Пример #1
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandVRaptor::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
  // CCommandVRaptor::RunCommand() is called when the user runs the "VRaptor"
  // command or the "VRaptor" command is run by a history operation.

  // TODO: Add command code here.

  // Rhino command that display a dialog box interface should also support
  // a command-line, or scriptable interface.

  ON_wString wStr;
  wStr.Format( L"The raptor is slumbering.\n", EnglishCommandName() );
	  RhinoApp().Print( wStr );

  wStr.Format( L"another one.\n", EnglishCommandName() );
	  RhinoApp().Print( wStr );

  // TODO: Return one of the following values:
  //   CRhinoCommand::success:  The command worked.
  //   CRhinoCommand::failure:  The command failed because of invalid input, inability
  //                            to compute the desired result, or some other reason
  //                            computation reason.
  //   CRhinoCommand::cancel:   The user interactively canceled the command 
  //                            (by pressing ESCAPE, clicking a CANCEL button, etc.)
  //                            in a Get operation, dialog, time consuming computation, etc.

  return CRhinoCommand::success;
Пример #2
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandExposeSdk::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
  // CCommandExposeSdk::RunCommand() is called when the user runs the "ExposeSdk"
  // command or the "ExposeSdk" command is run by a history operation.

  // TODO: Add command code here.

  // Rhino command that display a dialog box interface should also support
  // a command-line, or scriptable interface.

  ON_wString wStr;
  wStr.Format( L"The \"%s\" command is under construction.\n", EnglishCommandName() );
  if( context.IsInteractive() )
    RhinoMessageBox( wStr, PlugIn()->PlugInName(), MB_OK );
	  RhinoApp().Print( wStr );

  // TODO: Return one of the following values:
  //   CRhinoCommand::success:  The command worked.
  //   CRhinoCommand::failure:  The command failed because of invalid input, inability
  //                            to compute the desired result, or some other reason
  //                            computation reason.
  //   CRhinoCommand::cancel:   The user interactively canceled the command 
  //                            (by pressing ESCAPE, clicking a CANCEL button, etc.)
  //                            in a Get operation, dialog, time consuming computation, etc.

  return CRhinoCommand::success;
Пример #3
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandVRCreateViews::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
	AFX_MANAGE_STATE( ::RhinoApp().RhinoModuleState() ); // dunno, from example

	ON_wString wStr;
	wStr.Format( L"READY SET\n", EnglishCommandName() );
	RhinoApp().Print( wStr );

	ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoView*> viewList; // don't know what is up with* this*
	ON_SimpleArray<ON_UUID> viewportIds;
	CRhinoView* lView = 0;
	CRhinoView* rView = 0;
	ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoView*> lrViews; // will contain our vr views
	int i = 0; // also use this in loops
	int lr = 0; // use to track 1st and 2nd find

	// builds a list of (current) viewport IDs
	context.m_doc.GetViewList( viewList, true, false );
	for ( i = 0; i < viewList.Count(); i ++)
		CRhinoView* tempView = viewList[i]; // pull view out -> this is redeclared here, in sample, but not in second loop
		if (tempView)
			viewportIds.Append( tempView->ActiveViewportID() );
	viewList.Empty(); // empty bc we are going to re-build later when new views

	context.m_doc.NewView( ON_3dmView() );
	context.m_doc.NewView( ON_3dmView() ); // we will build two

	// find viewport UUID just created
	context.m_doc.GetViewList( viewList, true, false);
	for (i = 0; i < viewList.Count(); i++)
		CRhinoView* tempView = viewList[i];
		if (tempView)
			int rc = viewportIds.Search( tempView->ActiveViewportID() ); // returns index of 1st element which satisfies search. returns -1 when no such item found
			if (rc < 0 ) // if current tempView did not exist prior to this running
				if (lr > 0) // and if lr already found 1
					rView = tempView; // right is 2nd view we find 
				// so this breaks when we find, and lView is left as the viewList[i] where we found the new viewport, whose ID was not in our list.
				// and we are left with lView being = viewList[i] at new view
				if (lr == 0)
					lView = tempView; // left is 1st view
					lr = 1;

				tempView = 0; // reset lView to null and re-loop


	// init points
	ON_3dPoint locationL = ON_3dPoint(100.0,100.0,100.0);
	ON_3dPoint locationR = ON_3dPoint(100.0,165.1,100.0);
	ON_3dPoint targetSetup = ON_3dPoint(0,0,0);

	if (lView && rView)
		for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
			// 			RhinoApp().ActiveView()->
			ON_3dmView onView = lrViews[i]->ActiveViewport().View();

			if(i == 0)
				onView.m_name = L"lView";
				//lrViews[i]->MoveWindow(0,0,VR().resolution.w/2,VR().resolution.h, true);
			if(i == 1)
				onView.m_name = L"rView";
				//lrViews[i]->MoveWindow(960,0,VR().resolution.w/2,VR().resolution.h, true);

	VR().lView = lView;
	VR().rView = rView;

	ON_wString SYNC;
	RhinoApp().Print( SYNC );

	if (vrConduit.IsEnabled()
	&& ::IsWindow( vrConduit.m_hWnd1 )
	&& ::IsWindow( vrConduit.m_hWnd2 ) ) // if is already enabled ?
		vrConduit.m_pView1 = 0;
		vrConduit.m_pView2 = 0;
		vrConduit.m_pView1 = lView;
		vrConduit.m_pView2 = rView;
		vrConduit.m_hWnd1 = vrConduit.m_pView1->m_hWnd;
		vrConduit.m_hWnd2 = vrConduit.m_pView2->m_hWnd;

		SyncVR(lView, rView); // ok it runs once. we should also set them up perspective & looking at 0,0

		vrConduit.Bind( *lView );
		vrConduit.Bind( *rView );


	// but do not update names immediately; have to refresh somehow

	// now re-name update positions outside of loop: continuously
	// bring in OVR Tracking and assign to VR Viewports
	// then, orbit?

	return CRhinoCommand::success;