int TextCheckingHelper::findFirstGrammarDetail(const Vector<GrammarDetail>& grammarDetails, int badGrammarPhraseLocation, int startOffset, int endOffset, bool markAll) const
    // Found some bad grammar. Find the earliest detail range that starts in our search range (if any).
    // Optionally add a DocumentMarker for each detail in the range.
    int earliestDetailLocationSoFar = -1;
    int earliestDetailIndex = -1;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < grammarDetails.size(); i++) {
        const GrammarDetail* detail = &grammarDetails[i];
        ASSERT(detail->length > 0 && detail->location >= 0);

        int detailStartOffsetInParagraph = badGrammarPhraseLocation + detail->location;

        // Skip this detail if it starts before the original search range
        if (detailStartOffsetInParagraph < startOffset)

        // Skip this detail if it starts after the original search range
        if (detailStartOffsetInParagraph >= endOffset)

        if (markAll) {
            const EphemeralRange badGrammarRange = calculateCharacterSubrange(EphemeralRange(m_start, m_end), badGrammarPhraseLocation - startOffset + detail->location, detail->length);
            badGrammarRange.document().markers().addMarker(badGrammarRange.startPosition(), badGrammarRange.endPosition(), DocumentMarker::Grammar, detail->userDescription);

        // Remember this detail only if it's earlier than our current candidate (the details aren't in a guaranteed order)
        if (earliestDetailIndex < 0 || earliestDetailLocationSoFar > detail->location) {
            earliestDetailIndex = i;
            earliestDetailLocationSoFar = detail->location;

    return earliestDetailIndex;
EphemeralRange TextCheckingParagraph::offsetAsRange() const
    if (m_offsetAsRange.isNull())
        m_offsetAsRange = EphemeralRange(paragraphRange().startPosition(), checkingRange().startPosition());

    return m_offsetAsRange;
String TextCheckingHelper::findFirstBadGrammar(GrammarDetail& outGrammarDetail, int& outGrammarPhraseOffset, bool markAll)
    // Initialize out parameters; these will be updated if we find something to return.
    outGrammarDetail.location = -1;
    outGrammarDetail.length = 0;
    outGrammarDetail.userDescription = "";
    outGrammarPhraseOffset = 0;

    String firstBadGrammarPhrase;

    // Expand the search range to encompass entire paragraphs, since grammar checking needs that much context.
    // Determine the character offset from the start of the paragraph to the start of the original search range,
    // since we will want to ignore results in this area.
    TextCheckingParagraph paragraph(EphemeralRange(m_start, m_end));

    // Start checking from beginning of paragraph, but skip past results that occur before the start of the original search range.
    int startOffset = 0;
    while (startOffset < paragraph.checkingEnd()) {
        Vector<GrammarDetail> grammarDetails;
        int badGrammarPhraseLocation = -1;
        int badGrammarPhraseLength = 0;
        m_client->textChecker().checkGrammarOfString(paragraph.textSubstring(startOffset), grammarDetails, &badGrammarPhraseLocation, &badGrammarPhraseLength);

        if (!badGrammarPhraseLength) {
            ASSERT(badGrammarPhraseLocation == -1);
            return String();

        ASSERT(badGrammarPhraseLocation >= 0);
        badGrammarPhraseLocation += startOffset;

        // Found some bad grammar. Find the earliest detail range that starts in our search range (if any).
        int badGrammarIndex = findFirstGrammarDetail(grammarDetails, badGrammarPhraseLocation, paragraph.checkingStart(), paragraph.checkingEnd(), markAll);
        if (badGrammarIndex >= 0) {
            ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned>(badGrammarIndex) < grammarDetails.size());
            outGrammarDetail = grammarDetails[badGrammarIndex];

        // If we found a detail in range, then we have found the first bad phrase (unless we found one earlier but
        // kept going so we could mark all instances).
        if (badGrammarIndex >= 0 && firstBadGrammarPhrase.isEmpty()) {
            outGrammarPhraseOffset = badGrammarPhraseLocation - paragraph.checkingStart();
            firstBadGrammarPhrase = paragraph.textSubstring(badGrammarPhraseLocation, badGrammarPhraseLength);

