// Purpose: Update all envelopes and send appropriate data to the client
// Input  : time - new global clock
//			deltaTime - amount of time that has passed
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CSoundPatch::Update( float time, float deltaTime )
	if ( m_shutdownTime && time > m_shutdownTime )
		return false;

	if ( EntIndex() < 0 )
		// FIXME:  The pointer to this soundpatch is probably leaked since no entity is around to clean it up (ywb)
		Warning( "CSoundPatch::Update:  Removing CSoundPatch (%s) with NULL EHandle\n", STRING(m_iszSoundName) );
		return false;

	if ( m_pitch.ShouldUpdate() )
		m_pitch.Update( deltaTime );
		m_flags |= SND_CHANGE_PITCH;
		m_flags &= ~SND_CHANGE_PITCH;

	if ( m_volume.ShouldUpdate() )
		m_volume.Update( deltaTime );
		m_flags |= SND_CHANGE_VOL;
		m_flags &= ~SND_CHANGE_VOL;

	if ( m_flags && m_Filter.IsActive() )
		// SoundPatches take volumes between 0 & 1, and use that to multiply the sounds.txt specified volume.
		// Because of this, we need to always set the SND_CHANGE_VOL flag when we emit sound, or it'll use the scriptfile's instead.
		m_flags |= SND_CHANGE_VOL;
		CBaseEntity::EmitSound( m_Filter, EntIndex(), m_entityChannel, STRING(m_iszSoundName), 
			GetVolumeForEngine(), m_soundlevel, m_flags, (int)m_pitch.Value() );
		m_flags = 0;

	return true;
// Purpose: resumes playing the sound on restore
void CSoundPatch::ResumeSound( void )
	if ( IsPlaying() && m_Filter.IsActive() )
		CBaseEntity::EmitSound( m_Filter, EntIndex(), m_entityChannel, STRING( m_iszSoundName ), 
			GetVolumeForEngine(), m_soundlevel, SND_CHANGE_VOL | SND_CHANGE_PITCH, (int)m_pitch.Value() );
// Purpose: A new player's entered the game. See if we need to restart our sound.
void CSoundPatch::AddPlayerPost( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
	if ( m_Filter.IsActive() && m_Filter.AddRecipient(pPlayer) )
		// Alrighty, he's new. We need to restart our sound just to him.
		// Create a new filter just to him.
		CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pPlayer );
		CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, EntIndex(), m_entityChannel, STRING( m_iszSoundName ), 
			GetVolumeForEngine(), m_soundlevel, SND_CHANGE_VOL, (int)m_pitch.Value() );
// Purpose: Start playing the sound - send updates to the client
void CSoundPatch::StartSound( void )
//	Msg( "Start sound %s\n", m_pszSoundName );
	m_flags = 0;
	if ( m_Filter.IsActive() )
		CBaseEntity::EmitSound( m_Filter, EntIndex(), m_entityChannel, STRING( m_iszSoundName ), 
			GetVolumeForEngine(), m_soundlevel, SND_CHANGE_VOL, (int)m_pitch.Value() );
	m_isPlaying = true;
// Purpose: Stop the sound
void CSoundPatch::Shutdown( void )
//	Msg( "Removing sound %s\n", m_pszSoundName );
	if ( m_isPlaying )
		int entIndex = EntIndex();
		Assert( entIndex >= 0 );
		// BUGBUG: Don't crash in release mode
		if ( entIndex >= 0 )
			CBaseEntity::StopSound( entIndex, m_entityChannel, STRING( m_iszSoundName ) );
		m_isPlaying = false;
Пример #6
void ctx_t::Globals::remove_shot( IGameEvent * event ) {
	auto local_player = static_cast< player_t * >(g_csgo.m_entitylist()->GetClientEntity(g_csgo.m_engine()->GetLocalPlayer()));

	if ( !g_ctx.m_local )

	if ( !strcmp( event->GetName( ), "player_hurt" ) ) {
			attackerid = g_csgo.m_engine( )->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "attacker" ) ),
			userid = g_csgo.m_engine( )->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "userid" ) );

		if (!local_player)

		if ( attackerid != local_player->EntIndex( ) )

		if ( event->GetInt( "hitgroup" ) != 1 )

		missed_shots[ userid ] = 0;