Пример #1
int EntryProc_db_apply( struct entry_proc_op_t *p_op, lmgr_t * p_lmgr )
    int            rc;
    const pipeline_stage_t *stage_info = &entry_proc_pipeline[p_op->pipeline_stage];
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf( "stage %s - record #%u - id=[%llu,%u] - thread %lx\n",
            stage_info->stage_name, ( unsigned int ) p_op->entry_id.f_ver,
            p_op->entry_id.f_seq, p_op->entry_id.f_oid, pthread_self(  ) );

#ifdef _HAVE_FID
    if ( p_op->entry_id.f_ver % ( NB_OP_ENQUEUE / 10 ) == 0 )
        EntryProcessor_DumpCurrentStages(  );

    /* simulate slow DB query */
    usleep( 1000 );

#ifdef _HAVE_FID
    if ( ( unsigned int ) p_op->entry_id.f_ver == NB_OP_ENQUEUE - 1 )
        exit( 0 );

    /* acknowledge */
    rc = EntryProcessor_Acknowledge( p_op, 0, TRUE );
    if ( rc )
        printf( "Error acknowledging stage %s\n", stage_info->stage_name );

    return 0;
Пример #2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int            i, rc;
    pthread_t      enqueuer;
    void          *dummy;
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    robinhood_config_t config;
    char           err_msg[2048];

    srand( time( NULL ) + getpid(  ) );

    if ( argc < 2 )
        fprintf( stderr, "Usage : test_entry_proc <config_file>\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    /* only parse config for mandatory module */
    if ( ReadRobinhoodConfig( MODULE_MASK_ENTRY_PROCESSOR, argv[1], err_msg, &config ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Error reading configuration:\n%s\n", err_msg );
        exit( 1 );

    InitializeLogs( "test_entry_proc", &config.log_config );

    rc = ListMgr_Init( &config.lmgr_config );
    if ( rc )
        exit( rc );

    /* this starts work threads */
    if ( EntryProcessor_Init( &config.entry_proc_config ) )
        printf( "init error" );
        return -1;

    pthread_attr_init( &attr );
    pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr, 32 * 4096 );
    pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM );

    /* create enqueue thread */
    pthread_create( &enqueuer, &attr, enqueue_thread, NULL );

    while ( 1 )                 /* exit is done by db_apply thread */
        sleep( 2 );
        EntryProcessor_DumpCurrentStages(  );

    /* wait for enqueuer thread */
    pthread_join( enqueuer, &dummy );

    return 0;
Пример #3
int EntryProc_db_apply( struct entry_proc_op_t *p_op, lmgr_t * lmgr )
    int            rc;
    const pipeline_stage_t *stage_info = &entry_proc_pipeline[p_op->pipeline_stage];
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf( "stage %s - record #%u - id=[%llu,%u] - thread %lx\n",
            stage_info->stage_name, ( unsigned int ) p_op->entry_id.f_ver,
            p_op->entry_id.f_seq, p_op->entry_id.f_oid, pthread_self(  ) );

#ifdef _HAVE_FID
    if ( p_op->entry_id.f_ver % ( NB_OP_ENQUEUE / 10 ) == 0 )
        EntryProcessor_DumpCurrentStages(  );

    /* insert to DB */
    switch ( p_op->db_op_type )
    case OP_TYPE_INSERT:
        rc = ListMgr_Insert( lmgr, &p_op->entry_id, &p_op->entry_attr );
    case OP_TYPE_UPDATE:
        rc = ListMgr_Update( lmgr, &p_op->entry_id, &p_op->entry_attr );
        printf( "unhandled\n" );
        rc = -1;
    if ( rc )
        printf( "ERROR: ListMgr operation returned %d\n", rc );

#ifdef _HAVE_FID
    if ( ( unsigned int ) p_op->entry_id.f_ver == NB_OP_ENQUEUE - 1 )
        exit( 0 );

    if ( p_op->callback_func )
        p_op->callback_func( lmgr, p_op, p_op->callback_param );

    /* acknoledge */
    rc = EntryProcessor_Acknowledge( p_op, 0, TRUE );
    if ( rc )
        printf( "Error acknowledging stage %s\n", stage_info->stage_name );

    return 0;
Пример #4
int EntryProc_get_attr( struct entry_proc_op_t *p_op, lmgr_t * p_lmgr )
    int            rc;
    entry_id_t     id;
    const pipeline_stage_t *stage_info = &entry_proc_pipeline[p_op->pipeline_stage];

    /* set id */
#ifdef _HAVE_FID
    id.f_seq = myrand( 1000 );
    id.f_oid = myrand( 1000 );
    id.f_ver = p_op->extra_info.log_record.record_id;
    id.device = myrand( 1000 );
    id.inode = myrand( 1000 );
    EntryProcessor_SetEntryId( p_op, &id );