            // Found one. We're done now, unless we're marking each instance.
            if (!markAll)

        // These results were all between the start of the paragraph and the start of the search range; look
        // beyond this phrase.
        startOffset = badGrammarPhraseLocation + badGrammarPhraseLength;

    return firstBadGrammarPhrase;
String AbstractInlineTextBox::text() const
    if (!m_inlineTextBox || !m_lineLayoutItem)
        return String();

    unsigned start = m_inlineTextBox->start();
    unsigned len = m_inlineTextBox->len();
    if (Node* node = m_lineLayoutItem.node()) {
        if (node->isTextNode())
            return plainText(EphemeralRange(Position(node, start), Position(node, start + len)), TextIteratorIgnoresStyleVisibility);
        return plainText(EphemeralRange(Position(node, PositionAnchorType::BeforeAnchor), Position(node, PositionAnchorType::AfterAnchor)), TextIteratorIgnoresStyleVisibility);

    String result = m_lineLayoutItem.text().substring(start, len).simplifyWhiteSpace(WTF::DoNotStripWhiteSpace);
    if (m_inlineTextBox->nextTextBox() && m_inlineTextBox->nextTextBox()->start() > m_inlineTextBox->end() && result.length() && !result.right(1).containsOnlyWhitespace())
        return result + " ";
    return result;
String TextCheckingHelper::findFirstMisspelling(int& firstMisspellingOffset, bool markAll)
    WordAwareIterator it(m_start, m_end);
    firstMisspellingOffset = 0;

    String firstMisspelling;
    int currentChunkOffset = 0;

    while (!it.atEnd()) {
        int length = it.length();

        // Skip some work for one-space-char hunks
        if (!(length == 1 && it.characterAt(0) == ' ')) {

            int misspellingLocation = -1;
            int misspellingLength = 0;
            m_client->textChecker().checkSpellingOfString(it.substring(0, length), &misspellingLocation, &misspellingLength);

            // 5490627 shows that there was some code path here where the String constructor below crashes.
            // We don't know exactly what combination of bad input caused this, so we're making this much
            // more robust against bad input on release builds.
            ASSERT(misspellingLength >= 0);
            ASSERT(misspellingLocation >= -1);
            ASSERT(!misspellingLength || misspellingLocation >= 0);
            ASSERT(misspellingLocation < length);
            ASSERT(misspellingLength <= length);
            ASSERT(misspellingLocation + misspellingLength <= length);

            if (misspellingLocation >= 0 && misspellingLength > 0 && misspellingLocation < length && misspellingLength <= length && misspellingLocation + misspellingLength <= length) {

                // Compute range of misspelled word
                const EphemeralRange misspellingRange = calculateCharacterSubrange(EphemeralRange(m_start, m_end), currentChunkOffset + misspellingLocation, misspellingLength);

                // Remember first-encountered misspelling and its offset.
                if (!firstMisspelling) {
                    firstMisspellingOffset = currentChunkOffset + misspellingLocation;
                    firstMisspelling = it.substring(misspellingLocation, misspellingLength);

                // Store marker for misspelled word.
                misspellingRange.document().markers().addMarker(misspellingRange.startPosition(), misspellingRange.endPosition(), DocumentMarker::Spelling);

                // Bail out if we're marking only the first misspelling, and not all instances.
                if (!markAll)

        currentChunkOffset += length;

    return firstMisspelling;
void SpellCheckRequester::didCheckSucceed(int sequence, const Vector<TextCheckingResult>& results)
    TextCheckingRequestData requestData = m_processingRequest->data();
    if (requestData.sequence() == sequence) {
        DocumentMarker::MarkerTypes markers = DocumentMarker::SpellCheckClientMarkers();
        if (!requestData.maskContains(TextCheckingTypeSpelling))
        if (!requestData.maskContains(TextCheckingTypeGrammar))
        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> checkingRange = m_processingRequest->checkingRange();
        frame().document()->markers().removeMarkers(EphemeralRange(checkingRange.get()), markers);
    didCheck(sequence, results);
Пример #7
TEST_F(CharacterIteratorTest, SubrangeWithReplacedElements) {
  static const char* bodyContent =
      "<div id='div' contenteditable='true'>1<img src='foo.png'>345</div>";

