Пример #1
    int GeoLocusIntersect(const LLPoint &gStart, const LLPoint &gEnd, const Locus &loc, LLPoint &intersect,
                          double dTol, double dEps)
        InverseResult result;
        DistVincenty(gStart, gEnd, result);
        const double gAz = result.azimuth;

        DistVincenty(loc.locusStart, loc.locusEnd, result);
        const double locStAz = result.azimuth;
        const double locLength = result.distance;

        double crs31, crs32, dist13, dist23;
        LLPoint pt1;
        if (!CrsIntersect(loc.locusStart, locStAz, crs31, dist13, gStart, gAz, crs32, dist23, dTol, pt1))
            return 0;

        DistVincenty(loc.geoStart, loc.geoEnd, result);

        const double tcrs = result.azimuth;
        double crsFromPt, distFromPt;
        LLPoint ptInt = PerpIntercept(loc.geoStart, tcrs, pt1, crsFromPt, distFromPt, dTol);

        double distLoc = DistToLocusP(loc, ptInt, dTol, dEps);

        double distarray[2];
        double errarray[2];
        errarray[1] = distFromPt - fabs(distLoc);
        distarray[1] = dist23;

        double distBase = dist23 - errarray[1] / cos(fabs(SignAzimuthDifference(crsFromPt, crs32)));

        int k = 0;
        const int maxCount = 10;
        while (!std::isnan(distBase) && fabs(errarray[1]) > dTol && k < maxCount)
            pt1 = DestVincenty(gStart, gAz, distBase);
            errarray[0] = errarray[1];
            distarray[0] = distarray[1];
            distarray[1] = distBase;

            ptInt = PerpIntercept(loc.geoStart, tcrs, pt1, crsFromPt, distFromPt, dTol);
            distLoc = DistToLocusP(loc, ptInt, dTol, dEps);
            errarray[1] = distFromPt - fabs(distLoc);

            FindLinearRoot(distarray, errarray, distBase);
        intersect = pt1;

        DistVincenty(intersect, loc.locusStart, result);
        const double distLocStPt1 = result.distance;
        DistVincenty(intersect, loc.locusEnd, result);

        // found intersect point must be on or between locus
        // If 5e-3 is to tight a tolerance then try setting to 5e-2
        // For the 8260.54A Appendix test cases 1e-3 was to tight, 5e-3
        // works just fine.
        if (!IsNearZero(locLength - (distLocStPt1 + result.distance), 5e-3))
            return 0;
        return 1;
Пример #2
    int LocusPerpIntercept(const Locus &loc, const LLPoint &pt2, double &crsFromPt,
                           double &distFromPt, LLPoint &intPt, double dTol)
        InverseResult result;
        DistVincenty(loc.geoStart, loc.geoEnd, result);
        double gcrs = result.azimuth;
        double gdist = result.distance;

        if (fabs(loc.startDist - loc.endDist) < dTol)
            const LLPoint geoPt = PerpIntercept(loc.geoStart, gcrs, pt2, crsFromPt, distFromPt, dTol);
            intPt = PointOnLocusP(loc, geoPt, dTol, kEps);
            DistVincenty(pt2, intPt, result);
            distFromPt = result.distance;
            crsFromPt = result.azimuth;
            return 1;

        DistVincenty(loc.locusStart, loc.locusEnd, result);
        LLPoint locPt = PerpIntercept(loc.locusStart, result.azimuth, pt2, crsFromPt, distFromPt, dTol);
        LLPoint geoPt = PerpIntercept(loc.geoStart, gcrs, locPt, crsFromPt, distFromPt, dTol);
        const double locAngle = atan((loc.startDist - loc.endDist) / gdist);

        double distarray[2], errarray[2];
        distarray[0] = distarray[1] = errarray[0] = errarray[1] = 0.0;

        DistVincenty(loc.geoStart, geoPt, result);
        distarray[1] = result.distance;

        const int maxCount = 15;
        double newDist = 0.0;
        int k = 0;
        while (k == 0 || (!std::isnan(newDist) && fabs(errarray[1]) > dTol && k < maxCount))
            geoPt = DestVincenty(loc.geoStart, gcrs, distarray[1]);
            locPt = PointOnLocusP(loc /*loc.geoStart*/, geoPt, dTol, kEps);

