Пример #1
static void
AOCSMoveTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot,
			  AOCSInsertDesc insertDesc,
			  ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
			  EState *estate)
	AOTupleId  *oldAoTupleId;
	AOTupleId	newAoTupleId;


	oldAoTupleId = (AOTupleId *) slot_get_ctid(slot);
	/* Extract all the values of the tuple */

	(void) aocs_insert_values(insertDesc,

	/* insert index' tuples if needed */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
		ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, (ItemPointer) &newAoTupleId, estate);

	elogif(Debug_appendonly_print_compaction, DEBUG5,
		   "Compaction: Moved tuple (%d," INT64_FORMAT ") -> (%d," INT64_FORMAT ")",
		   AOTupleIdGet_segmentFileNum(oldAoTupleId), AOTupleIdGet_rowNum(oldAoTupleId),
		   AOTupleIdGet_segmentFileNum(&newAoTupleId), AOTupleIdGet_rowNum(&newAoTupleId));
Пример #2
 * Insert tuple represented in the slot to the relation, update the indexes,
 * and execute any constraints and per-row triggers.
 * Caller is responsible for opening the indexes.
ExecSimpleRelationInsert(EState *estate, TupleTableSlot *slot)
	bool		skip_tuple = false;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	Relation	rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	/* For now we support only tables. */
	Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);

	CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(rel, CMD_INSERT);

	/* BEFORE ROW INSERT Triggers */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		slot = ExecBRInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, slot);

		if (slot == NULL)		/* "do nothing" */
			skip_tuple = true;

	if (!skip_tuple)
		List	   *recheckIndexes = NIL;

		/* Check the constraints of the tuple */
		if (rel->rd_att->constr)
			ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck)
			ExecPartitionCheck(resultRelInfo, slot, estate, true);

		/* Materialize slot into a tuple that we can scribble upon. */
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(slot, true, NULL);

		/* OK, store the tuple and create index entries for it */
		simple_heap_insert(rel, tuple);

		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
			recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, &(tuple->t_self),
												   estate, false, NULL,

		/* AFTER ROW INSERT Triggers */
		ExecARInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tuple,
							 recheckIndexes, NULL);

		 * XXX we should in theory pass a TransitionCaptureState object to the
		 * above to capture transition tuples, but after statement triggers
		 * don't actually get fired by replication yet anyway

Пример #3
 * Find the searchslot tuple and update it with data in the slot,
 * update the indexes, and execute any constraints and per-row triggers.
 * Caller is responsible for opening the indexes.
ExecSimpleRelationUpdate(EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate,
						 TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *slot)
	bool		skip_tuple = false;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	Relation	rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	/* For now we support only tables. */
	Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);

	CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(rel, CMD_UPDATE);

	/* BEFORE ROW INSERT Triggers */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		slot = ExecBRUpdateTriggers(estate, epqstate, resultRelInfo,
									NULL, slot);

		if (slot == NULL)		/* "do nothing" */
			skip_tuple = true;

	if (!skip_tuple)
		List	   *recheckIndexes = NIL;

		/* Check the constraints of the tuple */
		if (rel->rd_att->constr)
			ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

		/* Store the slot into tuple that we can write. */
		tuple = ExecMaterializeSlot(slot);

		/* OK, update the tuple and index entries for it */
		simple_heap_update(rel, &searchslot->tts_tuple->t_self,

		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0 &&
			recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, &(tuple->t_self),
												   estate, false, NULL,

		/* AFTER ROW UPDATE Triggers */
		ExecARUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,
							 NULL, tuple, recheckIndexes);

Пример #4
static void
AppendOnlyMoveTuple(MemTuple tuple,
					TupleTableSlot	*slot,
					MemTupleBinding *mt_bind,
					AppendOnlyInsertDesc insertDesc,
					ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
					EState *estate)
	AOTupleId *oldAoTupleId;
	Oid tupleOid;
	AOTupleId newAoTupleId;


	oldAoTupleId = (AOTupleId*)slot_get_ctid(slot);
	/* Extract all the values of the tuple */

	tupleOid = MemTupleGetOid(tuple, mt_bind);

	/* insert index' tuples if needed */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
		ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, (ItemPointer)&newAoTupleId, estate, true);

	elogif(Debug_appendonly_print_compaction, DEBUG5, 
			"Compaction: Moved tuple (%d," INT64_FORMAT ") -> (%d," INT64_FORMAT ")",
			AOTupleIdGet_segmentFileNum(oldAoTupleId), AOTupleIdGet_rowNum(oldAoTupleId),
			AOTupleIdGet_segmentFileNum(&newAoTupleId), AOTupleIdGet_rowNum(&newAoTupleId));
Пример #5
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecUpdate
 *		note: we can't run UPDATE queries with transactions
 *		off because UPDATEs are actually INSERTs and our
 *		scan will mistakenly loop forever, updating the tuple
 *		it just inserted..	This should be fixed but until it
 *		is, we don't want to get stuck in an infinite loop
 *		which corrupts your database..
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecUpdate(TupleTableSlot *slot,
		   ItemPointer tupleid,
		   TupleTableSlot *planSlot,
		   DestReceiver *dest,
		   EState *estate)
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	Relation	resultRelationDesc;
	HTSU_Result result;
	ItemPointerData update_ctid;
	TransactionId update_xmax;

