TOptional<FExpressionError> FTokenDefinitions::ConsumeToken(FExpressionTokenConsumer& Consumer) const
	auto& Stream = Consumer.GetStream();
	// Skip over whitespace
	if (bIgnoreWhitespace)
		TOptional<FStringToken> Whitespace = Stream.ParseWhitespace();
		if (Whitespace.IsSet())

	if (Stream.IsEmpty())
		// Trailing whitespace in the expression.
		return TOptional<FExpressionError>();

	const auto* Pos = Stream.GetRead();

	// Try each token in turn. First come first served.
	for (const auto& Def : Definitions)
		// Call the token definition
		auto Error = Def(Consumer);
		if (Error.IsSet())
			return Error;
		// If the stream has moved on, the definition added one or more tokens, so 
		else if (Stream.GetRead() != Pos)
			return TOptional<FExpressionError>();

	// No token definition matched the stream at its current position - fatal error
	FFormatOrderedArguments Args;
	return FExpressionError(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("LexicalError", "Unrecognized token '{0}' at character {1}"), Args));
	TOptional<FExpressionError> CompileGroup(const FExpressionToken* GroupStart, const FGuid* StopAt)
		enum class EState { PreUnary, PostUnary, Binary };

		TArray<FWrappedOperator> OperatorStack;
		OperatorStack.Reserve(Tokens.Num() - CurrentTokenIndex);

		bool bFoundEndOfGroup = StopAt == nullptr;

		// Start off looking for a unary operator
		EState State = EState::PreUnary;
		for (; CurrentTokenIndex < Tokens.Num(); ++CurrentTokenIndex)
			auto& Token = Tokens[CurrentTokenIndex];
			const auto& TypeId = Token.Node.GetTypeId();

			if (const FGuid* GroupingEnd = Grammar.GetGrouping(TypeId))
				// Ignore this token

				// Start of group - recurse
				auto Error = CompileGroup(&Token, GroupingEnd);

				if (Error.IsSet())
					return Error;

				State = EState::PostUnary;
			else if (StopAt && TypeId == *StopAt)
				// End of group
				bFoundEndOfGroup = true;
			else if (State == EState::PreUnary)
				if (Grammar.HasPreUnaryOperator(TypeId))
					// Make this a unary op
					OperatorStack.Emplace(FCompiledToken(FCompiledToken::PreUnaryOperator, MoveTemp(Token)));
				else if (Grammar.GetBinaryOperatorPrecedence(TypeId))
					return FExpressionError(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("SyntaxError_NoBinaryOperand", "Syntax error: No operand specified for operator '{0}'"), FText::FromString(Token.Context.GetString())));
				else if (Grammar.HasPostUnaryOperator(TypeId))
					// Found a post-unary operator for the preceeding token
					State = EState::PostUnary;

					// Pop off any pending unary operators
					while (OperatorStack.Num() > 0 && OperatorStack.Last().Precedence <= 0)

					// Make this a post-unary op
					OperatorStack.Emplace(FCompiledToken(FCompiledToken::PostUnaryOperator, MoveTemp(Token)));
					// Not an operator, so treat it as an ordinary token
					Commands.Add(FCompiledToken(FCompiledToken::Operand, MoveTemp(Token)));
					State = EState::PostUnary;
			else if (State == EState::PostUnary)
				if (Grammar.HasPostUnaryOperator(TypeId))
					// Pop off any pending unary operators
					while (OperatorStack.Num() > 0 && OperatorStack.Last().Precedence <= 0)

					// Make this a post-unary op
					OperatorStack.Emplace(FCompiledToken(FCompiledToken::PostUnaryOperator, MoveTemp(Token)));
					// Checking for binary operators
					if (const int32* Prec = Grammar.GetBinaryOperatorPrecedence(TypeId))
						// Pop off anything of higher precedence than this one onto the command stack
						while (OperatorStack.Num() > 0 && OperatorStack.Last().Precedence < *Prec)

