bool InterfaceRec::look_in_methods_and_events(const SString & id) { int32_t i, count = CountMethods(); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (MethodAt(i)->ID() == id) { return true; } } count = CountEvents(); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (EventAt(i)->ID() == id) { return true; } } return false; }
status_t InterfaceRec::View() { bout << "ID = " << ID() << endl; bout << "Namespace = " << Namespace() << endl; SVector<SString> rents=Parents(); for (int s=0; s<rents.CountItems(); s++) { if (s=0) { bout << "Parents = " << endl; } bout << " - " << rents.ItemAt(s) << endl; } int32_t num=CountProperties(); bout << "# of Properties = " << num << endl; for (int s=0; s< num; s++) { sptr<IDLNameType> nt=PropertyAt(s); bout << " - " << nt->m_id << endl; } num=CountMethods(); bout << "# of Methods = " << num << endl; for (int s=0; s< num; s++) { sptr<IDLMethod> m=MethodAt(s); bout << " - " << m->ID() << endl; } num=CountEvents(); bout << "# of Events = " << num << endl; for (int s=0; s< CountEvents(); s++) { sptr<IDLEvent> e=EventAt(s); bout << " - " << e->ID() << endl; } return B_OK; }
DROPEFFECT EventSheetEditor::OnDragOver(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point) { /// Update Key States m_CtrlDown = false; m_ShiftDown = false; if(dwKeyState & MK_CONTROL) m_CtrlDown = true; if(dwKeyState & MK_SHIFT) m_ShiftDown = true; m_Drag.CtrlDown = m_CtrlDown; DROPEFFECT de = m_pDDMgr->OnDragOver(pDataObject, dwKeyState, point); // DRAG INFO m_Drag.dragtype = -1; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; CString csF = m_pDDMgr->AvailableDataType(pDataObject); if (csF == "Construct Events") m_Drag.dragtype = EVENT; if (csF == "Construct Conditions") m_Drag.dragtype = CONDITION; if (csF == "Construct Actions") m_Drag.dragtype = ACTION; if (csF == "Construct Object") m_Drag.dragtype = OBJECT; if(m_Drag.dragtype != -1) m_Drag.IsDragging = true; // DRAG INFO END if(m_Mouse.y != point.y) m_Drag.GoingUp = point.y < m_Mouse.y ? true : false; m_Mouse = point; Invalidate(); switch (m_Drag.dragtype) { case EVENT: { // Mouse is over an event CEditorEvent* tmpEvent = EventAt(m_Mouse); if(tmpEvent == 0 ) return false; // If we arn't holding control, dont let them hover over something selected! if(!m_CtrlDown) if(tmpEvent->m_select(this)) return false; //CRect Rect = tmpEvent->m_handle(this); //Rect.left = tmpEvent->m_rect(this).left; //Rect.bottom = tmpEvent->m_rect(this).bottom; //if(!Rect.PtInRect(point)) // return false; } break; case CONDITION: { CEditorEvent* tmpEvent = EventAt(m_Mouse); if(tmpEvent == 0 ) return false; if(tmpEvent->m_type == 1 ) return false; // Type doesn't accept draggin CEditorCondition* tmpCondition = tmpEvent->conditionAt(m_Mouse, this); // If we arn't holding control, dont let them hover over something selected! if(!m_CtrlDown) if(tmpCondition) if(tmpCondition->m_select(this)) return false; /* CRect Rect = tmpEvent->m_handle; Rect.bottom = tmpEvent->m_rect.bottom; if(tmpCondition) { Rect = tmpCondition->m_rect; if(!Rect.PtInRect(point)) return false; }*/ } break; case ACTION: { CEditorEvent* tmpEvent = EventAt(m_Mouse); if(tmpEvent == 0 ) return false; if(tmpEvent->m_type == 1 ) return false; // Type doesn't accept draggin CEditorAction* tmpAction = tmpEvent->actionAt(m_Mouse, this); // If we arn't holding control, dont let them hover over something selected! if(!m_CtrlDown) if(tmpAction) if(tmpAction->m_select(this)) return false; CRect Rect = tmpEvent->m_handle(this); Rect.bottom = tmpEvent->m_rect(this).bottom; } break; case OBJECT: { if(!m_pHeader->m_rect.PtInRect(m_Mouse)) { return false; } } break; } // Auto scroll POINT pt; GetCursorPos( &pt ); RECT rect; GetClientRect( &rect ); ScreenToClient( &pt ); if ((GetTickCount() - 25) > m_lastTick) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos( &pt ); RECT rect; GetClientRect( &rect ); ClientToScreen( &rect ); SetRedraw(0); if( pt.y < + 10) ScrollToPosition(GetScrollPosition()+CPoint(0,-10)); else if( pt.y > rect.bottom - 10) ScrollToPosition(GetScrollPosition()+CPoint(0,10)); if( pt.x < rect.left + 10) ScrollToPosition(GetScrollPosition()+CPoint(-10,0)); else if( pt.x > rect.right - 10) ScrollToPosition(GetScrollPosition()+CPoint(10,0)); SetRedraw(); m_lastTick = GetTickCount(); } if (m_lastTick > GetTickCount()) m_lastTick = GetTickCount(); // end auto scroll return de; }
BOOL EventSheetEditor::OnDrop(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point) { m_Drag.IsDragging = false; m_ClickedSelectedAction = false; m_ClickedSelectedCondition = false; m_ClickedSelectedEvent = false; // DRAG INFO m_Drag.dragtype = -1; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; CString csF = m_pDDMgr->AvailableDataType(pDataObject); if (csF == "Construct Events") m_Drag.dragtype = EVENT; if (csF == "Construct Conditions") m_Drag.dragtype = CONDITION; if (csF == "Construct Actions") m_Drag.dragtype = ACTION; if (csF == "Construct Object") m_Drag.dragtype = OBJECT; if(m_Drag.dragtype != -1) m_Drag.IsDragging = true; // DRAG INFO END switch (m_Drag.dragtype) { case EVENT: { CreateUndo(); //First if we are moving...delete the old stuff if(dropEffect == DROPEFFECT_MOVE) { //We need to delete the old ones.... for(int a = 0; a < (*m_pEventList).size() ; a ++ ) { if((*m_pEventList)[a]->InstantDeleteSelectedEvents((*m_pEventList),a, this)) { (*m_pEventList)[a]->Remove(false, this); } } } // At this point we have a new event list...but remember we // haven't rendered so even though the events have moved there // rectangles are old...meaning we can still 'select' our new // rectangle //// m_Drag.dragtype = -1; CEditorEvent* tmpEvent = EventAt(m_Mouse); if(tmpEvent == 0 ) return false; // eep we lost our selected events! Might want to do something here! EventVector* tempList; CEditorDragEvents Events; int index; tempList = FindEventListEventExistsIn(tmpEvent,&(*m_pEventList),index); if(tempList == 0 ) return false; // eeppp...the event doesn't have a parent... Events.m_pEventListPart = tempList; Events.index = index; Events.GoingUp = m_Drag.GoingUp; if(point.x > tmpEvent->m_handle(this).left +32 && tmpEvent->canAddEvents()) { Events.m_pEventListPart = &tmpEvent->m_EventList; Events.index = 0; Events.GoingUp = true; } Events.pEd = (EventSheetEditor*)this; DeselectEvents(); m_pDDMgr->DoDrop(&Events, pDataObject, "Construct Events"); } break; case CONDITION: { CreateUndo(); if(dropEffect == DROPEFFECT_MOVE) { SelectedConditionVector m_SelectedConditions; CreateConditionSelectionVector(m_SelectedConditions, (*m_pEventList)); for(int c = 0; c < m_SelectedConditions.size(); c++) m_SelectedConditions[c]->Remove(false, this); m_SelectedConditions.clear(); } m_Drag.dragtype = -1; CEditorEvent* tmpEvent = EventAt(m_Mouse); if(tmpEvent == 0 ) return false; if(!tmpEvent->canAddConditions()) return false; CEditorCondition* tmpCondition = tmpEvent->conditionAt(m_Mouse, this); int index = 0; if(tmpCondition != 