Пример #1
void CImageLoader::ReadData(void)
	BSTR nodeName;

	m_hr = m_pDocument->get_documentElement(&m_pElement);
	if (FAILED(m_hr) || m_pElement == NULL)
		AfxMessageBox(L"Empty document!");

	// ROOT 노드에 이름을 알아오자
	TRACE(L"ROOT NODE : %s\n", CString(nodeName));

	// CHILD 를 위해서 준비중
	m_hr = m_pElement->get_firstChild(&pChild);

	if (!m_bGdiPlus)
#ifdef _GDIPLUS_H

Пример #2
Node* Node::AddChildNode(Node* child) {
    QString key(child->GetName());
    mChildren.insert(key, child);
    return FindChildNode(key, false);
Пример #3
bool XmlConfig::DoReadString(const wxString& key, wxString *pStr) const

    wxXmlNode* node = FindChildNode(m_pathNode, key);

    if (node != NULL && ReadXmlNode(node, key, *pStr))
        return true;
        return false;

Пример #4
Node* Node::AddChildNode(Node* child) {
    if(child != nullptr) {
        QString key(child->GetName());
        mChildren.insert(key, child);


        return FindChildNode(key, false);
    else {
        return nullptr;
Пример #5
bool XmlConfig::DoReadLong(const wxString& key, long *pl) const

    wxXmlNode* node = FindChildNode(m_pathNode, key);

    wxString data;

    if (node != NULL && ReadXmlNode(node, key, data))
        return data.ToLong(pl);
        return false;

Пример #6
wxXmlNode* XmlConfig::GetGroupNode(const wxArrayString& parts) const

    wxXmlNode* node = m_root;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parts.Count(); ++i)
        wxXmlNode* child = FindChildNode(node, parts[i]);

        if (child == NULL)
            return NULL;

        node = child;


    return node;

Пример #7
void Node::RemoveChildNode(const std::string& name) {
    if(FindChildNode(name, false) != nullptr) {
Пример #8
void Node::RemoveChildNode(const QString& name) {
    if(FindChildNode(name, false) != nullptr) {
        FindChildNode(name, false)->Deinitialize(); // destroy recursively
Пример #9
static void
AppendSubtree ( const XMP_Node * sourceNode, XMP_Node * destParent, const bool replaceOld, const bool deleteEmpty )
	XMP_NodePtrPos destPos;
	XMP_Node * destNode = FindChildNode ( destParent, sourceNode->name.c_str(), kXMP_ExistingOnly, &destPos );
	bool valueIsEmpty = false;
	if ( deleteEmpty ) {
		if ( XMP_PropIsSimple ( sourceNode->options ) ) {
			valueIsEmpty = sourceNode->value.empty();
		} else {
			valueIsEmpty = sourceNode->children.empty();
	if ( deleteEmpty & valueIsEmpty ) {
		if ( destNode != 0 ) {
			delete ( destNode );
			destParent->children.erase ( destPos );
	} else if ( destNode == 0 ) {
		// The one easy case, the destination does not exist.
		CloneSubtree ( sourceNode, destParent );

	} else if ( replaceOld ) {
		// The destination exists and should be replaced.

		destNode->value	  = sourceNode->value;	// *** Should use SetNode.
		destNode->options = sourceNode->options;
		CloneOffspring ( sourceNode, destNode );

		#if 0	// *** XMP_DebugBuild
			destNode->_valuePtr = destNode->value.c_str();
	} else {

		// The destination exists and is not totally replaced. Structs and arrays are merged.

		XMP_OptionBits sourceForm = sourceNode->options & kXMP_PropCompositeMask;
		XMP_OptionBits destForm	  = destNode->options & kXMP_PropCompositeMask;
		if ( sourceForm != destForm ) return;
		if ( sourceForm == kXMP_PropValueIsStruct ) {
			// To merge a struct process the fields recursively. E.g. add simple missing fields. The
			// recursive call to AppendSubtree will handle deletion for fields with empty values.