  Node* divNode = document().getElementById("div");
  Range* entireRange = Range::create(document(), divNode, 0, divNode, 3);

  EphemeralRange result =
      calculateCharacterSubrange(EphemeralRange(entireRange), 2, 3);
  Node* textNode = divNode->lastChild();
  EXPECT_EQ(Position(textNode, 0), result.startPosition());
  EXPECT_EQ(Position(textNode, 3), result.endPosition());
Пример #8
static EphemeralRange expandEndToSentenceBoundary(const EphemeralRange& range) {
  const VisiblePosition& visibleEnd =
  const Position& sentenceEnd = endOfSentence(visibleEnd).deepEquivalent();
  // TODO(xiaochengh): |sentenceEnd < range.endPosition()| is possible,
  // which would trigger a DCHECK in EphemeralRange's constructor if we return
  // it directly. However, this shouldn't happen and needs to be fixed.
  return EphemeralRange(
      sentenceEnd.isNotNull() && sentenceEnd > range.endPosition()
          ? sentenceEnd
          : range.endPosition());
Пример #9
void InputMethodController::setComposition(const String& text, const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines, unsigned selectionStart, unsigned selectionEnd)
    Editor::RevealSelectionScope revealSelectionScope(&editor());

    // Updates styles before setting selection for composition to prevent
    // inserting the previous composition text into text nodes oddly.
    // See


    if (frame().selection().isNone())

    if (Element* target = frame().document()->focusedElement()) {
        // Dispatch an appropriate composition event to the focused node.
        // We check the composition status and choose an appropriate composition event since this
        // function is used for three purposes:
        // 1. Starting a new composition.
        //    Send a compositionstart and a compositionupdate event when this function creates
        //    a new composition node, i.e.
        //    !hasComposition() && !text.isEmpty().
        //    Sending a compositionupdate event at this time ensures that at least one
        //    compositionupdate event is dispatched.
        // 2. Updating the existing composition node.
        //    Send a compositionupdate event when this function updates the existing composition
        //    node, i.e. hasComposition() && !text.isEmpty().
        // 3. Canceling the ongoing composition.
        //    Send a compositionend event when function deletes the existing composition node, i.e.
        //    !hasComposition() && test.isEmpty().
        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<CompositionEvent> event = nullptr;
        if (!hasComposition()) {
            // We should send a compositionstart event only when the given text is not empty because this
            // function doesn't create a composition node when the text is empty.
            if (!text.isEmpty()) {
                target->dispatchEvent(CompositionEvent::create(EventTypeNames::compositionstart, frame().domWindow(), frame().selectedText()));
                event = CompositionEvent::create(EventTypeNames::compositionupdate, frame().domWindow(), text);
        } else {
            if (!text.isEmpty())
                event = CompositionEvent::create(EventTypeNames::compositionupdate, frame().domWindow(), text);
                event = CompositionEvent::create(EventTypeNames::compositionend, frame().domWindow(), text);
        if (event.get())

    // If text is empty, then delete the old composition here. If text is non-empty, InsertTextCommand::input
    // will delete the old composition with an optimized replace operation.
    if (text.isEmpty()) {
        TypingCommand::deleteSelection(*frame().document(), TypingCommand::PreventSpellChecking);


    if (text.isEmpty())
    TypingCommand::insertText(*frame().document(), text, TypingCommand::SelectInsertedText | TypingCommand::PreventSpellChecking, TypingCommand::TextCompositionUpdate);

    // Find out what node has the composition now.
    Position base = mostForwardCaretPosition(frame().selection().base());
    Node* baseNode = base.anchorNode();
    if (!baseNode || !baseNode->isTextNode())