	 * abort the operation if not running transactions
	if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
		elog(ERROR, "cannot UPDATE during bootstrap");

	 * get the heap tuple out of the tuple table slot, making sure we have a
	 * writable copy
	tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(slot);

	 * get information on the (current) result relation
	resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	/* see if this update would move the tuple to a different partition */
	if (estate->es_result_partitions)
		AttrNumber max_attr;
		Datum *values;
		bool *nulls;
		Oid targetid;

		Assert(estate->es_partition_state != NULL &&
			   estate->es_partition_state->accessMethods != NULL);
		if (!estate->es_partition_state->accessMethods->part_cxt)
			estate->es_partition_state->accessMethods->part_cxt =


		max_attr = estate->es_partition_state->max_partition_attr;

		slot_getsomeattrs(slot, max_attr);
		values = slot_get_values(slot);
		nulls = slot_get_isnull(slot);

		targetid = selectPartition(estate->es_result_partitions, values,
								   nulls, slot->tts_tupleDescriptor,

		if (!OidIsValid(targetid))
					 errmsg("no partition for partitioning key")));

		if (RelationGetRelid(resultRelationDesc) != targetid)
					 errmsg("moving tuple from partition \"%s\" to "
							"partition \"%s\" not supported",

	/* BEFORE ROW UPDATE Triggers */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->n_before_row[TRIGGER_EVENT_UPDATE] > 0)
		HeapTuple	newtuple;

		newtuple = ExecBRUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,
										tupleid, tuple,

		if (newtuple == NULL)	/* "do nothing" */

		if (newtuple != tuple)	/* modified by Trigger(s) */
			 * Put the modified tuple into a slot for convenience of routines
			 * below.  We assume the tuple was allocated in per-tuple memory
			 * context, and therefore will go away by itself. The tuple table
			 * slot should not try to clear it.
			TupleTableSlot *newslot = estate->es_trig_tuple_slot;

			if (newslot->tts_tupleDescriptor != slot->tts_tupleDescriptor)
				ExecSetSlotDescriptor(newslot, slot->tts_tupleDescriptor);
			ExecStoreGenericTuple(newtuple, newslot, false);
            newslot->tts_tableOid = slot->tts_tableOid; /* for constraints */
			slot = newslot;
			tuple = newtuple;

	 * Check the constraints of the tuple
	 * If we generate a new candidate tuple after EvalPlanQual testing, we
	 * must loop back here and recheck constraints.  (We don't need to redo
	 * triggers, however.  If there are any BEFORE triggers then trigger.c
	 * will have done heap_lock_tuple to lock the correct tuple, so there's no
	 * need to do them again.)
	if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr)
		ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);

	if (!GpPersistent_IsPersistentRelation(resultRelationDesc->rd_id))
		 * Normal UPDATE path.

		 * replace the heap tuple
		 * Note: if es_crosscheck_snapshot isn't InvalidSnapshot, we check that
		 * the row to be updated is visible to that snapshot, and throw a can't-
		 * serialize error if not.	This is a special-case behavior needed for
		 * referential integrity updates in serializable transactions.
		result = heap_update(resultRelationDesc, tupleid, tuple,
							 &update_ctid, &update_xmax,
							 true /* wait for commit */ );
		switch (result)
			case HeapTupleSelfUpdated:
				/* already deleted by self; nothing to do */

			case HeapTupleMayBeUpdated:

			case HeapTupleUpdated:
				if (IsXactIsoLevelSerializable)
							 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent update")));
				else if (!ItemPointerEquals(tupleid, &update_ctid))
					TupleTableSlot *epqslot;

					epqslot = EvalPlanQual(estate,
					if (!TupIsNull(epqslot))
						*tupleid = update_ctid;
						slot = ExecFilterJunk(estate->es_junkFilter, epqslot);
						tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(slot);
						goto lreplace;
				/* tuple already deleted; nothing to do */

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized heap_update status: %u", result);
		HeapTuple persistentTuple;

		 * Persistent metadata path.
		persistentTuple = heap_copytuple(tuple);
		persistentTuple->t_self = *tupleid;

		frozen_heap_inplace_update(resultRelationDesc, persistentTuple);