0) { for(int c = 0; c < tmpEvent->m_Conditions.size() ; c ++ ) { if (tmpEvent->m_Conditions[c] == tmpCondition) index = c; } } DeselectConditions(); CEditorDragConditions Conditions; Conditions.m_pConditions = &tmpEvent->m_Conditions; Conditions.index = index; Conditions.GoingUp = m_Drag.GoingUp; Conditions.pEd = (EventSheetEditor*)this; m_pDDMgr->DoDrop(&Conditions, pDataObject, "Construct Conditions"); } break; case ACTION: { CreateUndo(); //First if we are moving...delete the old stuff if(dropEffect == DROPEFFECT_MOVE) { SelectedActionVector m_SelectedActions; CreateActionSelectionVector(m_SelectedActions,(*m_pEventList)); for(int a=0; a < m_SelectedActions.size(); a ++) m_SelectedActions[a]->Remove(false, this); m_SelectedActions.clear(); } m_Drag.dragtype = -1; CEditorEvent* tmpEvent = EventAt(m_Mouse); if(tmpEvent == 0 ) return false; // eep we lost our event that held the condition our mouse is over!!! if(!tmpEvent->canAddActions()) return false; // type doesn't accept droppin of actions CEditorAction* tmpAction = tmpEvent->actionAt(m_Mouse, this); int index = 0; if(tmpAction != 0) { for(int a = 0; a < tmpEvent->m_Actions.size() ; a ++ ) { if (tmpEvent->m_Actions[a] == tmpAction) index = a; } } DeselectActions(); CEditorDragActions Actions; Actions.m_pActions = &tmpEvent->m_Actions; Actions.index = index; Actions.GoingUp = m_Drag.GoingUp; Actions.pEd = (EventSheetEditor*)this; m_pDDMgr->DoDrop(&Actions, pDataObject, "Construct Actions"); } break; case OBJECT: { CEditorDragObject Object; Object.pEd = (EventSheetEditor*)this; m_pDDMgr->DoDrop(&Object, pDataObject, "Construct Object"); int obj = Object.ObjectIdentifier; int newindex = -1; int oldindex = -1; for(int a = 0; a < this->m_pHeader->m_Objects.size(); a++) { if(m_pHeader-> == Object.ObjectIdentifier) oldindex = a; if(m_pHeader-> { newindex = a; } } if(oldindex == -1) return false; if(newindex == -1) return false; CEditorObject o = m_pHeader->; m_pHeader->m_Objects.erase( m_pHeader->m_Objects.begin() + oldindex); if(newindex >= m_pHeader->m_Objects.size()) m_pHeader->m_Objects.push_back(o); else m_pHeader->m_Objects.insert(m_pHeader->m_Objects.begin() + newindex, o); Invalidate(); } break; } OnTimer(0); // update the time return true; }
void EventSheetEditor::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if(!m_pHeader) return; m_ObjectHeaderTooltip.ShowAt(point, *this); m_Mouse = point; m_pHeader->OnMouseMove(point); if(m_pHeader->m_isDrag) Invalidate(); else { // Is is possible we might be dragging. if(!m_Drag.IsDragging && m_leftDown) { if( ( (point.x - m_Drag.StoredPos.x)*(point.x - m_Drag.StoredPos.x) +(point.y - m_Drag.StoredPos.y)*(point.y - m_Drag.StoredPos.y)) > 8) { switch (m_Drag.dragtype) { case EVENT: { SelectedEventVector m_SelectedEvents; CreateEventSelectionVectorLimited(m_SelectedEvents,(*m_pEventList)); CEditorDragEvents* Events = new CEditorDragEvents; Events->pEd = this; Events->m_pSelectedEvents = &m_SelectedEvents; DROPEFFECT de = DROPEFFECT_COPY; m_pDDMgr->PrepareDrop(DO_DRAGDROP,"Construct Events",Events,&de); // wait till the drop is done...then.... m_Drag.dragtype = -1; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; Invalidate(); } break; case CONDITION: { SelectedConditionVector m_SelectedConditions; CreateConditionSelectionVector(m_SelectedConditions,(*m_pEventList)); CEditorDragConditions* Conditions = new CEditorDragConditions; Conditions->pEd = this; Conditions->m_pSelectedConditions = &m_SelectedConditions; DROPEFFECT