static DFBResult GIFReadHeader( IDirectFBVideoProvider_GIF_data *data ) { DFBResult ret; u8 buf[7]; ret = FetchData( data->buffer, buf, 6 ); if (ret) { GIFERRORMSG("error reading header"); return ret; } if (memcmp( buf, "GIF", 3 )) { GIFERRORMSG("bad magic"); return DFB_UNSUPPORTED; } memcpy( data->Version, &buf[3], 3 ); data->Version[3] = '\0'; ret = FetchData( data->buffer, buf, 7 ); if (ret) { GIFERRORMSG("error reading screen descriptor"); return ret; } data->Width = LM_to_uint( buf[0], buf[1] ); data->Height = LM_to_uint( buf[2], buf[3] ); data->BitPixel = 2 << (buf[4] & 0x07); data->ColorResolution = (((buf[4] & 0x70) >> 3) + 1); data->Background = buf[5]; data->AspectRatio = buf[6]; if (data->AspectRatio) data->AspectRatio = ((data->AspectRatio + 15) << 8) >> 6; else
void CHardwareMonitor::Do_Work() { _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Hardware Monitor: Started"); int msec_counter = 0; int sec_counter = POLL_INTERVAL - 3; while (!m_stoprequested) { sleep_milliseconds(500); msec_counter++; if (msec_counter == 2) { msec_counter = 0; sec_counter++; if (sec_counter % 12 == 0) { m_LastHeartbeat = mytime(NULL); } if (sec_counter%POLL_INTERVAL == 0) { FetchData(); } } } _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"Hardware Monitor: Stopped..."); }
// Read one channel value int APM_Wii_Class::Ch(unsigned char ch) { //Update every time first axis of sensor is read if(ch == 0) FetchData(); return Data[ch]; }
bool MemcachedClient::HandleRead(CmdType& t, map<string, string>& resdata, map<string, int>& flags){ t = CMD_NOTDEF; while(true){ int tmp = recv(sockfd_, recv_buf_+cur_recv_len_, recv_buf_len_-cur_recv_len_, 0); if(tmp==-1){ if(errno!=EAGAIN){ return false; }else{ return true; } }else if(tmp==0){ MCE_WARN("MemcachedClient::HandleRead --> closed by peer"); return false; } cur_recv_len_ += tmp; total_recv_len_ += tmp; bool succ = FetchData(resdata, flags, t); if(!succ){ return false; } if(t!=CMD_VALUE){ return true; } } return true; }
unsigned int CImportStrategy::GetPsiNumOfIterations() { if (!m_Data->valid) FetchData(); return m_Data->m_PsiNumOfIterations; }
int CImportStrategy::GetDBFilteringID() { if (!m_Data->valid) FetchData(); return m_Data->m_FilteringID; }
string CImportStrategy::GetTask() { if (!m_Data->valid) FetchData(); return m_Data->m_Task; }
TSeqRange CImportStrategy::GetQueryRange() { if (!m_Data->valid) FetchData(); return m_Data->m_QueryRange; }
CRef<blast::CBlastOptionsHandle> CImportStrategy::GetOptionsHandle() { if (!m_Data->valid) FetchData(); return m_Data->m_OptionsHandle; }
string CImportStrategy::GetDBFilteringKey() { if (!m_Data->valid) FetchData(); return m_Data->m_FilteringKey; }
/// Get Subject Masking Type ESubjectMaskingType CImportStrategy::GetSubjectMaskingType() { if (!m_Data->valid) FetchData(); return m_Data->m_SubjectMaskingType; }
static int GetDataBlock(IDirectFBDataBuffer *buffer, u8 *buf) { unsigned char count; if (FetchData( buffer, &count, 1 )) { GIFERRORMSG("error in getting DataBlock size"); return -1; } ZeroDataBlock = (count == 0); if ((count != 0) && FetchData( buffer, buf, count )) { GIFERRORMSG("error in reading DataBlock"); return -1; } return count; }
bool avtOriginatingSource::Update(avtContract_p contract) { lastContract = contract; if (!ArtificialPipeline()) GetOutput()->GetInfo().GetValidity().Reset(); int t0 = visitTimer->StartTimer(); avtDataRequest_p data = BalanceLoad(contract); visitTimer->StopTimer(t0, "Calling BalanceLoad in avtTermSrc::Update"); int t1 = visitTimer->StartTimer(); bool rv = FetchData(data); visitTimer->StopTimer(t1, "Calling avtTermSrc::FetchData"); return rv; }