	 * Note: instead of having to update the old index tuples associated with
	 * the heap tuple, all we do is form and insert new index tuples. This is
	 * because UPDATEs are actually DELETEs and INSERTs, and index tuple
	 * deletion is done later by VACUUM (see notes in ExecDelete).	All we do
	 * here is insert new index tuples.  -cim 9/27/89
	 * insert index entries for tuple
	 * Note: heap_update returns the tid (location) of the new tuple in the
	 * t_self field.
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
		ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, &(tuple->t_self), estate, false);

	/* AFTER ROW UPDATE Triggers */
	ExecARUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tupleid, tuple);

Пример #6
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInsert
 *		INSERTs have to add the tuple into
 *		the base relation and insert appropriate tuples into the
 *		index relations.
 *		Insert can be part of an update operation when
 *		there is a preceding SplitUpdate node. 
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecInsert(TupleTableSlot *slot,
		   DestReceiver *dest,
		   EState *estate,
		   PlanGenerator planGen,
		   bool isUpdate)
	void		*tuple = NULL;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = NULL;
	Relation	resultRelationDesc = NULL;
	Oid			newId = InvalidOid;
	TupleTableSlot *partslot = NULL;

	AOTupleId	aoTupleId = AOTUPLEID_INIT;

	bool		rel_is_heap = false;
	bool 		rel_is_aorows = false;
	bool		rel_is_external = false;
    bool		rel_is_parquet = false;

	 * get information on the (current) result relation
	if (estate->es_result_partitions)
		resultRelInfo = slot_get_partition(slot, estate);
		estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;

		if (NULL != resultRelInfo->ri_parquetSendBack)
			 * The Parquet part we are about to insert into
			 * has sendBack information. This means we're inserting into the
			 * part twice, which is not supported. Error out (GPSQL-2291)
			ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CDB_FEATURE_NOT_YET),
					errmsg("Cannot insert out-of-order tuples in parquet partitions"),
					errhint("Sort the data on the partitioning key(s) before inserting"),

		 * Check if we need to close the last parquet partition we
		 * inserted into (GPSQL-2291).
		Oid new_part_oid = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_id;
		if (gp_parquet_insert_sort &&
				PLANGEN_OPTIMIZER == planGen &&
				InvalidOid != estate->es_last_parq_part &&
				new_part_oid != estate->es_last_parq_part)

			Assert(NULL != estate->es_partition_state->result_partition_hash);

			ResultPartHashEntry *entry = hash_search(estate->es_partition_state->result_partition_hash,
									NULL /* found */);

			Assert(NULL != entry);
			Assert(entry->offset < estate->es_num_result_relations);

			ResultRelInfo *oldResultRelInfo = & estate->es_result_relations[entry->offset];

			elog(DEBUG1, "Switching from old part oid=%d name=[%s] to new part oid=%d name=[%s]",

			 * We are opening a new partition, and the last partition we
			 * inserted into was a Parquet part. Let's close the old
			 * parquet insert descriptor to free the memory before
			 * opening the new one.
			ParquetInsertDescData *oldInsertDesc = oldResultRelInfo->ri_parquetInsertDesc;

			 * We need to preserve the "sendback" information that needs to be
			 * sent back to the QD process from this part.
			 * Compute it here, and store it for later use.
			QueryContextDispatchingSendBack sendback =
			sendback->relid = RelationGetRelid(oldResultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);
			oldInsertDesc->sendback = sendback;

			/* Store the sendback information in the resultRelInfo for this part */
			oldResultRelInfo->ri_parquetSendBack = sendback;

			/* Record in the resultRelInfo that we closed the parquet insert descriptor */
			oldResultRelInfo->ri_parquetInsertDesc = NULL;

			/* Reset the last parquet part Oid, it's now closed */
			estate->es_last_parq_part = InvalidOid;
		resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;

	Assert (!resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning);

	resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	rel_is_heap = RelationIsHeap(resultRelationDesc);
	rel_is_aorows = RelationIsAoRows(resultRelationDesc);
	rel_is_external = RelationIsExternal(resultRelationDesc);
    rel_is_parquet = RelationIsParquet(resultRelationDesc);

	/* Validate that insert is not part of an non-allowed update operation. */
	if (isUpdate && (rel_is_aorows || rel_is_parquet))
				errmsg("Append-only tables are not updatable. Operation not permitted."),

	partslot = reconstructMatchingTupleSlot(slot, resultRelInfo);
	if (rel_is_heap || rel_is_external)
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(partslot);
	else if (rel_is_aorows)
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotMemTuple(partslot, false);
	else if (rel_is_parquet)
		tuple = NULL;

	Assert( partslot != NULL );
	Assert( rel_is_parquet || (tuple != NULL));

	/* Execute triggers in Planner-generated plans */
	if (planGen == PLANGEN_PLANNER)
		/* BEFORE ROW INSERT Triggers */
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->n_before_row[TRIGGER_EVENT_INSERT] > 0)
			HeapTuple	newtuple;

