Пример #1
Datum geography_eq(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
	/* Put aside some stack memory and use it for GIDX pointers. */
	char gboxmem1[GIDX_MAX_SIZE];
	char gboxmem2[GIDX_MAX_SIZE];
	GIDX *gbox1 = (GIDX*)gboxmem1;
	GIDX *gbox2 = (GIDX*)gboxmem2;
	POINT3D p1, p2;

	/* Must be able to build box for each argument (ie, not empty geometry) */
	if ( ! gserialized_datum_get_gidx_p(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), gbox1) ||
	     ! gserialized_datum_get_gidx_p(PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), gbox2) )

	geography_gidx_center(gbox1, &p1);
	geography_gidx_center(gbox2, &p2);

	if ( FP_EQUALS(p1.x, p2.x) && FP_EQUALS(p1.y, p2.y) && FP_EQUALS(p1.z, p2.z) )


Пример #2
int lwcompound_add_lwgeom(LWCOMPOUND *comp, LWGEOM *geom)
	/* Empty things can't continuously join up with other things */
	if ( lwgeom_is_empty(geom) )
		LWDEBUG(4, "Got an empty component for a compound curve!");
		return LW_FAILURE;
	if( col->ngeoms > 0 )
		POINT4D last, first;
		/* First point of the component we are adding */
		LWLINE *newline = (LWLINE*)geom;
		/* Last point of the previous component */
		LWLINE *prevline = (LWLINE*)(col->geoms[col->ngeoms-1]);

		getPoint4d_p(newline->points, 0, &first);
		getPoint4d_p(prevline->points, prevline->points->npoints-1, &last);
		if ( !(FP_EQUALS(first.x,last.x) && FP_EQUALS(first.y,last.y)) )
			LWDEBUG(4, "Components don't join up end-to-end!");
			LWDEBUGF(4, "first pt (%g %g %g %g) last pt (%g %g %g %g)", first.x, first.y, first.z, first.m, last.x, last.y, last.z, last.m);			
			return LW_FAILURE;
	col = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(col, geom);
	return LW_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
p2d_same(const POINT2D *p1, const POINT2D *p2)
	if( FP_EQUALS(p1->x,p2->x) && FP_EQUALS(p1->y,p2->y) )
		return LW_TRUE;
		return LW_FALSE;
Пример #4
p4d_same(const POINT4D *p1, const POINT4D *p2)
	if( FP_EQUALS(p1->x,p2->x) && FP_EQUALS(p1->y,p2->y) && FP_EQUALS(p1->z,p2->z) && FP_EQUALS(p1->m,p2->m) )
		return LW_TRUE;
		return LW_FALSE;
Пример #5
 * Write into the *ret argument coordinates of the closes point on
 * the given segment to the reference input point.
closest_point_on_segment(const POINT4D *p, const POINT4D *A, const POINT4D *B, POINT4D *ret)
	double r;

	if (  FP_EQUALS(A->x, B->x) && FP_EQUALS(A->y, B->y) )
		*ret = *A;

	 * We use comp.graphics.algorithms Frequently Asked Questions method
	 * (1)           AC dot AB
	 *           r = ----------
	 *                ||AB||^2
	 *	r has the following meaning:
	 *	r=0 P = A
	 *	r=1 P = B
	 *	r<0 P is on the backward extension of AB
	 *	r>1 P is on the forward extension of AB
	 *	0<r<1 P is interior to AB
	r = ( (p->x-A->x) * (B->x-A->x) + (p->y-A->y) * (B->y-A->y) )/( (B->x-A->x)*(B->x-A->x) +(B->y-A->y)*(B->y-A->y) );

	if (r<0)
		*ret = *A;
	if (r>1)
		*ret = *B;

