: unix_error(EINVAL, name, Nothing); } if (getsockopt(Int_val(socket), level, option, (void *) &optval, &optsize) == -1) uerror(name, Nothing); switch (ty) { case TYPE_BOOL: return Val_bool(optval.i); case TYPE_INT: return Val_int(optval.i); case TYPE_LINGER: if (optval.lg.l_onoff == 0) { return Val_int(0); /* None */ } else { value res = alloc_small(1, 0); /* Some */ Init_field(res, 0, Val_int(optval.lg.l_linger)); return res; } case TYPE_TIMEVAL: return copy_double((double) + (double) / 1e6); case TYPE_UNIX_ERROR: if (optval.i == 0) { return Val_int(0); /* None */ } else { value err, res; err = unix_error_of_code(optval.i); Begin_root(err); res = alloc_small(1, 0); /* Some */ Init_field(res, 0, err); End_roots(); return res; } default: unix_error(EINVAL, name, Nothing); } }
static void uwt_udp_recv_own_cb(uv_udp_t* handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf, const struct sockaddr* addr, unsigned int flags) { HANDLE_CB_INIT_WITH_CLEAN(uh, handle); value exn = Val_unit; #ifndef UWT_NO_COPY_READ bool buf_not_cleaned = true; const int read_ba = uh->use_read_ba; #else (void) buf; #endif if ( uh->close_called == 0 && (nread != 0 || addr != NULL) ){ /* nread == 0 && addr == NULL only means we need to clear the buffer */ assert ( uh->cb_read != CB_INVALID ); value param; if ( nread < 0 ){ param = caml_alloc_small(1,Error_tag); Field(param,0) = Val_uwt_error(nread); } else { value triple = Val_unit; value sockaddr = Val_unit; param = Val_unit; Begin_roots3(triple,sockaddr,param); value is_partial; if ( addr != NULL ){ param = uwt__alloc_sockaddr(addr); if ( param != Val_unit ){ sockaddr = caml_alloc_small(1,Some_tag); Field(sockaddr,0) = param; } } if ( flags & UV_UDP_PARTIAL ){ is_partial = Val_long(1); } else { is_partial = Val_long(0); } #ifndef UWT_NO_COPY_READ if ( nread != 0 && read_ba == 0 ){ value o = Field(GET_CB_VAL(uh->cb_read),0); memcpy(String_val(o) + uh->x.obuf_offset, buf->base, nread); } #endif triple = caml_alloc_small(3,0); Field(triple,0) = Val_long(nread); Field(triple,1) = is_partial; Field(triple,2) = sockaddr; param = caml_alloc_small(1,Ok_tag); Field(param,0) = triple; End_roots(); } #ifndef UWT_NO_COPY_READ if ( buf->base && read_ba == 0 ){ buf_not_cleaned = false; uwt__free_uv_buf_t_const(buf); } #endif uh->can_reuse_cb_read = 1; uh->read_waiting = 0; uh->in_use_cnt--; exn = Field(GET_CB_VAL(uh->cb_read),1); uwt__gr_unregister(&uh->cb_read); exn = caml_callback2_exn(*uwt__global_wakeup,exn,param); if ( uh->close_called == 0 && uh->can_reuse_cb_read == 1 ){ uv_udp_recv_stop(handle); uh->can_reuse_cb_read = 0; } } #ifndef UWT_NO_COPY_READ if ( read_ba == 0 && buf_not_cleaned && buf->base ){ uwt__free_uv_buf_t_const(buf); } #endif HANDLE_CB_RET(exn); }