			for ( size_t sourceNum = 0, sourceLim = sourceNode->children.size(); sourceNum != sourceLim; ++sourceNum ) {
				const XMP_Node * sourceField = sourceNode->children[sourceNum];
				AppendSubtree ( sourceField, destNode, replaceOld, deleteEmpty );
				if ( deleteEmpty && destNode->children.empty() ) {
					delete ( destNode );
					destParent->children.erase ( destPos );
		} else if ( sourceForm & kXMP_PropArrayIsAltText ) {
			// Merge AltText arrays by the xml:lang qualifiers. Make sure x-default is first. Make a
			// special check for deletion of empty values. Meaningful in AltText arrays because the
			// xml:lang qualifier provides unambiguous source/dest correspondence.

			for ( size_t sourceNum = 0, sourceLim = sourceNode->children.size(); sourceNum != sourceLim; ++sourceNum ) {

				const XMP_Node * sourceItem = sourceNode->children[sourceNum];
				if ( sourceItem->qualifiers.empty() || (sourceItem->qualifiers[0]->name != "xml:lang") ) continue;
				XMP_Index  destIndex = LookupLangItem ( destNode, sourceItem->qualifiers[0]->value );
				if ( deleteEmpty && sourceItem->value.empty() ) {

					if ( destIndex != -1 ) {
						delete ( destNode->children[destIndex] );
						destNode->children.erase ( destNode->children.begin() + destIndex );
						if ( destNode->children.empty() ) {
							delete ( destNode );
							destParent->children.erase ( destPos );

				} else {
					if (  destIndex != -1 ) continue;	// Not replacing, keep the existing item.
					if ( (sourceItem->qualifiers[0]->value != "x-default") || destNode->children.empty() ) {
						CloneSubtree ( sourceItem, destNode );
					} else {
						XMP_Node * destItem = new XMP_Node ( destNode, sourceItem->name, sourceItem->value, sourceItem->options );
						CloneOffspring ( sourceItem, destItem );
						destNode->children.insert ( destNode->children.begin(), destItem );

		} else if ( sourceForm & kXMP_PropValueIsArray ) {
			// Merge other arrays by item values. Don't worry about order or duplicates. Source 
			// items with empty values do not cause deletion, that conflicts horribly with merging.

			for ( size_t sourceNum = 0, sourceLim = sourceNode->children.size(); sourceNum != sourceLim; ++sourceNum ) {
				const XMP_Node * sourceItem = sourceNode->children[sourceNum];

				size_t	destNum, destLim;
				for ( destNum = 0, destLim = destNode->children.size(); destNum != destLim; ++destNum ) {
					const XMP_Node * destItem = destNode->children[destNum];
					if ( ItemValuesMatch ( sourceItem, destItem ) ) break;
				if ( destNum == destLim ) CloneSubtree ( sourceItem, destNode );



}	// AppendSubtree
Пример #10
// ѹËõ
int CYTCompress::Compress(char * inbuf, unsigned short inlen, char * outbuf, unsigned short outlen)
	if(inlen > 8192)
		return -1;
	unsigned char * buf = (unsigned char *)inbuf;
	memset(outbuf, 0, outlen);
	unsigned short limitsize = min(outlen, inlen);

	int	errorcode;
	int inputptr = 1;
	int charecter;
	unsigned int index;
	int	nextcode = 258;
	unsigned int outbitptr = 0;
	unsigned int outbitsize = 9;
	int	nextbumpsize = 512;
	int stringcode = (int)buf[0];
	while(inputptr < inlen)
		charecter = (int)buf[inputptr];
		index = FindChildNode(stringcode, charecter);
		if(index == (unsigned int)(-1))
			return -1;

		if(m_dictory[index].codevalue != -1)
			stringcode = (int)m_dictory[index].codevalue;
			m_dictory[index].codevalue = (short)nextcode;
			m_dictory[index].parentcode = (short)stringcode;
			m_dictory[index].character = (char)charecter;

			if((errorcode = PutBit(outbuf, limitsize, outbitptr, stringcode, outbitsize)) < 0)
				return errorcode;

			stringcode = charecter;
			outbitptr += outbitsize;

			if(nextcode >= nextbumpsize)
				if((errorcode = PutBit(outbuf, limitsize, outbitptr, (unsigned int)257, outbitsize)) < 0)
					return errorcode;

