static Evaluation twoPhaseSatKrn(const Params ¶ms, const Evaluation& Sw) { if (Sw <= params.krnSpline().xMin()) return Evaluation(params.krnSpline().yFirst()); if (Sw >= params.krnSpline().xMax()) return Evaluation(params.krnSpline().yLast()); return params.krnSpline().eval(Sw); }
static Evaluation twoPhaseSatPcnw(const Params ¶ms, const Evaluation& Sw) { // this assumes that the capillary pressure is monotonically decreasing if (Sw <= params.pcnwSpline().xMin()) return Evaluation(params.pcnwSpline().yFirst()); if (Sw >= params.pcnwSpline().xMax()) return Evaluation(params.pcnwSpline().yLast()); return params.pcnwSpline().eval(Sw); }
static Evaluation twoPhaseSatKrnInv(const Params ¶ms, const Evaluation& krn) { static const Evaluation nil(0.0); if (krn >= params.krnSpline().yFirst()) return Evaluation(params.krnSpline().xMin()); if (krn <= params.krnSpline().yLast()) return Evaluation(params.krnSpline().xMax()); return params.krnSpline().intersect(/*a=*/nil, /*b=*/nil, /*c=*/nil, /*d=*/krn); }
static Evaluation twoPhaseSatPcnwInv(const Params ¶ms, const Evaluation& pcnw) { static const Evaluation nil(0.0); // this assumes that the capillary pressure is monotonically decreasing if (pcnw >= params.pcnwSpline().yFirst()) return Evaluation(params.pcnwSpline().xMin()); if (pcnw <= params.pcnwSpline().yLast()) return Evaluation(params.pcnwSpline().xMax()); // the intersect() method of splines is a bit slow, but this code path is not too // time critical... return params.pcnwSpline().intersect(/*a=*/nil, /*b=*/nil, /*c=*/nil, /*d=*/pcnw); }
static Evaluation liquidEnthalpy(const Evaluation& temperature, const Evaluation& pressure) { // Gauss quadrature rule: // Interval: [0K; temperature (K)] // Gauss-Legendre-Integration with variable transformation: // \int_a^b f(T) dT \approx (b-a)/2 \sum_i=1^n \alpha_i f( (b-a)/2 x_i + (a+b)/2 ) // with: n=2, legendre -> x_i = +/- \sqrt(1/3), \apha_i=1 // here: a=0, b=actual temperature in Kelvin // \leadsto h(T) = \int_0^T c_p(T) dT // \approx 0.5 T * (cp( (0.5-0.5*\sqrt(1/3)) T) + cp((0.5+0.5*\sqrt(1/3)) T)) // = 0.5 T * (cp(0.2113 T) + cp(0.7887 T) ) // enthalpy may have arbitrary reference state, but the empirical/fitted heatCapacity function needs Kelvin as input return 0.5*temperature*(liquidHeatCapacity(Evaluation(0.2113*temperature), pressure) + liquidHeatCapacity(Evaluation(0.7887*temperature), pressure)); }
double Min(State * s_in, int depth, double alpha, double bata) { if(TerminalTest(s_in) || depth <= 0) { return Evaluation(s_in); } std::vector<Action> actions = s_in->ActionList(); double best_v = -infinity; Action dummy_out; for( std::vector<Action>::iterator a = actions.begin(); a != actions.end(); a++) { State *s2 = s_in->NewState(*a); double V = Max(s2, dummy_out, depth-1, alpha, beta); if(V < best_v) { beta = V; best_v = V; } if(V < alpha) { break; } delete s2; s2 = 0; } return best_v; }
double Max(State * s_in, Action & action_out, int depth, double alpha, double beta) { if(TerminalTest(s_in) || depth <= 0) { action_out = Action::none; return Evaluation(s_in); //allways evaluate from our prespective not the oppenents } std::vector<Action> actions = s_in->ActionList(); double best_v = -infinity; for( std::vector<Action>::iterator a = actions.begin(); a != actions.end(); a++) { State *s2 = s_in->NewState(*a); double V = Min(s2, depth-1, alpha, beta); if(V > best_v) { alpha = V; best_v = V; action_out = *a; } if(V > beta) { break; } delete s2; s2 = 0; } return best_v; }