static int ReadColorMap( IDirectFBDataBuffer *buffer, int number, u8 buf[3][MAXCOLORMAPSIZE] ) { int i; u8 rgb[3*number]; if (FetchData( buffer, rgb, sizeof(rgb) )) { GIFERRORMSG("bad colormap"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < number; ++i) { buf[CM_RED][i] = rgb[i*3+0]; buf[CM_GREEN][i] = rgb[i*3+1]; buf[CM_BLUE][i] = rgb[i*3+2]; } return 0; }
HRESULT CSRTables::Execute(LONG * /*pcRowsAffected*/, ULONG cRestrictions, const VARIANT *rgRestrictions) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBProvider, 2, "CSRTables::Execute\n"); ClearError(); int hConn = -1; HRESULT hr = CCUBRIDSession::GetSessionPtr(this)->GetConnectionHandle(&hConn); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; char table_name[1024]; table_name[0] = 0; int table_type = TABLE_TYPE_TABLE | TABLE_TYPE_VIEW | TABLE_TYPE_SYSTEM; GetRestrictions(cRestrictions, rgRestrictions, table_name, &table_type); { T_CCI_ERROR err_buf; int hReq = cci_schema_info(hConn, CCI_SCH_CLASS, (table_name[0]?table_name:NULL), NULL, CCI_CLASS_NAME_PATTERN_MATCH, &err_buf); if(hReq<0) { ATLTRACE2("cci_schema_info fail\n"); return RaiseError(E_FAIL, 1, __uuidof(IDBSchemaRowset), err_buf.err_msg); } int res = cci_cursor(hReq, 1, CCI_CURSOR_FIRST, &err_buf); if(res==CCI_ER_NO_MORE_DATA) goto done; if(res<0) goto error; while(1) { CTABLESRow trData; hr = FetchData(hReq, trData, table_type); if(FAILED(hr)) { cci_close_req_handle(hReq); return hr; } if(hr==S_OK) // S_FALSE면 추가하지 않음 { _ATLTRY { // TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_NAME 순으로 정렬해야 한다. size_t nPos; for( nPos=0 ; nPos<m_rgRowData.GetCount() ; nPos++ ) { int res = CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH | SORT_STRINGSORT, m_rgRowData[nPos].m_szType, -1, trData.m_szType, -1); if(res==CSTR_GREATER_THAN) break; if(res==CSTR_EQUAL) { res = CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH | SORT_STRINGSORT, m_rgRowData[nPos].m_szTable, -1, trData.m_szTable, -1); if(res==CSTR_GREATER_THAN) break; } } m_rgRowData.InsertAt(nPos, trData); } _ATLCATCHALL() { ATLTRACE2("out of memory\n"); cci_close_req_handle(hReq); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } res = cci_cursor(hReq, 1, CCI_CURSOR_CURRENT, &err_buf); if(res==CCI_ER_NO_MORE_DATA) goto done; if(res<0) goto error; } error: ATLTRACE2("fail to fetch data\n"); cci_close_req_handle(hReq); return RaiseError(E_FAIL, 1, __uuidof(IDBSchemaRowset), err_buf.err_msg); done: cci_close_req_handle(hReq); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char **av = argv; struct sockaddr_in host; afs_int32 code; struct hostent *hp; char hnamebuf[200]; struct timeval tv; int noAuth = 1; /* Default is authenticated connections */ argc--, av++; if (argc < 1) { printf("usage: pxclient <serverHost>\n"); exit(1); } memset(&host, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); host.sin_family = AF_INET; host.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(av[0]); #ifdef STRUCT_SOCKADDR_HAS_SA_LEN host.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); #endif if (host.sin_addr.s_addr != -1) { strcpy(hnamebuf, av[0]); } else { hp = gethostbyname(av[0]); if (hp) { host.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; memcpy((caddr_t) & host.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); } else { printf("unknown server host %s\n", av[0]); exit(1); } } if ((code = pxclient_Initialize(noAuth, host.sin_addr.s_addr)) != 0) { printf("Couldn't initialize fs library (code=%d).