            DistVincenty(locPt, pt2, result);
            errarray[1] = -result.distance * cos(fabs(
                    SignAzimuthDifference(LocusCrsAtPoint(loc, locPt, geoPt, 1e-8), result.azimuth)));

            if (fabs(errarray[1]) < dTol)
                distFromPt = result.distance;
                crsFromPt = result.reverseAzimuth;
                intPt = locPt;

            if (k == 0)
                newDist = distarray[1] + errarray[1] * cos(locAngle);
                FindLinearRoot(distarray, errarray, newDist);
            distarray[0] = distarray[1];
            distarray[1] = newDist;
            errarray[0] = errarray[1];

        intPt = locPt;
        DistVincenty(pt2, intPt, result);
        distFromPt = result.distance;
        crsFromPt = result.azimuth;
        return 1;
Пример #3
    int GeodesicArcIntercept(const LLPoint &pt1, double crs1,
                             const LLPoint &center, double radius,
                             LLPoint &intPtC1, LLPoint &intPtC2, double dTol)
        double dCrsFromPt, dDistFromPt;
        const LLPoint perpPt = PerpIntercept(pt1, crs1, center, dCrsFromPt, dDistFromPt, dTol);

        InverseResult result;
        DistVincenty(perpPt, center, result);

        if (result.distance > radius)
            return 0;

        if (fabs(result.distance - radius) < dTol)
            intPtC1 = perpPt;
            return 1;

        const double perpDist = result.distance;
        DistVincenty(perpPt, pt1, result);

        if (IsApprox(cos(perpDist / kSphereRadius), 0.0, 1e-8))
            return 0;

        double crs = result.azimuth;
        double dist = kSphereRadius * acos(cos(radius / kSphereRadius) / cos(perpDist / kSphereRadius));
        LLPoint pt = DestVincenty(perpPt, crs, dist);

        const int nIntersects = 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < nIntersects; i++)
            DistVincenty(center, pt, result);
            const double rcrs = result.reverseAzimuth;
            const double dErr = radius - result.distance;

            double distarray[2], errarray[2];
            distarray[0] = dist;
            errarray[0] = dErr;

            DistVincenty(pt, perpPt, result);
            const double bcrs = result.azimuth;

            DistVincenty(center, pt, result);
            const double dAngle = fabs(SignAzimuthDifference(result.azimuth, result.reverseAzimuth));
            const double B = fabs(SignAzimuthDifference(bcrs, rcrs) + M_PI - dAngle);
            const double A = acos(sin(B) * cos(fabs(dErr) / kSphereRadius));
            double c;
            if (fabs(sin(A)) < dTol)
                c = dErr;
            else if (fabs(A) < dTol)
                c = dErr / cos(B);
                c = kSphereRadius * asin(sin(dErr / kSphereRadius) / sin(A));

            dist = dErr > 0 ? dist + c : dist - c;
            pt = DestVincenty(perpPt, crs, dist);
            DistVincenty(center, pt, result);
            distarray[1] = dist;
            errarray[1] = radius - result.distance;

            while (fabs(dErr) > dTol)
                FindLinearRoot(distarray, errarray, dist);
                if (std::isnan(dist))

                pt = DestVincenty(perpPt, crs, dist);
                DistVincenty(center, pt, result);
                distarray[0] = distarray[1];
                errarray[0] = errarray[1];
                distarray[1] = dist;
                errarray[1] = radius - result.distance;

            if (i == 0)
                intPtC1 = pt;
            else if (i == 1)
                intPtC2 = pt;

            crs += M_PI;
            pt = DestVincenty(perpPt, crs, dist);
            DistVincenty(center, pt, result);
            errarray[0] = radius - result.distance;

        return nIntersects;
Пример #4
	bool  CrsIntersect1(double lat1, double lon1, double az13,
		double & az31, double & dist13, double lat2, double lon2, double az23,
		double & az32, double & dist23, double dTol, double lati, double loni)
	    LLPoint pt1;
	    LLPoint pt2;
		pt1.latitude = lat1;
		pt1.longitude = lon1;
        pt2.latitude = lat2;
		pt2.longitude = lon2;

		double dAz13 = az13;
		double dAz23 = az23;

