Пример #1
FREObject saveToCameraRoll(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[])
    uint32_t name_size = 0;
    const uint8_t* name_val = NULL;
    FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[0], &name_size, &name_val);
    FREObject objectBA = argv[1];
    FREByteArray baData;
    FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData);
    uint8_t *ba = baData.bytes;
    int32_t _size;
    FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[2], &_size);
    int32_t _orientation;
    FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[3], &_orientation);
    int32_t res = captureSaveToCameraRoll( (const char *)name_val, (const uint8_t*)ba, _size, _orientation);
    FREObject res_obj;
    FRENewObjectFromInt32(res, &res_obj);
    return res_obj;
Пример #2
FREObject KinectDevice::freGetPointCloudFrame(FREObject argv[])
	FREObject objectPointsByteArray = argv[1];
	const unsigned int numPointBytes = pointCloudGenerator->getByteArrayLength() * sizeof(short);
	if(numPointBytes == 0) return NULL;

    FREByteArray pointsByteArray;			
    FREObject pointsLength;
    FRENewObjectFromUint32(numPointBytes, &pointsLength);
    FRESetObjectProperty(objectPointsByteArray, (const uint8_t*) "length", pointsLength, NULL);
    FREAcquireByteArray(objectPointsByteArray, &pointsByteArray);
	memcpy(pointsByteArray.bytes, pointCloudGenerator->getTargetBytes(), numPointBytes);
    //set the region information?
    FREObject asPointCloudRegions = argv[2];
    if(asPointCloudRegions != NULL && &pointCloudRegions != 0)
        //loop through these actionscript regions and get the native info back
        FREObject asPointCloudRegion, asRegionId;
        FREObject asNumPoints;
        unsigned int regionId;
        uint32_t freNumRegions;
        FREGetArrayLength(asPointCloudRegions, &freNumRegions);
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < freNumRegions; i++)
            FREGetArrayElementAt(asPointCloudRegions, i, &asPointCloudRegion);
            FREGetObjectProperty(asPointCloudRegion, (const uint8_t *) "regionId", &asRegionId, NULL);
            FREGetObjectAsUint32(asRegionId, &regionId);
            //get the region with this id from the device memory
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j < numRegions; j++)
                PointCloudRegion *nativeRegion = &pointCloudRegions[j];
                if(nativeRegion->regionId == regionId)
                    //update the actionscript properties
                    FRENewObjectFromUint32(nativeRegion->numPoints, &asNumPoints);
                    FRESetObjectProperty(asPointCloudRegion, (const uint8_t *) "numPoints", asNumPoints, NULL);
    return NULL;
Пример #3
FREObject KinectDevice::freGetInfraredFrame(FREObject argv[])
    const unsigned int numInfraredBytes = infraredImageBytesGenerator->getTargetPixelCount() * 4;
    FREObject objectByteArray = argv[1];
    FREByteArray byteArray;			
    FREObject length;
    FRENewObjectFromUint32(numInfraredBytes, &length);
    FRESetObjectProperty(objectByteArray, (const uint8_t*) "length", length, NULL);
    FREAcquireByteArray(objectByteArray, &byteArray);
	memcpy(byteArray.bytes, infraredImageBytesGenerator->getTargetBytes(), numInfraredBytes);

	return NULL;
Пример #4
FREObject getBytesAsByteArray(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[])
	FREObject result;
	FREByteArray incomingBytes;

	FREAcquireByteArray(argv[0], &incomingBytes);

	memcpy(incomingBytes.bytes, buffer, bufferSize);
	FRENewObjectFromInt32(bufferSize, &result);
	bufferSize = 0;
	sentEvent = 0;


