Пример #1

void MakeBigBox( fp_t size )
	vec3d_t		norm;
	fp_t		dist;
	int		i;
	hobj_t		*brushes;
	hobj_t		*brush;
	hobj_t		*surface;
	int		plane;
	hpair_t		*pair;
	FILE		*h;

	brushes = NewClass( "bspbrushes", "bigbox0" );

	brush = NewClass( "bspbrush", "bigbox" );
	InsertClass( brushes, brush );

	pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "original", "null" );
	InsertHPair( brush, pair );
	pair = NewHPair2( "int" , "content", "0" );
	InsertHPair( brush, pair );

	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		char	tt[256];
		surface = NewClass( "surface", "noname" );
		InsertClass( brush, surface );
		pair = NewHPair2( "int", "content", "0" );
		InsertHPair( surface, pair );
		Vec3dInit( norm, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
		norm[i] = 1.0;
		dist = size; //tree->max[i] + 64.0;
		plane = FindPlane( norm, dist );
		sprintf( tt, "#%d", p_planes[plane].clsname );
		pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "plane", tt );
		InsertHPair( surface, pair );

		surface = NewClass( "surface", "noname" );
		InsertClass( brush, surface );
		pair = NewHPair2( "int", "content", "0" );
		InsertHPair( surface, pair );
		Vec3dInit( norm, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
		norm[i] = -1.0;
		dist = size; //- (tree->min[i] - 64.0);
		plane = FindPlane( norm, dist );
		sprintf( tt, "#%d", p_planes[plane].clsname );
		pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "plane", tt );
		InsertHPair( surface, pair );


	h = fopen( "_bigbox.hobj", "w" );
	if ( !h )
		Error( "can't write bigbox class.\n" );
	WriteClass( brushes, h );
	fclose( h );
Пример #2
//	CreateOutsidePortal
GBSP_Portal *CreateOutsidePortal(GBSP_Plane *Plane, GBSP_Node *Node)
	GBSP_Portal	*NewPortal;
	int32		Side;

	NewPortal = AllocPortal();
	if (!NewPortal)
		return NULL;

	NewPortal->Poly = CreatePolyFromPlane(Plane);
	if (!NewPortal->Poly)
		return NULL;
	NewPortal->PlaneNum = FindPlane(Plane, &Side);

	if (NewPortal->PlaneNum == -1)
		GHook.Error("CreateOutsidePortal:  Could not create plane.\n");
		return NULL;

	if (!Side)
		if (!AddPortalToNodes(NewPortal, Node, OutsideNode))
			return NULL;
		if (!AddPortalToNodes(NewPortal, OutsideNode, Node))
			return NULL;

	return NewPortal;
Пример #3

The created portals will face the global outside_node
void MakeHeadnodePortals (node_t *node)
	vec3_t		bounds[2];
	int			i, j, n;
	portal_t	*p, *portals[6];
	plane_t		bplanes[6], *pl;
	int			side;
	Draw_ClearWindow ();
// pad with some space so there will never be null volume leafs
	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		bounds[0][i] = brushset->mins[i] - SIDESPACE;
		bounds[1][i] = brushset->maxs[i] + SIDESPACE;
	outside_node.contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
	outside_node.portals = NULL;

	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++)
			n = j*3 + i;

			p = AllocPortal ();
			portals[n] = p;
			pl = &bplanes[n];
			memset (pl, 0, sizeof(*pl));
			if (j)
				pl->normal[i] = -1;
				pl->dist = -bounds[j][i];
				pl->normal[i] = 1;
				pl->dist = bounds[j][i];
			p->planenum = FindPlane (pl, &side);
			p->winding = BaseWindingForPlane (pl);
			if (side)
				AddPortalToNodes (p, &outside_node, node);
				AddPortalToNodes (p, node, &outside_node);
// clip the basewindings by all the other planes
	for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
		for (j=0 ; j<6 ; j++)
			if (j == i)
			portals[i]->winding = ClipWinding (portals[i]->winding, &bplanes[j], true);
Пример #4
 * @brief
static int32_t PlaneFromPoints(const vec3_t p0, const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2) {
	vec3_t t1, t2, normal;

	VectorSubtract(p0, p1, t1);
	VectorSubtract(p2, p1, t2);
	CrossProduct(t1, t2, normal);

	const dvec_t dist = DotProduct(p0, normal);

	return FindPlane(normal, dist);
Пример #5
 * @brief Creates a new axial brush
static brush_t *BrushFromBounds(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) {
	brush_t *b;
	int32_t i;
	vec3_t normal;
	vec_t dist;

	b = AllocBrush(6);
	b->num_sides = 6;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		normal[i] = 1;
		dist = maxs[i];
		b->sides[i].plane_num = FindPlane(normal, dist);

		normal[i] = -1;
		dist = -mins[i];
		b->sides[3 + i].plane_num = FindPlane(normal, dist);


	return b;
Пример #6

void AddPlaneClasses( hmanager_t *planehm )
	hobj_search_iterator_t		iter;
	hobj_t		*plane;

	InitClassSearchIterator( &iter, HManagerGetRootClass( planehm ), "*" );
	for ( ; ( plane = SearchGetNextClass( &iter ) ) ; )
		vec3d_t		norm;
		fp_t		dist;
		int		planenum;
		hpair_t		*pair;
		char		tt[256];