	ret->x = A->x + ( (B->x - A->x) * r );
	ret->y = A->y + ( (B->y - A->y) * r );
	ret->z = A->z + ( (B->z - A->z) * r );
	ret->m = A->m + ( (B->m - A->m) * r );
Пример #6
static LWMPOINT*
lwpoint_locate_along(const LWPOINT *lwpoint, double m, double offset)
	double point_m = lwpoint_get_m(lwpoint);
	LWGEOM *lwg = lwpoint_as_lwgeom(lwpoint);
	LWMPOINT *r = lwmpoint_construct_empty(lwgeom_get_srid(lwg), lwgeom_has_z(lwg), lwgeom_has_m(lwg));
	if ( FP_EQUALS(m, point_m) )
		lwmpoint_add_lwpoint(r, lwpoint_clone(lwpoint));
	return r;
Пример #7
* Create a new leaf node, storing pointers back to the end points for later.
static CIRC_NODE* 
circ_node_leaf_new(const POINTARRAY* pa, int i)
	POINT2D *p1, *p2;
	POINT3D q1, q2, c;
	CIRC_NODE *node;
	double diameter;

	p1 = (POINT2D*)getPoint_internal(pa, i);
	p2 = (POINT2D*)getPoint_internal(pa, i+1);
	geographic_point_init(p1->x, p1->y, &g1);
	geographic_point_init(p2->x, p2->y, &g2);

	LWDEBUGF(3,"edge #%d (%g %g, %g %g)", i, p1->x, p1->y, p2->x, p2->y);
	diameter = sphere_distance(&g1, &g2);

	/* Zero length edge, doesn't get a node */
	if ( FP_EQUALS(diameter, 0.0) )
		return NULL;

	/* Allocate */
	node = lwalloc(sizeof(CIRC_NODE));
	node->p1 = p1;
	node->p2 = p2;
	/* Convert ends to X/Y/Z, sum, and normalize to get mid-point */
	geog2cart(&g1, &q1);
	geog2cart(&g2, &q2);
	vector_sum(&q1, &q2, &c);
	cart2geog(&c, &gc);
	node->center = gc;
	node->radius = diameter / 2.0;

	LWDEBUGF(3,"edge #%d CENTER(%g %g) RADIUS=%g", i, gc.lon, gc.lat, node->radius);

	/* Leaf has no children */
	node->num_nodes = 0;
	node->nodes = NULL;
	node->edge_num = i;
	return node;
Пример #8
static LWMPOINT*
lwmpoint_locate_along(const LWMPOINT *lwin, double m, double offset)
	LWGEOM *lwg = lwmpoint_as_lwgeom(lwin);
	LWMPOINT *lwout = NULL;
	int i;
	/* Construct return */
	lwout = lwmpoint_construct_empty(lwgeom_get_srid(lwg), lwgeom_has_z(lwg), lwgeom_has_m(lwg));

	for ( i = 0; i < lwin->ngeoms; i++ )
		double point_m = lwpoint_get_m(lwin->geoms[i]);
		if ( FP_EQUALS(m, point_m) )
			lwmpoint_add_lwpoint(lwout, lwpoint_clone(lwin->geoms[i]));

	return lwout;
Пример #9
lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range(const LWGEOM *lwin, char ordinate, double from, double to, double offset)
	LWCOLLECTION *out_offset;
	int i;
	if ( ! lwin )
		lwerror("lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range: null input geometry!");
	switch ( lwin->type )
		case LINETYPE:
			out_col = lwline_clip_to_ordinate_range((LWLINE*)lwin, ordinate, from, to);
			out_col = lwmline_clip_to_ordinate_range((LWMLINE*)lwin, ordinate, from, to);
			out_col = lwmpoint_clip_to_ordinate_range((LWMPOINT*)lwin, ordinate, from, to);
			out_col = lwpoint_clip_to_ordinate_range((LWPOINT*)lwin, ordinate, from, to);
			lwerror("This function does not accept %s geometries.", lwtype_name(lwin->type));
			return NULL;;
	/* Stop if result is NULL */
	if ( out_col == NULL )
		lwerror("lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range clipping routine returned NULL");
	/* Return if we aren't going to offset the result */
	if ( FP_EQUALS(offset, 0.0) || lwgeom_is_empty(lwcollection_as_lwgeom(out_col)) )
		return out_col;
	/* Construct a collection to hold our outputs. */
	/* Things get ugly: GEOS offset drops Z's and M's so we have to drop ours */
	out_offset = lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, lwin->srid, 0, 0);
	/* Try and offset the linear portions of the return value */
	for ( i = 0; i < out_col->ngeoms; i++ )
		int type = out_col->geoms[i]->type;
		if ( type == POINTTYPE )
			lwnotice("lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range cannot offset a clipped point");
		else if ( type == LINETYPE )
			/* lwgeom_offsetcurve(line, offset, quadsegs, joinstyle (round), mitrelimit) */
			LWGEOM *lwoff = lwgeom_offsetcurve(lwgeom_as_lwline(out_col->geoms[i]), offset, 8, 1, 5.0);
			if ( ! lwoff )
				lwerror("lwgeom_offsetcurve returned null");
			lwcollection_add_lwgeom(out_offset, lwoff);
			lwerror("lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range found an unexpected type (%s) in the offset routine",lwtype_name(type));

