Пример #1
// returns the ypos where it finishes drawing
int CHudScoreboard :: DrawPlayers( float list_slot, int nameoffset, const char *team )
	// draw the players, in order,  and restricted to team if set
	while ( 1 )
		// Find the top ranking player
		int highest_frags = -99999;	int lowest_deaths = 99999;
		int best_player = 0;

		for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
			if ( g_PlayerInfoList[i].name && g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].frags >= highest_frags )
				if ( !(team && stricmp(g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname, team)) )  // make sure it is the specified team
					extra_player_info_t *pl_info = &g_PlayerExtraInfo[i];
					if ( pl_info->frags > highest_frags || pl_info->deaths < lowest_deaths )
						best_player = i;
						lowest_deaths = pl_info->deaths;
						highest_frags = pl_info->frags;

		if ( !best_player )

		// draw out the best player
		hud_player_info_t *pl_info = &g_PlayerInfoList[best_player];

		int ypos = ystart + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);

		// check we haven't drawn too far down
		if ( ypos > yend )  // don't draw to close to the lower border

		int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255;
		float *colors = GetClientColor( best_player );
		r *= colors[0];
		g *= colors[1];
		b *= colors[2];

		if(pl_info->thisplayer) // hey, it's me!
			FillRGBABlend( xstart, ypos, xend - xstart, ROW_GAP, 255, 255, 255, 15 );

		DrawUtils::DrawHudString( NAME_POS_START() + nameoffset, ypos, NAME_POS_END(), pl_info->name, r, g, b );

		// draw bomb( if player have the bomb )
		if( g_PlayerExtraInfo[best_player].dead )
			DrawUtils::DrawHudString( ATTRIB_POS_START(), ypos, ATTRIB_POS_END(), "Dead", r, g, b );
		else if( g_PlayerExtraInfo[best_player].has_c4 )
			DrawUtils::DrawHudString( ATTRIB_POS_START(), ypos, ATTRIB_POS_END(), "Bomb", r, g, b );
		else if( g_PlayerExtraInfo[best_player].vip )
			DrawUtils::DrawHudString( ATTRIB_POS_START(), ypos, ATTRIB_POS_END(), "VIP",  r, g, b );

		// draw kills (right to left)
		DrawUtils::DrawHudNumberString( KILLS_POS_END(), ypos, KILLS_POS_START(), g_PlayerExtraInfo[best_player].frags, r, g, b );

		// draw deaths
		DrawUtils::DrawHudNumberString( DEATHS_POS_END(), ypos, DEATHS_POS_START(), g_PlayerExtraInfo[best_player].deaths, r, g, b );

		// draw ping & packetloss
		static char buf[64];
		sprintf( buf, "%d", g_PlayerInfoList[best_player].ping );
		DrawUtils::DrawHudStringReverse( PING_POS_END(), ypos, PING_POS_START(), buf, r, g, b );
		pl_info->name = NULL;  // set the name to be NULL, so this client won't get drawn again

	list_slot += 2.0f;

	return list_slot;
Пример #2
void CHudAmmo::DrawCrosshair( float flTime, int weaponid )
	int flags;
	int iDeltaDistance, iDistance;
	int iLength;
	float flCrosshairDistance;

	if ( g_iWeaponFlags & WPNSTATE_SHIELD_DRAWN )

	if ( weaponid > 30 )
		iDistance = 4;
		iDeltaDistance = 3;
		// TODO: Get an info about crosshair for weapon
		iDistance = Distances[weaponid-1][0];
		iDeltaDistance = Distances[weaponid-1][1];

	iLength = 0;
	flags = GetWeaponAccuracyFlags(weaponid);
	if ( flags && m_pClDynamicCrosshair->value && !(gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay & 1) )
		if ( g_iPlayerFlags & FL_ONGROUND || !(flags & ACCURACY_AIR) )
			if ( (g_iPlayerFlags & FL_DUCKING) && (flags & ACCURACY_DUCK) )
				iDistance *= 0.5;
				int iWeaponSpeed = 0;

				switch( weaponid )
				case 30: // p90
					iWeaponSpeed = 170;
				case 8: // aug
				case 14: // galil
				case 15: // famas
				case 20: // m249
				case 22: // m4a1
				case 27: // sg552
				case 28: // ak47
					iWeaponSpeed = 140;

				if ( (g_flPlayerSpeed >= iWeaponSpeed) && (flags & ACCURACY_SPEED) )
					iDistance *= 1.5;
		else iDistance *= 2;
		if ( flags & ACCURACY_MULTIPLY_BY_14 )
			iDistance *= 1.4;
		if ( flags & ACCURACY_MULTIPLY_BY_14_2 )
			iDistance *= 1.4;

	if ( m_iAmmoLastCheck >= g_iShotsFired )
		m_flCrosshairDistance -= (m_flCrosshairDistance * 0.013 + 0.1 );
		m_iAlpha += 2;
		m_flCrosshairDistance += iDeltaDistance;
		m_iAlpha -= 40;

		if ( m_flCrosshairDistance > 15.0 )
			m_flCrosshairDistance = 15.0;
		if ( m_iAlpha < 120 )
			m_iAlpha = 120;

	if ( g_iShotsFired > 600 )
		g_iShotsFired = 1;


	m_iAmmoLastCheck = g_iShotsFired;
	if ( iDistance > m_flCrosshairDistance )
		m_flCrosshairDistance = iDistance;
	if ( m_iAlpha > 255 )
		m_iAlpha = 255;
	iLength = (m_flCrosshairDistance - iDistance) * 0.5 + 5;
	flCrosshairDistance = m_flCrosshairDistance;
	if ( ScreenWidth != m_iCrosshairScaleBase )
		flCrosshairDistance = ScreenWidth * flCrosshairDistance / m_iCrosshairScaleBase;
		iLength = ScreenWidth * iLength / m_iCrosshairScaleBase;

	// drawing
	if ( gHUD.m_NVG.m_iEnable )
		FillRGBABlend(WEST_XPOS, EAST_WEST_YPOS,	iLength, 1, 250, 50, 50, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBABlend(EAST_XPOS, EAST_WEST_YPOS,	iLength, 1, 250, 50, 50, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBABlend(NORTH_SOUTH_XPOS, NORTH_YPOS, 1, iLength, 250, 50, 50, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBABlend(NORTH_SOUTH_XPOS, SOUTH_YPOS, 1, iLength, 250, 50, 50, m_iAlpha);
	else if ( !m_bAdditive )
		FillRGBABlend(WEST_XPOS, EAST_WEST_YPOS,	iLength, 1, m_R, m_G, m_B, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBABlend(EAST_XPOS, EAST_WEST_YPOS,	iLength, 1, m_R, m_G, m_B, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBABlend(NORTH_SOUTH_XPOS, NORTH_YPOS, 1, iLength, m_R, m_G, m_B, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBABlend(NORTH_SOUTH_XPOS, SOUTH_YPOS, 1, iLength, m_R, m_G, m_B, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBA(WEST_XPOS, EAST_WEST_YPOS,		iLength, 1, m_R, m_G, m_B, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBA(EAST_XPOS, EAST_WEST_YPOS,		iLength, 1, m_R, m_G, m_B, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBA(NORTH_SOUTH_XPOS,	NORTH_YPOS,	1, iLength, m_R, m_G, m_B, m_iAlpha);
		FillRGBA(NORTH_SOUTH_XPOS, SOUTH_YPOS,	1, iLength, m_R, m_G, m_B, m_iAlpha);