		EasyFindVec3d( norm, plane, "norm" );
		EasyFindFloat( &dist, plane, "dist" );

		planenum = FindPlane( norm, dist );
//		printf( "%d ", planenum );
		sprintf( tt, "#%d", p_planes[planenum].clsname );
		pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "plane", tt );
		InsertHPair( plane, pair );
Пример #7
void CreateBrushFaces (void)
	int				i,j, k;
	vec_t			r;
	face_t			*f;
	winding_t		*w;
	plane_t			plane;
	mface_t			*mf;
	brush_mins[0] = brush_mins[1] = brush_mins[2] = 99999;
	brush_maxs[0] = brush_maxs[1] = brush_maxs[2] = -99999;

	brush_faces = NULL;
	for (i=0 ; i<numbrushfaces ; i++)
		mf = &faces[i];
		w = BaseWindingForPlane (&mf->plane);

		for (j=0 ; j<numbrushfaces && w ; j++)
			if (j == i)
		// flip the plane, because we want to keep the back side
			VectorSubtract (vec3_origin,faces[j].plane.normal, plane.normal);
			plane.dist = -faces[j].plane.dist;
			w = ClipWinding (w, &plane, false);
		if (!w)
			continue;	// overcontrained plane
	// this face is a keeper
		f = AllocFace ();
		f->numpoints = w->numpoints;
		if (f->numpoints > MAXEDGES)
			Error ("f->numpoints > MAXEDGES");
		for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++)
			for (k=0 ; k<3 ; k++)
				r = Q_rint (w->points[j][k]);
				if ( fabs(w->points[j][k] - r) < ZERO_EPSILON)
					f->pts[j][k] = r;
					f->pts[j][k] = w->points[j][k];
				if (f->pts[j][k] < brush_mins[k])
					brush_mins[k] = f->pts[j][k];
				if (f->pts[j][k] > brush_maxs[k])
					brush_maxs[k] = f->pts[j][k];				
		FreeWinding (w);
		f->texturenum = mf->texinfo;
		f->planenum = FindPlane (&mf->plane, &f->planeside);
		f->next = brush_faces;
		brush_faces = f;
		CheckFace (f);
Пример #8
//	FinishLeafSides
geBoolean FinishLeafSides(GBSP_Node *Node)
	geVec3d		Mins, Maxs;
	GBSP_Plane	Plane;
	int32		Axis, i, Dir;

	if (!GetLeafBBoxFromPortals(Node, &Mins, &Maxs))
		GHook.Error("FinishLeafSides:  Could not get leaf portal BBox.\n");
		return GE_FALSE;
	if (CNumLeafSides < 4)
		GHook.Printf("*WARNING*  FinishLeafSides:  Incomplete leaf volume.\n");

	// Add any bevel planes to the sides so we can expand them for axial box collisions
	else for (Axis=0 ; Axis <3 ; Axis++)
		for (Dir=-1 ; Dir <= 1 ; Dir+=2)
			// See if the plane is allready in the sides
			for (i=0; i< CNumLeafSides; i++)
				Plane = Planes[LPlaneNumbers[i]];
				if (LPlaneSides[i])
					Plane.Dist = -Plane.Dist;

				if (VectorToSUB(Plane.Normal, Axis) == (geFloat)Dir)

			if (i >= CNumLeafSides)
				// Add a new axial aligned side


				VectorToSUB(Plane.Normal, Axis) = (geFloat)Dir;
				// get the mins/maxs from the gbsp brush
				if (Dir == 1)
					Plane.Dist = VectorToSUB(Maxs, Axis);
					Plane.Dist = -VectorToSUB(Mins, Axis);
				LPlaneNumbers[i] = FindPlane(&Plane, &LPlaneSides[i]);

				if (LPlaneNumbers[i] == -1)
					GHook.Error("FinishLeafSides:  Could not create the plane.\n");
					return GE_FALSE;

	Node->FirstSide = NumLeafSides;
	Node->NumSides = CNumLeafSides;
	for (i=0; i< CNumLeafSides; i++)
		if (NumLeafSides >= MAX_LEAF_SIDES)
			GHook.Error("FinishLeafSides:  Max Leaf Sides.\n");
			return GE_FALSE;
		LeafSides[NumLeafSides].PlaneNum = LPlaneNumbers[i];
		LeafSides[NumLeafSides].PlaneSide = LPlaneSides[i];


	return GE_TRUE;
Пример #9
 * @brief
static void EmitBrushes(void) {
	int32_t i, j, bnum, s, x;
	d_bsp_brush_t *db;
	map_brush_t *b;
	d_bsp_brush_side_t *cp;
	vec3_t normal;
	vec_t dist;
	int32_t plane_num;

	d_bsp.num_brush_sides = 0;
	d_bsp.num_brushes = num_map_brushes;

	for (bnum = 0; bnum < num_map_brushes; bnum++) {
		b = &map_brushes[bnum];
		db = &d_bsp.brushes[bnum];

		db->contents = b->contents;
		db->first_side = d_bsp.num_brush_sides;
		db->num_sides = b->num_sides;

		for (j = 0; j < b->num_sides; j++) {

			if (d_bsp.num_brush_sides == MAX_BSP_BRUSH_SIDES)

			cp = &d_bsp.brush_sides[d_bsp.num_brush_sides];

			cp->plane_num = b->original_sides[j].plane_num;
			cp->surf_num = b->original_sides[j].texinfo;