				outbitptr += outbitsize;
				nextbumpsize = nextbumpsize << 1;


	if((errorcode = PutBit(outbuf, limitsize, outbitptr, stringcode, outbitsize)) < 0)
		return errorcode;

	if((errorcode = PutBit(outbuf, limitsize, outbitptr+outbitsize, 256, outbitsize)) < 0)
		return errorcode;

	outbitptr += outbitsize + outbitsize;

	int retsize = 0;
	if((outbitptr % 8) != 0)
		retsize = (outbitptr >> 3) + 1;
Пример #11
bool XmlConfig::HasEntry(const wxString& strName) const
    return FindChildNode(m_pathNode, strName) != NULL;
Пример #12
static void
FixupQualifiedNode ( XMP_Node * xmpParent )
    size_t qualNum, qualLim;
    size_t childNum, childLim;

    XMP_Enforce ( (xmpParent->options & kXMP_PropValueIsStruct) && (! xmpParent->children.empty()) );

    XMP_Node * valueNode = xmpParent->children[0];
    XMP_Enforce ( valueNode->name == "rdf:value" );

    xmpParent->qualifiers.reserve ( xmpParent->qualifiers.size() + xmpParent->children.size() + valueNode->qualifiers.size() );

    // Move the qualifiers on the value node to the parent. Make sure an xml:lang qualifier stays at
    // the front. Check for duplicate names between the value node's qualifiers and the parent's
    // children. The parent's children are about to become qualifiers. Check here, between the
    // groups. Intra-group duplicates are caught by AddChildNode.

    qualNum = 0;
    qualLim = valueNode->qualifiers.size();

    if ( valueNode->options & kXMP_PropHasLang ) {

        if ( xmpParent->options & kXMP_PropHasLang ) XMP_Throw ( "Redundant xml:lang for rdf:value element", kXMPErr_BadXMP );

        XMP_Node * langQual = valueNode->qualifiers[0];

        XMP_Assert ( langQual->name == "xml:lang" );
        langQual->parent = xmpParent;
        xmpParent->options |= kXMP_PropHasLang;

        if ( xmpParent->qualifiers.empty() ) {
            xmpParent->qualifiers.push_back ( langQual );	// *** Should use utilities to add qual & set parent.
        } else {
            xmpParent->qualifiers.insert ( xmpParent->qualifiers.begin(), langQual );
        valueNode->qualifiers[0] = 0;	// We just moved it to the parent.

        qualNum = 1;	// Start the remaining copy after the xml:lang qualifier.


    for ( ; qualNum != qualLim; ++qualNum ) {

        XMP_Node * currQual = valueNode->qualifiers[qualNum];
        if ( FindChildNode ( xmpParent, currQual->name.c_str(), kXMP_ExistingOnly ) != 0 ) {
            XMP_Throw ( "Duplicate qualifier node", kXMPErr_BadXMP );

        currQual->parent = xmpParent;
        xmpParent->qualifiers.push_back ( currQual );
        valueNode->qualifiers[qualNum] = 0;	// We just moved it to the parent.


    valueNode->qualifiers.clear();	// ! There should be nothing but null pointers.

    // Change the parent's other children into qualifiers. This loop starts at 1, child 0 is the
    // rdf:value node. Put xml:lang at the front, append all others.

    for ( childNum = 1, childLim = xmpParent->children.size(); childNum != childLim; ++childNum ) {

        XMP_Node * currQual = xmpParent->children[childNum];

            bool isLang = (currQual->name == "xml:lang");

            currQual->options |= kXMP_PropIsQualifier;
            currQual->parent = xmpParent;

            if ( isLang ) {
                if ( xmpParent->options & kXMP_PropHasLang ) XMP_Throw ( "Duplicate xml:lang qualifier", kXMPErr_BadXMP );
                xmpParent->options |= kXMP_PropHasLang;
            } else if ( currQual->name == "rdf:type" ) {
                xmpParent->options |= kXMP_PropHasType;

            if ( (! isLang) || xmpParent->qualifiers.empty() ) {
                xmpParent->qualifiers.push_back ( currQual );
            } else {
                xmpParent->qualifiers.insert ( xmpParent->qualifiers.begin(), currQual );
            xmpParent->children[childNum] = 0;	// We just moved it to the qualifiers.


    if ( ! xmpParent->qualifiers.empty() ) xmpParent->options |= kXMP_PropHasQualifiers;

    // Move the options and value last, other checks need the parent's original options. Move the
    // value node's children to be the parent's children. Delete the now useless value node.