	return result;
Пример #5
FREObject KinectDevice::freGetUserMaskFrame(FREObject argv[])
	unsigned int trackingID; FREGetObjectAsUint32(argv[1], &trackingID);
    if(trackingID > 0) trackingID--;
    const unsigned int numUserMaskBytes = userMasksGenerator->getTargetPixelCount() * 4;
    FREObject objectByteArray = argv[2];
    FREByteArray byteArray;			
    FREObject length;
    FRENewObjectFromUint32(numUserMaskBytes, &length);
    FRESetObjectProperty(objectByteArray, (const uint8_t*) "length", length, NULL);
    FREAcquireByteArray(objectByteArray, &byteArray);
	memcpy(byteArray.bytes, userMasksGenerator->getTargetBytes()[trackingID], numUserMaskBytes);
    return NULL;
Пример #6
FREObject sendByteArray(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[])
	FREObject result;
	FREByteArray dataToSend;
	int sendResult = 0;

	FREAcquireByteArray(argv[0], &dataToSend);

	sendResult = SendBuf(comPort, (unsigned char *)&dataToSend.bytes, dataToSend.length);


	if (sendResult == -1)
		FRENewObjectFromBool(0, &result);
		FRENewObjectFromBool(1, &result);
	return result;
Пример #7
FREObject listDevices(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[])

    int32_t i, numDevices = 0;
    CaptureDeviceInfo devices[MAX_ACTIVE_CAMS * 2];

    int32_t refresh = 0;
    FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[0], &refresh);

    numDevices = getCaptureDevices(devices, refresh);

    FREObject objectBA = argv[1];
    FREByteArray baData;

    FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData);

    uint8_t *ba = baData.bytes;

    ba += ba_write_int(ba, numDevices);

    for (i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
        const CaptureDeviceInfo *dev = &devices[i];

        ba += ba_write_int(ba, dev->name_size);
        memcpy( ba, (uint8_t*)dev->name, dev->name_size ); 
        ba += dev->name_size;

        ba += ba_write_int(ba, dev->available);
        ba += ba_write_int(ba, dev->connected);

        //printf("device (%d): %s  \n", i, dev->name);


    return NULL;
Пример #8
FREObject grabCamShot(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[])
        FREObject length = NULL;
        FRENewObjectFromUint32(_cam_shot_size, &length);
        FRESetObjectProperty(argv[0], (const uint8_t*) "length", length, NULL);
        FREObject objectBA = argv[0];
        FREByteArray baData;
        FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData);
        uint8_t *ba = baData.bytes;
        memcpy(ba, _cam_shot_data, _cam_shot_size);
        _cam_shot_size = 0;
        _cam_shot_data = NULL;
    return NULL;
Пример #9
FREObject getCaptureFrame(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[])
    int32_t _id, _opt;
    FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[0], &_id);

    FREObject res_obj;
    FRENewObjectFromInt32(0, &res_obj);

    FREObject objectBA;
    FREByteArray baData;
    FREBitmapData2 bitmapData;
    uint8_t *ba;
    const uint8_t* frame_0;
    const uint8_t* frame;

    int32_t w, h, w2, h2, widthInBytes, i, j;
    uint32_t fstride;
    CCapture* cap;
    cap = active_cams[_id];
    uint32_t flipped = 0;
    uint32_t isWin = 1;
    #if defined(ANE_MAC)
        isWin = 0;

    objectBA = argv[1];
    FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData);
    ba = baData.bytes;

    ba += ba_read_int(ba, &_opt);
    ba += ba_read_int(ba, &w2);
    ba += ba_read_int(ba, &h2);


    if(cap && captureCheckNewFrame(cap))
        frame_0 = (const uint8_t*)captureGetFrame(cap, &w, &h, &widthInBytes);

        // here is some conversion we need cause in Flash BitmapData bytes
        // represented differently :(
        if((_opt & FRAME_BITMAP))
            objectBA = argv[2];
            FREAcquireBitmapData2(objectBA, &bitmapData);

            uint32_t* input = bitmapData.bits32;
            fstride = bitmapData.lineStride32 * sizeof(uint32_t); // for some reasons not always == width
            flipped = bitmapData.isInvertedY;

            frame = frame_0;
            ba = (uint8_t*)input;
            #if defined (__ANDROID__) || defined (ANE_IOS)

                for(i=0; i<h; i++){
                    memcpy(ba+i*fstride, frame+i*widthInBytes, fstride);


