Пример #1
void EnvisatDataset::CollectADSMetadata()
    int nDSIndex, nNumDsr, nDSRSize;
    int nRecord;
    const char *pszDSName, *pszDSType, *pszDSFilename;
    const char *pszProduct;
    char *pszRecord;
    char szPrefix[128], szKey[128], szValue[1024];
    int i;
    CPLErr ret;
    const EnvisatRecordDescr *pRecordDescr = NULL;
    const EnvisatFieldDescr *pField;

    pszProduct = EnvisatFile_GetKeyValueAsString( hEnvisatFile, MPH,
                                                  "PRODUCT", "" );

    for( nDSIndex = 0;
         EnvisatFile_GetDatasetInfo( hEnvisatFile, nDSIndex,
                                     (char **) &pszDSName,
                                     (char **) &pszDSType,
                                     (char **) &pszDSFilename,
                                     NULL, NULL,
                                     &nNumDsr, &nDSRSize ) == SUCCESS;
         ++nDSIndex )
        if( EQUALN(pszDSFilename,"NOT USED",8) || (nNumDsr <= 0) )
        if( !EQUAL(pszDSType,"A") && !EQUAL(pszDSType,"G") )

        for ( nRecord = 0; nRecord < nNumDsr; ++nRecord )
            strncpy( szPrefix, pszDSName, sizeof(szPrefix) - 1);
            szPrefix[sizeof(szPrefix) - 1] = '\0';

            // strip trailing spaces
            for( i = strlen(szPrefix)-1; i && szPrefix[i] == ' '; --i )
                szPrefix[i] = '\0';

            // convert spaces into underscores
            for( i = 0; szPrefix[i] != '\0'; i++ )
                if( szPrefix[i] == ' ' )
                    szPrefix[i] = '_';

            pszRecord = (char *) CPLMalloc(nDSRSize+1);

            if( EnvisatFile_ReadDatasetRecord( hEnvisatFile, nDSIndex, nRecord,
                                               pszRecord ) == FAILURE )
                CPLFree( pszRecord );

            pRecordDescr = EnvisatFile_GetRecordDescriptor(pszProduct, pszDSName);
            if (pRecordDescr)
                pField = pRecordDescr->pFields;
                while ( pField && pField->szName )
                    ret = EnvisatFile_GetFieldAsString(pszRecord, nDSRSize,
                                           pField, szValue);
                    if ( ret == CE_None )
                        if (nNumDsr == 1)
                            sprintf(szKey, "%s_%s", szPrefix, pField->szName);
                            // sprintf(szKey, "%s_%02d_%s", szPrefix, nRecord,
                            sprintf(szKey, "%s_%d_%s", szPrefix, nRecord,
                        SetMetadataItem(szKey, szValue, "RECORDS");
                    // silently ignore conversion errors

            CPLFree( pszRecord );
Пример #2
void EnvisatDataset::ScanForGCPs_ASAR()

    int		nDatasetIndex, nNumDSR, nDSRSize, iRecord;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a meaningful geolocation grid?                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nDatasetIndex = EnvisatFile_GetDatasetIndex( hEnvisatFile,
                                                 "GEOLOCATION GRID ADS" );
    if( nDatasetIndex == -1 )

    if( EnvisatFile_GetDatasetInfo( hEnvisatFile, nDatasetIndex,
                                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                    &nNumDSR, &nDSRSize ) != SUCCESS )

    if( nNumDSR == 0 || nDSRSize != 521 )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect the first GCP set from each record.			*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte	abyRecord[521];
    int  	nRange=0, nSample, iGCP, nRangeOffset=0;
    GUInt32 	unValue;

    nGCPCount = 0;
    pasGCPList = (GDAL_GCP *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDAL_GCP),(nNumDSR+1) * 11);

    for( iRecord = 0; iRecord < nNumDSR; iRecord++ )
        if( EnvisatFile_ReadDatasetRecord( hEnvisatFile, nDatasetIndex,
                                           iRecord, abyRecord ) != SUCCESS )

        memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 13, 4 );
        nRange = CPL_MSBWORD32( unValue ) + nRangeOffset;

        if((iRecord>1) && (int(pasGCPList[nGCPCount-1].dfGCPLine+0.5) > nRange))
            int delta = (int) (pasGCPList[nGCPCount-1].dfGCPLine -
            nRange = int(pasGCPList[nGCPCount-1].dfGCPLine+0.5) + delta;
            nRangeOffset = nRange-1;

        for( iGCP = 0; iGCP < 11; iGCP++ )
            char	szId[128];

            GDALInitGCPs( 1, pasGCPList + nGCPCount );

            CPLFree( pasGCPList[nGCPCount].pszId );

            sprintf( szId, "%d", nGCPCount+1 );
            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].pszId = CPLStrdup( szId );

