Пример #1
void DefBillb(int i, unsigned int glyph)
#if 0
	//BillboardT t;
	int i = NewBillbT();
	if(i < 0)
		return -1;

	BillboardT* t = &g_billbT[i];
	t->on = true;

#if 0
	char rawtex[64];
	StripPathExtension(tex, rawtex);
	strcpy(t->name, rawtex);
	char texpath[128];
	sprintf(texpath, "billboards/%s", rawtex);
	//CreateTexture(t.tex, texpath);
	QueueTexture(&t->tex, texpath, true, true);
#elif 0
	QueueTexture(&t->tex, tex, true, true);
	t->glyph = glyph;
	//return g_billbT.size() - 1;
	//return i;
Пример #2
bool Quake3BSP_GL::LoadBSP(const char *strFileName)
	FILE *fp = NULL;
	int i = 0;
	// Check if the .bsp file could be opened
	if(fopen_s(&fp, strFileName, "rb") != NULL){
		// Failed to open the file, return false.
		return false;

	// Initialize the header and lump structures
	BSPHeader header = {0};
	BSPLump lumps[MAX_LUMPS] = {0};

	// Read header data
	fread(&header, 1, sizeof(BSPHeader), fp);
	fread(&lumps, MAX_LUMPS, sizeof(BSPLump), fp);

	// Once this is done, we know the sizes we need to allocate for all the data
	// since that was in the header

	m_numOfVerts = lumps[VERTICES_LUMP].length / sizeof(BSPVertex);
	m_pVerts     = new BSPVertex [m_numOfVerts];
	m_vertexData = new VertV3FUV0UV1[ m_numOfVerts ];

	m_numOfFaces = lumps[FACES_LUMP].length / sizeof(BSPFace);
	m_pFaces     = new BSPFace [m_numOfFaces];

	m_numOfIndices = lumps[INDICES_LUMP].length / sizeof(int);
	m_pIndices     = new int [m_numOfIndices];
	m_indices      = new short unsigned int [m_numOfIndices];

	m_numOfTextures = lumps[TEXTURE_LUMP].length / sizeof(BSPTexture);
	m_pTextures = new BSPTexture [m_numOfTextures];

	// Now we allocate the buffer for lightmap data and read it in.
	m_numOfLightmaps = lumps[LIGHTMAPS_LUMP].length / sizeof(BSPLightmap);
	m_pLightmaps = new BSPLightmap [m_numOfLightmaps ];

	// Now that we have allocated enough space for the lightmap
	// data, let's read it in and build the lightmap textures
	// later on.
	fseek(fp, lumps[LIGHTMAPS_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);

	unsigned int h=0;
	for(i = 0; i < m_numOfLightmaps ; i++){
		fread(&m_pLightmaps[i], 1, sizeof(BSPLightmap), fp);
		// Since we are just reading the data, lets adjust the gamma now.
		// So we don't have to worry about it later.
		// We are going to factor it with a gamma of +10.
		AdjustGamma((unsigned char *)m_pLightmaps[i].imageBits, 128*128*3,10);
		// Build the lightmap data into a texture
		BuildTextureDataFromImageBits((unsigned char *)m_pLightmaps[i].imageBits,128,128);

	// Move to the vertex data in the file
	fseek(fp, lumps[VERTICES_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);

	// Going to go through the verticies and flip them to Z axis forward, and Y axis up
	// Like the model loader, it's flipped from how our renderer expects it.
	for(i = 0; i < m_numOfVerts; i++){
		fread(&m_pVerts[i], 1, sizeof(BSPVertex), fp);
		float tempY = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.y;
		m_pVerts[i].vPosition.y = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.z;
		m_pVerts[i].vPosition.z = -tempY;

		m_vertexData[i].x = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.x;
		m_vertexData[i].y = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.y;
		m_vertexData[i].z = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.z;

		m_vertexData[i].u0 = m_pVerts[i].vTextureCoord.x;
		m_vertexData[i].v0 = 1.0f - m_pVerts[i].vTextureCoord.y;
		m_vertexData[i].u1 = m_pVerts[i].vLightmapCoord.x;
		m_vertexData[i].v1 = m_pVerts[i].vLightmapCoord.y;


