Пример #1
* SCR_DrawStringWidth
* ClampS to width in pixels. Returns drawn len
size_t SCR_DrawStringWidth( int x, int y, int align, const char *str, size_t maxwidth, qfontface_t *font, vec4_t color )
	size_t width;
	int fontHeight;

	if( !str )
		return 0;

	if( !font )
		font = cls.fontSystemSmall;
	fontHeight = FTLIB_FontHeight( font );

	if( maxwidth < 0 )
		maxwidth = 0;

	width = FTLIB_StringWidth( str, font, 0 );
	if( width )
		if( maxwidth && width > maxwidth )
			width = maxwidth;

		x = SCR_HorizontalAlignForString( x, align, width );
		y = SCR_VerticalAlignForString( y, align, fontHeight );

		return FTLIB_DrawRawString( x, y, str, maxwidth, font, color );

	return 0;
Пример #2
* SCR_DrawString
void SCR_DrawString( int x, int y, int align, const char *str, qfontface_t *font, vec4_t color )
	size_t width;
	int fontHeight;

	if( !str )

	if( !font )
		font = cls.fontSystemSmall;
	fontHeight = FTLIB_FontHeight( font );

	width = FTLIB_StringWidth( str, font, 0 );
	if( width )
		x = SCR_HorizontalAlignForString( x, align, width );
		y = SCR_VerticalAlignForString( y, align, fontHeight );

		if( y <= -fontHeight || y >= (int)viddef.height )
			return; // totally off screen

		if( x + width <= 0 || x >= (int)viddef.width )
			return; // totally off screen

		FTLIB_DrawRawString( x, y, str, 0, font, color );
Пример #3
* SCR_DrawString
int SCR_DrawString( int x, int y, int align, const char *str, qfontface_t *font, vec4_t color, int flags )
	int width;
	int fontHeight;

	if( !str )
		return 0;

	if( !font )
		font = cls.consoleFont;
	fontHeight = FTLIB_FontHeight( font );

	if( ( align % 3 ) != 0 ) // not left - don't precalculate the width if not needed
		x = SCR_HorizontalAlignForString( x, align, FTLIB_StringWidth( str, font, 0, flags ) );
	y = SCR_VerticalAlignForString( y, align, fontHeight );

	FTLIB_DrawRawString( x, y, str, 0, &width, font, color, flags );

	return width;
Пример #4
/* FTLIB_DrawMultilineString
 * Draws a string with word wrap.
int FTLIB_DrawMultilineString( int x, int y, const char *str, int halign, int maxwidth, int maxlines, qfontface_t *font, vec4_t color, int flags )
	bool ended = false; // whether to stop drawing lines

	// characters and glyphs
	const char *oldstr;
	int gc, colorindex;
	wchar_t num, prev_num;
	qglyph_t *glyph, *prev_glyph;
	int glyph_width;
	renderString_f renderString;
	getKerning_f getKerning;
	bool hasKerning;

	// words
	const char *word; // beginning of the current word
	int word_chars, space_chars; // length of the current word and number of spaces before it
	int word_width, space_width; // width of the current word and the spaces before it
	vec4_t word_color; // starting color of the current word
	bool in_space; // whether currently in a sequence of spaces

	// line drawing
	const char *line; // beginning of the line
	int line_chars; // number of characters to draw in this line
	int line_width; // width of the current line
	int line_x; // x position of the current character in line
	vec4_t line_color, line_next_color; // first color in the line
	int line_height; // height of a single line
	int lines = 0; // number of lines drawn - the return value

	if( !str || !font || ( maxwidth <= 0 ) )
		return 0;

	halign = halign % 3; // ignore vertical alignment

	renderString = font->f->renderString;
	getKerning = font->f->getKerning;
	hasKerning = ( flags & TEXTDRAWFLAG_KERNING ) && font->hasKerning;

	VectorCopy( color, line_next_color );
	line_color[3] = color[3];
	line_height = FTLIB_FontHeight( font );