            // most likely wont happen / but who knows? ;)
            if(flipped && !isWin)
                const uint8_t* a_ptr = (const uint8_t*)frame;
                const uint8_t* a_ptr2 = (const uint8_t*)(frame + (h - 1) * widthInBytes);
                uint8_t* b_ptr = ba + (h - 1) * fstride;
                uint8_t* b_ptr2 = ba;
                for(i = 0; i < h / 2; i++)
                    uint8_t *ba_ln = b_ptr;
                    uint8_t *ba_ln2 = b_ptr2;
                    const uint8_t *a_ln = a_ptr;
                    const uint8_t *a_ln2 = a_ptr2;
                    #if defined(ANE_MSW)
                    for(j = 0; j < w; j++, ba_ln += 4, ba_ln2 += 4, a_ln += 3, a_ln2 += 3)
                            *ba_ln = *(a_ln);
                            ba_ln[1] = *(a_ln+1);
                            ba_ln[2] = *(a_ln+2);
                            *ba_ln2 = *(a_ln2);
                            ba_ln2[1] = *(a_ln2+1);
                            ba_ln2[2] = *(a_ln2+2);
                    #elif defined(ANE_MAC)
                    memcpy(ba_ln, a_ln, widthInBytes);
                    memcpy(ba_ln2, a_ln2, widthInBytes);
                    a_ptr += widthInBytes;
                    a_ptr2 -= widthInBytes;
                    b_ptr -= fstride;
                    b_ptr2 += fstride;
                    #if defined(ANE_MSW)
                        for(j = 0; j < w; j++, b_ptr += 4, a_ptr+=3)
                            *b_ptr = *(a_ptr);
                            b_ptr[1] = *(a_ptr+1);
                            b_ptr[2] = *(a_ptr+2);
                    #elif defined(ANE_MAC)
                        memcpy(b_ptr, a_ptr, widthInBytes);
                for(i = 0; i < h; i++)
                    uint8_t *ba_ln = ba;
                    const uint8_t *fr_ln = frame;
                    #if defined(ANE_MSW)
                        for(j = 0; j < w; j++, ba_ln += 4, fr_ln += 3)
                            *ba_ln = *(fr_ln);
                            ba_ln[1] = *(fr_ln+1);
                            ba_ln[2] = *(fr_ln+2);
                    #elif defined(ANE_MAC) 
                        memcpy(ba_ln, fr_ln, widthInBytes);
                    ba += fstride;
                    frame += widthInBytes;



        if((_opt & FRAME_RAW))
            objectBA = argv[3];
            FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData);
            ba = baData.bytes;

            memcpy(ba, frame_0, widthInBytes * h);


        // power of 2 output for stage3d
        if((_opt & FRAME_P2_BGRA))
            objectBA = argv[4];
            FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData);
            ba = baData.bytes;

            frame = frame_0;

            // resize
            if(w > w2 || h > h2)
                float scx = (float)w2 / (float)w;
                float scy = (float)h2 / (float)h;
                if(scy < scx) scx = scy;
                int32_t wr = w * scx;
                int32_t hr = h * scx;
                uint8_t *frame_rs = allocResizeBuf(wr, hr, 4);
                //resample_area_8u(frame, w, h, frame_rs, wr, hr, 4);

                // update values
                w = wr;
                h = hr;
                frame = frame_rs;
                widthInBytes = wr * sizeof(uint32_t);

            int32_t p2w = (w2);
            int32_t p2h = (h2);
            int32_t off_x = (p2w - w) / 2; // -64
            int32_t off_y = (p2h - h) / 2;
            size_t p2stride = p2w * sizeof(uint32_t);

            int32_t b_off_x, b_off_y, a_off_x, a_off_y;

            if(off_x < 0)
                b_off_x = 0;
                a_off_x = -off_x;
            } else {
                b_off_x = off_x;
                a_off_x = 0;

            if(off_y < 0)
                b_off_y = 0;
                a_off_y = -off_y;
            } else {
                b_off_y = off_y;
                a_off_y = 0;

            uint8_t* b_ptr0 = ba + b_off_y * p2stride + b_off_x*4;

            int32_t nw = w - a_off_x*2;
            int32_t nh = h - a_off_y*2;