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf( "stage %s - record #%u - id=[%llu,%u] - thread %lx\n",
            stage_info->stage_name, ( unsigned int ) p_op->entry_id.f_ver,
            p_op->entry_id.f_seq, p_op->entry_id.f_oid, pthread_self(  ) );

    EntryProcessor_DumpCurrentStages(  );

    /* acknowledge */
    rc = EntryProcessor_Acknowledge( p_op, p_op->pipeline_stage + 1, FALSE );
    if ( rc )
        printf( "Error acknowledging stage %s\n", stage_info->stage_name );

    /* if processing is async, simulate a long operation */
    if ( stage_info->stage_flags & STAGE_FLAG_ASYNC )
        /* do this for 1 entry out of 1000 */
        if ( myrand( 1000 ) == 0 )
            usleep( 10000 );
            DisplayLog( LVL_DEBUG, "CheckExist", "End of async processing for stage %s",
                        stage_info->stage_name );

    return 0;
Пример #5
static void dump_stats( lmgr_t * lmgr )
        char           tmp_buff[256];
        time_t         now;
        struct tm      date;

        now = time( NULL );
        strftime( tmp_buff, 256, "%Y/%m/%d %T", localtime_r( &now, &date ) );

        DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, "STATS",
                    "==================== Dumping stats at %s =====================", tmp_buff );
        DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, "STATS", "Diff start time: %s", start_time_str );


        /* Flush stats */
        FlushLogs(  );
Пример #6
int EntryProc_check_exist( struct entry_proc_op_t *p_op, lmgr_t * p_lmgr )
    int            rc;
    const pipeline_stage_t *stage_info = &entry_proc_pipeline[p_op->pipeline_stage];
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf( "stage %s - record #%u - id=[%llu,%u] - thread %lx\n",
            stage_info->stage_name, ( unsigned int ) p_op->entry_id.f_ver,
            p_op->entry_id.f_seq, p_op->entry_id.f_oid, pthread_self(  ) );

    EntryProcessor_DumpCurrentStages(  );

    /* acknowledge */
    /* and randomly return 1 entry out of 100 */
    if ( myrand( 100 ) == 0 )
        rc = EntryProcessor_Acknowledge( p_op, p_op->pipeline_stage + 1, TRUE );
        if ( rc )
            printf( "Error acknowledging stage %s\n", stage_info->stage_name );
        return rc;
        rc = EntryProcessor_Acknowledge( p_op, p_op->pipeline_stage + 1, FALSE );
        if ( rc )
            printf( "Error acknowledging stage %s\n", stage_info->stage_name );

    /* if processing is async, simulate a long operation */
    if ( stage_info->stage_flags & STAGE_FLAG_ASYNC )
        /* do this for 1 entry out of 1000 */
        if ( myrand( 1000 ) == 0 )
            usleep( 100000 );
            DisplayLog( LVL_DEBUG, "CheckExist", "End of async processing for stage %s",
                        stage_info->stage_name );

    return 0;
Пример #7
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int            i;
    pthread_t      worker[NB_WORKER];
    void          *dummy;
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    robinhood_config_t config;
    char           err_msg[2048];

    srand( time( NULL ) + getpid(  ) );

    if ( argc < 2 )
        fprintf( stderr, "Usage : test_fs_scan <config_file>\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    /* Initilize uidgid cache */
    if ( InitUidGid_Cache(  ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Error initializing uid/gid cache\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    /* only parse config for mandatory module */
    if ( ReadRobinhoodConfig
         ( MODULE_MASK_ENTRY_PROCESSOR | MODULE_MASK_INFO_COLLECTOR, argv[1], err_msg, &config ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Error reading configuration:\n%s\n", err_msg );
        exit( 1 );

    /* set global configuration */
    global_config = config.global_config;

    /* set policies */
    purge_policy = config.purge_policy;

    InitializeLogs( "test_fs_scan", &config.log_config );

    /* Initialise List Mgr */
    if ( ListMgr_Init( &config.lmgr_config ) )
        printf( "List Mgr init error" );
        return -1;

    /* Initialise Pipeline */
    if ( EntryProcessor_Init( &config.entry_proc_config ) )
        printf( "Pipeline init error" );
        return -1;

    /* Start info collectors */
    if ( Start_Info_Collectors( &config.info_collect_config ) )
        printf( "Info collector init error" );
        return -1;

    pthread_attr_init( &attr );
    pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr, 32 * 4096 );
    pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM );

    while ( 1 )                 /* exit is done by db_apply thread */
        sleep( 30 );
        EntryProcessor_DumpCurrentStages(  );
        Dump_Info_Collectors_Stats(  );

    for ( i = 0; i < NB_WORKER; i++ )
        pthread_join( worker[i], &dummy );
    return 0;