		// add any axis planes not contained in the brush to bevel off corners
		for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
			for (s = -1; s <= 1; s += 2) {
				// add the plane
				normal[x] = (vec_t) s;

				if (s == -1)
					dist = -b->mins[x];
					dist = b->maxs[x];

				plane_num = FindPlane(normal, dist);

				for (i = 0; i < b->num_sides; i++)
					if (b->original_sides[i].plane_num == plane_num)

				if (i == b->num_sides) {
					if (d_bsp.num_brush_sides >= MAX_BSP_BRUSH_SIDES)
						Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "MAX_BSP_BRUSH_SIDES\n");

					d_bsp.brush_sides[d_bsp.num_brush_sides].plane_num = plane_num;
							= d_bsp.brush_sides[d_bsp.num_brush_sides - 1].surf_num;
Пример #10
 * @brief
static _Bool ParseMapEntity(void) {
	entity_t *mapent;
	epair_t *e;
	side_t *s;
	int32_t i, j;
	vec_t newdist;
	map_brush_t *b;

	if (!GetToken(true))
		return false;

	if (g_strcmp0(token, "{"))
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "\"{\" not found\n");

	if (num_entities == MAX_BSP_ENTITIES)

	mapent = &entities[num_entities];
	memset(mapent, 0, sizeof(*mapent));
	mapent->first_brush = num_map_brushes;
	mapent->num_brushes = 0;

	do {
		if (!GetToken(true))
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "EOF without closing brace\n");
		if (!g_strcmp0(token, "}"))
		if (!g_strcmp0(token, "{"))
		else {
			e = ParseEpair();
			e->next = mapent->epairs;
			mapent->epairs = e;
	} while (true);

	VectorForKey(mapent, "origin", mapent->origin);

	// if there was an origin brush, offset all of the planes and texinfo
	if (mapent->origin[0] || mapent->origin[1] || mapent->origin[2]) {
		for (i = 0; i < mapent->num_brushes; i++) {
			b = &map_brushes[mapent->first_brush + i];
			for (j = 0; j < b->num_sides; j++) {

				s = &b->original_sides[j];

				newdist = map_planes[s->plane_num].dist
						- DotProduct(map_planes[s->plane_num].normal, mapent->origin);

				s->plane_num = FindPlane(map_planes[s->plane_num].normal, newdist);

				s->texinfo = TexinfoForBrushTexture(&map_planes[s->plane_num],
						&map_brush_textures[s - map_brush_sides], mapent->origin);

	// group entities are just for editor convenience
	// toss all brushes into the world entity
	if (!g_strcmp0("func_group", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) {
		mapent->num_brushes = 0;
		return true;

	// areaportal entities move their brushes, but don't eliminate the entity
	if (!g_strcmp0("func_areaportal", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) {
		char str[128];

		if (mapent->num_brushes != 1)
					"ParseMapEntity: %i func_areaportal can only be a single brush\n",
					num_entities - 1);

		b = &map_brushes[num_map_brushes - 1];
		b->contents = CONTENTS_AREA_PORTAL;
		mapent->area_portal_num = c_area_portals;
		// set the portal number as "style"
		sprintf(str, "%i", c_area_portals);
		SetKeyValue(mapent, "areaportal", str);
		return true;

	return true;
Пример #11
 * @brief Adds any additional planes necessary to allow the brush to be expanded
 * against axial bounding boxes
static void AddBrushBevels(map_brush_t * b) {
	int32_t axis, dir;
	int32_t i, j, k, l, order;
	side_t sidetemp;
	map_brush_texture_t tdtemp;
	side_t *s, *s2;
	vec3_t normal;
	vec_t dist;
	winding_t *w, *w2;
	vec3_t vec, vec2;
	vec_t d;

	// add the axial planes
	order = 0;
	for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
		for (dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2, order++) {
			// see if the plane is already present
			for (i = 0, s = b->original_sides; i < b->num_sides; i++, s++) {
				if (map_planes[s->plane_num].normal[axis] == dir)

			if (i == b->num_sides) { // add a new side
				if (num_map_brush_sides == MAX_BSP_BRUSH_SIDES)
				normal[axis] = dir;
				if (dir == 1)
					dist = b->maxs[axis];
					dist = -b->mins[axis];
				s->plane_num = FindPlane(normal, dist);
				s->texinfo = b->original_sides[0].texinfo;
				s->contents = b->original_sides[0].contents;
				s->bevel = true;
			// if the plane is not in it canonical order, swap it
			if (i != order) {
				sidetemp = b->original_sides[order];
				b->original_sides[order] = b->original_sides[i];
				b->original_sides[i] = sidetemp;

				j = b->original_sides - map_brush_sides;
				tdtemp = map_brush_textures[j + order];
				map_brush_textures[j + order] = map_brush_textures[j + i];
				map_brush_textures[j + i] = tdtemp;

