Пример #1
// Constructor for this entity type
// Notes: Do not allocate space for the entity itself! This is handled
//        by the entity factory. This function is for allocation of
//        any other necessary memory. Perhaps a dynamically allocated
//        string, or other various memory allocations that are to be
//        pointed to by this entity.
void ItemParticleConstruct( ENTITY *self, float *x, float *y )
  VECTOR2D vel = {
    accel = { 0 };
  ALD ALdata = { 0 };

  // Add various components
  AddSpriteComponent( self, FIND_DATA( P_IMAGE, IMAGE_TABLE, "ItemParticle.AEArt" ), ENABLE_CAM );
  AddPositionComponent( self, (int)x, (int)y );
  AddPhysicsComponent( self, (int)&vel, (int)&accel );
  AddActionListComponent( self );

  // Set the properties flag of this object
  self->properties = 0;

  self->zOrder = 1;
  ALdata.flag |= BLOCKING;
  ALdata.ID = ALT_PAUSE;
  ALdata.timerEnd = ITEM_PARTICLE_DELAY;
  ActionListAddAction( (AL *)self->comps.AL, &ALdata );
  ActionListAddAction( (AL *)self->comps.AL, &ALdata );
Пример #2
// ---
  HDATA             data, 
  AVP_dword*        addr, 
  HDATA             data2, 
  AVP_dword*        addr2, 
  HDATA*            result, 
  AVP_dword         flags, 
  AVP_Merge_Param*  param
) {

  if ( !data || !data2 || (result && *result == data) ) {
    _RPT0( _CRT_ASSERT, "Bad parameters" );
    return 0;

  FIND_DATA( data,  addr  );
  FIND_DATA( data2, addr2 );

  if ( !result )
    result = &data;

  _RPT0( _CRT_ASSERT, "Merge is not working at the moment !" );
  return 0;
Пример #3
// ClassUpdate
// Purpose: This update function modifies the owner's current velocity
//          by the component's constants if specific input conditions are met
void PlaCUpdate( PLAC *self, float *dt )
  VECTOR2D inputVector = { 0 }, pos = { 0 };
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_GETINVEC, (int)&inputVector, 0 );
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_GETPOS, (int)&pos.x_, (int)&pos.y_ );

  // Initiate jump if canJump currently
  if(IsKeyPressed( VK_UP ) && self->canJump && self->playerState != PLAYER_STATE_ATTACKING_1)
    self->canJump = FALSE;
    inputVector.y_ = PLAYER_JUMP_HEIGHT;
    self->jumping = TRUE;
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_SETHTBTM, FALSE, 0 );
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_SETINVEC, (int)&inputVector, 0 );

  // Enable jumping if hit a tile on bottom of player
  if(!self->jumping && !IsKeyPressed( VK_UP ) && self->canJump == FALSE)
    inputVector.y_ = 0;
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_SETINVEC, (int)&inputVector, 0 );
    self->canJump = TRUE;

  // Move left
  if(IsKeyPressed( VK_LEFT ) && self->playerState != PLAYER_STATE_ATTACKING_1)
    inputVector.x_ = -LEFT_RIGHT_SPEED;
    self->playerState = PLAYER_STATE_MOVING;
    self->faceDir = FALSE;
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_SETINVEC, (int)&inputVector, 0 );
  // Move right
  if(IsKeyPressed( VK_RIGHT ) && self->playerState != PLAYER_STATE_ATTACKING_1)
    inputVector.x_ = LEFT_RIGHT_SPEED;
    self->playerState = PLAYER_STATE_MOVING;
    self->faceDir = TRUE;
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_SETINVEC, (int)&inputVector, 0 );
  // Zero input vector x if left or right key not pressed
  else if(!IsKeyPressed( VK_RIGHT ) && !IsKeyPressed( VK_LEFT ))
    inputVector.x_ = 0;
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_SETINVEC, (int)&inputVector, 0 );

  // Space bar for attacking!
  if(IsKeyPressed( VK_SPACE ) && !self->jumping && self->playerState != PLAYER_STATE_ATTACKING_1)
    DDD data = { 0 };
    data.damage = 10;
    data.WH.x_ = 1.f;
    data.WH.y_ = 1.f;
    data.delay = .30f;
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_GETPOS, (int)&data.pos.x_, (int)&data.pos.y_ );
    self->playerState = PLAYER_STATE_ATTACKING_1;
    inputVector.x_ = 0;
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_SETINVEC, (int)&inputVector, 0 );

      data.pos.x_ += 4.f;
      data.pos.x_ -= 5.f; 
    CreateEntity( "DAMAGE_DEALER", (int)&data, (int)FIND_DATA( P_IMAGE, IMAGE_TABLE, "TestDamage.AEArt" ) );

  if(IsKeyPressed( VK_I ) && self->inventoryDT == 0)
    self->inventoryDT += *dt;
    SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_INVTDRAW, 0, 0 );
  if(self->inventoryDT < INVENTORY_BUTTON_DEBOUNCE_TIME && self->inventoryDT != 0 && !IsKeyPressed( VK_I ))
    self->inventoryDT += *dt;
    self->inventoryDT = 0;