						// Add the operator itself to the op stack
						OperatorStack.Emplace(FCompiledToken(FCompiledToken::BinaryOperator, MoveTemp(Token)), *Prec);

						// Check for a unary op again
						State = EState::PreUnary;
						// Just add the token. It's possible that this is a syntax error (there's no binary operator specified between two tokens),
						// But we don't have enough information at this point to say whether or not it is an error
						Commands.Add(FCompiledToken(FCompiledToken::Operand, MoveTemp(Token)));
						State = EState::PreUnary;

		if (!bFoundEndOfGroup)
			return FExpressionError(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("SyntaxError_UnmatchedGroup", "Syntax error: Reached end of expression before matching end of group '{0}' at line {1}:{2}"),

		// Pop everything off the operator stack, onto the command stack
		while (OperatorStack.Num() > 0)

		return TOptional<FExpressionError>();
void FTextFormatData::Compile_NoLock()
	if (SourceType == ESourceType::Text)
		SourceExpression = SourceText.ToString();
		CompiledTextSnapshot = FTextSnapshot(SourceText);
	CompiledExpressionType = FTextFormat::EExpressionType::Simple;
	BaseFormatStringLength = 0;
	FormatArgumentEstimateMultiplier = 1;

	TValueOrError<TArray<FExpressionToken>, FExpressionError> Result = ExpressionParser::Lex(*SourceExpression, FTextFormatter::Get().GetTextFormatDefinitions());
	bool bValidExpression = Result.IsValid();
	if (bValidExpression)
		LexedExpression = Result.StealValue();

		// Quickly make sure the tokens are valid (argument modifiers may only follow an argument token)
		for (int32 TokenIndex = 0; TokenIndex < LexedExpression.Num(); ++TokenIndex)
			const FExpressionToken& Token = LexedExpression[TokenIndex];

			if (const auto* Literal = Token.Node.Cast<TextFormatTokens::FStringLiteral>())
				BaseFormatStringLength += Literal->StringLen;
			else if (auto* Escaped = Token.Node.Cast<TextFormatTokens::FEscapedCharacter>())
				BaseFormatStringLength += 1;
			else if (const auto* ArgumentToken = Token.Node.Cast<TextFormatTokens::FArgumentTokenSpecifier>())
				CompiledExpressionType = FTextFormat::EExpressionType::Complex;

				if (LexedExpression.IsValidIndex(TokenIndex + 1))
					const FExpressionToken& NextToken = LexedExpression[TokenIndex + 1];

					// Peek to see if the next token is an argument modifier
					if (const auto* ArgumentModifierToken = NextToken.Node.Cast<TextFormatTokens::FArgumentModifierTokenSpecifier>())
						int32 ArgModLength = 0;
						bool ArgModUsesFormatArgs = false;
						ArgumentModifierToken->TextFormatArgumentModifier->EstimateLength(ArgModLength, ArgModUsesFormatArgs);

						BaseFormatStringLength += ArgModLength;
						FormatArgumentEstimateMultiplier += (ArgModUsesFormatArgs) ? 1 : 0;

						++TokenIndex; // walk over the argument token so that the next iteration will skip over the argument modifier
			else if (Token.Node.Cast<TextFormatTokens::FArgumentModifierTokenSpecifier>())
				// Unexpected argument modifier token!
				const FText ErrorSourceText = FText::FromString(Token.Context.GetString());
				Result = MakeError(FExpressionError(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("UnexpectedArgumentModifierToken", "Unexpected 'argument modifier' token: {0} (token started at index {1})"), ErrorSourceText, Token.Context.GetCharacterIndex())));
				bValidExpression = false;
	if (!bValidExpression)
		CompiledExpressionType = FTextFormat::EExpressionType::Invalid;
		UE_LOG(LogTextFormatter, Warning, TEXT("Failed to compile text format string '%s': %s"), *SourceExpression, *Result.GetError().Text.ToString());