Пример #1
void    FCNEqv( void ) {

// Logical .NEQV. F-Code processor.

    Equivalent( O_NE );
Пример #2
void    FCEqv( void ) {

// Logical .EQV. F-Code processor.

    Equivalent( O_EQ );
Пример #3
    void    DependencyValidation::OnChange()

        auto range = std::equal_range(
            ResourceDependencies.begin(), ResourceDependencies.end(), 
            this, CompareFirst<const OnChangeCallback*, std::weak_ptr<DependencyValidation>>());

        unsigned changeIdStart = ResourceDepsChangeId;

        bool foundExpired = false;
        for (auto i=range.first; i!=range.second; ++i) {
            auto l = i->second.lock();
            if (l) { 

                if (ResourceDepsChangeId != changeIdStart) {
                    // another object may have changed the list of objects 
                    // during the OnChange() call. If this happens,
                    // we need to search through and find the range again.
                    // then we need to set 'i' to the position of the 
                    // same element in the new range (it's guaranteed to
                    // be there, because we have a lock on it!
                    // Oh, it's a wierd hack... But it should work well.

                    range = std::equal_range(
                        ResourceDependencies.begin(), ResourceDependencies.end(), 
                        this, CompareFirst<const OnChangeCallback*, std::weak_ptr<DependencyValidation>>());

                    for (i=range.first;; ++i) {
                        if (Equivalent(i->second, l)) break;

                    changeIdStart = ResourceDepsChangeId;
            else foundExpired = true;

        if (foundExpired) {
                // Remove any pointers that have expired
                // (note that we only check matching pointers. Non-matching pointers
                // that have expired are untouched)
                std::remove_if(range.first, range.second, 
                    [](std::pair<const OnChangeCallback*, std::weak_ptr<DependencyValidation>>& i)
                    { return i.second.expired(); }),
            ++ResourceDepsChangeId; // signal to callers that this has changed

	ForwardIterator BinarySearch(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value)
		// Note: std::lower_bound() has O(log n) on random access iterators 
		ForwardIterator result = std::lower_bound(first, last, value);

		// std::lower_bound() returns iterator to first element >= value, which can be inequal to value
		if (result == last || !Equivalent(*result, value))
			return last;
			return result;
Пример #5
    void Unite(size_t firstAgent, size_t secondAgent) {
        if (Equivalent(firstAgent, secondAgent)) {

        TDSUElement* firstRoot = Root(&nodes[firstAgent]);
        TDSUElement* secondRoot = Root(&nodes[secondAgent]);

        if (firstRoot->rank < secondRoot->rank) {
            firstRoot->pFather = secondRoot;
        } else {
            secondRoot->pFather = firstRoot;

Пример #6
   int operatorTest(void)
      gpstk::TestUtil testFramework("TimeSystem", "== Operator", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      std::string testMesg;

      gpstk::TimeSystem Compare(4);
      gpstk::TimeSystem Equivalent(4);
      gpstk::TimeSystem LessThan(3);
      gpstk::TimeSystem GreaterThan(5);

         //Does the == operator function correctly?
      testMesg = "Equivalent objects were not marked equivalent by ==";
      testFramework.assert(Compare == Equivalent, testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Equivalent objects were marked not equivalent by ==";
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare == LessThan), testMesg, __LINE__);

      testFramework.changeSourceMethod("!= Operator");
         //Does the != operator function correctly?
      testMesg = "Non-equivalent objects were marked equivalent by !=";
      testFramework.assert(Compare != LessThan, testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Equivalent objects were marked equivalent by !=";
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare != Equivalent), testMesg, __LINE__);

      testFramework.changeSourceMethod("> Operator");
         //Does the > operator function correctly?
      testMesg = "Less-than object was not marked as lesser by the > operator";
      testFramework.assert(Compare > LessThan, testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Less-than object was marked as greater by the > operator";
      testFramework.assert(!(LessThan > Compare), testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Equivalent objects were marked as non-equivalent by the > operator";
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare > Equivalent), testMesg, __LINE__);

      testFramework.changeSourceMethod("< Operator");
         //Does the < operator function correctly?
      testMesg = "Greater-than object was not marked as greater by the < operator";
      testFramework.assert(Compare < GreaterThan, testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Greater-than object was marked as lesser by the < operator";
      testFramework.assert(!(GreaterThan < Compare), testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Equivalent objects were marked as non-equivalent by the < operator";
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare < Equivalent), testMesg, __LINE__);