    Position extent = frame().selection().extent();
    Node* extentNode = extent.anchorNode();
    if (baseNode != extentNode)

    unsigned extentOffset = extent.computeOffsetInContainerNode();
    unsigned baseOffset = base.computeOffsetInContainerNode();
    if (baseOffset + text.length() != extentOffset)

    m_isDirty = true;
    m_hasComposition = true;
    if (!m_compositionRange)
        m_compositionRange = Range::create(baseNode->document());
    m_compositionRange->setStart(baseNode, baseOffset);
    m_compositionRange->setEnd(baseNode, extentOffset);

    if (baseNode->layoutObject())

    unsigned start = std::min(baseOffset + selectionStart, extentOffset);
    unsigned end = std::min(std::max(start, baseOffset + selectionEnd), extentOffset);
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> selectedRange = Range::create(baseNode->document(), baseNode, start, baseNode, end);
    frame().selection().setSelectedRange(selectedRange.get(), TextAffinity::Downstream, SelectionDirectionalMode::NonDirectional, NotUserTriggered);

    if (underlines.isEmpty()) {
        frame().document()->markers().addCompositionMarker(m_compositionRange->startPosition(), m_compositionRange->endPosition(), Color::black, false, LayoutTheme::theme().platformDefaultCompositionBackgroundColor());
    for (const auto& underline : underlines) {
        unsigned underlineStart = baseOffset + underline.startOffset;
        unsigned underlineEnd = baseOffset + underline.endOffset;
        EphemeralRange ephemeralLineRange = EphemeralRange(Position(baseNode, underlineStart), Position(baseNode, underlineEnd));
        if (ephemeralLineRange.isNull())
        frame().document()->markers().addCompositionMarker(ephemeralLineRange.startPosition(), ephemeralLineRange.endPosition(), underline.color, underline.thick, underline.backgroundColor);
String TextCheckingHelper::findFirstMisspellingOrBadGrammar(bool& outIsSpelling, int& outFirstFoundOffset, GrammarDetail& outGrammarDetail)
    if (!unifiedTextCheckerEnabled())
        return "";

    String firstFoundItem;
    String misspelledWord;
    String badGrammarPhrase;

    // Initialize out parameters; these will be updated if we find something to return.
    outIsSpelling = true;
    outFirstFoundOffset = 0;
    outGrammarDetail.location = -1;
    outGrammarDetail.length = 0;
    outGrammarDetail.userDescription = "";

    // Expand the search range to encompass entire paragraphs, since text checking needs that much context.
    // Determine the character offset from the start of the paragraph to the start of the original search range,
    // since we will want to ignore results in this area.
    Position paragraphStart = startOfParagraph(createVisiblePosition(m_start)).toParentAnchoredPosition();
    Position paragraphEnd = m_end;
    int totalRangeLength = TextIterator::rangeLength(paragraphStart, paragraphEnd);
    paragraphEnd = endOfParagraph(createVisiblePosition(m_start)).toParentAnchoredPosition();

    int rangeStartOffset = TextIterator::rangeLength(paragraphStart, m_start);
    int totalLengthProcessed = 0;

    bool firstIteration = true;
    bool lastIteration = false;
    while (totalLengthProcessed < totalRangeLength) {
        // Iterate through the search range by paragraphs, checking each one for spelling and grammar.
        int currentLength = TextIterator::rangeLength(paragraphStart, paragraphEnd);
        int currentStartOffset = firstIteration ? rangeStartOffset : 0;
        int currentEndOffset = currentLength;
        if (inSameParagraph(createVisiblePosition(paragraphStart), createVisiblePosition(m_end))) {
            // Determine the character offset from the end of the original search range to the end of the paragraph,
            // since we will want to ignore results in this area.
            currentEndOffset = TextIterator::rangeLength(paragraphStart, m_end);
            lastIteration = true;
        if (currentStartOffset < currentEndOffset) {
            String paragraphString = plainText(EphemeralRange(paragraphStart, paragraphEnd));
            if (paragraphString.length() > 0) {
                bool foundGrammar = false;
                int spellingLocation = 0;
                int grammarPhraseLocation = 0;
                int grammarDetailLocation = 0;
                unsigned grammarDetailIndex = 0;

