// Gunship muzzle flashes
void MuzzleFlash_Gunship( ClientEntityHandle_t hEntity, int attachmentIndex )

	// If the client hasn't seen this entity yet, bail.
	matrix3x4_t	matAttachment;
	if ( !FX_GetAttachmentTransform( hEntity, attachmentIndex, matAttachment ) )

	CSmartPtr<CLocalSpaceEmitter> pSimple = CLocalSpaceEmitter::Create( "MuzzleFlash", hEntity, attachmentIndex );

	SimpleParticle *pParticle;
	Vector			forward(1,0,0), offset; //NOTENOTE: All coords are in local space

	float flScale = random->RandomFloat( 2.5f, 4.5f );

	// Flash
	offset = (forward * (2.0f*flScale));

	pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pSimple->GetPMaterial( "effects/gunshipmuzzle" ), offset );
	if ( pParticle == NULL )

	pParticle->m_flLifetime		= 0.0f;
	pParticle->m_flDieTime		= random->RandomFloat( 0.05f, 0.1f );


	pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= 255;

	pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 128;

	pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= ( (random->RandomFloat( 6.0f, 8.0f ) * 10.0/7.0) * flScale );
	pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= pParticle->m_uchStartSize;
	pParticle->m_flRoll			= random->RandomInt( 0, 360 );
	pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0.0f;
	// Grab the origin out of the transform for the attachment
	Vector		origin;
	MatrixGetColumn( matAttachment, 3, &origin );	
	CreateMuzzleflashELight( origin, 6, 128, 256, hEntity );
Пример #2
// Airboat muzzle flashes
void MuzzleFlash_Airboat( ClientEntityHandle_t hEntity, int attachmentIndex )

	CSmartPtr<CLocalSpaceEmitter> pSimple = CLocalSpaceEmitter::Create( "MuzzleFlash", hEntity, attachmentIndex );

	SimpleParticle *pParticle;
	Vector			forward(1,0,0), offset; //NOTENOTE: All coords are in local space

	float flScale = random->RandomFloat( 0.75f, IsXbox() ? 2.0f : 2.5f );

	PMaterialHandle pMuzzle[2];
	pMuzzle[0] = pSimple->GetPMaterial( "effects/combinemuzzle1" );
	pMuzzle[1] = pSimple->GetPMaterial( "effects/combinemuzzle2" );

	// Flash
	for ( int i = 1; i < 7; i++ )
		offset = (forward * (i*6.0f*flScale));

		pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pMuzzle[random->RandomInt(0,1)], offset );
		if ( pParticle == NULL )

		pParticle->m_flLifetime		= 0.0f;
		pParticle->m_flDieTime		= IsXbox() ? 0.0001f : 0.01f;


		pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= 255;

		pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 128;

		pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= ( (random->RandomFloat( 6.0f, 8.0f ) * (9-(i))/7) * flScale );
		pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= pParticle->m_uchStartSize;
		pParticle->m_flRoll			= random->RandomInt( 0, 360 );
		pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0.0f;

	// Tack on the smoke
	pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pSimple->GetPMaterial( "sprites/ar2_muzzle1" ), vec3_origin );
	if ( pParticle == NULL )

	pParticle->m_flLifetime		= 0.0f;
	pParticle->m_flDieTime		= 0.05f;


	pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= 255;

	pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 128;

	pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= random->RandomFloat( 16.0f, 24.0f );
	pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= pParticle->m_uchStartSize;
	float spokePos = random->RandomInt( 0, 5 );

	pParticle->m_flRoll			= (360.0/6.0f)*spokePos;
	pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0.0f;
	// Grab the origin out of the transform for the attachment
	if ( muzzleflash_light.GetInt() )
		// If the client hasn't seen this entity yet, bail.
		matrix3x4_t	matAttachment;
		if ( FX_GetAttachmentTransform( hEntity, attachmentIndex, matAttachment ) )
			Vector		origin;
			MatrixGetColumn( matAttachment, 3, &origin );
			CreateMuzzleflashELight( origin, 5, 64, 128, hEntity );
Пример #3
// Strider muzzle flashes
void MuzzleFlash_Strider( ClientEntityHandle_t hEntity, int attachmentIndex )

	// If the client hasn't seen this entity yet, bail.
	matrix3x4_t	matAttachment;
	if ( !FX_GetAttachmentTransform( hEntity, attachmentIndex, matAttachment ) )

	CSmartPtr<CLocalSpaceEmitter> pSimple = CLocalSpaceEmitter::Create( "MuzzleFlash_Strider", hEntity, attachmentIndex );

	SimpleParticle *pParticle;
	Vector			forward(1,0,0), offset; //NOTENOTE: All coords are in local space

	float flScale = random->RandomFloat( 3.0f, 4.0f );

	float burstSpeed = random->RandomFloat( 400.0f, 600.0f );