	// add the edge bevels
	if (b->num_sides == 6)
		return; // pure axial

	// test the non-axial plane edges
	for (i = 6; i < b->num_sides; i++) {
		s = b->original_sides + i;
		w = s->winding;
		if (!w)
		for (j = 0; j < w->num_points; j++) {
			k = (j + 1) % w->num_points;
			VectorSubtract(w->points[j], w->points[k], vec);
			if (VectorNormalize(vec) < 0.5) {
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
				if (vec[k] == -1.0 || vec[k] == 1.0 || (vec[k] == 0.0 && vec[(k + 1) % 3] == 0.0)) {
					break; // axial
			if (k != 3) {
				continue; // only test non-axial edges

			// try the six possible slanted axials from this edge
			for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
				for (dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2) {
					// construct a plane
					vec2[axis] = dir;
					CrossProduct(vec, vec2, normal);
					if (VectorNormalize(normal) < 0.5)
					dist = DotProduct(w->points[j], normal);

					// if all the points on all the sides are
					// behind this plane, it is a proper edge bevel
					for (k = 0; k < b->num_sides; k++) {
						vec_t minBack;

						// if this plane has already been used, skip it
						if (PlaneEqual(&map_planes[b->original_sides[k].plane_num], normal, dist))

						w2 = b->original_sides[k].winding;
						if (!w2)
						minBack = 0.0f;
						for (l = 0; l < w2->num_points; l++) {
							d = DotProduct(w2->points[l], normal) - dist;
							if (d > 0.1)
								break; // point in front
							if (d < minBack)
								minBack = d;
						// if some point was at the front
						if (l != w2->num_points)
						// if no points at the back then the winding is on the
						// bevel plane
						if (minBack > -0.1f)

					if (k != b->num_sides)
						continue; // wasn't part of the outer hull
					// add this plane
					if (num_map_brush_sides == MAX_BSP_BRUSH_SIDES)
						Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "MAX_BSP_BRUSH_SIDES\n");

					s2 = &b->original_sides[b->num_sides++];
					s2->plane_num = FindPlane(normal, dist);
					s2->texinfo = b->original_sides[0].texinfo;
					s2->contents = b->original_sides[0].contents;
					s2->bevel = true;

Пример #12
// Constructor with two correlation surfaces -------------------------
Simbox::Simbox(const Simbox         * simbox,
               const std::string    & interval_name,
               int                    n_layers,
               double                 ext_dz,
               double                 lz_limit,
               const Surface        & top_surface,
               const Surface        & base_surface,
               const Surface        * top_corr_surface,
               const Surface        * base_corr_surface,
               int                    other_output,
               int                    output_domain,
               int                    output_format,
               std::string          & err_text,
               bool                 & failed)
: Volume(*simbox),
  std::string output_name = "";
  if (interval_name != "")
    output_name = " for interval \'" + interval_name + "\'";
  LogKit::LogFormatted(LogKit::Low,"\nCreating a temporary simbox (used for inversion grid) with two correlation surfaces" + output_name + ".\n");

  interval_name_  = interval_name;
  status_         = BOXOK;
  cosrot_         = cos(simbox->GetAngle());
  sinrot_         = sin(simbox->GetAngle());
  dx_             = simbox->getdx();
  dy_             = simbox->getdy();
  dz_             = -1;
  nx_             = simbox->getnx();
  ny_             = simbox->getny();
  nz_             = n_layers;
  nx_pad_         = nx_;
  ny_pad_         = ny_;
  nz_pad_         = nz_;
  x_pad_fac_      = (nx_pad_ / nx_);
  y_pad_fac_      = (ny_pad_ / ny_);
  z_pad_fac_      = (nz_pad_ / nz_);
  lz_eroded_      = 0;
  inLine0_        = simbox->getIL0();
  crossLine0_     = simbox->getXL0();
  ilStepX_        = simbox->getILStepX();
  ilStepY_        = simbox->getILStepY();
  xlStepX_        = simbox->getXLStepX();
  xlStepY_        = simbox->getXLStepY();
  constThick_     = simbox->getIsConstantThick();

  setDepth(top_surface, base_surface, n_layers);
  SetErodedSurfaces(top_surface, base_surface);
  //this->calculateDz(lz_limit, err_text);
  double old_dz = GetLZ() / nz_;

  // Check that the two surfaces do not intersect
  double x,y;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < base_surface.GetNI(); i++){
    for (size_t j = 0; j < base_surface.GetNJ(); j++){

      double z_top_corr   = top_corr_surface->GetZ(x,y);
      double z_base_corr  = base_corr_surface->GetZ(x,y);

      if (!top_corr_surface->IsMissing(z_top_corr) && !base_corr_surface->IsMissing(z_base_corr) && z_top_corr > z_base_corr) {
        std::string interval_text = "";
        if (interval_name != "")
          interval_text = " for interval " + interval_name;
        err_text += "Error: The top correlation surface crosses the base correlation surface" + interval_text + ".\n";
        failed = true;

  // Check that the correlation surfaces cover the inversion surfaces
  if (simbox->CheckSurface(*top_corr_surface) == false) {
    err_text += "Error: Top correlation surface "+ top_corr_surface->GetName() +"does not cover volume.\n";
    failed = true;
  if (simbox->CheckSurface(*base_corr_surface) == false){
    err_text += "Error: Base correlation surface "+ base_corr_surface->GetName() +"does not cover volume.\n";
    failed = true;

  // Should the corr surfaces have the same resolution?