			/* NYI */
				elog(ERROR, "triggers are not supported on tables that use column-oriented storage");

			newtuple = ExecBRInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tuple);

			if (newtuple == NULL)	/* "do nothing" */

			if (newtuple != tuple)	/* modified by Trigger(s) */
				 * Put the modified tuple into a slot for convenience of routines
				 * below.  We assume the tuple was allocated in per-tuple memory
				 * context, and therefore will go away by itself. The tuple table
				 * slot should not try to clear it.
				TupleTableSlot *newslot = estate->es_trig_tuple_slot;

				if (newslot->tts_tupleDescriptor != partslot->tts_tupleDescriptor)
					ExecSetSlotDescriptor(newslot, partslot->tts_tupleDescriptor);
				ExecStoreGenericTuple(newtuple, newslot, false);
				newslot->tts_tableOid = partslot->tts_tableOid; /* for constraints */
				tuple = newtuple;
				partslot = newslot;
	 * Check the constraints of the tuple
	if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr &&
			planGen == PLANGEN_PLANNER)
		ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, partslot, estate);
	 * insert the tuple
	 * Note: heap_insert returns the tid (location) of the new tuple in the
	 * t_self field.
	 * NOTE: for append-only relations we use the append-only access methods.
	if (rel_is_aorows)
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_aoInsertDesc == NULL)
			ResultRelSegFileInfo *segfileinfo = NULL;
			/* Set the pre-assigned fileseg number to insert into */
			ResultRelInfoSetSegFileInfo(resultRelInfo, estate->es_result_segfileinfos);
			segfileinfo = (ResultRelSegFileInfo *)list_nth(resultRelInfo->ri_aosegfileinfos, GetQEIndex());
			resultRelInfo->ri_aoInsertDesc =


		appendonly_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_aoInsertDesc, tuple, &newId, &aoTupleId);
	else if (rel_is_external)
		/* Writable external table */
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_extInsertDesc == NULL)
			resultRelInfo->ri_extInsertDesc = external_insert_init(
					resultRelationDesc, 0);

		newId = external_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_extInsertDesc, tuple);
    else if(rel_is_parquet)
		/* If there is no parquet insert descriptor, create it now. */
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_parquetInsertDesc == NULL)
			ResultRelSegFileInfo *segfileinfo = NULL;
			ResultRelInfoSetSegFileInfo(resultRelInfo, estate->es_result_segfileinfos);
			segfileinfo = (ResultRelSegFileInfo *)list_nth(resultRelInfo->ri_aosegfileinfos, GetQEIndex());
			resultRelInfo->ri_parquetInsertDesc = parquet_insert_init(resultRelationDesc, segfileinfo);

			 * Just opened a new parquet partition for insert. Save the Oid
			 * in estate, so that we can close it when switching to a
			 * new partition (GPSQL-2291)
			elog(DEBUG1, "Saving es_last_parq_part. Old=%d, new=%d", estate->es_last_parq_part, resultRelationDesc->rd_id);
			estate->es_last_parq_part = resultRelationDesc->rd_id;

		newId = parquet_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_parquetInsertDesc, partslot);

		newId = heap_insert(resultRelationDesc,
							true, true, GetCurrentTransactionId());

	estate->es_lastoid = newId;

	partslot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelationDesc);

	if (rel_is_aorows || rel_is_parquet)

		/* NOTE: Current version does not support index upon parquet table. */
		 * insert index entries for AO Row-Store tuple
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0 && !rel_is_parquet)
			ExecInsertIndexTuples(partslot, (ItemPointer)&aoTupleId, estate, false);
		/* Use parttuple for index update in case this is an indexed heap table. */
		TupleTableSlot *xslot = partslot;
		void *xtuple = tuple;

		setLastTid(&(((HeapTuple) xtuple)->t_self));

		 * insert index entries for tuple
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
			ExecInsertIndexTuples(xslot, &(((HeapTuple) xtuple)->t_self), estate, false);


	if (planGen == PLANGEN_PLANNER)
		/* AFTER ROW INSERT Triggers */
		ExecARInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tuple);
Пример #7
 * Find the searchslot tuple and update it with data in the slot,
 * update the indexes, and execute any constraints and per-row triggers.
 * Caller is responsible for opening the indexes.
ExecSimpleRelationUpdate(EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate,
						 TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *slot)
	bool		skip_tuple = false;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	Relation	rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
	HeapTupleTableSlot *hsearchslot = (HeapTupleTableSlot *)searchslot;
	HeapTupleTableSlot *hslot = (HeapTupleTableSlot *)slot;

	/* We expect both searchslot and the slot to contain a heap tuple. */
	Assert(TTS_IS_HEAPTUPLE(searchslot) || TTS_IS_BUFFERTUPLE(searchslot));

	/* For now we support only tables. */
	Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);

	CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(rel, CMD_UPDATE);