static Evaluation krn(const Params ¶ms, const FluidState &fluidState) { typedef MathToolbox<Evaluation> Toolbox; typedef MathToolbox<typename FluidState::Scalar> FsToolbox; Scalar Swco = params.Swl(); Evaluation Sw = Toolbox::max(Evaluation(Swco), FsToolbox::template decay<Evaluation>(fluidState.saturation(waterPhaseIdx))); Evaluation Sg = FsToolbox::template decay<Evaluation>(fluidState.saturation(gasPhaseIdx)); Evaluation Sw_ow = Sg + Sw; Evaluation So_go = 1.0 - Sw_ow; const Evaluation& kro_ow = OilWaterMaterialLaw::twoPhaseSatKrn(params.oilWaterParams(), Sw_ow); const Evaluation& kro_go = GasOilMaterialLaw::twoPhaseSatKrw(params.gasOilParams(), So_go); // avoid the division by zero: chose a regularized kro which is used if Sw - Swco // < epsilon/2 and interpolate between the oridinary and the regularized kro between // epsilon and epsilon/2 const Scalar epsilon = 1e-5; if (Toolbox::scalarValue(Sw_ow) - Swco < epsilon) { Evaluation kro2 = (kro_ow + kro_go)/2;; if (Toolbox::scalarValue(Sw_ow) - Swco > epsilon/2) { Evaluation kro1 = (Sg*kro_go + (Sw - Swco)*kro_ow)/(Sw_ow - Swco); Evaluation alpha = (epsilon - (Sw_ow - Swco))/(epsilon/2); return kro2*alpha + kro1*(1 - alpha); } return kro2; } else return (Sg*kro_go + (Sw - Swco)*kro_ow)/(Sw_ow - Swco); }
void AsynchronousApplication:: perform_evaluation_impl( const utilib::Any &domain, const AppRequest::request_map_t &requests, utilib::seed_t &seed, AppResponse::response_map_t &responses ) { Any evalID = spawn_evaluation(domain, requests, seed); while ( true ) { AppResponse::response_map_t tmp_responses; utilib::seed_t tmp_seed; Any tmp_evalId; tmp_evalId = async_collect_evaluation(tmp_responses, tmp_seed); try { if ( evalID.references_same_data_as(tmp_evalId) || evalID == tmp_evalId ) { responses = tmp_responses; seed = tmp_seed; return; } else { evaluatedBuffer.push_back ( Evaluation(tmp_evalId, tmp_seed, tmp_responses) ); } } catch ( utilib::any_not_comparable& ) { // silently ignore non-comparable EvalIDs } } }
ToolState::ToolState() : current_evaluation(Evaluation()){ dm = states::Single_Image; ds = states:: Enabled_Datasets; display_modifier = states::No_Modifier; current_image_page = 0; enabled_classifier = 0; enabled_feature = 0; ims_per_page = 16; parameter_panel = 0; current_classifier = 0; selected_class_listbox = 0; main_gui = 0; classes = 0; stats = 0; current_single_image_texture = 0; singleDp = 0; }
static Evaluation gasDensity(const Evaluation& temperature, const Evaluation& pressure) { return IdealGas<Scalar>::density(Evaluation(molarMass()), temperature, pressure); }
int * Simulate(NODE *graph,int Max,int fault_node,int type_of_fault,int npi) { LIST *fanin,*temp; LIST *frontier=NULL; LIST *event = NULL; LIST *improve = NULL; char line[Mlin],str1[Mlin]; int i,j,length,output_number ,k,index; int inp_value,inp_node; int node_id,value,input_value,line_number,next_value; int test,check,obj,eof_flag; int f_node,f_value,detected,new_input,error,flag; //error reports int coverage,event_null,nodes_number; coverage = event_null = nodes_number = 0; //init_node(graph , Max); depth(graph,Max); controllability(graph,Max); clock_t