            #if defined (ANE_MSW) // we need flip Y

                const uint8_t* a_ptr0 = (const uint8_t*)(frame + a_off_y * widthInBytes + a_off_x*3);
                const uint8_t* a_ptr = a_ptr0;
                const uint8_t* a_ptr2 = a_ptr0 + (nh - 1) * widthInBytes;
                uint8_t* b_ptr = b_ptr0 + (h - 1) * p2stride;
                uint8_t* b_ptr2 = b_ptr0;
                const uint8_t alpha = 0xFF;
                for(i = 0; i < nh / 2; i++)
                    uint8_t *ba_ln = b_ptr;
                    uint8_t *ba_ln2 = b_ptr2;
                    const uint8_t *a_ln = a_ptr;
                    const uint8_t *a_ln2 = a_ptr2;
                    for(j = 0; j < nw; j++, ba_ln += 4, ba_ln2 += 4, a_ln += 3, a_ln2 += 3)

                        *ba_ln = *(a_ln+0);
                        ba_ln[1] = *(a_ln+1);
                        ba_ln[2] = *(a_ln+2);
                        ba_ln[3] = alpha;
                        *ba_ln2 = *(a_ln2+0);
                        ba_ln2[1] = *(a_ln2+1);
                        ba_ln2[2] = *(a_ln2+2);
                        ba_ln2[3] = alpha;
                    a_ptr += widthInBytes;
                    a_ptr2 -= widthInBytes;
                    b_ptr -= p2stride;
                    b_ptr2 += p2stride;
                    for(j = 0; j < nw; j++, b_ptr += 4, a_ptr+=3)
                        *b_ptr = *(a_ptr+0);
                        b_ptr[1] = *(a_ptr+1);
                        b_ptr[2] = *(a_ptr+2);
                        b_ptr[3] = alpha;

            #elif defined(ANE_MAC) || defined (ANE_IOS) || defined (__ANDROID__) 

                const uint8_t* a_ptr0 = (const uint8_t*)(frame + a_off_y * widthInBytes + a_off_x*4);

                for(i = 0; i < nh; i++)
                    memcpy(b_ptr0, a_ptr0, nw*4);
                    a_ptr0 += widthInBytes;
                    b_ptr0 += p2stride;


        FRENewObjectFromInt32(1, &res_obj);
    else if(cap)
        // lets see if device is available it may be freezed
        if( captureCheckResponse(cap) == 0 )
            FRENewObjectFromInt32(-1, &res_obj);

    return res_obj;
Пример #10
FREObject getCapture(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[])
    int32_t w, h;
    int32_t frameRate = 0;
    uint32_t name_size = 0;
    const uint8_t* name_val = NULL;

    FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[0], &name_size, &name_val);

    FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[1], &w);
    FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[2], &h);
    FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[3], &frameRate);

    FREObject objectBA = argv[4];
    FREByteArray baData;
    FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData);
    uint8_t *ba = baData.bytes;

    int32_t emptySlot = -1;
    size_t i;
    // search empty slot
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_ACTIVE_CAMS; i++)
            emptySlot = i;

    if(emptySlot == -1)
        ba += ba_write_int(ba, -1);
        return NULL;

    CCapture* cap = NULL;

    cap = createCameraCapture(w, h, (char *)name_val, frameRate );
        ba += ba_write_int(ba, -1);
        return NULL;

    // start if not running
    if( captureIsCapturing(cap) == 0 )

    active_cams[emptySlot] = cap;

    captureGetSize( cap, &w, &h );

    // write result
    ba += ba_write_int(ba, emptySlot);
    ba += ba_write_int(ba, w);
    ba += ba_write_int(ba, h);


    return NULL;