                Vector<TextCheckingResult> results;
                TextCheckingTypeMask checkingTypes = TextCheckingTypeSpelling | TextCheckingTypeGrammar;
                checkTextOfParagraph(m_client->textChecker(), paragraphString, checkingTypes, results);

                for (unsigned i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
                    const TextCheckingResult* result = &results[i];
                    if (result->decoration == TextDecorationTypeSpelling && result->location >= currentStartOffset && result->location + result->length <= currentEndOffset) {
                        ASSERT(result->length > 0 && result->location >= 0);
                        spellingLocation = result->location;
                        misspelledWord = paragraphString.substring(result->location, result->length);
                    if (result->decoration == TextDecorationTypeGrammar && result->location < currentEndOffset && result->location + result->length > currentStartOffset) {
                        ASSERT(result->length > 0 && result->location >= 0);
                        // We can't stop after the first grammar result, since there might still be a spelling result after
                        // it begins but before the first detail in it, but we can stop if we find a second grammar result.
                        if (foundGrammar)
                        for (unsigned j = 0; j < result->details.size(); j++) {
                            const GrammarDetail* detail = &result->details[j];
                            ASSERT(detail->length > 0 && detail->location >= 0);
                            if (result->location + detail->location >= currentStartOffset && result->location + detail->location + detail->length <= currentEndOffset && (!foundGrammar || result->location + detail->location < grammarDetailLocation)) {
                                grammarDetailIndex = j;
                                grammarDetailLocation = result->location + detail->location;
                                foundGrammar = true;
                        if (foundGrammar) {
                            grammarPhraseLocation = result->location;
                            outGrammarDetail = result->details[grammarDetailIndex];
                            badGrammarPhrase = paragraphString.substring(result->location, result->length);

                if (!misspelledWord.isEmpty() && (badGrammarPhrase.isEmpty() || spellingLocation <= grammarDetailLocation)) {
                    int spellingOffset = spellingLocation - currentStartOffset;
                    if (!firstIteration)
                        spellingOffset += TextIterator::rangeLength(m_start, paragraphStart);
                    outIsSpelling = true;
                    outFirstFoundOffset = spellingOffset;
                    firstFoundItem = misspelledWord;
                if (!badGrammarPhrase.isEmpty()) {
                    int grammarPhraseOffset = grammarPhraseLocation - currentStartOffset;
                    if (!firstIteration)
                        grammarPhraseOffset += TextIterator::rangeLength(m_start, paragraphStart);
                    outIsSpelling = false;
                    outFirstFoundOffset = grammarPhraseOffset;
                    firstFoundItem = badGrammarPhrase;
        if (lastIteration || totalLengthProcessed + currentLength >= totalRangeLength)
        VisiblePosition newParagraphStart = startOfNextParagraph(createVisiblePosition(paragraphEnd));
        paragraphStart = newParagraphStart.toParentAnchoredPosition();
        paragraphEnd = endOfParagraph(newParagraphStart).toParentAnchoredPosition();
        firstIteration = false;
        totalLengthProcessed += currentLength;
    return firstFoundItem;
PlainTextRange PlainTextRange::create(const ContainerNode& scope, const Range& range)
    return create(scope, EphemeralRange(&range));
Пример #12
void TextFinder::scopeStringMatches(int identifier,
                                    const WebString& searchText,
                                    const WebFindOptions& options,
                                    bool reset) {
  // TODO(dglazkov): The reset/continue cases need to be untangled into two
  // separate functions. This collation of logic is unnecessary and adds to
  // overall complexity of the code.
  if (reset) {
    // This is a brand new search, so we need to reset everything.
    // Scoping is just about to begin.
    m_scopingInProgress = true;

    // Need to keep the current identifier locally in order to finish the
    // request in case the frame is detached during the process.
    m_findRequestIdentifier = identifier;

    // Clear highlighting for this frame.