  // Update player's attack
  if(self->playerState == PLAYER_STATE_ATTACKING_1)
    self->dt += *dt;

    // Reset timer + player state if time threshold met + not press space
    if(self->dt > PLAYER_ATTACK_SPEED_SECONDS && !IsKeyPressed( VK_SPACE ))
      self->dt = 0;
      self->playerState = PLAYER_STATE_IDLE;

  // Idle the player if no keys are pressed and not jumping or attacking
  if(!IsKeyPressed( VK_LEFT ) && !IsKeyPressed( VK_RIGHT ) && !IsKeyPressed( VK_SPACE )
    && !self->jumping && self->playerState != PLAYER_STATE_ATTACKING_1)
    self->playerState = PLAYER_STATE_IDLE;

  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDOFFLC, (int)"RUNNING_RIGHT", 0 );
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDOFFLC, (int)"RUNNING_LEFT", 0 );
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDOFFLC, (int)"JUMPING_RIGHT", 0 );
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDOFFLC, (int)"JUMPING_LEFT", 0 );
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDOFFLC, (int)"ATTACK_1_LEFT", 0 );
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDOFFLC, (int)"ATTACK_1_RIGHT", 0 );
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDOFFLC, (int)"IDLE_RIGHT", 0 );
  SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDOFFLC, (int)"IDLE_LEFT", 0 );

    if(self->faceDir && !self->jumping) // facing right
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"IDLE_RIGHT", 0 );
    else if(!self->jumping)
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"IDLE_LEFT", 0 );
    if(self->faceDir && self->jumping)
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"JUMPING_RIGHT", 0 );
    else if(self->jumping)
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"JUMPING_LEFT", 0 );
    if(self->faceDir && !self->jumping) // facing right
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"RUNNING_RIGHT", 0 );
    else if(!self->jumping)
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"RUNNING_LEFT", 0 );
    if(self->faceDir && self->jumping)
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"JUMPING_RIGHT", 0 );
    else if(self->jumping)
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"JUMPING_LEFT", 0 );
    if(self->faceDir) // facing right
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"ATTACK_1_RIGHT", 0 );
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"ATTACK_1_LEFT", 0 );
    if(self->faceDir) // facing right
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"HIT_RIGHT", 0 );
      SendEntityMessage( self->base.owner, EM_CLDONLC, (int)"HIT_LEFT", 0 );
Пример #4
// ---
DATA_PROC AVP_bool DATA_PARAM DATA_Serialize( HDATA data, AVP_dword* addr, AVP_Serialize_Data* opt, void* buffer, AVP_dword buffer_size, AVP_dword* size_out ) {

  AVP_word    magic;
  AVP_dword   version;
  AVP_dword   max_size;
  AVP_dword*  include;
  AVP_dword*  exclude;
  AVP_bool    root_siblings;
  Serialize   sz;
  Buffer_Proc flush;

  FIND_DATA( data, addr );

  size_to_save = 
    sizeof( ((AVP_Serialize_Data*)0)->magic )           + // magic number
    sizeof( ((AVP_Serialize_Data*)0)->version )         + // version
    sizeof( ((AVP_Serialize_Data*)0)->translate_method ) + // translate_method
    sizeof( ((AVP_Serialize_Data*)0)->header_size );      // header size

  if ( opt ) {
    include = opt->props_include;
    exclude = opt->props_exclude;
    opt->version = 1;
  else {
    include = 0;
    exclude = 0;

  if ( buffer ) {
    if ( buffer_size ) {
      max_size = buffer_size;
      flush = opt ? opt->proc : 0; 
    else {
      _RPT0( _CRT_ASSERT, "Bad parameters" );
      if ( size_out )
        *size_out = 0;
      return 0;
  else {
    flush = 0; 
    max_size = (AVP_dword)-1;

  init_put_bytes( &sz, buffer, max_size, flush, opt ? opt->user_data : 0 );