            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 25 + iGCP*4, 4 );
            nSample = CPL_MSBWORD32(unValue);

            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 25 + 176 + iGCP*4, 4 );
            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPX = ((int)CPL_MSBWORD32(unValue))*0.000001;

            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 25 + 132 + iGCP*4, 4 );
            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPY = ((int)CPL_MSBWORD32(unValue))*0.000001;

            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPZ = 0.0;

            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPLine = nRange - 0.5;
            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPPixel = nSample - 0.5;


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We also collect the bottom GCPs from the last granule.          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 17, 4 );
    nRange = nRange + CPL_MSBWORD32( unValue ) - 1;

    for( iGCP = 0; iGCP < 11; iGCP++ )
        char	szId[128];

        GDALInitGCPs( 1, pasGCPList + nGCPCount );

        CPLFree( pasGCPList[nGCPCount].pszId );

        sprintf( szId, "%d", nGCPCount+1 );
        pasGCPList[nGCPCount].pszId = CPLStrdup( szId );

        memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 279 + iGCP*4, 4 );
        nSample = CPL_MSBWORD32(unValue);

        memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 279 + 176 + iGCP*4, 4 );
        pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPX = ((int)CPL_MSBWORD32(unValue))*0.000001;

        memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 279 + 132 + iGCP*4, 4 );
        pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPY = ((int)CPL_MSBWORD32(unValue))*0.000001;

        pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPZ = 0.0;

        pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPLine = nRange - 0.5;
        pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPPixel = nSample - 0.5;

Пример #3
void EnvisatDataset::ScanForGCPs_MERIS()

    int		nDatasetIndex, nNumDSR, nDSRSize, iRecord;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a meaningful geolocation grid?  Seach for a          */
/*      DS_TYPE=A and a name containing "geolocation" or "tie           */
/*      points".                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nDatasetIndex = EnvisatFile_GetDatasetIndex( hEnvisatFile,
                                                 "Tie points ADS" );
    if( nDatasetIndex == -1 )

    if( EnvisatFile_GetDatasetInfo( hEnvisatFile, nDatasetIndex,
                                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                    &nNumDSR, &nDSRSize ) != SUCCESS )

    if( nNumDSR == 0 )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out the tiepoint space, and how many we have.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int  nLinesPerTiePoint, nSamplesPerTiePoint;
    int  nTPPerLine, nTPPerColumn = nNumDSR;

    if( nNumDSR == 0 )

    nLinesPerTiePoint =
        EnvisatFile_GetKeyValueAsInt( hEnvisatFile, SPH,
                                      "LINES_PER_TIE_PT", 0 );
    nSamplesPerTiePoint =
        EnvisatFile_GetKeyValueAsInt( hEnvisatFile, SPH,
                                      "SAMPLES_PER_TIE_PT", 0 );

    if( nLinesPerTiePoint == 0 || nSamplesPerTiePoint == 0 )

    nTPPerLine = (GetRasterXSize() + nSamplesPerTiePoint - 1)
        / nSamplesPerTiePoint;

    if( (GetRasterYSize() + nLinesPerTiePoint - 1)
        / nLinesPerTiePoint != nTPPerColumn )
        CPLDebug( "EnvisatDataset", "Got %d instead of %d nTPPerColumn.",
                  nTPPerColumn );

    if( 50*nTPPerLine + 13 != nDSRSize )
        CPLDebug( "EnvisatDataset",
                  "DSRSize=%d instead of expected %d for tiepoints ADS.",
                  nDSRSize, 50*nTPPerLine + 13 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect the first GCP set from each record.			*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte	*pabyRecord = (GByte *) CPLMalloc(nDSRSize);
    int  	iGCP;
    GUInt32 	unValue;

    nGCPCount = 0;
    pasGCPList = (GDAL_GCP *)
        CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDAL_GCP),nNumDSR * nTPPerLine);

    for( iRecord = 0; iRecord < nNumDSR; iRecord++ )
        if( EnvisatFile_ReadDatasetRecord( hEnvisatFile, nDatasetIndex,
                                           iRecord, pabyRecord ) != SUCCESS )

        memcpy( &unValue, pabyRecord + 13, 4 );

        for( iGCP = 0; iGCP < nTPPerLine; iGCP++ )
            char	szId[128];

            GDALInitGCPs( 1, pasGCPList + nGCPCount );

            CPLFree( pasGCPList[nGCPCount].pszId );

            sprintf( szId, "%d", nGCPCount+1 );
            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].pszId = CPLStrdup( szId );

            memcpy( &unValue, pabyRecord + 13 + nTPPerLine*4 + iGCP*4, 4 );
            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPX =

            memcpy( &unValue, pabyRecord + 13 + iGCP*4, 4 );
            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPY =

            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPZ = 0.0;

            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPLine = iRecord*nLinesPerTiePoint + 0.5;
            pasGCPList[nGCPCount].dfGCPPixel = iGCP*nSamplesPerTiePoint + 0.5;

    CPLFree( pabyRecord );
Пример #4
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    EnvisatFile	*es_file;
    int	        ds_index;
    int	ds_offset, ds_size, num_dsr, dsr_size, i_record;

    if( argc != 2 )
        printf( "Usage: dumpgeo filename\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    if( EnvisatFile_Open( &es_file, argv[1], "r" ) != 0 )
        printf( "EnvisatFile_Open(%s) failed.\n", argv[1] );
        exit( 2 );

    ds_index = EnvisatFile_GetDatasetIndex( es_file, "GEOLOCATION GRID ADS" );
    if( ds_index == -1 )
        printf( "Can't find geolocation grid ads.\n" );
        exit( 3 );

    EnvisatFile_GetDatasetInfo( es_file,
                                ds_index, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                &ds_offset, &ds_size,
                                &num_dsr, &dsr_size );
    if( ds_offset == 0 )
        printf( "No data for geolocation grid ads.\n" );
        exit( 4 );

    CPLAssert( dsr_size == 521 );

    for( i_record = 0; i_record < num_dsr; i_record++ )
        GByte	abyRecord[521];
        GUInt32	unValue;
        float   fValue;
        int	sample;

        EnvisatFile_ReadDatasetRecord( es_file, ds_index, i_record,
                                       abyRecord );

        printf( "<====================== Record %d ==================>\n",
                i_record );

        /* field 1 */
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( abyRecord + 0 );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( abyRecord + 4 );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( abyRecord + 8 );

        printf( "start line: mjd_days = %d, sec = %d, msec = %d\n",
                ((int *) abyRecord)[0],
                ((unsigned int *) abyRecord)[1],
                ((unsigned int *) abyRecord)[2] );

        /* field 2 */
        printf( "Attachment flag = %d\n", abyRecord[12] );

        /* field 3 */
        memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 13, 4 );
        printf( "range line (first in granule) = %d\n",
                CPL_SWAP32( unValue ) );

        /* field 4 */
        memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 17, 4 );
        printf( "lines in granule = %d\n", CPL_SWAP32( unValue ) );

        /* field 5 */
        memcpy( &fValue, abyRecord + 21, 4 );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &fValue );
        printf( "track heading (first line) = %f\n", fValue );

        /* field 6 */

        printf( "first line of granule:\n" );
        for( sample = 0; sample < 11; sample++ )
            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 25 + sample*4, 4 );
            printf( "  sample=%d ", CPL_SWAP32(unValue) );

            memcpy( &fValue, abyRecord + 25 + 44 + sample * 4, 4 );
            CPL_SWAP32PTR( &fValue );
            printf( "time=%g ", fValue );

            memcpy( &fValue, abyRecord + 25 + 88 + sample * 4, 4 );
            CPL_SWAP32PTR( &fValue );
            printf( "angle=%g ", fValue );

            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 25 + 132 + sample*4, 4 );
            printf( "(%.9f,", ((int) CPL_SWAP32(unValue)) * 0.000001 );

            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 25 + 176 + sample*4, 4 );
            printf( "%.9f)\n", ((int) CPL_SWAP32(unValue)) * 0.000001 );

        /* field 8 */
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( abyRecord + 267 );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( abyRecord + 271 );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( abyRecord + 275 );

        printf( "end line: mjd_days = %d, sec = %d, msec = %d\n",
                ((int *) (abyRecord + 267))[0],
                ((unsigned int *) (abyRecord + 267))[1],
                ((unsigned int *) (abyRecord + 267))[2] );

        /* field 9 */
        printf( "final line of granule:\n" );
        for( sample = 0; sample < 11; sample++ )
            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 279 + sample*4, 4 );
            printf( "  sample=%d ", CPL_SWAP32(unValue) );

            memcpy( &fValue, abyRecord + 279 + 44 + sample * 4, 4 );
            CPL_SWAP32PTR( &fValue );
            printf( "time=%g ", fValue );

            memcpy( &fValue, abyRecord + 279 + 88 + sample * 4, 4 );
            CPL_SWAP32PTR( &fValue );
            printf( "angle=%g ", fValue );

            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 279 + 132 + sample*4, 4 );
            printf( "(%.9f,", ((int) CPL_SWAP32(unValue)) * 0.000001 );

            memcpy( &unValue, abyRecord + 279 + 176 + sample*4, 4 );
            printf( "%.9f)\n", ((int) CPL_SWAP32(unValue)) * 0.000001 );

    EnvisatFile_Close( es_file );

    exit( 0 );