	/* BEFORE ROW UPDATE Triggers */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		slot = ExecBRUpdateTriggers(estate, epqstate, resultRelInfo,
									&hsearchslot->tuple->t_self, NULL, slot);

		if (slot == NULL)		/* "do nothing" */
			skip_tuple = true;

	if (!skip_tuple)
		List	   *recheckIndexes = NIL;

		/* Check the constraints of the tuple */
		if (rel->rd_att->constr)
			ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck)
			ExecPartitionCheck(resultRelInfo, slot, estate, true);

		/* Materialize slot into a tuple that we can scribble upon. */
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(slot, true, NULL);

		/* OK, update the tuple and index entries for it */
		simple_heap_update(rel, &hsearchslot->tuple->t_self, hslot->tuple);

		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0 &&
			recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, &(tuple->t_self),
												   estate, false, NULL,

		/* AFTER ROW UPDATE Triggers */
		ExecARUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,
							 &hsearchslot->tuple->t_self, NULL, tuple,
							 recheckIndexes, NULL);

Пример #8
Datum partition_insert_trigger(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
    TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
    char       *date_time;
    char        child_table[sizeof(TABLE)+sizeof("2012_09_10")] = TABLE;
    int         partition_field;
    Relation    child_table_id;
    Oid         child_table_oid;
    BulkInsertState bistate = GetBulkInsertState();
    TupleTableSlot  *slot;
    EState          *estate = CreateExecutorState();
    ResultRelInfo   *resultRelInfo = makeNode(ResultRelInfo);
    List       *recheckIndexes = NIL;
    /* make sure it's called as a trigger at all */
    if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
        elog(ERROR, "partition_insert_trigger: not called by trigger manager");
    /* Sanity checks */
    if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event) || !TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event))
        elog(ERROR, "partition_insert_trigger: not called on insert before");
    #ifdef DEBUG
    elog(INFO, "Trigger Called for: %s", SPI_getrelname(trigdata->tg_relation));
    // Get the field number for the partition
    partition_field = SPI_fnumber(trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att, PARTITION_COLUMN);
    // Get the value for the partition_field
    date_time = SPI_getvalue(trigdata->tg_trigtuple, trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att, partition_field);
    //make sure date was specified
    if (!date_time)
        elog(ERROR, "You cannot insert data without specifying a value for the column %s", PARTITION_COLUMN);
    #ifdef DEBUG
    elog(INFO, "Trying to insert date_time=%s", date_time);
    //add date_time,  child_table_2012_01_23
    strncpy(child_table + sizeof(TABLE) -1  , date_time, 4);         //2012
    child_table[sizeof(TABLE) + 3] = SEPARATOR;                      //2012_
    strncpy(child_table + sizeof(TABLE) + 4  , date_time + 5, 2);    //2012_01
    child_table[sizeof(TABLE) + 6] =  SEPARATOR;                     //2012_01_
    strncpy(child_table + sizeof(TABLE) + 7  , date_time + 8, 2);    //2012_01_23
    #ifdef DEBUG
    elog(INFO, "New table will be %s", child_table);    
    //if you care about triggers on the child tables, call ExecBRInsertTriggers
    //don't care, continue
    //get the OID of the table we are looking for to insert
    child_table_oid = RelnameGetRelid(child_table); //Look for child child_table
    if (child_table_oid == InvalidOid){
        elog(INFO, "partition_insert_trigger: Invalid child table %s, inserting data to main table %s", child_table, TABLE);
        return PointerGetDatum(trigdata->tg_trigtuple);
    //get the descriptor of the table we are looking for
    child_table_id = RelationIdGetRelation(child_table_oid); //Get the child relation descriptor
    if (child_table_id == NULL){
        elog(ERROR, "partition_insert_trigger: Failed to locate relation for child table %s, inserting data to main table %s", child_table, TABLE);
        return PointerGetDatum(trigdata->tg_trigtuple);
    //set the resultRelInfo
    resultRelInfo->ri_RangeTableIndex = 1;      /* dummy */
    resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc = child_table_id;
    //setup the estate, not sure why
    estate->es_result_relations = resultRelInfo;
    estate->es_num_result_relations = 1;
    estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
    /* Set up a tuple slot not sure why yet */
    slot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att);
    ExecStoreTuple(trigdata->tg_trigtuple, slot, InvalidBuffer, false);
    //heap_insert(child_table_id, trigdata->tg_trigtuple, GetCurrentCommandId(true), use_wal, bistate); 
    simple_heap_insert(child_table_id, trigdata->tg_trigtuple); 
    if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
        recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot, &(trigdata->tg_trigtuple->t_self), estate);
    // not sure if this would work CatalogUpdateIndexes(child_table_id, trigdata->tg_trigtuple)
    //free the used memory
    ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(slot); //saw this somewhere :P
    RelationClose(child_table_id); //Must be called to free the relation memory page
    FreeBulkInsertState(bistate);  // ? not sure if needed ?
    //If return next line will add to the regular table
    //return PointerGetDatum(trigdata->tg_trigtuple); 
    //Return Null data, still have to figure out to return a proper X rows affected
    return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
Пример #9
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecUpdate
 *		note: we can't run UPDATE queries with transactions
 *		off because UPDATEs are actually INSERTs and our
 *		scan will mistakenly loop forever, updating the tuple
 *		it just inserted..	This should be fixed but until it
 *		is, we don't want to get stuck in an infinite loop
 *		which corrupts your database..
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecUpdate(TupleTableSlot *slot,
		   ItemPointer tupleid,
		   TupleTableSlot *planSlot,
		   DestReceiver *dest,
		   EState *estate)
	void*	tuple;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	Relation	resultRelationDesc;
	HTSU_Result result;
	ItemPointerData update_ctid;
	TransactionId update_xmax;
	AOTupleId	aoTupleId = AOTUPLEID_INIT;
	TupleTableSlot *partslot = NULL;