    XMP_Assert ( xmpParent->options & (kXMP_PropValueIsStruct | kRDF_HasValueElem) );
    xmpParent->options &= ~ (kXMP_PropValueIsStruct | kRDF_HasValueElem);
    xmpParent->options |= valueNode->options;

    xmpParent->value.swap ( valueNode->value );
    #if 0	// *** XMP_DebugBuild
        xmpParent->_valuePtr = xmpParent->value.c_str();

    xmpParent->children[0] = 0;	// ! Remove the value node itself before the swap.
    xmpParent->children.swap ( valueNode->children );

    for ( size_t childNum = 0, childLim = xmpParent->children.size(); childNum != childLim; ++childNum ) {
        XMP_Node * currChild = xmpParent->children[childNum];
        currChild->parent = xmpParent;

    delete valueNode;

}	// FixupQualifiedNode
Пример #13
static XMP_Node *
AddChildNode ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlNode, const XMP_StringPtr value, bool isTopLevel )
    #if 0
        cout << "AddChildNode, parent = " << xmpParent->name << ", child = " << xmlNode.name;
        cout << ", value = \"" << value << '"';
        if ( isTopLevel ) cout << ", top level";
        cout << endl;

    if ( xmlNode.ns.empty() ) {
        XMP_Throw ( "XML namespace required for all elements and attributes", kXMPErr_BadRDF );

    XMP_StringPtr  childName    = xmlNode.name.c_str();
    const bool     isArrayItem  = (xmlNode.name == "rdf:li");
    const bool     isValueNode  = (xmlNode.name == "rdf:value");
    XMP_OptionBits childOptions = 0;

    if ( isTopLevel ) {

        // Lookup the schema node, adjust the XMP parent pointer.
        XMP_Assert ( xmpParent->parent == 0 );	// Incoming parent must be the tree root.
        XMP_Node * schemaNode = FindSchemaNode ( xmpParent, xmlNode.ns.c_str(), kXMP_CreateNodes );
        if ( schemaNode->options & kXMP_NewImplicitNode ) schemaNode->options ^= kXMP_NewImplicitNode;	// Clear the implicit node bit.
            // *** Should use "opt &= ~flag" (no conditional), need runtime check for proper 32 bit code.
        xmpParent = schemaNode;

        // If this is an alias set the isAlias flag in the node and the hasAliases flag in the tree.
        if ( sRegisteredAliasMap->find ( xmlNode.name ) != sRegisteredAliasMap->end() ) {
            childOptions |= kXMP_PropIsAlias;
            schemaNode->parent->options |= kXMP_PropHasAliases;


    // Make sure that this is not a duplicate of a named node.
    if ( ! (isArrayItem | isValueNode) ) {
        if ( FindChildNode ( xmpParent, childName, kXMP_ExistingOnly ) != 0 ) {
            XMP_Throw ( "Duplicate property or field node", kXMPErr_BadXMP );


    // Add the new child to the XMP parent node.
    XMP_Node * newChild = new XMP_Node ( xmpParent, childName, value, childOptions );
    if ( (! isValueNode) || xmpParent->children.empty() ) {
         xmpParent->children.push_back ( newChild );
    } else {
         xmpParent->children.insert ( xmpParent->children.begin(), newChild );
    if ( isValueNode ) {
        if ( isTopLevel || (! (xmpParent->options & kXMP_PropValueIsStruct)) ) XMP_Throw ( "Misplaced rdf:value element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
        xmpParent->options |= kRDF_HasValueElem;

    if ( isArrayItem ) {
        if ( ! (xmpParent->options & kXMP_PropValueIsArray) ) XMP_Throw ( "Misplaced rdf:li element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
        newChild->name = kXMP_ArrayItemName;
        #if 0	// *** XMP_DebugBuild
            newChild->_namePtr = newChild->name.c_str();

    return newChild;

}	// AddChildNode