		InverseResult result;
		DistVincenty(pt1, pt2, &result);

		double dist12 = result.distance;
		double crs12 = result.azimuth;
		double crs21 = result.reverseAzimuth;

		double angle1 = fabs(SignAzimuthDifference(dAz13, crs12));
		double angle2 = fabs(SignAzimuthDifference(crs21, dAz23));
		if(angle1 < 0.0 && angle2 < 0.0)
			angle1 = -angle1;
			angle2 = -angle2;

		if(sin(angle1) == 0.0 && sin(angle2) == 0.0)
			return false;

		// step 7
		// locate approx intersection of point3 using spherical earth model. Section 3.2

		double cosA = cos(angle1);
		double sinA = sin(angle1);
		double cosB = cos(angle2);
		double sinB = sin(angle2);

		double C = acos( -cosA * cosB + sinA * sinB * cos(dist12 / SphereRadius()));

		double cosC = cos(C);
		double sinC = sin(C);
		double a = SphereRadius() * acos( (cosA + cosB * cosC) / (sinB * sinC) );
		double b = SphereRadius() * acos( (cosB + cosA * cosC) / (sinA * sinC) );

		if(!IsNumber(a) || !IsNumber(b))
			return false;

		LLPoint llIntersect = DestVincenty(pt1, dAz13, b);
		DistVincenty(pt1, llIntersect, &result);
		dist13 = result.distance;

		LLPoint llInv = llIntersect;
		llInv.latitude = -llInv.latitude;
		llInv.longitude = llInv.longitude + M_PI - (2*M_PI);
		DistVincenty(pt1, llInv, &result);

		if(dist13 > result.distance)
			llIntersect = llInv;
			dist13 = result.distance;
			az31 = result.reverseAzimuth;
			dAz13 = dAz13 + M_PI;
			dAz23 = dAz23 + M_PI;

		DistVincenty(pt2, llIntersect, &result);
		dist23 = result.distance;

		if(dist13 < NmToMeters(1))
			pt1 = DestVincenty(pt1, dAz13 + M_PI, NmToMeters(1.0));
			DistVincenty(pt1, llIntersect, &result);
			dAz13 = result.azimuth;
		if(dist23 < NmToMeters(1))
			pt2 = DestVincenty(pt2, dAz23 + M_PI, NmToMeters(1.0));
			DistVincenty(pt2, llIntersect, &result);
			dAz23 = result.azimuth;

		bool bSwapped = false;
		if(dist23 < dist13)
			LLPoint newPt = pt1;
			pt1 = pt2;
			pt2 = newPt;
			double aaz13 = dAz13;
			dAz13 = dAz23;
			dAz23 = aaz13;
			dist13 = dist23;
			bSwapped = true;

		double distarray[2], errarray[2];
		distarray[0] = dist13;
		llIntersect = DestVincenty(pt1, dAz13, dist13);
		DistVincenty(pt2, llIntersect, &result);
		double aacrs23 = result.azimuth;
		errarray[0] = SignAzimuthDifference(aacrs23, dAz23);
		distarray[1] = 1.01 * dist13;
		llIntersect = DestVincenty(pt1, dAz13, distarray[1]);
		DistVincenty(pt2, llIntersect, &result);
		aacrs23 = result.azimuth;
		errarray[1] = SignAzimuthDifference(aacrs23, dAz23);

		int k = 0;
		double dErr = 0;
		int nMaxCount = 15;

		while(k == 0 || ((dErr > dTol) && (k <= nMaxCount)))
			FindLinearRoot(distarray, errarray, dist13);
			LLPoint newPt = DestVincenty(pt1, dAz13, dist13);
			DistVincenty(pt2, newPt, &result);
			aacrs23 = result.azimuth;

			DistVincenty(newPt, llIntersect, &result);
			dErr = result.distance;

			distarray[0] = distarray[1];
			distarray[1] = dist13;
			errarray[0] = errarray[1];
			errarray[1] = SignAzimuthDifference(aacrs23, dAz23);
			llIntersect = newPt;
		// display if k == maxinteratorcount (10) and show error message
		// because results might not have converged.
		if(k > nMaxCount && dErr > 1e-8)
			return false;

			LLPoint newPt = pt1;
			pt1 = pt2;
			pt2 = newPt;
			double aaz13 = dAz13;
			dAz13 = dAz23;
			dAz23 = aaz13;
			dist13 = dist23;
		DistVincenty(llIntersect, pt1, &result);
		az31 = result.azimuth;
		dist13 = result.distance;

		DistVincenty(llIntersect, pt2, &result);
		az32 = result.azimuth;
		dist23 = result.distance;

		return true;