      testFramework.changeSourceMethod(">= Operator");
         //Does the >= operator function correctly?
      testMesg = "Less-than object was not marked as lesser by the >= operator";		
      testFramework.assert(Compare >= LessThan, testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Less-than object was marked as greater by the >= operator";
      testFramework.assert(!(LessThan >= Compare), testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Equivalent objects were marked as non-equivalent by the >= operator";
      testFramework.assert(Compare >= Equivalent, testMesg, __LINE__);

      testFramework.changeSourceMethod("<= Operator");
         //Does the <= operator function correctly?
      testMesg = "Greater-than object was not marked as greater by the < operator";
      testFramework.assert(Compare <= GreaterThan, testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Greater-than object was marked as lesser by the < operator";
      testFramework.assert(!(GreaterThan <= Compare), testMesg, __LINE__);
      testMesg = "Equivalent objects were marked as non-equivalent by the < operator";
      testFramework.assert(Compare <= Equivalent, testMesg, __LINE__);

      testFramework.changeSourceMethod("<< Operator");
         //Does the << operator function correctly?
      std::string outputString, compareString;
      std::stringstream outputStream;
      outputStream << Compare;
      outputString = outputStream.str();
      compareString = "GAL";
      testMesg = "The << operator did not function correctly";
      testFramework.assert(compareString == outputString, testMesg, __LINE__);

      return testFramework.countFails();
Пример #7
// operatorTest verifies the various operators of the SatID class
   int operatorTest(void)
      gpstk::TestUtil testFramework( "SatID", "OperatorEquivalence", __FILE__, __LINE__);

      gpstk::SatID Compare    (5, gpstk::SatID::SatelliteSystem(2) );
      gpstk::SatID Equivalent (5, gpstk::SatID::SatelliteSystem(2) );
      gpstk::SatID LessThanID (2, gpstk::SatID::SatelliteSystem(2) );
      gpstk::SatID DiffSatSys (5, gpstk::SatID::SatelliteSystem(5) );
      gpstk::SatID DiffEvery  (2, gpstk::SatID::SatelliteSystem(5) );
      gpstk::SatID DiffEvery2 (7, gpstk::SatID::SatelliteSystem(1) );
      gpstk::SatID Redirected (6, gpstk::SatID::SatelliteSystem(1) );

         //Does the == Operator function?
      testFramework.assert(  Compare == Equivalent ,
                             "Equivalence Operator found equivalent objects to not be equal"    , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare == LessThanID),
                           "Equivalence Operator found differing IDs to be equal"             , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare == DiffSatSys),
                           "Equivalence Operator found differing SatteliteSystems to be equal", __LINE__);

         //Does the != Operator function?
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare != Equivalent),
                           "Not Equals Operator found equivalent objects to be not equal"    , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(  Compare != LessThanID ,
                             "Not Equals Operator found differing IDs to be equal"             , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(  Compare != DiffSatSys ,
                             "Not Equals Operator found differing SatteliteSystems to be equal", __LINE__);

         //Does the < Operator function?

         //ID only comparisons
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare < LessThanID),
                           "Less-than Operator found object with greater IDs and same SatSys to be less-than"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(  LessThanID < Compare ,
                             "Less-than Operator found object with lesser IDs and same SatSys to not be less-than",
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare < Equivalent),
                           "Less-than Operator found equivalent object to be less-than"
                           , __LINE__);

         //SatelliteSystem only comparisons
      testFramework.assert(  Compare < DiffSatSys ,
                             "Less-than Operator found object with lesser SatSys and same IDs to not be less-than",
      testFramework.assert(!(DiffSatSys < Compare),
                           "Less-than Operator found object with greater SatSys and same IDs to be less-than"
                           , __LINE__);

         //Completely different comparisons
      testFramework.assert(  Compare < DiffEvery  ,
                             "Less-than Operator found object with lesser SatSys and greater ID to not be less-than",
      testFramework.assert(!(DiffEvery < Compare) ,
                           "Less-than Operator found object with greater SatSys and lesser ID to be less-than"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare < DiffEvery2),
                           "Less-than Operator found object with greater SatSys and lesser ID to be less-than"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(  DiffEvery2 < Compare ,
                             "Less-than Operator found object with lesser SatSys and greater ID to not be less-than",

         //Does the > Operator function?