\n", code); exit(1); } code = ubik_Call(RXAFS_GetTime, cstruct, 0, &tv.tv_sec, &tv.tv_usec); if (!code) printf("AFS_GetTime on %s sec=%ld, usec=%ld\n", av[0], tv.tv_sec, (long int)tv.tv_usec); else printf("return code is %d\n", code); #ifdef notdef while (1) { char line[500]; int nargs; printf("fs> "); if (fgets(line, 499, stdin) != NULL) { char *oper; char **argp = args; GetArgs(line, argp, &nargs); oper = &argp[0][0]; ++argp, --nargs; if (!strcmp(oper, "probe")) { code = ubik_Call(RXAFS_GetTime, cstruct, 0, &tv.tv_sec, &tv.tv_usec); printf("return code is %d\n", code); if (!code) printf("sec=%d\n", tv.tv_sec); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "fsstats")) { struct afsStatistics stats; code = ubik_AFS_GetStatistics(cstruct, 0, &stats); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "fd")) { code = FetchData(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "fs")) { code = FetchStatus(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "fa")) { code = FetchACL(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "sd")) { code = StoreData(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "ss")) { code = StoreStatus(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "sa")) { code = StoreACL(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "cf")) { code = CreateFile(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "rf")) { code = RemoveFile(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "rn")) { code = Rename(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "sl")) { code = Symlink(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "hl")) { code = HardLink(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "md")) { code = MakeDir(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "rd")) { code = RemoveDir(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "rdd")) { code = Readdir(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "mm")) { code = MakeMountPoint(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "rt")) { code = ReleaseTokens(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "bs")) { code = BulkStatus(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "lk")) { code = Lookup(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "gt")) { code = GetToken(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if (!strcmp(oper, "ka")) { code = KeepAlive(argp); printf("return code is %d\n", code); } else if ((!strcmp(oper, "q")) || !strcmp(oper, "quit")) exit(0); else { printf("Unknown oper! Available operations: \n\n"); printf("fd <vnode> <unique> <pos> <len>\n"); printf("fs <vnode> <unique>\n"); printf("fa <vnode> <unique>\n"); printf ("sd <vnode> <unique> <pos> <len> <flen> [<mode>|-1] [<owner>|-1] [<length>|-1] <string>\n"); printf ("ss <vnode> <unique> [<mode>|-1] [<owner>|-1] [<length>|-1]\n"); printf("sa <vnode> <unique> <string>\n"); printf("rf <vnode> <unique> <name>\n"); printf ("cf <vnode> <unique> <name> [<mode>|-1] [<owner>|-1] [<length>|-1]\n"); printf ("rn <ovnode> <ounique> <oname> <nvnode> <nunique> <nname>\n"); printf ("sl <vnode> <unique> <name> <contents> [<mode>|-1] [<owner>|-1] [<length>|-1]\n"); printf("hl <dvnode> <dunique> <name> <evnode> <eunique>\n"); printf ("md <vnode> <unique> <name> [<mode>|-1] [<owner>|-1] [<length>|-1]\n"); printf("rd <vnode> <unique> <name>\n"); printf("rdd <vnode> <unique> <pos> <len>\n"); printf("lk <vnode> <unique> <name>\n"); printf("gt <vnode> <unique> <tokenID>\n"); printf("ka <vol.l> <vnode> <unique> <isExec> <kaTime>\n"); } } } #endif return 0; }