	 * abort the operation if not running transactions
	if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
		elog(ERROR, "cannot UPDATE during bootstrap");
	 * get information on the (current) result relation
	resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
	resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	bool		rel_is_heap = RelationIsHeap(resultRelationDesc);
	bool 		rel_is_aorows = RelationIsAoRows(resultRelationDesc);
	bool		rel_is_aocols = RelationIsAoCols(resultRelationDesc);
	bool		rel_is_external = RelationIsExternal(resultRelationDesc);

	 * get the heap tuple out of the tuple table slot, making sure we have a
	 * writable copy
	if (rel_is_heap)
		partslot = slot;
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(partslot);
	else if (rel_is_aorows || rel_is_aocols)
		 * It is necessary to reconstruct a logically compatible tuple to
		 * a phyiscally compatible tuple.  The slot's tuple descriptor comes
		 * from the projection target list, which doesn't indicate dropped
		 * columns, and MemTuple cannot deal with cases without converting
		 * the target list back into the original relation's tuple desc.
		partslot = reconstructMatchingTupleSlot(slot, resultRelInfo);

		 * We directly inline toasted columns here as update with toasted columns
		 * would create two references to the same toasted value.
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotMemTuple(partslot, true);
	else if (rel_is_external) 
		if (estate->es_result_partitions && 
			estate->es_result_partitions->part->parrelid != 0)
				errmsg("Update external partitions not supported.")));			
			partslot = slot;
			tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(partslot);

	/* see if this update would move the tuple to a different partition */
	if (estate->es_result_partitions)
		checkPartitionUpdate(estate, partslot, resultRelInfo);

	/* BEFORE ROW UPDATE Triggers */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
		resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->n_before_row[TRIGGER_EVENT_UPDATE] > 0)
		HeapTuple	newtuple;

		newtuple = ExecBRUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,
										tupleid, tuple,

		if (newtuple == NULL)	/* "do nothing" */

		if (newtuple != tuple)	/* modified by Trigger(s) */
			 * Put the modified tuple into a slot for convenience of routines
			 * below.  We assume the tuple was allocated in per-tuple memory
			 * context, and therefore will go away by itself. The tuple table
			 * slot should not try to clear it.
			TupleTableSlot *newslot = estate->es_trig_tuple_slot;

			if (newslot->tts_tupleDescriptor != partslot->tts_tupleDescriptor)
				ExecSetSlotDescriptor(newslot, partslot->tts_tupleDescriptor);
			ExecStoreGenericTuple(newtuple, newslot, false);
            newslot->tts_tableOid = partslot->tts_tableOid; /* for constraints */
			partslot = newslot;
			tuple = newtuple;

	 * Check the constraints of the tuple
	 * If we generate a new candidate tuple after EvalPlanQual testing, we
	 * must loop back here and recheck constraints.  (We don't need to redo
	 * triggers, however.  If there are any BEFORE triggers then trigger.c
	 * will have done heap_lock_tuple to lock the correct tuple, so there's no
	 * need to do them again.)
	if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr)
		ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, partslot, estate);

	if (!GpPersistent_IsPersistentRelation(resultRelationDesc->rd_id))
		 * Normal UPDATE path.