  magic = 0xadad;
  if ( put_word(&sz, &magic) != sizeof(magic) ) {
    if ( size_out )
      *size_out = sz.tsize;
    return 0;

  version = 1;
  if ( opt ) {
    root_siblings = opt->root_siblings;
    opt->version = 1;
    root_siblings = 1;

  if ( put_dword (&sz, &version) != sizeof(version) ) {
    if ( size_out )
      *size_out = sz.tsize;
    return 0;

  if ( put_dword (&sz, &sz.crc_cluster) != sizeof(sz.crc_cluster) ) {
    if ( size_out )
      *size_out = sz.tsize;
    return 0;

  sz.crc = -1;

  if ( 0 == DATA_Put(&sz,(AVP_Data*)data,root_siblings,include,exclude) ) {
    if ( size_out )
      *size_out = sz.tsize;
    return 0;
  else {
    AVP_dword res = flush_put_bytes( &sz );
    if ( size_out )
      *size_out = sz.tsize;
    return res != 0;
Пример #5
// Constructor for this entity type
// Notes: Do not allocate space for the entity itself! This is handled
//        by the entity factory. This function is for allocation of
//        any other necessary memory. Perhaps a dynamically allocated
//        string, or other various memory allocations that are to be
//        pointed to by this entity.
void HeroConstruct( ENTITY *self, int hp )
  VECTOR2D vel = { 0.f, 0.f }, accel = { 0 }, pos = { 5.0f, 20.0f }, widthHeight = { 4.f, 9.f };

  GlobalCamInit( 0, 0, self );

  // Add cloud component
  AddCloudComponent( self, 101, ENABLE_CAM );
  // Insert loci into cloud
  SendComEM( self->comps.GC, EM_INSLOCUS,
    (int)AllocateAnimationLocus( "RUNNING_RIGHT", 0.f, 0.f, 0, .15f, "ManRun1.AEArt",
    "ManRun6.AEArt", 0 ), 0 );
  SendComEM( self->comps.GC, EM_INSLOCUS,
    (int)AllocateImageLocus( "JUMPING_RIGHT", 0.f, 0.f, FIND_DATA( P_IMAGE, IMAGE_TABLE, "ManJump.AEArt" ), 0 ), 0 );
  SendComEM( self->comps.GC, EM_INSLOCUS,
    (int)AllocateImageLocus( "JUMPING_LEFT", 2.f, 0.f, FIND_DATA( P_IMAGE, IMAGE_TABLE, "ManJumpFlipX.AEArt" ), 0 ), 0 );
  SendComEM( self->comps.GC, EM_INSLOCUS,
    (int)AllocateAnimationLocus( "RUNNING_LEFT", -2.f, 0.f, 0, .15f, "ManRun1FlipX.AEArt",
    "ManRun6FlipX.AEArt", 0 ), 0 );
  SendComEM( self->comps.GC, EM_INSLOCUS,
    (int)AllocateAnimationLocus( "ATTACK_1_RIGHT", -3.f, 0.f, 0, PLAYER_ATTACK_SPEED_SECONDS / 7.f, "ManSwing1.AEArt",
    "ManSwing7.AEArt", 0 ), 0 );
  SendComEM( self->comps.GC, EM_INSLOCUS,
    (int)AllocateAnimationLocus( "ATTACK_1_LEFT", -2.f, 0.f, 0, PLAYER_ATTACK_SPEED_SECONDS / 7.f, "ManSwing1FlipX.AEArt",
    "ManSwing7FlipX.AEArt", 0 ), 0 );
  SendComEM( self->comps.GC, EM_INSLOCUS, 
    (int)AllocateImageLocus( "IDLE_RIGHT", 1.f, 0.f, FIND_DATA( P_IMAGE, IMAGE_TABLE, "WeaponMan.AEArt" ), 0 ), 0 );
  SendComEM( self->comps.GC, EM_INSLOCUS,
    (int)AllocateImageLocus( "IDLE_LEFT", 1.f, 0.f, FIND_DATA( P_IMAGE, IMAGE_TABLE, "WeaponManFlipX.AEArt" ), 0 ), 0 );

  // Set the properties flag of this object
  self->properties = PLAYER | DRAWME | GRAVITYME;

  // Add in additional components
  AddPositionComponent( self, (int)&pos.x_, (int)&pos.y_ );
  AddPhysicsComponent( self, (int)&vel, (int)&accel );
  AddSquareComponent( self, (int)&widthHeight.x_, (int)&widthHeight.y_ );
  AddPlaCComponent( self );
  AddHitPointsComponent( self, hp );
  AddSmallInventoryComponent( self );

  // Any other required initializations