    Surface * mean_corr_surface;
    //NRLib::Vector corr_plane_parameters_top = FindPlane(top_corr_surface);
    //NRLib::Vector corr_plane_parameters_base = FindPlane(base_corr_surface);

    Surface * mean_surface;
    // Use the finest resolution
    double resolution_top   = top_corr_surface->GetDX()*top_corr_surface->GetDY();
    double resolution_base  = base_corr_surface->GetDX()*base_corr_surface->GetDY();
    if(resolution_top != resolution_base){
      if(resolution_top > resolution_base){ // base corr surface has higher resolution
        mean_surface            = new Surface(*base_corr_surface);
        mean_corr_surface       = new Surface(*base_corr_surface);
      else{                                 // top corr surface has the highest resolution
        mean_surface            = new Surface(*top_corr_surface);
        mean_corr_surface       = new Surface(*top_corr_surface);

      mean_surface              = new Surface(*top_corr_surface);
      mean_corr_surface         = new Surface(*top_corr_surface);

    // Initialize mean surface to 0
    for(size_t i = 0; i < mean_surface->GetN(); i++){
      (*mean_surface)(i)        = 0;
      (*mean_corr_surface)(i)   = 0;

    // Find mean of top and base surface

    NRLib::Vector ref_plane_parameters = FindPlane(mean_surface);

    // Find the mean of the top and base correlation surface
    //NRLib::Vector corr_plane_parameters = FindPlane(mean_corr_surface);

    // tilt the mean plane with the correlation plane

    NRLib::Vector corr_plane_parameters_mean = FindPlane(mean_corr_surface);
    ref_plane_parameters -= corr_plane_parameters_mean;
    grad_x_               = ref_plane_parameters(1);
    grad_y_               = ref_plane_parameters(2);

    // Create plane from parameters and add the original corr surfaces

    //Surface * ref_plane_base    = CreatePlaneSurface(ref_plane_parameters, mean_surface);
    Surface * ref_plane     = CreatePlaneSurface(ref_plane_parameters, mean_surface);

    // Create new top surface
    Surface new_top(*ref_plane);
    double shift_top = new_top.Max();
    shift_top *= -1.0;
    new_top.AddNonConform(&top_surface);//new_top.AddNonConform(&(simbox->GetTopSurface())); //H?

    // Create new base surface
    Surface new_base(*ref_plane);
    double shift_bot = new_base.Min();
    shift_bot *= -1.0;

    double thick    = shift_bot-shift_top;
    double dz       = old_dz;
    if(n_layers < 0)
      dz = ext_dz;
    int    nz       = int(thick/dz);
    double residual = thick - nz*dz;
    if (residual > 0.0) {
      shift_bot += dz-residual;

    if (nz != n_layers && n_layers > 0) {
      std::string interval_text = "";
      if (interval_name != "")
        interval_text += " in interval " + interval_name;

      LogKit::LogFormatted(LogKit::High,"\nNumber of layers" + interval_text + " increased from %d", n_layers);
      LogKit::LogFormatted(LogKit::High," to %d in grid created using the correlation direction.\n",nz);


    setDepth(new_top, new_base, nz);
    this->calculateDz(lz_limit, err_text);

  if((other_output & IO::EXTRA_SURFACES) > 0 && (output_domain & IO::TIMEDOMAIN) > 0) {
    std::string top_surf_name  = IO::PrefixSurface() + IO::PrefixTop() + interval_name + "_"  + IO::PrefixTime() + "_Extended";
    std::string base_surf_name = IO::PrefixSurface() + IO::PrefixBase() + interval_name + "_" + IO::PrefixTime() + "_Extended";
    if (interval_name == ""){
      top_surf_name          = IO::PrefixSurface() + IO::PrefixTop()  + IO::PrefixTime() + "_Extended";
      base_surf_name         = IO::PrefixSurface() + IO::PrefixBase() + IO::PrefixTime() + "_Extended";


    delete  ref_plane;
    //delete  ref_plane_base;
    delete  mean_surface;
    delete  mean_corr_surface;
Пример #13
// Constructor for intervals with one correlation direction
Simbox::Simbox(const Simbox         * simbox,
               const std::string    & interval_name,
               int                    n_layers,
               double                 ext_dz,
               double                 lz_limit,
               const Surface        & top_surface,
               const Surface        & bot_surface,
               Surface              * single_corr_surface,
               int                    other_output,
               int                    output_domain,
               int                    output_format,
               std::string          & err_text,
               bool                 & failed)
: Volume(*simbox),
  std::string output_name = "";
  if (interval_name != "")
    output_name = " for interval \'" + interval_name + "\'";
  LogKit::LogFormatted(LogKit::Low,"\nCreating a temporary simbox (used for inversion grid) with one correlation surface" + output_name + ".\n");

  interval_name_  = interval_name;
  status_         = BOXOK;
  cosrot_         = cos(simbox->GetAngle());
  sinrot_         = sin(simbox->GetAngle());
  SetAngle (simbox->GetAngle());
  dx_             = simbox->getdx();
  dy_             = simbox->getdy();
  dz_             = -1;
  nx_             = simbox->getnx();
  ny_             = simbox->getny();
  nz_             = n_layers;
  nx_pad_         = nx_;
  ny_pad_         = ny_;
  nz_pad_         = nz_;
  x_pad_fac_      = (nx_pad_ / nx_);
  y_pad_fac_      = (ny_pad_ / ny_);
  z_pad_fac_      = (nz_pad_ / nz_);
  topName_        = "";
  botName_        = "";
  lz_eroded_      = 0;
  inLine0_        = simbox->getIL0();
  crossLine0_     = simbox->getXL0();
  ilStepX_        = simbox->getILStepX();
  ilStepY_        = simbox->getILStepY();
  xlStepX_        = simbox->getXLStepX();
  xlStepY_        = simbox->getXLStepY();
  constThick_     = simbox->getIsConstantThick();