		 * replace the heap tuple
		 * Note: if es_crosscheck_snapshot isn't InvalidSnapshot, we check that
		 * the row to be updated is visible to that snapshot, and throw a can't-
		 * serialize error if not.	This is a special-case behavior needed for
		 * referential integrity updates in serializable transactions.
		if (rel_is_heap)
			result = heap_update(resultRelationDesc, tupleid, tuple,
							 &update_ctid, &update_xmax,
							 true /* wait for commit */ );
		else if (rel_is_aorows)
			if (IsXactIsoLevelSerializable)
					errmsg("Updates on append-only tables are not supported in serializable transactions.")));			

			if (resultRelInfo->ri_updateDesc == NULL)
				ResultRelInfoSetSegno(resultRelInfo, estate->es_result_aosegnos);
				resultRelInfo->ri_updateDesc = (AppendOnlyUpdateDesc)
					appendonly_update_init(resultRelationDesc, ActiveSnapshot, resultRelInfo->ri_aosegno);
			result = appendonly_update(resultRelInfo->ri_updateDesc,
								 tuple, (AOTupleId *) tupleid, &aoTupleId);
		else if (rel_is_aocols)
			if (IsXactIsoLevelSerializable)
					errmsg("Updates on append-only tables are not supported in serializable transactions.")));			

			if (resultRelInfo->ri_updateDesc == NULL)
				ResultRelInfoSetSegno(resultRelInfo, estate->es_result_aosegnos);
				resultRelInfo->ri_updateDesc = (AppendOnlyUpdateDesc)
					aocs_update_init(resultRelationDesc, resultRelInfo->ri_aosegno);
			result = aocs_update(resultRelInfo->ri_updateDesc,
								 partslot, (AOTupleId *) tupleid, &aoTupleId);
			Assert(!"We should not be here");
		switch (result)
			case HeapTupleSelfUpdated:
				/* already deleted by self; nothing to do */

			case HeapTupleMayBeUpdated:

			case HeapTupleUpdated:
				if (IsXactIsoLevelSerializable)
							 errmsg("could not serialize access due to concurrent update")));
				else if (!ItemPointerEquals(tupleid, &update_ctid))
					TupleTableSlot *epqslot;

					epqslot = EvalPlanQual(estate,
					if (!TupIsNull(epqslot))
						*tupleid = update_ctid;
						partslot = ExecFilterJunk(estate->es_junkFilter, epqslot);
						tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(partslot);
						goto lreplace;
				/* tuple already deleted; nothing to do */

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized heap_update status: %u", result);
		HeapTuple persistentTuple;

		 * Persistent metadata path.
		persistentTuple = heap_copytuple(tuple);
		persistentTuple->t_self = *tupleid;

		frozen_heap_inplace_update(resultRelationDesc, persistentTuple);



	 * Note: instead of having to update the old index tuples associated with
	 * the heap tuple, all we do is form and insert new index tuples. This is
	 * because UPDATEs are actually DELETEs and INSERTs, and index tuple
	 * deletion is done later by VACUUM (see notes in ExecDelete).	All we do
	 * here is insert new index tuples.  -cim 9/27/89
	 * insert index entries for tuple
	 * Note: heap_update returns the tid (location) of the new tuple in the
	 * t_self field.
	if (rel_is_aorows || rel_is_aocols)
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
			ExecInsertIndexTuples(partslot, (ItemPointer)&aoTupleId, estate, false);
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
			ExecInsertIndexTuples(partslot, &(((HeapTuple) tuple)->t_self), estate, false);

	/* AFTER ROW UPDATE Triggers */
	ExecARUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tupleid, tuple);

Пример #10
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInsert
 *		INSERTs have to add the tuple into
 *		the base relation and insert appropriate tuples into the
 *		index relations.
 *		Insert can be part of an update operation when
 *		there is a preceding SplitUpdate node. 
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecInsert(TupleTableSlot *slot,
		   DestReceiver *dest,
		   EState *estate,
		   PlanGenerator planGen,
		   bool isUpdate)
	void		*tuple = NULL;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = NULL;
	Relation	resultRelationDesc = NULL;
	Oid			newId = InvalidOid;
	TupleTableSlot *partslot = NULL;

	AOTupleId	aoTupleId = AOTUPLEID_INIT;

	bool		rel_is_heap = false;
	bool 		rel_is_aorows = false;
	bool		rel_is_aocols = false;
	bool		rel_is_external = false;

	 * get information on the (current) result relation
	if (estate->es_result_partitions)
		resultRelInfo = slot_get_partition(slot, estate);

		/* Check whether the user provided the correct leaf part only if required */
		if (!dml_ignore_target_partition_check)
			Assert(NULL != estate->es_result_partitions->part &&
					NULL != resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);

			List *resultRelations = estate->es_plannedstmt->resultRelations;
			 * Only inheritance can generate multiple result relations and inheritance
			 * is not compatible with partitions. As we are in inserting in partitioned
			 * table, we should not have more than one resultRelation
			Assert(list_length(resultRelations) == 1);
			/* We only have one resultRelations entry where the user originally intended to insert */
			int rteIdxForUserRel = linitial_int(resultRelations);
			Assert (rteIdxForUserRel > 0);
			Oid userProvidedRel = InvalidOid;

			if (1 == rteIdxForUserRel)
				/* Optimization for typical case */
				userProvidedRel = ((RangeTblEntry *) estate->es_plannedstmt->rtable->head->data.ptr_value)->relid;
				userProvidedRel = getrelid(rteIdxForUserRel, estate->es_plannedstmt->rtable);