	return out_offset;
Пример #10
ptarrayarc_contains_point_partial(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT2D *pt, int check_closed, int *winding_number)
	int wn = 0;
	int i, side;
	const POINT2D *seg1;
	const POINT2D *seg2;
	const POINT2D *seg3;
	GBOX gbox;

	/* Check for not an arc ring (always have odd # of points) */
	if ( (pa->npoints % 2) == 0 )
		lwerror("ptarrayarc_contains_point called with even number of points");
		return LW_OUTSIDE;

	/* Check for not an arc ring (always have >= 3 points) */
	if ( pa->npoints < 3 )
		lwerror("ptarrayarc_contains_point called too-short pointarray");
		return LW_OUTSIDE;

	/* Check for unclosed case */
	seg1 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, 0);
	seg3 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, pa->npoints-1);
	if ( check_closed && ! p2d_same(seg1, seg3) )
		lwerror("ptarrayarc_contains_point called on unclosed ring");
		return LW_OUTSIDE;
	/* OK, it's closed. Is it just one circle? */
	else if ( p2d_same(seg1, seg3) && pa->npoints == 3 )
		double radius, d;
		POINT2D c;
		seg2 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, 1);
		/* Wait, it's just a point, so it can't contain anything */
		if ( lw_arc_is_pt(seg1, seg2, seg3) )
			return LW_OUTSIDE;
		/* See if the point is within the circle radius */
		radius = lw_arc_center(seg1, seg2, seg3, &c);
		d = distance2d_pt_pt(pt, &c);
		if ( FP_EQUALS(d, radius) )
			return LW_BOUNDARY; /* Boundary of circle */
		else if ( d < radius ) 
			return LW_INSIDE; /* Inside circle */
			return LW_OUTSIDE; /* Outside circle */
	else if ( p2d_same(seg1, pt) || p2d_same(seg3, pt) )
		return LW_BOUNDARY; /* Boundary case */

	/* Start on the ring */
	seg1 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, 0);
	for ( i=1; i < pa->npoints; i += 2 )
		seg2 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, i);
		seg3 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, i+1);
		/* Catch an easy boundary case */
		if( p2d_same(seg3, pt) )
			return LW_BOUNDARY;
		/* Skip arcs that have no size */
		if ( lw_arc_is_pt(seg1, seg2, seg3) )
			seg1 = seg3;
		/* Only test segments in our vertical range */
		lw_arc_calculate_gbox_cartesian_2d(seg1, seg2, seg3, &gbox);
		if ( pt->y > gbox.ymax || pt->y < gbox.ymin ) 
			seg1 = seg3;

		/* Outside of horizontal range, and not between end points we also skip */
		if ( (pt->x > gbox.xmax || pt->x < gbox.xmin) && 
			 (pt->y > FP_MAX(seg1->y, seg3->y) || pt->y < FP_MIN(seg1->y, seg3->y)) ) 
			seg1 = seg3;
		side = lw_arc_side(seg1, seg2, seg3, pt);
		/* On the boundary */
		if ( (side == 0) && lw_pt_in_arc(pt, seg1, seg2, seg3) )
			return LW_BOUNDARY;
		/* Going "up"! Point to left of arc. */
		if ( side < 0 && (seg1->y <= pt->y) && (pt->y < seg3->y) )