  SetSurfaces(top_surface, bot_surface); //Needed for GetLZ()
  //this->calculateDz(lz_limit, err_text);
  //calculcateDz also checks for interval-thickness. Since surfaces are eroded they may be zero which gives and error.
  double old_dz = GetLZ() / nz_;

  SetErodedSurfaces(top_surface, bot_surface);

  if (simbox->CheckSurface(*single_corr_surface) != true) {
    err_text += "Error: Correlation surface "+single_corr_surface->GetName()+" does not cover volume.\n";
    failed = true;
  // Extend simbox as in ModelGeneral::SetupExtendedTimeSimbox

  NRLib::Vector corr_plane_parameters = FindPlane(single_corr_surface);
  Surface * mean_surface;
  if(single_corr_surface->GetNI() > 2)
    mean_surface = new Surface(*single_corr_surface);
  else {
    mean_surface = new Surface(dynamic_cast<const Surface &>(top_surface));
    if(mean_surface->GetNI() == 2) { //Extend corrSurf to cover other surfaces.
      double minX = mean_surface->GetXMin();
      double maxX = mean_surface->GetXMax();
      double minY = mean_surface->GetYMin();
      double maxY = mean_surface->GetYMax();
      if(minX > single_corr_surface->GetXMin())
        minX = single_corr_surface->GetXMin();
      if(maxX < single_corr_surface->GetXMax())
        maxX = single_corr_surface->GetXMax();
      if(minY > single_corr_surface->GetYMin())
        minY = single_corr_surface->GetYMin();
      if(maxY < single_corr_surface->GetYMax())
        maxY = single_corr_surface->GetYMax();
      single_corr_surface->SetDimensions(minX, minY, maxX-minX, maxY-minY);

  // initialize mean surface to 0
  for(size_t i=0;i<mean_surface->GetN();i++)
    (*mean_surface)(i) = 0;

  // Find mean of top and base surface
  NRLib::Vector ref_plane_parameters = FindPlane(mean_surface);

  // tilt the mean plane with the correlation plane
  ref_plane_parameters -= corr_plane_parameters;
  grad_x_ = ref_plane_parameters(1);
  grad_y_ = ref_plane_parameters(2);

  // Create plane from parameters and add the original corr surface
  Surface * ref_plane = CreatePlaneSurface(ref_plane_parameters, mean_surface);

  // Create new top surface
  Surface new_top_surface(*ref_plane);
  double shift_top = new_top_surface.Max();
  shift_top *= -1.0;

  // Create new base surface
  Surface new_base_surface(*ref_plane);
  double shift_bot = new_base_surface.Min();

  shift_bot *= -1.0;
  double thick    = shift_bot-shift_top;
  double dz       = old_dz;
  if(n_layers < 0)
    dz = ext_dz;
  int    nz       = int(thick/dz);
  double residual = thick - nz*dz;
  if (residual > 0.0) {
    shift_bot += dz-residual;
  if (nz != n_layers && n_layers > 0) {
    std::string interval_text = "";
    if (interval_name != "")
      interval_text += " in interval " + interval_name;

    LogKit::LogFormatted(LogKit::High,"\n Number of layers" + interval_text + " increased from %d", n_layers);
    LogKit::LogFormatted(LogKit::High,"  to %d because of the correlation direction.\n",nz);


  setDepth(new_top_surface, new_base_surface, nz);
  this->calculateDz(lz_limit, err_text);

  if((other_output & IO::EXTRA_SURFACES) > 0 && (output_domain & IO::TIMEDOMAIN) > 0) {
    std::string top_surf_name  = IO::PrefixSurface() + IO::PrefixTop() + interval_name + "_"  + IO::PrefixTime() + "_Extended";
    std::string base_surf_name = IO::PrefixSurface() + IO::PrefixBase() + interval_name + "_" + IO::PrefixTime() + "_Extended";
    if (interval_name == ""){
      top_surf_name          = IO::PrefixSurface() + IO::PrefixTop()  + IO::PrefixTime() + "_Extended";
      base_surf_name         = IO::PrefixSurface() + IO::PrefixBase() + IO::PrefixTime() + "_Extended";

  delete mean_surface;
  delete ref_plane;
Пример #14
hobj_t * ConvertBrushClass( hobj_t *brushes, hobj_t *brush )
	hpair_t		*pair;
	hobj_search_iterator_t	iter;
	hobj_t		*face;
	int		num;

	// brush data
	int		bcontent;