			/* Error out if user provides a leaf partition that does not match with our calculated partition */
			if (userProvidedRel != estate->es_result_partitions->part->parrelid &&
				userProvidedRel != resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_id)
						 errmsg("Trying to insert row into wrong partition"),
						 errdetail("Expected partition: %s, provided partition: %s",
		estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
		resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;

	Assert (!resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning);

	resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

	rel_is_heap = RelationIsHeap(resultRelationDesc);
	rel_is_aocols = RelationIsAoCols(resultRelationDesc);
	rel_is_aorows = RelationIsAoRows(resultRelationDesc);
	rel_is_external = RelationIsExternal(resultRelationDesc);

	partslot = reconstructMatchingTupleSlot(slot, resultRelInfo);
	if (rel_is_heap)
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(partslot);
	else if (rel_is_aorows)
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotMemTuple(partslot, false);
	else if (rel_is_external) 
		if (estate->es_result_partitions && 
			estate->es_result_partitions->part->parrelid != 0)
				errmsg("Insert into external partitions not supported.")));			
			tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(partslot);
		tuple = ExecFetchSlotMemTuple(partslot, true);

	Assert(partslot != NULL && tuple != NULL);

	/* Execute triggers in Planner-generated plans */
	if (planGen == PLANGEN_PLANNER)
		/* BEFORE ROW INSERT Triggers */
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->n_before_row[TRIGGER_EVENT_INSERT] > 0)
			HeapTuple	newtuple;

			/* NYI */
				elog(ERROR, "triggers are not supported on tables that use column-oriented storage");

			newtuple = ExecBRInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tuple);

			if (newtuple == NULL)	/* "do nothing" */

			if (newtuple != tuple)	/* modified by Trigger(s) */
				 * Put the modified tuple into a slot for convenience of routines
				 * below.  We assume the tuple was allocated in per-tuple memory
				 * context, and therefore will go away by itself. The tuple table
				 * slot should not try to clear it.
				TupleTableSlot *newslot = estate->es_trig_tuple_slot;

				if (newslot->tts_tupleDescriptor != partslot->tts_tupleDescriptor)
					ExecSetSlotDescriptor(newslot, partslot->tts_tupleDescriptor);
				ExecStoreGenericTuple(newtuple, newslot, false);
				newslot->tts_tableOid = partslot->tts_tableOid; /* for constraints */
				tuple = newtuple;
				partslot = newslot;
	 * Check the constraints of the tuple
	if (resultRelationDesc->rd_att->constr &&
			planGen == PLANGEN_PLANNER)
		ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, partslot, estate);
	 * insert the tuple
	 * Note: heap_insert returns the tid (location) of the new tuple in the
	 * t_self field.
	 * NOTE: for append-only relations we use the append-only access methods.
	if (rel_is_aorows)
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_aoInsertDesc == NULL)
			/* Set the pre-assigned fileseg number to insert into */
			ResultRelInfoSetSegno(resultRelInfo, estate->es_result_aosegnos);

			resultRelInfo->ri_aoInsertDesc =


		appendonly_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_aoInsertDesc, tuple, &newId, &aoTupleId);
	else if (rel_is_aocols)
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_aocsInsertDesc == NULL)
			ResultRelInfoSetSegno(resultRelInfo, estate->es_result_aosegnos);
			resultRelInfo->ri_aocsInsertDesc = aocs_insert_init(resultRelationDesc, 
																resultRelInfo->ri_aosegno, false);

		newId = aocs_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_aocsInsertDesc, partslot);
		aoTupleId = *((AOTupleId*)slot_get_ctid(partslot));
	else if (rel_is_external)
		/* Writable external table */
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_extInsertDesc == NULL)
			resultRelInfo->ri_extInsertDesc = external_insert_init(resultRelationDesc);

		newId = external_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_extInsertDesc, tuple);

		newId = heap_insert(resultRelationDesc,
							true, true, GetCurrentTransactionId());

	estate->es_lastoid = newId;

	partslot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelationDesc);

	if (rel_is_aorows || rel_is_aocols)
		 * insert index entries for AO Row-Store tuple
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
			ExecInsertIndexTuples(partslot, (ItemPointer)&aoTupleId, estate, false);
		/* Use parttuple for index update in case this is an indexed heap table. */
		TupleTableSlot *xslot = partslot;
		void *xtuple = tuple;

		setLastTid(&(((HeapTuple) xtuple)->t_self));

		 * insert index entries for tuple
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
			ExecInsertIndexTuples(xslot, &(((HeapTuple) xtuple)->t_self), estate, false);


	if (planGen == PLANGEN_PLANNER)
		/* AFTER ROW INSERT Triggers */
		ExecARInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tuple);