		/* Going "down"! */
		if ( side > 0 && (seg2->y <= pt->y) && (pt->y < seg1->y) )
		/* Inside the arc! */
		if ( pt->x <= gbox.xmax && pt->x >= gbox.xmin ) 
			double radius = lw_arc_center(seg1, seg2, seg3, &C);
			double d = distance2d_pt_pt(pt, &C);

			/* On the boundary! */
			if ( d == radius )
				return LW_BOUNDARY;
			/* Within the arc! */
			if ( d  < radius )
				/* Left side, increment winding number */
				if ( side < 0 )
				/* Right side, decrement winding number */
				if ( side > 0 ) 

		seg1 = seg3;

	/* Sent out the winding number for calls that are building on this as a primitive */
	if ( winding_number )
		*winding_number = wn;

	/* Outside */
	if (wn == 0)
		return LW_OUTSIDE;
	/* Inside */
	return LW_INSIDE;
Пример #11
* Create a new internal node, calculating the new measure range for the node,
* and storing pointers to the child nodes.
static CIRC_NODE* 
circ_node_internal_new(CIRC_NODE** c, int num_nodes)
	CIRC_NODE *node = NULL;
	GEOGRAPHIC_POINT new_center, c1;
	double new_radius;
	double offset1, dist, D, r1, ri;
	int i;

	LWDEBUGF(3, "called with %d nodes --", num_nodes);

	/* Can't do anything w/ empty input */
	if ( num_nodes < 1 )
		return node;
	/* Initialize calculation with values of the first circle */
	new_center = c[0]->center;
	new_radius = c[0]->radius;
	/* Merge each remaining circle into the new circle */
	for ( i = 1; i < num_nodes; i++ )
		c1 = new_center; 
		r1 = new_radius;
		dist = sphere_distance(&c1, &(c[i]->center));
		ri = c[i]->radius;

		LWDEBUGF(3, "distance between new (%g %g) and %i (%g %g) is %g", c1.lon, c1.lat, i, c[i]->center.lon, c[i]->center.lat, dist);
		if ( FP_EQUALS(dist, 0) )
			LWDEBUG(3, "  distance between centers is zero");
			new_radius = r1 + 2*dist;
			new_center = c1;
		else if ( dist < fabs(r1 - ri) )
			/* new contains next */
			if ( r1 > ri )
				LWDEBUG(3, "  c1 contains ci");
				new_center = c1;
				new_radius = r1;
			/* next contains new */
				LWDEBUG(3, "  ci contains c1");
				new_center = c[i]->center;
				new_radius = ri;
			LWDEBUG(3, "  calculating new center");
			/* New circle diameter */
			D = dist + r1 + ri;
			LWDEBUGF(3,"    D is %g", D);
			/* New radius */
			new_radius = D / 2.0;
			/* Distance from cn1 center to the new center */
			offset1 = ri + (D - (2.0*r1 + 2.0*ri)) / 2.0;
			LWDEBUGF(3,"    offset1 is %g", offset1);
			/* Sometimes the sphere_direction function fails... this causes the center calculation */
			/* to fail too. In that case, we're going to fall back ot a cartesian calculation, which */
			/* is less exact, so we also have to pad the radius by (hack alert) an arbitrary amount */
			/* which is hopefully always big enough to contain the input edges */
			if ( circ_center_spherical(&c1, &(c[i]->center), dist, offset1, &new_center) == LW_FAILURE )
				circ_center_cartesian(&c1, &(c[i]->center), dist, offset1, &new_center);
				new_radius *= 1.1;
		LWDEBUGF(3, " new center is (%g %g) new radius is %g", new_center.lon, new_center.lat, new_radius);	
	node = lwalloc(sizeof(CIRC_NODE));
	node->p1 = NULL;
	node->p2 = NULL;
	node->center = new_center;
	node->radius = new_radius;
	node->num_nodes = num_nodes;
	node->nodes = c;
	node->edge_num = -1;
	return node;