		// reset
		word_chars = space_chars = 0;
		word_width = space_width = 0;
		in_space = true; // assume starting from a whitespace so preceding whitespaces can be skipped
		line_chars = 0;
		line_width = 0;
		VectorCopy( line_next_color, line_color );

		// find where to wrap
		prev_num = 0;
		prev_glyph = NULL;
		while( str )
			oldstr = str;
			gc = FTLIB_GrabChar( &str, &num, &colorindex, flags );
			if( gc == GRABCHAR_CHAR )
				if( num == '\n' )
					if( !word_chars )
						space_chars = space_width = 0;
					VectorCopy( color, line_next_color );

				if( num < ' ' )

				glyph = FTLIB_GetGlyph( font, num );
				if( !glyph )
					glyph = FTLIB_GetGlyph( font, num );

				if( !glyph->shader )
					renderString( font, oldstr );

				if( Q_IsBreakingSpaceChar( num ) )
					if( in_space )
						if( !line_chars )
							continue; // skip preceding whitespaces in a line
						in_space = true;

						// reached the space without wrapping - send the current word to the line
						line_chars += space_chars + word_chars;
						word_chars = space_chars = 0;
						line_width += space_width + word_width;
						word_width = space_width = 0;
					if( hasKerning && prev_num )
						space_width += getKerning( font, prev_glyph, glyph );
					space_width += glyph->x_advance;
					in_space = false;

					glyph_width = glyph->x_advance;
					if( hasKerning && prev_num )
						glyph_width += getKerning( font, prev_glyph, glyph );

					if( !word_chars )
						word = oldstr;
						VectorCopy( line_next_color, word_color );

					if( line_chars )
						// wrap after the previous word, ignoring spaces between the words
						if( ( line_width + space_width + word_width + glyph_width ) > maxwidth )
							str = word;
							VectorCopy( word_color, line_next_color );
							word_chars = space_chars = 0;
							word_width = space_width = 0;
						line = word;
						if( word_chars ) // always draw at least 1 character in a line
							if( ( word_width + glyph_width ) > maxwidth )
								str = oldstr;

					word_width += glyph_width;

				prev_num = num;
				prev_glyph = glyph;
			else if( gc == GRABCHAR_COLOR )
				assert( ( unsigned )colorindex < MAX_S_COLORS );
				VectorCopy( color_table[colorindex], line_next_color );
				if( !line_chars && !word_chars )
					VectorCopy( line_next_color, line_color );
			else if( gc == GRABCHAR_END )
				ended = true;
				assert( 0 );
		// add the remaining part of the word
		line_chars += space_chars + word_chars;
		line_width += space_width + word_width;

		// draw the line
		if( line_chars > 0 )
			line_x = x;
			if( halign == ALIGN_CENTER_TOP )
				line_x -= line_width >> 1;
			else if( halign == ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP )
				line_x -= line_width;

			prev_num = 0;
			prev_glyph = NULL;
			while( ( line_chars > 0 ) && line )
				gc = FTLIB_GrabChar( &line, &num, &colorindex, flags );
				if( gc == GRABCHAR_CHAR )
					if( num < ' ' )


					glyph = FTLIB_GetGlyph( font, num );
					if( !glyph )
						glyph = FTLIB_GetGlyph( font, num );

					if( hasKerning && prev_num )
						line_x += getKerning( font, prev_glyph, glyph );

					FTLIB_DrawRawChar( line_x, y, num, font, line_color );

					line_x += glyph->x_advance;

					prev_num = num;
					prev_glyph = glyph;
				else if( gc == GRABCHAR_COLOR )
					assert( ( unsigned )colorindex < MAX_S_COLORS );
					VectorCopy( color_table[colorindex], line_color );
				else if( gc == GRABCHAR_END )
					assert( 0 );
Пример #5
size_t SCR_strHeight( qfontface_t *font )
	return FTLIB_FontHeight( font );