	// Now go to where the indices are, read that data in,
	// Then go to the face data and read it in as well.
	fseek(fp, lumps[INDICES_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(m_pIndices, m_numOfIndices, sizeof(int), fp);

	for(int j=0; j<m_numOfIndices; ++j){
		m_indices[j] = m_pIndices[j];

	fseek(fp, lumps[FACES_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(m_pFaces, m_numOfFaces, sizeof(BSPFace), fp);

	// Lastly, lets get the texture info so that we can add the filename extension to it
	// since that is not stored within the Quake3BSP file format.  So we'll need to do some
	// checking to see what extension it is, even though chances are it's .jpg.
	fseek(fp, lumps[TEXTURE_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(m_pTextures, m_numOfTextures, sizeof(BSPTexture), fp);

	// Append on the extension name
	unsigned int k=0;
	for(i = 0; i < m_numOfTextures; i++){
		if(strstr(m_pTextures[i].strName,".")) {
			// This means the texture has an extension, so it is not a shader component
			// or some other non texture file format, so lets load it up.
			GLuint textureID=0;
			textureID = Renderer::GetInstance().InitializeTexture(m_pTextures[i].strName);
		} else {
			// Just pick some large number we can check to mean this face has no texture.
	// Now to deal with BSP data.  There is alot to read in and store.

	// First allocate space for the node data, then read it in.
	m_numOfNodes = lumps[BSP_NODE_LUMP].length / sizeof(BSPNode);
	m_pNodes     = new BSPNode [m_numOfNodes];

	fseek(fp, lumps[BSP_NODE_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(m_pNodes, m_numOfNodes, sizeof(BSPNode), fp);

	// Next, allocate space for leaf data and read it in.
	m_numOfLeafs = lumps[LEAF_LUMP].length / sizeof(BSPLeaf);
	m_pLeafs     = new BSPLeaf [m_numOfLeafs];

	fseek(fp, lumps[LEAF_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(m_pLeafs, m_numOfLeafs, sizeof(BSPLeaf), fp);

	// Need to change the data in the leaf to reflect our axis, which is
	// Y axis up instead of Z as it is in the Quake3 bsp level data.
	for(i = 0; i < m_numOfLeafs; i++){
		int oldY = m_pLeafs[i].min.y;
		m_pLeafs[i].min.y = m_pLeafs[i].min.z;
		m_pLeafs[i].min.z = -oldY;

		oldY = m_pLeafs[i].max.y;
		m_pLeafs[i].max.y = m_pLeafs[i].max.z;
		m_pLeafs[i].max.z = -oldY;

	// Now allocate space for leaf face data then read it in.
	m_numOfLeafFaces = lumps[LEAF_INDICE_FACE_LUMP].length / sizeof(int);
	m_pLeafFaces     = new int [m_numOfLeafFaces];

	fseek(fp, lumps[LEAF_INDICE_FACE_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(m_pLeafFaces, m_numOfLeafFaces, sizeof(int), fp);

	// Also allocate space for splitter plan data and read it in.
	m_numOfPlanes = lumps[SPLITTING_PLANE_LUMP].length / sizeof(BSPPlane);
	m_pPlanes     = new BSPPlane [m_numOfPlanes];

	fseek(fp, lumps[SPLITTING_PLANE_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(m_pPlanes, m_numOfPlanes, sizeof(BSPPlane), fp);

	// Again need to format the normals in the plane to reflect our
	// axis change of Y being the up axis
	for(i = 0; i < m_numOfPlanes; i++){
		float oldY = m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.y;
		m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.y = m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.z;
		m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.z = -oldY;

	// Lastly we want to get our visibility data.  There may or may not be
	// visibility data, so we scan to the place in the file it should be
	// then check our length, if we have nothing there, then we'll
	// just set our clusters to null and be done with it.
	fseek(fp, lumps[PVS_VIS_LUMP].offset, SEEK_SET);