	// face data
	vec3d_t		norm, keep_norm;
	fp_t		dist, keep_dist;
	int		fcontent;
	char		ident[TEXTURE_IDENT_SIZE];
	fp_t		rotate;
	vec2d_t		scale;
	vec2d_t		shift;

	bool_t		no_contents;
	bool_t		no_texdef;

	int	pl;
	int	td;

	hobj_t	*tmp;
	hobj_t	*out;
	char		idtext[256];
	// brush contents
	pair = FindHPair( brush, "content" );
	if ( !pair )
		Error( "missing brush content.\n" );
	HPairCastToInt_safe( &bcontent, pair );

// hack moved to the script ...
#if 0
	// hack: fix some design leaks ...
	if ( bcontent == 6 )
		bcontent = 4;

	sprintf( idtext, "#%u", HManagerGetFreeID() );
	out = NewClass( "bspbrush", idtext );

	sprintf( idtext, "%u", bcontent );
	pair = NewHPair2( "int", "content", idtext );
	InsertHPair( out, pair );

	pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "original", brush->name );
	InsertHPair( out, pair );


	// brush faces
	InitClassSearchIterator( &iter, brush, "face" );

	for ( num = 0; ( face = SearchGetNextClass( &iter ) ) ; num++ )
		// face plane

		// plane dist
		pair = FindHPair( face, "dist" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing face plane distance.\n" );
		HPairCastToFloat_safe( &dist, pair );
		keep_dist = dist;	// keep dist, cause FindPlane trash it up

		// plane norm
		pair = FindHPair( face, "norm" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing face plane normal.\n" );
		HPairCastToVec3d_safe( norm, pair );
		Vec3dCopy( keep_norm, norm );	// keep norm, dto

		// face content
		pair = FindHPair( face, "content" );
		if ( !pair )
//			Error( "missing face content.\n" );
			no_contents = true;
			HPairCastToInt_safe( &fcontent, pair );
			no_contents = false;

		// face texdef

		// texture ident
		pair = FindHPair( face, "ident" );
		if ( !pair )
			no_texdef = true;
			HPairCastToString_safe( ident, pair );
			no_texdef = false;

			// texdef rotate
			pair = FindHPair( face, "rotate" );
			if ( !pair )
				Error( "missing face texdef rotate.\n" );
			HPairCastToFloat_safe( &rotate, pair );
			// texdef shift
			pair = FindHPair( face, "shift" );
			if  ( !pair )
				Error( "missing face texdef shift.\n" );
			HPairCastToVec2d_safe( shift, pair );
			// texdef scale
			pair = FindHPair( face, "scale" );
			if ( !pair )
				Error( "missing face texdef scale.\n" );
			HPairCastToVec2d_safe( scale, pair );

		// finish face
		pl = FindPlane( norm, dist );

		sprintf( idtext, "#%u", HManagerGetFreeID() );
		tmp = NewClass( "surface", idtext );
		// clsref_plane
		sprintf( idtext, "#%u", p_planes[pl].clsname );
		pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "plane", idtext );
		InsertHPair( tmp, pair );

		if ( !no_texdef )
			// clsref_texdef
			td = FindTexdef( ident, rotate, scale, shift, pl );
			sprintf( idtext, "#%u", p_wtexdefs[td].clsname );
			pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "texdef", idtext );
			InsertHPair( tmp, pair );

			// special cpoly hack
			if ( !strcmp( ident, "devel/cpoly" ))
				pair = NewHPair2( "int", "bsp_dont_split", "1" );
				InsertHPair( tmp, pair );

		if ( !no_contents )
			// content
			sprintf( idtext, "%d", fcontent );
			pair = NewHPair2( "int", "content", idtext );
			InsertHPair( tmp, pair );

		// insert surface into bspbrush
		InsertClass( out, tmp );



//	return out;
	InsertClass( brushes, out );

	return out;
Пример #15
void CreateBrushFaces (void)
	int				i,j, k;
	vec_t			r;
	face_t			*f, *next;
	winding_t		*w;
	plane_t			clipplane, faceplane;
	mface_t			*mf;
	vec3_t			offset, point;

	offset[0] = offset[1] = offset[2] = 0;
	ClearBounds( brush_mins, brush_maxs );

	brush_faces = NULL;

	if (!strncmp(ValueForKey(CurrentEntity, "classname"), "rotate_", 7))
		entity_t	*FoundEntity;
		char 		*searchstring;
		char		text[20];

		searchstring = ValueForKey (CurrentEntity, "target");
		FoundEntity = FindTargetEntity(searchstring);
		if (FoundEntity)
			GetVectorForKey(FoundEntity, "origin", offset);

		sprintf(text, "%g %g %g", offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);
		SetKeyValue(CurrentEntity, "origin", text);

	GetVectorForKey(CurrentEntity, "origin", offset);
	//printf("%i brushfaces at offset %f %f %f\n", numbrushfaces, offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);

	for (i = 0;i < numbrushfaces;i++)
		mf = &faces[i];

		//printf("plane %f %f %f %f\n", mf->plane.normal[0], mf->plane.normal[1], mf->plane.normal[2], mf->plane.dist);
		faceplane = mf->plane;
		w = BaseWindingForPlane (&faceplane);