HRESULT CSRColumns::Execute(LONG * /*pcRowsAffected*/, ULONG cRestrictions, const VARIANT *rgRestrictions) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBProvider, 2, "CSRColumns::Execute\n"); ClearError(); int hConn = -1; HRESULT hr = CCUBRIDSession::GetSessionPtr(this)->GetConnectionHandle(&hConn); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; ULONG ulMaxLen = CCUBRIDSession::GetSessionPtr(this)->GetDataSourcePtr()->PARAM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH; char table_name[1024]; table_name[0] = 0; char column_name[1024]; column_name[0] = 0; GetRestrictions(cRestrictions, rgRestrictions, table_name, column_name); { T_CCI_ERROR err_buf; int hReq = cci_schema_info(hConn, CCI_SCH_ATTRIBUTE, (table_name[0]?table_name:NULL), (column_name[0]?column_name:NULL), CCI_CLASS_NAME_PATTERN_MATCH | CCI_ATTR_NAME_PATTERN_MATCH, &err_buf); if(hReq<0) { ATLTRACE2("cci_schema_info fail\n"); return E_FAIL; } int res = cci_cursor(hReq, 1, CCI_CURSOR_FIRST, &err_buf); if(res==CCI_ER_NO_MORE_DATA) goto done; if(res<0) goto error; while(1) { CCOLUMNSRow crData; hr = FetchData(hReq, crData); if(FAILED(hr)) goto error; //MAX STRING LENGTH 반영 if (crData.m_ulCharMaxLength != (ULONG)~0 && crData.m_ulCharMaxLength > ulMaxLen) crData.m_ulCharMaxLength = ulMaxLen; if (crData.m_ulCharMaxLength != (ULONG)~0 && crData.m_ulCharOctetLength > ulMaxLen) crData.m_ulCharOctetLength = ulMaxLen; _ATLTRY { // TABLE_NAME 순으로 정렬한다. size_t nPos; for( nPos=0 ; nPos<m_rgRowData.GetCount() ; nPos++ ) { int res = CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH | SORT_STRINGSORT, m_rgRowData[nPos].m_szTableName, -1, crData.m_szTableName, -1); if(res==CSTR_GREATER_THAN) break; } m_rgRowData.InsertAt(nPos, crData); } _ATLCATCHALL() { ATLTRACE2("out of memory\n"); cci_close_req_handle(hReq); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } res = cci_cursor(hReq, 1, CCI_CURSOR_CURRENT, &err_buf); if(res==CCI_ER_NO_MORE_DATA) goto done; if(res<0) goto error; } error: ATLTRACE2("fail to fetch data\n"); cci_close_req_handle(hReq); return RaiseError(E_FAIL, 1, __uuidof(IDBSchemaRowset), err_buf.err_msg); done: cci_close_req_handle(hReq); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSRKeyColumnUsage::Execute(LONG *pcRowsAffected, ULONG cRestrictions, const VARIANT *rgRestrictions) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBProvider, 2, "CSRKeyColumnUsage::Execute()\n"); //// int cci_connection_handle = -999; WCHAR tableName[128] = {'\0', }; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; //// cci_connection_handle = CCUBRIDSession::GetSessionPtr(this)->GetConnection(); UINT uCodepage = CCUBRIDSession::GetSessionPtr(this)->GetCodepage(); GetRestrictions(cRestrictions, rgRestrictions, tableName); //// int cci_return_code = -999; int cci_request_handle = 0; T_CCI_ERROR cci_error_buffer; //// #if 1 CW2A _tableName(tableName, uCodepage); cci_return_code = cci_schema_info ( cci_connection_handle, CCI_SCH_PRIMARY_KEY, (tableName[0]? (PSTR) _tableName : NULL), NULL, // no attribute name is specified. CCI_CLASS_NAME_PATTERN_MATCH, &cci_error_buffer ); #endif if (cci_return_code < 0) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBProvider, 2, "CSRPrimaryKeys::cci_schema_info() FAILED! \n"); return RaiseError(E_FAIL, 1, __uuidof(IDBSchemaRowset), CA2W(cci_error_buffer.err_msg, uCodepage)); } cci_request_handle = cci_return_code; cci_return_code = cci_cursor(cci_request_handle, 1, CCI_CURSOR_FIRST, &cci_error_buffer); if (cci_return_code < 0) { if (cci_return_code == CCI_ER_NO_MORE_DATA) { cci_close_req_handle(cci_request_handle); return S_OK; } else { cci_close_req_handle(cci_request_handle); return RaiseError(E_FAIL, 1, __uuidof(IDBSchemaRowset), CA2W(cci_error_buffer.err_msg, uCodepage)); } } while (1) { CKeyColumnUsageRow row; hr = FetchData(cci_request_handle, uCodepage, row); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (hr == S_OK) { _ATLTRY { size_t position = 0; for (position = 0; position < m_rgRowData.GetCount() ; position++) { int result = CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH | SORT_STRINGSORT, m_rgRowData[position].GetConstraintName(), -1, row.GetConstraintName(), -1); if ( result == CSTR_GREATER_THAN ) { break; } else if (result == CSTR_EQUAL) { result = CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH | SORT_STRINGSORT, m_rgRowData[position].GetTableName(), -1, row.GetTableName(), -1); if (result == CSTR_GREATER_THAN) break; else if (result == CSTR_EQUAL) { if (m_rgRowData[position].GetOrdinalPosition() >= row.GetOrdinalPosition()) break; } } } m_rgRowData.InsertAt(position, row); } _ATLCATCHALL() { cci_close_req_handle(cci_request_handle); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } cci_return_code = cci_cursor(cci_request_handle, 1, CCI_CURSOR_CURRENT, &cci_error_buffer); if (cci_return_code < 0) { if (cci_return_code == CCI_ER_NO_MORE_DATA) { cci_close_req_handle(cci_request_handle); return S_OK; } else { cci_close_req_handle(cci_request_handle); return RaiseError(E_FAIL, 1, __uuidof(IDBSchemaRowset), CA2W(cci_error_buffer.err_msg, uCodepage)); } } }
static int ReadImage( IDirectFBVideoProvider_GIF_data *data, int left, int top, int width, int height, u8 cmap[3][MAXCOLORMAPSIZE], bool interlace, bool ignore ) { u8 c; int v; int xpos = 0, ypos = 0, pass = 0; u32 *image, *dst; /* ** Initialize the decompression routines */ if (FetchData( data->buffer, &c, 1 )) GIFERRORMSG("EOF / read error on image data"); if (LWZReadByte( data, true, c ) < 0) GIFERRORMSG("error reading image"); /* ** If this is an "uninteresting picture" ignore it. */ if (ignore) { GIFDEBUGMSG("skipping image..."); while (LWZReadByte( data, false, c ) >= 0) ; return 0; } switch (data->disposal) { case 2: GIFDEBUGMSG("restoring to background color..."); memset( data->image, 0, data->Width * data->Height * 4 ); break; case 3: GIFERRORMSG("restoring to previous frame is unsupported"); break; default: break; } dst = image = data->image + (top * data->Width + left); GIFDEBUGMSG("reading %dx%d at %dx%d %sGIF image", width, height, left, top, interlace ? " interlaced " : "" ); while ((v = LWZReadByte( data, false, c )) >= 0 ) { if (v != data->transparent) { dst[xpos] = (0xFF000000 | cmap[CM_RED][v] << 16 | cmap[CM_GREEN][v] << 8 | cmap[CM_BLUE][v]); } ++xpos; if (xpos == width) { xpos = 0; if (interlace) { switch (pass) { case 0: case 1: ypos += 8; break; case 2: ypos += 4; break; case 3: ypos += 2; break; } if (ypos >= height) { ++pass; switch (pass) { case 1: ypos = 4; break; case 2: ypos = 2; break; case 3: ypos = 1; break; default: goto fini; } } } else { ++ypos; } dst = image + ypos * data->Width; } if (ypos >= height) { break; } } fini: if (LWZReadByte( data, false, c ) >= 0) { GIFERRORMSG("too much input data, ignoring extra..."); //while (LWZReadByte( data, false, c ) >= 0); } return 0; }