#define	FRONT_LENGTH 12

	// Front flash
	for ( int i = 1; i < FRONT_LENGTH; i++ )
		offset = (forward * (i*2.0f*flScale));

		pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pSimple->GetPMaterial( VarArgs( "effects/combinemuzzle%d", random->RandomInt(1,2) ) ), offset );
		if ( pParticle == NULL )

		pParticle->m_flLifetime		= 0.0f;
		pParticle->m_flDieTime		= 0.1f;

		pParticle->m_vecVelocity = forward * burstSpeed;

		pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= 255;

		pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255.0f;
		pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 0;

		pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= ( (random->RandomFloat( 6.0f, 8.0f ) * (FRONT_LENGTH-(i))/(FRONT_LENGTH*0.75f)) * flScale );
		pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= pParticle->m_uchStartSize;
		pParticle->m_flRoll			= random->RandomInt( 0, 360 );
		pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0.0f;
	Vector right(0,1,0), up(0,0,1);
	Vector dir = right - up;

#define	SIDE_LENGTH	8

	burstSpeed = random->RandomFloat( 400.0f, 600.0f );

	// Diagonal flash
	for ( int i = 1; i < SIDE_LENGTH; i++ )
		offset = (dir * (i*flScale));

		pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pSimple->GetPMaterial( VarArgs( "effects/combinemuzzle%d", random->RandomInt(1,2) ) ), offset );
		if ( pParticle == NULL )

		pParticle->m_flLifetime		= 0.0f;
		pParticle->m_flDieTime		= 0.2f;

		pParticle->m_vecVelocity = dir * burstSpeed * 0.25f;

		pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= 255;

		pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 0;

		pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= ( (random->RandomFloat( 2.0f, 4.0f ) * (SIDE_LENGTH-(i))/(SIDE_LENGTH*0.5f)) * flScale );
		pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= pParticle->m_uchStartSize;
		pParticle->m_flRoll			= random->RandomInt( 0, 360 );
		pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0.0f;

	dir = right + up;
	burstSpeed = random->RandomFloat( 400.0f, 600.0f );

	// Diagonal flash
	for ( int i = 1; i < SIDE_LENGTH; i++ )
		offset = (-dir * (i*flScale));

		pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pSimple->GetPMaterial( VarArgs( "effects/combinemuzzle%d", random->RandomInt(1,2) ) ), offset );
		if ( pParticle == NULL )

		pParticle->m_flLifetime		= 0.0f;
		pParticle->m_flDieTime		= 0.2f;

		pParticle->m_vecVelocity = dir * -burstSpeed * 0.25f;

		pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= 255;

		pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 0;

		pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= ( (random->RandomFloat( 2.0f, 4.0f ) * (SIDE_LENGTH-(i))/(SIDE_LENGTH*0.5f)) * flScale );
		pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= pParticle->m_uchStartSize;
		pParticle->m_flRoll			= random->RandomInt( 0, 360 );
		pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0.0f;

	dir = up;
	burstSpeed = random->RandomFloat( 400.0f, 600.0f );

	// Top flash
	for ( int i = 1; i < SIDE_LENGTH; i++ )
		offset = (dir * (i*flScale));

		pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pSimple->GetPMaterial( VarArgs( "effects/combinemuzzle%d", random->RandomInt(1,2) ) ), offset );
		if ( pParticle == NULL )

		pParticle->m_flLifetime		= 0.0f;
		pParticle->m_flDieTime		= 0.2f;

		pParticle->m_vecVelocity = dir * burstSpeed * 0.25f;

		pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= 255;

		pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255;
		pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 0;

		pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= ( (random->RandomFloat( 2.0f, 4.0f ) * (SIDE_LENGTH-(i))/(SIDE_LENGTH*0.5f)) * flScale );
		pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= pParticle->m_uchStartSize;
		pParticle->m_flRoll			= random->RandomInt( 0, 360 );
		pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0.0f;

	pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pSimple->GetPMaterial( "effects/strider_muzzle" ), vec3_origin );
	if ( pParticle == NULL )

	pParticle->m_flLifetime		= 0.0f;
	pParticle->m_flDieTime		= random->RandomFloat( 0.3f, 0.4f );


	pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= 255;

	pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255;
	pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 0;

	pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= flScale * random->RandomFloat( 12.0f, 16.0f );
	pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= 0.0f;
	pParticle->m_flRoll			= random->RandomInt( 0, 360 );
	pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0.0f;

	Vector		origin;
	MatrixGetColumn( matAttachment, 3, &origin );

	int entityIndex = ClientEntityList().HandleToEntIndex( hEntity );
	if ( entityIndex >= 0 )
		dlight_t *el = effects->CL_AllocElight( LIGHT_INDEX_MUZZLEFLASH + entityIndex );

		el->origin	= origin;

		el->color.r = 64;
		el->color.g = 128;
		el->color.b = 255;
		el->color.exponent = 5;

		el->radius	= random->RandomInt( 100, 150 );
		el->decay	= el->radius / 0.05f;
		el->die		= gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f;