// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void pnlRxFE::Initialize() { sendChanges = false; m_cMAddr = LMLL_RxFEGetAddr(); FillComboBoxes(); SetGuiDefaults(); sendChanges = true; };
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTION....: InitDlgControl // // DESCRIPTION.: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL InitDlgControl( HWND hDlg, OBJECTID objID) { char text[MENU_MAX_TEXT+1]; LPMENUINFO pMenuInfo; LPSTR pTitle; pMenuInfo = (LPMENUINFO)AObjLockData(objID, MENU_INFO_DATA); AObjGetName(objID, text, MENU_MAX_TEXT); SetWindowText(hDlg, text); if ((pMenuInfo->status & MENU_NEVER_EDITED) == MENU_NEVER_EDITED) { AObjGetName(objID, text, MENU_MAX_TEXT); AObjSetData(objID, MENU_TITLE_DATA, text, (LONG)lstrlen(text)+1); pMenuInfo->status & (~MENU_NEVER_EDITED); } CheckRadioButton(hDlg, BTN_DISPLAYNAME, BTN_DISPLAYTITLE, BTN_DISPLAYNAME); CheckRadioButton(hDlg, BTN_SHOWMENUS, BTN_SHOWITEMS, BTN_SHOWITEMS); if ((pMenuInfo->status & MENU_DISABLED) == MENU_DISABLED) CheckRadioButton(hDlg, BTN_ENABLED, BTN_DISABLED, BTN_DISABLED); else CheckRadioButton(hDlg, BTN_ENABLED, BTN_DISABLED, BTN_ENABLED); if ((pMenuInfo->status & MENU_POPUP) == MENU_POPUP) CheckRadioButton(hDlg, BTN_NORMAL, BTN_POPUP, BTN_POPUP); else CheckRadioButton(hDlg, BTN_NORMAL, BTN_POPUP, BTN_NORMAL); pTitle = (LPSTR)AObjLockData(objID, MENU_TITLE_DATA); if (pTitle) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, SLE_TITLE, pTitle); AObjUnlockData(objID, MENU_TITLE_DATA); } FillComboBoxes(hDlg); SelectComboBox(hDlg, CB_TEXTTO, pMenuInfo->sendText); SelectComboBox(hDlg, CB_INDEXTO, pMenuInfo->sendIndex); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, SLE_TITLE)); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, SLE_TITLE, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELONG(0, -1)); //return false to set proper return value from dialog proc because of the //SetFocus call above AObjUnlockData(objID, MENU_INFO_DATA); return FALSE; }
void pnlRxLPF::Initialize(pnlADDC *ADDC) { sendChanges = false; m_cMAddr = LMLL_RxLPFGetAddr(); m_frmADDC = ADDC; FillComboBoxes(); SetGuiDefaults(); sendChanges = true; };
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void pnlTxRF::Initialize() { sendChanges = false; m_cMAddr = LMLL_TxRfGetAddr(); LMAL_GetVerRevMask(m_cVer, m_cRev, m_cMask); FillComboBoxes(); SetGuiDefaults(); sendChanges = true; };
tResult cJuryModule::LoadManeuverList() { // load the maneuver list // clear old list m_strManeuverList.clear(); // use QDom for parsing QDomDocument oDoc("maneuver_list"); QFile oFile(m_strManeuverFile); // open file if(!oFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { RETURN_ERROR(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } if (!oDoc.setContent(&oFile)) { oFile.close(); RETURN_ERROR(ERR_INVALID_FILE); } // get the root element QDomElement oRoot = oDoc.documentElement(); // get all sectors from DOM QDomNodeList lstSectors = oRoot.elementsByTagName("AADC-Sector"); // iterate over all sectors for (int nIdxSectors = 0; nIdxSectors < lstSectors.size(); ++nIdxSectors) { // get the ids and maneuver from sector QDomNode oNodeSector = lstSectors.item(nIdxSectors); QDomElement oElementSector = oNodeSector.toElement(); QString strIdSector = oElementSector.attribute("id"); tSector sSector; sSector.id = strIdSector.toInt(); QDomNodeList lstManeuver = oElementSector.elementsByTagName("AADC-Maneuver"); // iterate over all maneuver for (int nIdxManeuver = 0; nIdxManeuver < lstManeuver.size(); ++nIdxManeuver) { // get the id and the action QDomNode oNodeManeuver = lstManeuver.item(nIdxManeuver); QDomElement oElementManeuver = oNodeManeuver.toElement(); QString strIdManeuver = oElementManeuver.attribute("id"); tAADC_Maneuver sManeuver; sManeuver.nId = strIdManeuver.toInt(); sManeuver.action = oElementManeuver.attribute("action").toStdString(); // fill the internal maneuver list sSector.lstManeuvers.push_back(sManeuver); } // fill the internal sector list m_lstSections.push_back(sSector); } // check sector list if (m_lstSections.size() > 0) { SetLogText("Jury Module: Loaded Maneuver file successfully."); } else { SetLogText("Jury Module: no valid Maneuver Data found!"); } // fill the combo boxes FillComboBoxes(); // get the xml string for transmission m_strManeuverList = oDoc.toString().toStdString(); // set the controls (enable/disable) SetControlState(); RETURN_NOERROR; }