    // Clear the tickmarks and results cache.

    // Clear the counters from last operation.
    m_lastMatchCount = 0;
    m_nextInvalidateAfter = 0;
    m_resumeScopingFromRange = nullptr;

    // The view might be null on detached frames.
    LocalFrame* frame = ownerFrame().frame();
    if (frame && frame->page())
      m_frameScoping = true;

    // Now, defer scoping until later to allow find operation to finish quickly.
        identifier, searchText, options,
        false);  // false means just reset, so don't do it again.

  if (!shouldScopeMatches(searchText, options)) {

  PositionInFlatTree searchStart =
  PositionInFlatTree searchEnd =
  DCHECK_EQ(searchStart.document(), searchEnd.document());

  if (m_resumeScopingFromRange) {
    // This is a continuation of a scoping operation that timed out and didn't
    // complete last time around, so we should start from where we left off.
    searchStart = fromPositionInDOMTree<EditingInFlatTreeStrategy>(
    if (searchStart.document() != searchEnd.document())

  // TODO(dglazkov): The use of updateStyleAndLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets
  // needs to be audited.  see for more details.

  // This timeout controls how long we scope before releasing control. This
  // value does not prevent us from running for longer than this, but it is
  // periodically checked to see if we have exceeded our allocated time.
  const double maxScopingDuration = 0.1;  // seconds

  int matchCount = 0;
  bool timedOut = false;
  double startTime = currentTime();
  do {
    // Find next occurrence of the search string.
    // FIXME: ( This WebKit operation may run for longer
    // than the timeout value, and is not interruptible as it is currently
    // written. We may need to rewrite it with interruptibility in mind, or
    // find an alternative.
    const EphemeralRangeInFlatTree result =
        findPlainText(EphemeralRangeInFlatTree(searchStart, searchEnd),
                      searchText, options.matchCase ? 0 : CaseInsensitive);
    if (result.isCollapsed()) {
      // Not found.
    Range* resultRange = Range::create(
        result.document(), toPositionInDOMTree(result.startPosition()),
    if (resultRange->collapsed()) {
      // resultRange will be collapsed if the matched text spans over multiple
      // TreeScopes.  FIXME: Show such matches to users.
      searchStart = result.endPosition();


    // Catch a special case where Find found something but doesn't know what
    // the bounding box for it is. In this case we set the first match we find
    // as the active rect.
    IntRect resultBounds = resultRange->boundingBox();
    IntRect activeSelectionRect;
    if (m_locatingActiveRect) {
      activeSelectionRect =
          m_activeMatch.get() ? m_activeMatch->boundingBox() : resultBounds;

    // If the Find function found a match it will have stored where the
    // match was found in m_activeSelectionRect on the current frame. If we
    // find this rect during scoping it means we have found the active
    // tickmark.
    bool foundActiveMatch = false;
    if (m_locatingActiveRect && (activeSelectionRect == resultBounds)) {
      // We have found the active tickmark frame.
      m_currentActiveMatchFrame = true;
      foundActiveMatch = true;
      // We also know which tickmark is active now.
      m_activeMatchIndex = matchCount - 1;
      // To stop looking for the active tickmark, we set this flag.
      m_locatingActiveRect = false;

      // Notify browser of new location for the selected rectangle.
          m_activeMatchIndex + 1, identifier);

        EphemeralRange(resultRange), foundActiveMatch);

        FindMatch(resultRange, m_lastMatchCount + matchCount));

    // Set the new start for the search range to be the end of the previous
    // result range. There is no need to use a VisiblePosition here,
    // since findPlainText will use a TextIterator to go over the visible
    // text nodes.
    searchStart = result.endPosition();

    m_resumeScopingFromRange = Range::create(
        result.document(), toPositionInDOMTree(result.endPosition()),
    timedOut = (currentTime() - startTime) >= maxScopingDuration;
  } while (!timedOut);

  // Remember what we search for last time, so we can skip searching if more
  // letters are added to the search string (and last outcome was 0).
  m_lastSearchString = searchText;

  if (matchCount > 0) {

    m_lastMatchCount += matchCount;