         //ID only comparisons
      testFramework.assert( (Compare > LessThanID),
                            "Greater-than Operator found object with greater IDs and same SatSys to not be greater-than",
      testFramework.assert(!(LessThanID > Compare),
                           "Greater-than Operator found object with lesser IDs and same SatSys to be greater-than"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare > Equivalent),
                           "Greater-than Operator found equivalent object to be greater-than"
                           , __LINE__);

         //SatelliteSystem only comparisons
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare > DiffSatSys),
                           "Greater-than Operator found object with lesser SatSys and same IDs to be greater-than"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert( (DiffSatSys > Compare),
                            "Greater-than Operator found object with greater SatSys and same IDs to not be greater-than",

         //Completely different comparisons
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare > DiffEvery) ,
                           "Greater-than Operator found object with lesser SatSys and greater ID to be greater-than"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert( (DiffEvery > Compare) ,
                            "Greater-than Operator found object with greater SatSys and lesser ID to not be greater-than",
      testFramework.assert( (Compare > DiffEvery2),
                            "Greater-than Operator found object with greater SatSys and lesser ID to not be greater-than",
      testFramework.assert(!(DiffEvery2 > Compare),
                           "Greater-than Operator found object with lesser SatSys and greater ID to be greater-than"
                           , __LINE__);

         //Does the <= Operator function?

         //ID only comparisons
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare <= LessThanID),
                           "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with greater IDs and same SatSys to be less-than-or-equal-to"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(  LessThanID <= Compare ,
                             "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with lesser IDs and same SatSys to not be less-than-or-equal-to",
      testFramework.assert( (Compare <= Equivalent),
                            "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found equivalent object to not be less-than-or-equal-to"
                            , __LINE__);

         //SatelliteSystem only comparisons
      testFramework.assert(  Compare <= DiffSatSys ,
                             "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with lesser SatSys and same IDs to not be less-than-or-equal-to",
      testFramework.assert(!(DiffSatSys <= Compare),
                           "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with greater SatSys and same IDs to be less-than-or-equal-to"
                           , __LINE__);

         //Completely different comparisons
      testFramework.assert(  Compare <= DiffEvery  ,
                             "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with lesser SatSys and greater ID to not be less-than-or-equal-to",
      testFramework.assert(!(DiffEvery <= Compare) ,
                           "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with greater SatSys and lesser ID to be less-than-or-equal-to"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare <= DiffEvery2),
                           "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with greater SatSys and lesser ID to be less-than-or-equal-to"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert(  DiffEvery2 <= Compare ,
                             "Less-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with lesser SatSys and greater ID to not be less-than-or-equal-to",

         //Does the >= Operator function?

         //ID only comparisons
      testFramework.assert( (Compare >= LessThanID),
                            "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with greater IDs and same SatSys to not be greater-than-or-equal-to",
      testFramework.assert(!(LessThanID >= Compare),
                           "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with lesser IDs and same SatSys to be greater-than-or-equal-to"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert( (Compare >= Equivalent),
                            "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found equivalent object to not be greater-than-or-equal-to"
                            , __LINE__);

         //SatelliteSystem only comparisons
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare >= DiffSatSys),
                           "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with lesser SatSys and same IDs to be greater-than-or-equal-to"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert( (DiffSatSys >= Compare),
                            "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with greater SatSys and same IDs to not be greater-than-or-equal-to",

         //Completely different comparisons
      testFramework.assert(!(Compare >= DiffEvery) ,
                           "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with lesser SatSys and greater ID to be greater-than-or-equal-to"
                           , __LINE__);
      testFramework.assert( (DiffEvery >= Compare) ,
                            "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with greater SatSys and lesser ID to not be greater-than-or-equal-to",
      testFramework.assert( (Compare >= DiffEvery2),
                            "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with greater SatSys and lesser ID to not be greater-than-or-equal-to",
      testFramework.assert(!(DiffEvery2 >= Compare),
                           "Greater-than-or-equal-to Operator found object with lesser SatSys and greater ID to be greater-than-or-equal-to"
                           , __LINE__);

         //Does the << Operator function?

      std::string outputString, compareString;
      std::stringstream outputStream;
      outputStream << Redirected;
      outputString = outputStream.str();
      compareString = "GPS 6";

      testFramework.assert(outputString == compareString,
                           "Redirect operator did not function properly", __LINE__);

      return testFramework.countFails();