begin,end; begin = clock(); int * vector = (int *) malloc(npi*sizeof(int)); nodes_number++; detected = 0; error = 0; f_node = node_id =fault_node; f_value = value = type_of_fault; while(detected != 1 && error != 1){ new_input = 0; controllability(graph,Max); obj = objective(graph,Max,&node_id,&value,f_node,f_value,&frontier); backtrace(graph,node_id,value,&inp_value,&inp_node,&new_input); push (&event,inp_node); detected = Evaluation(graph,Max,inp_node,inp_value,f_node,f_value); d_frontier(graph,Max,&frontier); if(detected == 1){ //printf("\n------------------------DETECTED-----------------\n"); for(j=0;j<=Max;j++){ if(graph[j].Type == INPT){ vector[j-1] = graph[j].Cval; //fprintf(fres,"%d",input_value); } } coverage++; } else { if(obj == 1 && frontier == NULL){ if(detected != 1) //printf("\n----------NOT DETECTED--------------(path blocked)"); error = 1; } if(obj == 3) { error = 1; //printf("\n----------NOT DETECTED--------------(fault masked)"); } if(new_input ==0 ) { error = 1; //printf("\n----------NOT NEW INPUT -----------"); } while(error == 1){ //printf("\n------------trying to backtrack-------------"); inp_node = pop(&event); inp_value = invert(inp_value); frontier=NULL; detected = Evaluation(graph,Max,inp_node,inp_value,f_node,f_value); d_frontier(graph,Max,&frontier); if(event == NULL){ error = 0; detected = 1; //printf("\ncase event null"); event_null++; push (&improve,f_node); }else if(detected != 1 && frontier != NULL) { error = 0; //printf("\ncase continue"); }else if(detected == 1){ error = 0; detected = 1; for(j=0;j<=Max;j++){ if(graph[j].Type == INPT){ vector[j-1] = graph[j].Cval; //fprintf(fres,"%d",input_value); } } //printf("\n------------------------DETECTED-----------------\n"); coverage++; }else if(frontier == NULL) { error = 1; //printf("\ncase next value from event list"); } } } } //init_node(graph , Max); if(frontier!=NULL) frontier=NULL; event = NULL; /* //try to improve the coverage //printf("\n-----TRY to improve the coverage"); temp = improve; while(temp!=NULL){ detected = 0; error = 0; f_node = node_id =temp->id; f_value = value = type_of_fault; while(detected != 1 && error != 1){ new_input = 0; controllability(graph,Max); obj = objective(graph,Max,&node_id,&value,f_node,f_value,&frontier); backtrace(graph,node_id,value,&inp_value,&inp_node,&new_input); push (&event,inp_node); detected = Evaluation(graph,Max,inp_node,inp_value,f_node,f_value); d_frontier(graph,Max,&frontier); if(detected == 1){ //printf("\n------------------------DETECTED AT FIRST BACKTRACK-----------------\n"); for(j=0;j<=Max;j++){ if(graph[j].Type == INPT){ vector[j-1] = graph[j].Cval; //fprintf(fres,"%d",input_value); } } coverage++; } else { if(obj == 1 && frontier == NULL){ if(detected != 1) { //printf("\n----------NOT DETECTED--------------(path blocked)"); } error = 1; } if(obj == 3) { error = 1; //printf("\n----------NOT DETECTED--------------(fault masked)"); } if(new_input ==0 ) { error = 1; //printf("\n----------NOT NEW INPUT -----------"); } if(error == 1){ //printf("\n------------trying to backtrack-----------------"); inp_node = pop(&event); graph[inp_node].Cval = 2; inp_node = pop(&event); inp_value = invert(inp_value); frontier=NULL; detected = Evaluation(graph,Max,inp_node,inp_value,f_node,f_value); d_frontier(graph,Max,&frontier); if(event == NULL){ error = 0; detected = 1; //printf("\ncase event null"); }else if(detected != 1 && frontier != NULL) { error = 0; //printf("\ncase continue"); }else if(detected == 1){ error = 0; detected = 1; //printf("\n------------------------DETECTED AT FIRST BACKTRACK-----------------\n"); for(j=0;j<=Max;j++){ if(graph[j].Type == INPT){ vector[j-1] = graph[j].Cval; //fprintf(fres,"%d",input_value); } } coverage++; }else if(frontier == NULL) { error = 0; } } } } //init_node(graph , Max); if(frontier!=NULL) frontier=NULL; event = NULL; temp = temp->next; }*/ printf("\nTotal number of nodes %d and faults detected %d and event list is empty %d and not detected %d \n",nodes_number,coverage,event_null,nodes_number-coverage); printf("------------------------RESULTS---------------------------\n\tTOTAl FAULTS->%d\n\tDETECTED->%d\n\tPERCENTAGE->%g\r\n",nodes_number,coverage,(((double)coverage)/nodes_number*100)); end = clock(); printf("\nTIME SPENT TO GENERATE THE PATTERNS %f\n",(double)(end-begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return vector; }//end of Simulate function
void fit(struct rec *t_func,struct data *L_data){ int i,j,k=0,Nm,Np; double *w; double sum_p=0,sum_m=0; double u_w_x=0,u_w_y=0,s_y=0,t_y; double *jm_x_p,*jm_x_m,*jm_y_p,*jm_y_m,*sepa,*alpha; double db_x_p,db_x_m,db_y_p,db_y_m; double thore; double min; double best; int best_x_p,best_x_m,best_y_p,best_y_m,*s_flag; w=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*L_data[0].num); jm_x_p=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*L_data[0].num); jm_x_m=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*L_data[0].num); jm_y_p=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*L_data[0].num); jm_y_m=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*L_data[0].num); sepa=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*L_data[0].num); s_flag=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*L_data[0].num); alpha=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*L_data[0].num); printf("1\n"); Nm = 0; Np = 0; for(i=0;i<L_data[0].num;i++) { if(L_data[i].qul == 1) { Np++; } if(L_data[i].qul == -1) { Nm++; } } for(i=0;i<L_data[0].num;i++) { w[i]=1.0/(2*Np); } Label: for(i=0;i<L_data[0].num-1;i++) { jm_x_p[i]=0.0; jm_y_p[i]=0.0; jm_x_m[i]=0.0; jm_y_m[i]=0.0; } printf("2\n"); //thoreshold x printf("loop %d\n",k); for(i=0;i<L_data[0].num-1;i++) { for(j=0;j<L_data[0].num;j++) { thore = t_func[i].x; jm_x_p[i] += w[j] * w_func_x_p(thore,L_data,j); jm_x_m[i] += w[j] * w_func_x_m(thore,L_data,j); u_w_x += w[j]; // printf("w_x_p %lf w_x_m %lf w_f_x_p %lf w_f_x_m %lf\n",w_x_p[i][j],w_x_m[i][j],w_func_x_p(thore,L_data,j),w_func_x_m(thore,L_data,j)); // printf("x %lf y %lf label %d thore_x %lf jm_x_p %lf jm_x_m %lf\n",L_data[j].x,L_data[j].y,L_data[j].qul,t_func[i].x,jm_x_p[i],jm_x_m[i]); } jm_x_p[i] /= u_w_x; jm_x_m[i] /= u_w_x; printf("jm_x_p %lf jm_x_m %lf\n",jm_x_p[i],jm_x_m[i]); u_w_x = 0; // printf("thore_x %lf number%d sum_p %lf sum_m %lf\n",t_func[i].x,i,sum_p,sum_m); } min = jm_x_p[0]; best_x_p = 0; printf("0 rec_x_p %lf rec_x_l %lf\n",t_func[0].x,jm_x_p[0]); for(i=1;i<L_data[0].num-1;i++) { printf("%d rec_x_p %lf rec_x_l %lf\n",i,t_func[i].x,jm_x_p[i]); if(min > jm_x_p[i]) { min = jm_x_p[i]; best_x_p = i; } } printf("%d learn %d min_rec_x_p %lf\n",k,best_x_p,min); min = jm_x_m[0]; best_x_m = 0; printf("0 rec_x_m %lf rec_x_m_l %lf\n",t_func[0].x,jm_x_m[0]); for(i=1;i<L_data[0].num-1;i++) { printf("%d rec_x_m %lf rec_x_l %lf\n",i,t_func[i].x,jm_x_m[i]); if(min > jm_x_m[i]) { min = jm_x_m[i]; best_x_m = i; } } printf("%d learn %d min_rec_x_m %lf\n",k,best_x_m,min); //thoreshold y for(i=0;i<L_data[0].num-1;i++) { for(j=0;j<L_data[0].num;j++) { thore = t_func[i].y; jm_y_p[i] += w[j] * w_func_y_p(thore,L_data,j); jm_y_m[i] += w[j] * w_func_y_m(thore,L_data,j); u_w_y += w[j]; // printf("w_y_m %lf w_y_f_m %lf\n",w_y_m[i][j], w_func_y_m(thore,L_data,j)); } // printf("jm_y_p %lf jm_y_m %lf\n",jm_y_p[i],jm_y_m[i] ); jm_y_p[i] /= u_w_y; jm_y_m[i] /= u_w_y; // printf("jm_y_p %lf jm_y_m %lf\n",jm_y_p[i],jm_y_m[i] ); printf("u_w_y %lf\n",u_w_y); u_w_y = 0; } min = jm_y_p[0]; best_y_p = 0; printf("0 rec_y_p %lf rec_y_l %lf\n",t_func[0].y,jm_y_p[0]); for(i=1;i<L_data[0].num-1;i++) { printf("%d rec_y_p %lf rec_y_l %lf\n",i,t_func[i].y,jm_y_p[i]); if(min > jm_y_p[i]) { min = jm_y_p[i]; best_y_p = i; } } printf("%d learn %d min_rec_y_p %lf\n",k,best_y_p,min); min = jm_y_m[0]; best_y_m = 0; printf("0 rec_y_m %lf rec_y_l %lf\n",t_func[0].y,jm_y_m[0]); for(i=1;i<L_data[0].num-1;i++) { printf("%d rec_y_m %lf rec_y_l %lf\n",i,t_func[i].x,jm_y_m[i]); if(min > jm_y_m[i]) { min = jm_y_m[i]; best_y_m = i; } } printf("%d learn %d min_rec_y_m %lf\n",k,best_y_m,min); // best function search printf("3\n"); // printf("x_%d %d\n",k,best_x); sepa[k] = t_func[best_x_p].x; s_flag[k] = 1; alpha[k] = log((1-jm_x_p[best_x_p])/jm_x_p[best_x_p]); db_x_p = alpha[k]; // printf("best_x_p %d rec_x_p %lf jm_x_p %lf\n",best_x_p,sepa[k],jm_x_p[best_x_p]); // printf("alpha %lf\n",alpha[k]); // printf("s_flag %d\n",s_flag[k]); best = jm_x_p[best_x_p]; if(best > jm_x_m[best_x_m] ) { best = jm_x_m[best_x_m]; // printf("y_%d %d\n",k,best_y); sepa[k] = t_func[best_x_m].x; s_flag[k] = 2; alpha[k] = log((1-jm_x_m[best_x_m])/jm_x_m[best_x_m]); // printf("rec_x_m %lf\n",sepa[k]); // printf("alpha %lf\n",alpha[k]); // printf("s_flag %d\n",s_flag[k]); } db_x_m = log((1-jm_x_m[best_x_m])/jm_x_m[best_x_m]); if(best > jm_y_p[best_y_p] ) { best = jm_y_p[best_y_p]; // printf("y_%d %d\n",k,best_y); sepa[k] = t_func[best_y_p].y; s_flag[k] = 3; alpha[k] = log((1-jm_y_p[best_y_p])/jm_y_p[best_y_p]); // printf("rec_y_p %lf\n",sepa[k]); // printf("alpha %lf\n",alpha[k]); // printf("s_flag %d\n",s_flag[k]); thore = t_func[best_y_p].y; } db_y_p = log((1-jm_y_p[best_y_p])/jm_y_p[best_y_p]); if(best > jm_y_m[best_y_m] ) { best = jm_y_m[best_y_m]; // printf("y_%d %d\n",k,best_y); sepa[k] = t_func[best_y_m].y; s_flag[k] = 4; alpha[k] = log((1-jm_y_m[best_y_m])/jm_y_m[best_y_m]); // printf("rec_y_m %lf\n",sepa[k]); // printf("alpha %lf\n",alpha[k]); // printf("s_flag %d\n",s_flag[k]); } db_y_m = log((1-jm_y_m[best_y_m])/jm_y_m[best_y_m]); printf("%d alpha_x_p %lf alpha_x_m %lf alpha_y_p %lf alpha_y_m %lf\n",k,db_x_p,db_x_m,db_y_p,db_y_m); printf("alpha_best %lf\n",alpha[k]); if(best == jm_x_p[best_x_p]) { thore = t_func[best_x_p].x; for(j=0;j<L_data[0].num;j++) { w[j] = w[j] * exp(alpha[k] * w_func_x_p(thore,L_data,j)); // printf("%lf\n",w[best_x][j]); } } if(best == jm_x_m[best_x_m]) { thore = t_func[best_x_m].x; for(j=0;j<L_data[0].num;j++) { w[j] = w[j] * exp(alpha[k] * w_func_x_m(thore,L_data,j)); // printf("%lf\n",w[best_x][j]); } } if(best == jm_y_p[best_y_p]) { thore = t_func[best_y_p].y; for(j=0;j<L_data[0].num;j++) { w[j] = w[j] * exp(alpha[k] * w_func_y_p(thore,L_data,j)); // printf("%lf\n",w[best_x][j]); } } if(best == jm_y_m[best_y_m]) { thore = t_func[best_y_m].y; for(j=0;j<L_data[0].num;j++) { w[j] = w[j] * exp(alpha[k] * w_func_y_m(thore,L_data,j)); // printf("%lf\n",w[best_x][j]); } } k++; // Evaluation if(k>=L_data[0].num-1) { printf("4\n"); Evaluation(s_flag,sepa,alpha,L_data); return; } goto Label; }
static Evaluation gasDensity(const Evaluation& temperature, const Evaluation& pressure) { // Assume an ideal gas return IdealGas::density(Evaluation(molarMass()), temperature, pressure); }
/// evaluate best possible move up to a certain level /// this is done recursively by a form of the NegaMax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning Evaluation Game::_evaluateMoves(int level, float alpha, float beta, bool initialCall) { KBX::Logger log("evaluation"); if ((level == 0) || (this->getWinner() != NONE_OF_BOTH)) { return Evaluation(this->_rate(this->_nextPlayer)); } // get rating, either directly or by recursive call float rating; // container for best move candidates std::priority_queue< Evaluation, std::vector< Evaluation >, Evaluation::less > candidates; // limit indices to significant color size_t from, to; if (this->_nextPlayer == WHITE) { from = 0; to = 8; } else { from = 9; to = 17; } // iterate over all dice of a color for (size_t d = from; d <= to; d++) { // get value of current die size_t value = this->_dice[d].getValue(); // iterate over max number of moves for given dice value (stored in state-array) for (size_t i = 0; i < DieState::nPossibleMoves[value]; i++) { // abort evaluation if cancelled if (this->cancelled()) { return Evaluation(0.0f); } // check if this specific move is valid RelativeMove move = DieState::possibleMoves[value][i]; if (this->moveIsValid(Move(d, move))) { // store all data to undo move later RelativeMove moveBack = move.invert(); // kill the die lying on the target field int idDieOnTarget = this->_fields[this->_dice[d].x() + move.dx][this->_dice[d].y() + move.dy]; // perform move this->makeMove(Move(d, move), false); // recursive call for next step (negative weighting, since it is opponent's turn) rating = - this->_strategy.patience * this->_evaluateMoves(level - 1, -beta, -alpha, false).rating; // undo move this->makeMove(Move(d, moveBack), false); // revive killed die on target field if (idDieOnTarget != CLEAR) { this->reviveDie(idDieOnTarget); } // alpha-beta pruning if (rating >= beta) { return Evaluation(rating); } if (rating > alpha) { alpha = rating; if (initialCall == true) { // add move to candidate list candidates.push(Evaluation(rating, Move(d, move))); } } } } } if (initialCall == true) { if ( ! candidates.empty()) { float topRating =; std::vector<Evaluation> topCandidates;"top rating: %0.4f", topRating)); while (( >= topRating) && ( ! candidates.empty())) { topCandidates.push_back(; candidates.pop(); }"next rating: %0.4f",;"no. of top candidates: %d", topCandidates.size())); // randomly select from equally rated top candidates std::size_t iTop = randomIndex(0, topCandidates.size()-1); return topCandidates[iTop]; } } return Evaluation(alpha); }