    // Let the frame know how many matches we found during this pass.
    ownerFrame().increaseMatchCount(matchCount, identifier);

  if (timedOut) {
    // If we found anything during this pass, we should redraw. However, we
    // don't want to spam too much if the page is extremely long, so if we
    // reach a certain point we start throttling the redraw requests.
    if (matchCount > 0)

    // Scoping effort ran out of time, lets ask for another time-slice.
    scopeStringMatchesSoon(identifier, searchText, options,
                           false);  // don't reset.
    return;                         // Done for now, resume work later.

EphemeralRange PlainTextRange::createRangeFor(const ContainerNode& scope, GetRangeFor getRangeFor) const

    size_t docTextPosition = 0;
    bool startRangeFound = false;

    Position textRunStartPosition;
    Position textRunEndPosition;

    TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behaviorFlags = TextIteratorEmitsObjectReplacementCharacter;
    if (getRangeFor == ForSelection)
        behaviorFlags |= TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions;
    auto range = EphemeralRange::rangeOfContents(scope);
    TextIterator it(range.startPosition(), range.endPosition(), behaviorFlags);

    // FIXME: the atEnd() check shouldn't be necessary, workaround for
    // <>.
    if (!start() && !length() && it.atEnd())
        return EphemeralRange(Position(it.currentContainer(), 0));

    Position resultStart = Position(&scope.document(), 0);
    Position resultEnd = resultStart;

    for (; !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
        int len = it.length();

        textRunStartPosition = it.startPositionInCurrentContainer();
        textRunEndPosition = it.endPositionInCurrentContainer();

        bool foundStart = start() >= docTextPosition && start() <= docTextPosition + len;
        bool foundEnd = end() >= docTextPosition && end() <= docTextPosition + len;

        // Fix textRunRange->endPosition(), but only if foundStart || foundEnd, because it is only
        // in those cases that textRunRange is used.
        if (foundEnd) {
            // FIXME: This is a workaround for the fact that the end of a run
            // is often at the wrong position for emitted '\n's or if the
            // layoutObject of the current node is a replaced element.
            if (len == 1 && (it.characterAt(0) == '\n' || it.isInsideAtomicInlineElement())) {
                if (!it.atEnd()) {
                    textRunEndPosition = it.startPositionInCurrentContainer();
                } else {
                    Position runEnd = nextPositionOf(createVisiblePosition(textRunStartPosition)).deepEquivalent();
                    if (runEnd.isNotNull())
                        textRunEndPosition = runEnd;

        if (foundStart) {
            startRangeFound = true;
            if (textRunStartPosition.computeContainerNode()->isTextNode()) {
                int offset = start() - docTextPosition;
                resultStart = Position(textRunStartPosition.computeContainerNode(), offset + textRunStartPosition.offsetInContainerNode());
            } else {
                if (start() == docTextPosition)
                    resultStart = textRunStartPosition;
                    resultStart = textRunEndPosition;

        if (foundEnd) {
            if (textRunStartPosition.computeContainerNode()->isTextNode()) {
                int offset = end() - docTextPosition;
                resultEnd = Position(textRunStartPosition.computeContainerNode(), offset + textRunStartPosition.offsetInContainerNode());
            } else {
                if (end() == docTextPosition)
                    resultEnd = textRunStartPosition;
                    resultEnd = textRunEndPosition;
            docTextPosition += len;
        docTextPosition += len;

    if (!startRangeFound)
        return EphemeralRange();

    if (length() && end() > docTextPosition) { // end() is out of bounds
        resultEnd = textRunEndPosition;