		//VectorNegate( faceplane.normal, point );
		for (j = 0;j < numbrushfaces && w;j++)
			clipplane = faces[j].plane;
			if( j == i/* || VectorCompare( clipplane.normal, point )*/ )

			// flip the plane, because we want to keep the back side
			VectorNegate(clipplane.normal, clipplane.normal);
			clipplane.dist *= -1;

			w = ClipWindingEpsilon (w, &clipplane, ON_EPSILON, true);

		if (!w)
			//printf("----- skipped plane -----\n");
			continue;	// overcontrained plane

		// this face is a keeper
		f = AllocFace ();
		f->winding = w;

		for (j = 0;j < w->numpoints;j++)
			for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
				point[k] = w->points[j][k] - offset[k];
				r = Q_rint( point[k] );
				if ( fabs( point[k] - r ) < ZERO_EPSILON)
					w->points[j][k] = r;
					w->points[j][k] = point[k];

				// check for incomplete brushes
				if( w->points[j][k] >= BOGUS_RANGE || w->points[j][k] <= -BOGUS_RANGE )

			// remove this brush
			if (k < 3)
				FreeFace (f);
				for (f = brush_faces; f; f = next)
					next = f->next;
					FreeFace (f);
				brush_faces = NULL;
				//printf("----- skipped brush -----\n");

			AddPointToBounds( w->points[j], brush_mins, brush_maxs );

		CheckWinding( w );

		faceplane.dist -= DotProduct(faceplane.normal, offset);
		f->texturenum = mf->texinfo;
		f->planenum = FindPlane (&faceplane, &f->planeside);
		f->next = brush_faces;
		brush_faces = f;

	// Rotatable objects have to have a bounding box big enough
	// to account for all its rotations.
	if (DotProduct(offset, offset))
		vec_t delta;

		delta = RadiusFromBounds( brush_mins, brush_maxs );

		for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
			brush_mins[k] = -delta;
			brush_maxs[k] = delta;

	//printf("%i : %f %f %f : %f %f %f\n", numbrushfaces, brush_mins[0], brush_mins[1], brush_mins[2], brush_maxs[0], brush_maxs[1], brush_maxs[2]);
Пример #16
Файл: brush.c Проект: kellyrm/Q1
void CreateBrushFaces (void)
	int	  i, j, k;
	vec3_t    offset, point;
	vec_t	  r, max, min;
	face_t	  *f;
	winding_t *w;
	plane_t	  plane;
	mface_t	  *mf;
	qboolean  IsRotate;

	offset[0] = offset[1] = offset[2] = 0;
	min = brush_mins[0] = brush_mins[1] = brush_mins[2] = 99999;
	max = brush_maxs[0] = brush_maxs[1] = brush_maxs[2] = -99999;

	// Hipnotic rotation
	IsRotate = !strncmp(ValueForKey(CurrEnt, "classname"), "rotate_", 7);

	if (IsRotate)
		FixRotateOrigin(CurrEnt, offset);

	brush_faces = NULL;

	for (i=0 ; i<numbrushfaces ; i++)
		mf = &faces[i];

		w = BaseWindingForPlane (&mf->plane);

		for (j=0 ; j<numbrushfaces && w ; j++)
			if (j == i)
		// flip the plane, because we want to keep the back side
			VectorSubtract (vec3_origin,faces[j].plane.normal, plane.normal);
			plane.dist = -faces[j].plane.dist;

			w = ClipWinding (w, &plane, false);

		if (!w)
			continue;	// overcontrained plane

	// this face is a keeper
		f = AllocFace ();
		ResizeFace (f, w->numpoints);
		if (f->numpoints > MAXEDGES)
			Message (MSGERR, "f->numpoints (%d) > MAXEDGES (%d)", f->numpoints, MAXEDGES);

		for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++)
			for (k=0 ; k<3 ; k++)
				point[k] = w->points[j][k] - offset[k];
				r = Q_rint(point[k]);
				if (fabs(point[k] - r) < ZERO_EPSILON)
					f->pts[j][k] = r;
					f->pts[j][k] = point[k];

				if (f->pts[j][k] < brush_mins[k])
					brush_mins[k] = f->pts[j][k];
				if (f->pts[j][k] > brush_maxs[k])
					brush_maxs[k] = f->pts[j][k];

				if (IsRotate)
					if (f->pts[j][k] < min)
						min = f->pts[j][k];
					if (f->pts[j][k] > max)
						max = f->pts[j][k];

		if (!IsRotate)
			plane = mf->plane;
			VectorCopy(mf->plane.normal, plane.normal);
			VectorScale(mf->plane.normal, mf->plane.dist, point);
			VectorSubtract(point, offset, point);
			plane.dist = DotProduct(plane.normal, point);

		FreeWinding (w);
		f->texturenum = hullnum ? 0 : mf->texinfo;
		f->planenum = FindPlane (&plane, &f->planeside);
		f->next = brush_faces;
		brush_faces = f;
		CheckFace (f);

	// Rotatable objects must have a bounding box big enough to
	// account for all its rotations
	if (IsRotate)
		vec_t delta;

		delta = fabs(max);
		if (fabs(min) > delta)
			delta = fabs(min);

		for (k=0; k<3; k++)
			brush_mins[k] = -delta;
			brush_maxs[k] = delta;