de = DROPEFFECT_COPY; m_pDDMgr->PrepareDrop(DO_DRAGDROP,"Construct Conditions",Conditions,&de); // wait till the drop is done..then... m_Drag.dragtype = -1; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; Invalidate(); m_SelectedConditions.clear(); } break; case ACTION: { SelectedActionVector m_SelectedActions; CreateActionSelectionVector(m_SelectedActions,(*m_pEventList)); CEditorDragActions* Actions = new CEditorDragActions; Actions->pEd = this; Actions->m_pSelectedActions = &m_SelectedActions; DROPEFFECT de = DROPEFFECT_COPY; m_pDDMgr->PrepareDrop(DO_DRAGDROP,"Construct Actions",Actions,&de); // wait till the drop is done..then... m_Drag.dragtype = -1; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; Invalidate(); m_SelectedActions.clear(); } break; case OBJECT: { CEditorDragObject* Objects = new CEditorDragObject; Objects->pEd = (EventSheetEditor*)this; Objects->ObjectIdentifier = m_pHeader->GetObjectAtX(m_Drag.StoredPos.x)->oid; DROPEFFECT de = DROPEFFECT_COPY; m_pDDMgr->PrepareDrop(DO_DRAGDROP,"Construct Object",Objects,&de); // wait till the drop is done..then... m_Drag.dragtype = -1; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; Invalidate(); } break; default: break; } } } else { //Tooltips CEditorEvent* pMyEvent = EventAt(point); if(pMyEvent) { SelectedActionVector actions; CEditorAction* pAction = pMyEvent->actionAt(point, actions, this); CEditorCondition* pCondition = pMyEvent->conditionAt(point, this); if(pMyEvent->m_displayActionType(this) < 2) //only grid and chrono should show the tooltip { if(pAction) { CPoint pt = (actions[0])->m_rect(this).TopLeft(); pt.x += 16; pt.y = (actions[0])->m_rect(this).bottom-4; if(!m_InsertBefore.IsWindowVisible()) m_ActionTooltip.ShowAt(pt,actions,*this); } else { m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); } } else { } } else m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); } } SelectedConditionVector SelectedConditions; CreateConditionSelectionVector(SelectedConditions,(*m_pEventList)); for(int c = 0; c < SelectedConditions.size(); c++) InvalidateRect(SelectedConditions[c]->m_rect(this)); SelectedActionVector SelectedActions; CreateActionSelectionVector(SelectedActions,(*m_pEventList)); for(int a = 0; a < SelectedActions.size(); a++) InvalidateRect(SelectedActions[a]->m_rect(this)); SelectedEventVector SelectedEvents; CreateEventSelectionVector(SelectedEvents,(*m_pEventList)); for(int e = 0; e < SelectedEvents.size(); e++) InvalidateRect(SelectedEvents[e]->m_rect(this)); //////////////////////// // Change to a hand cursor if overlapping "new action" bool useHandCursor = false; static CEditorEvent* pLastEvent = NULL; if (pLastEvent) { pLastEvent->mouseOverNewAction = false; pLastEvent->mouseOverFooter = false; } if (!(point.x >= m_pHeader->m_Split - 2 && point.x <= m_pHeader->m_Split + 5)) { CEditorEvent* pEvent = this->EventAt(point); if(pEvent) { pEvent->mouseOverNewAction = false; pEvent->mouseOverFooter = false; if(pEvent->canAddActions()) { if(pEvent->m_gridRec(this).PtInRect(point)) { useHandCursor = true; pEvent->mouseOverNewAction = true; } } if(pEvent->m_type == 2 && pEvent->m_open(this)) // Group { CRect Footer = pEvent->m_rect(this); = Footer.bottom - 17; Footer.left += EVENT_INDENT * 2; if(Footer.PtInRect(point)) { useHandCursor = true; pEvent->mouseOverFooter = true; } } pLastEvent = pEvent; this->Invalidate(); } } //////////////////////// // Change to a hand cursor if overlapping "new event to group" static HCURSOR handCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND); static HCURSOR arrowCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); if (useHandCursor) SetCursor(handCursor); //else // SetCursor(arrowCursor); //////////////////////// int objid = 0; CPoint pt = point; // copy! CRect myrect; GetWindowRect(&myrect); CRect rect; = pt.y; rect.left = pt.x; rect.right = pt.x + 20; rect.bottom = pt.y + 20; CScrollView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }
void EventSheetEditor::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint pt) { if (!(pt.x >= m_pHeader->m_Split - 2 && pt.x <= m_pHeader->m_Split + 5)) { CEditorEvent* pEvent = EventAt(pt); if(pEvent) { if(pEvent->canAddActions()) { if(pEvent->mouseOverNewAction) { AddAction(pEvent, -1); return; } if(pEvent->mouseOverFooter) { AddCondition(false, NULL, true, pEvent); return; } } } } if(KillFocusOnInlineEditor()) return; m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); CEditorEvent* pMyEventParent = NULL; CEditorEvent* pMyEvent = EventAt(pt, &pMyEventParent); m_leftDown = true; //if(m_pHeader->m_rect.PtInRect(pt)) if(pt.x >= m_pHeader->m_Split - 2 && pt.x <= m_pHeader->m_Split + 5) { m_InsertAfter.Hide(); m_InsertBefore.Hide(); m_InsertSub.Hide(); m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); m_pHeader->OnLeftClick(pt); if(m_pHeader->m_isDrag) { SetCapture(); } else // basically just if we arn't doing something interesting in the header... { if(!m_CtrlDown) { DeselectEvents(); DeselectActions(); DeselectConditions(); } } for(int a = 0; a < m_pHeader->m_Objects.size(); a ++ ) { if(m_pHeader-> { m_Drag.dragtype = OBJECT; m_Drag.StoredPos = pt; m_Drag.CtrlDown = false; } } } else if(pMyEvent) { if(pMyEvent->PtInOnOffButton(pt, this)) { // The user is clicked the + button pMyEvent->m_open(this) = pMyEvent->m_open(this) ? false:true; Invalidate(); } else { /////////////// // Select Condition CEditorCondition* pMyCondition = pMyEvent->conditionAt(pt, this); if(pMyCondition) { // find index int index = 0; for(int a = 0; a < pMyEvent->m_Conditions.size() ; a ++ ) if(pMyEvent->m_Conditions[a] == pMyCondition) index = a; //Deselect selected events or actions DeselectEvents(); DeselectActions(); // Now the conditions if(pMyCondition->m_select(this)) // if we clicked on something already selected...wait till release m_ClickedSelectedCondition = true; else { if(!m_CtrlDown) { DeselectConditions(); } pMyCondition->m_select(this) = true; InvalidateRect(pMyCondition->m_rect(this)); } if( m_ShiftDown && m_FocusCondition) { bool b1 = false, b2 = false, b3 = false; RecursiveSelect(NULL, m_FocusCondition,NULL ,NULL ,pMyCondition ,NULL,b1,b2,b3, this->m_pEventList); } m_FocusCondition = pMyCondition; m_FocusEvent = pMyEvent; if(m_CtrlDown) { m_InsertAfter.Hide(); m_InsertBefore.Hide(); m_InsertSub.Hide(); } else { if(m_ClickedSelectedCondition) { CPoint point = pMyCondition->m_rect(this).TopLeft(); point.x = pt.x - 50; point.y -= 19; if(pMyEvent->m_displayConditionType(this) == 1) { point.y += 19; point.x = pMyCondition->m_rect(this).TopLeft().x - 100; } m_InsertBefore.ShowAt(point, pMyCondition, *this); m_InsertBefore.pEventEditor = (EventSheetEditor*)(this); point.y += 19 + pMyCondition->m_rect(this).Height(); if(pMyEvent->m_displayConditionType(this) == 1) { point.y -= 19 + pMyCondition->m_rect(this).Height(); point.x = pMyCondition->m_rect(this).right; } m_InsertAfter.ShowAt(point, pMyCondition, *this); m_InsertAfter.pEventEditor = (EventSheetEditor*)(this); m_InsertAfter.m_pInsertEventSpot = m_InsertBefore.m_pInsertEventSpot = pMyEvent; m_InsertAfter.m_InsertType = m_InsertBefore.m_InsertType = CONDITION; m_InsertAfter.m_InsertIndex = m_InsertBefore.m_InsertIndex = index; m_InsertAfter.m_IsAfter = true; m_InsertBefore.m_IsAfter = false; m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); } } // We may be wanting to drag these conditions... m_Drag.dragtype = CONDITION; m_Drag.StoredPos = pt; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; } else { ///////////////////// // Select Action SelectedActionVector actions; CEditorAction* pMyAction = pMyEvent->actionAt(pt, actions, this); if(pMyAction) { int index = 0; for(int a = 0; a < pMyEvent->m_Actions.size() ; a ++ ) if (pMyEvent->m_Actions[a] == pMyAction) index = a; //Deselect selected events or conditions DeselectEvents(); DeselectConditions(); if(pMyAction->m_select(this)) // if we clicked on something already selected...wait till release m_ClickedSelectedAction = true; else { if(!m_CtrlDown) { DeselectActions(); } pMyAction->m_select(this) = true; InvalidateRect(pMyAction->m_rect(this)); } if( m_ShiftDown && m_FocusAction) { bool b1 = false, b2 = false, b3 = false; RecursiveSelect(m_FocusAction,NULL ,NULL ,pMyAction , NULL ,NULL,b1,b2,b3, this->m_pEventList); } m_FocusAction = pMyAction; m_FocusEvent = pMyEvent; // We may be wanting to drag these conditions... m_Drag.dragtype = ACTION; m_Drag.StoredPos = pt; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; if(m_CtrlDown) { m_InsertAfter.Hide(); m_InsertBefore.Hide(); m_InsertSub.Hide(); } else { if(m_ClickedSelectedAction) { CPoint point = pMyAction->m_rect(this).TopLeft(); point.x = pt.x - 50; point.y -= 19; if(pMyEvent->m_displayActionType(this) == 1) { point.y += 19; point.x = pMyAction->m_rect(this).TopLeft().x - 100; } m_InsertBefore.ShowAt(point, pMyAction, *this); m_InsertBefore.pEventEditor = (EventSheetEditor*)(this); point.y += 19 + pMyAction->m_rect(this).Height(); if(pMyEvent->m_displayActionType(this) == 1) { point.y -= 19 + pMyAction->m_rect(this).Height(); point.x = pMyAction->m_rect(this).right; } m_InsertAfter.ShowAt(point, pMyCondition, *this); m_InsertAfter.pEventEditor = (EventSheetEditor*)(this); m_InsertAfter.m_pInsertEventSpot = m_InsertBefore.m_pInsertEventSpot = pMyEvent; m_InsertAfter.m_InsertType = m_InsertBefore.m_InsertType = ACTION; m_InsertAfter.m_InsertIndex = m_InsertBefore.m_InsertIndex = index; m_InsertAfter.m_IsAfter = true; m_InsertBefore.m_IsAfter = false; m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); } } } ///////////////////// // Select Event else if(pMyEvent->m_handle(this).PtInRect(pt)) { //Deselect selected actions or conditions DeselectActions(); DeselectConditions(); m_InsertAfter.Hide(); m_InsertBefore.Hide(); m_InsertSub.Hide(); m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); // Now select the events if(pMyEvent->m_select(this)) // if we clicked on something already selected...wait till release m_ClickedSelectedEvent = true; else { // User is clicking on an event if(!m_CtrlDown) { DeselectEvents(); } pMyEvent->Select(true, this); InvalidateRect(pMyEvent->m_rect(this)); } if( m_ShiftDown && m_FocusEvent) { bool b1 = false, b2 = false, b3 = false; RecursiveSelect(NULL, NULL, m_FocusEvent, NULL,NULL, pMyEvent,b1,b2,b3, this->m_pEventList); } m_FocusEvent = pMyEvent; // We may be wanting to drag these events... m_Drag.dragtype = EVENT; m_Drag.StoredPos = pt; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; if(pt.x > this->m_pHeader->m_Split) //prevent dragging events unless the mouse is in condition column m_Drag.dragtype = -1; if(m_CtrlDown) { m_InsertAfter.Hide(); m_InsertBefore.Hide(); m_InsertSub.Hide(); } else { if(m_ClickedSelectedEvent) { // find index int index = 0; FindEventListEventExistsIn(pMyEvent, m_pEventList, index); CPoint point = pMyEvent->m_rect(this).TopLeft(); point.x += 24; point.y -= 20; m_InsertBefore.ShowAt(point, pMyEvent, *this); m_InsertBefore.pEventEditor = (EventSheetEditor*)(this); point.y += 20 + pMyEvent->m_rect(this).Height(); m_InsertAfter.ShowAt(point, pMyEvent, *this); m_InsertAfter.pEventEditor = (EventSheetEditor*)(this); point.x += 101; if(pMyEvent->canAddEvents()) { m_InsertSub.ShowAt(point, pMyEvent, *this); m_InsertSub.pEventEditor = (EventSheetEditor*)(this); } m_InsertAfter.m_pInsertEventSpot = m_InsertBefore.m_pInsertEventSpot = pMyEventParent; m_InsertSub.m_pInsertEventSpot = pMyEvent; m_InsertAfter.m_InsertType = m_InsertBefore.m_InsertType = m_InsertSub.m_InsertType = EVENT; m_InsertAfter.m_InsertIndex = m_InsertBefore.m_InsertIndex = m_InsertSub.m_InsertIndex = index; m_InsertAfter.m_IsAfter = true; m_InsertBefore.m_IsAfter = false; m_InsertSub.m_IsAfter = true; m_InsertSub.m_IsSub = true; m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); } } } else { if(!m_CtrlDown) { DeselectEvents(); DeselectActions(); DeselectConditions(); } } } } } else { if(!m_CtrlDown) { DeselectActions(); DeselectConditions(); DeselectEvents(); m_InsertAfter.Hide(); m_InsertBefore.Hide(); m_InsertSub.Hide(); m_ActionTooltip.Hide(); } } CScrollView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, pt); }
void EventSheetEditor::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint pt) { if(KillFocusOnInlineEditor()) return; m_Drag.IsDragging = false; m_leftDown = false; if(m_pHeader->m_isDrag) { ReleaseCapture(); m_pHeader->OnLeftUp(pt); } CEditorEvent* pMyEvent = EventAt(pt); if(pMyEvent) { if(!pMyEvent->PtInOnOffButton(pt, this)) { CEditorCondition* pMyCondition = pMyEvent->conditionAt(pt, this); if( pMyCondition == m_FocusCondition && pMyCondition != 0) { if(m_ClickedSelectedCondition) { // User clicked on a selected *condition* in the 'on left mouse down' if(m_CtrlDown) { pMyCondition->m_select(this) = false; InvalidateRect(pMyCondition->m_rect(this)); } else { //TODO: Edit the condition or the param or something like lol InlineEditCondition(*pMyCondition, pt); } } } else { CEditorAction* pMyAction = pMyEvent->actionAt(pt,this); if( pMyAction == m_FocusAction && pMyAction != 0) { if(m_ClickedSelectedAction) { // User clicked on a selected *action* in the 'on left mouse down' if(m_CtrlDown) { pMyAction->m_select(this) = false; InvalidateRect(pMyAction->m_rect(this)); } else { //TODO: Edit the condition or the param or something like lol InlineEditAction(*pMyAction, pt); } } } else { // User clicked on a selected *event* in the 'on left mouse down' if( pMyEvent == m_FocusEvent && pMyEvent != 0) { if(m_ClickedSelectedEvent) { pMyEvent->m_select(this) = false; if(!m_CtrlDown) { DeselectEvents(); } InvalidateRect(pMyEvent->m_rect(this)); } } } } } } else { if(m_pHeader->m_rect.PtInRect(pt)) m_pHeader->OnLeftUp(pt); } m_ClickedSelectedAction = false; m_ClickedSelectedCondition = false; m_ClickedSelectedEvent = false; CScrollView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, pt); }