    return EphemeralRange(resultStart.toOffsetInAnchor(), resultEnd.toOffsetInAnchor());
void TextCheckingParagraph::invalidateParagraphRangeValues()
    m_checkingStart = m_checkingEnd = -1;
    m_offsetAsRange = EphemeralRange();
    m_text = String();
void TextCheckingParagraph::expandRangeToNextEnd()
    setParagraphRange(EphemeralRange(paragraphRange().startPosition(), endOfParagraph(startOfNextParagraph(createVisiblePosition(paragraphRange().startPosition()))).deepEquivalent()));
Пример #16
bool TextFinder::setMarkerActive(Range* range, bool active) {
  if (!range || range->collapsed())
    return false;
  return ownerFrame().frame()->document()->markers().setMarkersActive(
      EphemeralRange(range), active);
static EphemeralRange expandToParagraphBoundary(const EphemeralRange& range)
    return EphemeralRange(startOfParagraph(createVisiblePosition(range.startPosition())).deepEquivalent(), endOfParagraph(createVisiblePosition(range.endPosition())).deepEquivalent());
// static
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SpellCheckRequest> SpellCheckRequest::create(TextCheckingTypeMask textCheckingOptions, TextCheckingProcessType processType, PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> checkingRange, PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> paragraphRange, int requestNumber)

    String text = checkingRange->text();
    if (!text.length())
        return nullptr;

    const DocumentMarkerVector& markers = checkingRange->ownerDocument().markers().markersInRange(EphemeralRange(checkingRange.get()), DocumentMarker::SpellCheckClientMarkers());
    Vector<uint32_t> hashes(markers.size());
    Vector<unsigned> offsets(markers.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) {
        hashes[i] = markers[i]->hash();
        offsets[i] = markers[i]->startOffset();

    return adoptRefWillBeNoop(new SpellCheckRequest(checkingRange, paragraphRange, text, textCheckingOptions, processType, hashes, offsets, requestNumber));
Пример #19
void DOMSelection::addRange(Range* newRange) {

    if (!isAvailable())

    if (newRange->ownerDocument() != frame()->document())

    if (!newRange->isConnected()) {
        addConsoleError("The given range isn't in document.");

    FrameSelection& selection = frame()->selection();

    if (newRange->ownerDocument() != selection.document()) {
        // "editing/selection/selection-in-iframe-removed-crash.html" goes here.

    // TODO(xiaochengh): The use of updateStyleAndLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets
    // needs to be audited.  See for more details.
    // In the long term, we should change FrameSelection::setSelection to take a
    // parameter that does not require clean layout, so that modifying selection
    // no longer performs synchronous layout by itself.

    if (selection.isNone()) {
        selection.setSelectedRange(EphemeralRange(newRange), VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);

    Range* originalRange = selection.firstRange();

    if (originalRange->startContainer()->document() !=
            newRange->startContainer()->document()) {
            "The given range does not belong to the current selection's document.");
    if (originalRange->startContainer()->treeScope() !=
            newRange->startContainer()->treeScope()) {
            "The given range and the current selection belong to two different "
            "document fragments.");

    if (originalRange->compareBoundaryPoints(Range::kStartToEnd, newRange,
            ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION) < 0 ||
            newRange->compareBoundaryPoints(Range::kStartToEnd, originalRange,
                                            ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION) < 0) {
        addConsoleError("Discontiguous selection is not supported.");

    // FIXME: "Merge the ranges if they intersect" is Blink-specific behavior;
    // other browsers supporting discontiguous selection (obviously) keep each
    // Range added and return it in getRangeAt(). But it's unclear if we can
    // really do the same, since we don't support discontiguous selection. Further
    // discussions at
    // <>.

    Range* start = originalRange->compareBoundaryPoints(
                       Range::kStartToStart, newRange, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION) < 0
                   ? originalRange
                   : newRange;
    Range* end = originalRange->compareBoundaryPoints(Range::kEndToEnd, newRange,
                 ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION) < 0
                 ? newRange
                 : originalRange;
    const EphemeralRange merged =
        EphemeralRange(start->startPosition(), end->endPosition());
    TextAffinity affinity = selection.selection().affinity();
    selection.setSelectedRange(merged, affinity);
Пример #20
EphemeralRange InputMethodController::compositionEphemeralRange() const
    if (!hasComposition())
        return EphemeralRange();
    return EphemeralRange(m_compositionRange.get());