Пример #1
static HKEY GetKeyW(LPCWSTR appname, BOOL * closekey, BOOL fCreate) {

    HKEY key = 0;
    WCHAR achName[MAX_PATH];
    *closekey = TRUE;
    UINT n;
    ATOM atm;

    *closekey = FALSE;
    // See if we have already used this key
    atm = FindAtomW(appname);

    if (atm != 0) {
	// Atom exists... search the table for it.
        for (n=0; n<keyscached; ++n) {
            if (akeyatoms[n] == atm) {
                DPF2(("(W)Found existing key for %ls\n", appname));
                return ahkey[n];
    DPF2(("(W)No key found for %ls\n", appname));

    StringCchCopyW(achName, MAX_PATH, KEYNAME );
    StrCchCatW(achName, MAX_PATH, appname);

    if ((!fCreate && RegOpenKeyW(ROOTKEY, achName, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        || (fCreate && RegCreateKeyW(ROOTKEY, achName, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) {
        if (keyscached < KEYSCACHED
	  && (atm = AddAtomW(appname))) {
            // Add this key to the cache array
            akeyatoms[keyscached] = atm;
            ahkey[keyscached] = key;
            DPF1(("Adding key %ls to cache array in position %d\n", appname, keyscached));
        } else {
            DPF2(("Not adding key to cache array\n"));
            *closekey = TRUE;

Пример #2
static void test_local_error_handling(void)
    char buffer[260];
    WCHAR bufferW[260];
    int i;

    memset( buffer, 'a', 256 );
    buffer[256] = 0;
    ok( !AddAtomA(buffer), "add succeeded\n" );
    ok( !FindAtomA(buffer), "find succeeded\n" );

    if (unicode_OS)
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) bufferW[i] = 'b';
        bufferW[256] = 0;
        ok( !AddAtomW(bufferW), "add succeeded\n" );
        ok( !FindAtomW(bufferW), "find succeeded\n" );
Пример #3
static void test_local_add_atom(void)
    ATOM atom, w_atom;
    INT_PTR i;

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    atom = AddAtomA( "foobar" );
    ok( atom >= 0xc000, "bad atom id %x\n", atom );
    ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "AddAtomA set last error\n" );

    /* Verify that it can be found (or not) appropriately */
    ok( FindAtomA( "foobar" ) == atom, "could not find atom foobar\n" );
    ok( FindAtomA( "FOOBAR" ) == atom, "could not find atom FOOBAR\n" );
    ok( !FindAtomA( "_foobar" ), "found _foobar\n" );

    /* Add the same atom, specifying string as unicode; should
     * find the first one, not add a new one */
    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    w_atom = AddAtomW( foobarW );
    if (w_atom && GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
        unicode_OS = TRUE;
        trace("WARNING: Unicode atom APIs are not supported on this platform\n");

    if (unicode_OS)
        ok( w_atom == atom, "Unicode atom does not match ASCII\n" );
        ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "AddAtomW set last error\n" );

    /* Verify that it can be found (or not) appropriately via unicode name */
    if (unicode_OS)
        ok( FindAtomW( foobarW ) == atom, "could not find atom foobar\n" );
        ok( FindAtomW( FOOBARW ) == atom, "could not find atom FOOBAR\n" );
        ok( !FindAtomW( _foobarW ), "found _foobar\n" );

    /* Test integer atoms
     * (0x0001 .. 0xbfff) should be valid;
     * (0xc000 .. 0xffff) should be invalid */

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ok( AddAtomA(0) == 0 && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "succeeded to add atom 0\n" );
    if (unicode_OS)
        SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
        ok( AddAtomW(0) == 0 && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "succeeded to add atom 0\n" );

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    for (i = 1; i <= 0xbfff; i++)
        SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
        ok( AddAtomA((LPCSTR)i) == i && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
            "failed to add atom %lx\n", i );
        if (unicode_OS)
            SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
            ok( AddAtomW((LPCWSTR)i) == i && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
                "failed to add atom %lx\n", i );

    for (i = 0xc000; i <= 0xffff; i++)
        ok( !AddAtomA((LPCSTR)i), "succeeded adding %lx\n", i );
        if (unicode_OS)
            ok( !AddAtomW((LPCWSTR)i), "succeeded adding %lx\n", i );