		// There is valid vis data.  So first read in the number of clusters
		// Then we'll allocate enough space for all the clusters and
		// lastly read all the vis data in as bitsets for each cluster.
		fread(&(m_clusters.numOfClusters),	 1, sizeof(int), fp);
		fread(&(m_clusters.bytesPerCluster), 1, sizeof(int), fp);

		int size = m_clusters.numOfClusters * m_clusters.bytesPerCluster;
		m_clusters.pBitsets = new byte [size];

		fread(m_clusters.pBitsets, 1, sizeof(byte) * size, fp);
	} else {
		m_clusters.pBitsets = NULL;

	// All done, close up and return

	return true;
Пример #3
bool CQuake3BSP::LoadBSP(const char *strFileName)
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    int i = 0;

    // Check if the .bsp file could be opened
    if((fp = fopen(strFileName, "rb")) == NULL)
        // Display an error message and quit if the file can't be found.
        MessageBox(g_hWnd, "Could not find BSP file!", "Error", MB_OK);
        return false;

    // Initialize the header and lump structures
    tBSPHeader header = {0};
    tBSPLump lumps[kMaxLumps] = {0};

    // Read in the header and lump data
    fread(&header, 1, sizeof(tBSPHeader), fp);
    fread(&lumps, kMaxLumps, sizeof(tBSPLump), fp);

    // Now we know all the information about our file.  We can
    // then allocate the needed memory for our member variables.

    // Allocate the vertex memory
    m_numOfVerts = lumps[kVertices].length / sizeof(tBSPVertex);
    m_pVerts     = new tBSPVertex [m_numOfVerts];

    // Allocate the face memory
    m_numOfFaces = lumps[kFaces].length / sizeof(tBSPFace);
    m_pFaces     = new tBSPFace [m_numOfFaces];

    // Allocate the index memory
    m_numOfIndices = lumps[kIndices].length / sizeof(int);
    m_pIndices     = new int [m_numOfIndices];

    // Allocate memory to read in the texture information.
    m_numOfTextures = lumps[kTextures].length / sizeof(tBSPTexture);
    m_pTextures = new tBSPTexture [m_numOfTextures];

    // Allocate memory to read in the lightmap data.
    m_numOfLightmaps = lumps[kLightmaps].length / sizeof(tBSPLightmap);
    tBSPLightmap *pLightmaps = new tBSPLightmap [m_numOfLightmaps ];

    // Seek to the position in the file that stores the vertex information
    fseek(fp, lumps[kVertices].offset, SEEK_SET);

    // Go through all of the vertices that need to be read and swap axis's
    for(i = 0; i < m_numOfVerts; i++)
        // Read in the current vertex
        fread(&m_pVerts[i], 1, sizeof(tBSPVertex), fp);

        // Swap the y and z values, and negate the new z so Y is up.
        float temp = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.y;
        m_pVerts[i].vPosition.y = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.z;
        m_pVerts[i].vPosition.z = -temp;

    // Seek to the position in the file that stores the index information
    fseek(fp, lumps[kIndices].offset, SEEK_SET);

    // Read in all the index information
    fread(m_pIndices, m_numOfIndices, sizeof(int), fp);

    // Seek to the position in the file that stores the face information
    fseek(fp, lumps[kFaces].offset, SEEK_SET);

    // Read in all the face information
    fread(m_pFaces, m_numOfFaces, sizeof(tBSPFace), fp);

    // Seek to the position in the file that stores the texture information
    fseek(fp, lumps[kTextures].offset, SEEK_SET);

    // Read in all the texture information
    fread(m_pTextures, m_numOfTextures, sizeof(tBSPTexture), fp);

    // Go through all of the textures
    for(i = 0; i < m_numOfTextures; i++)
        // Find the extension if any and append it to the file name

        // Create a texture from the image
        CreateTexture(m_textures[i], m_pTextures[i].strName);

    // Seek to the position in the file that stores the lightmap information
    fseek(fp, lumps[kLightmaps].offset, SEEK_SET);

    // Go through all of the lightmaps and read them in
    for(i = 0; i < m_numOfLightmaps ; i++)
        // Read in the RGB data for each lightmap
        fread(&pLightmaps[i], 1, sizeof(tBSPLightmap), fp);

        // Create a texture map for each lightmap that is read in.  The lightmaps
        // are always 128 by 128.
                              (unsigned char *)pLightmaps[i].imageBits, 128, 128);

    // Delete the image bits because we are already done with them
    delete [] pLightmaps;

    // Store the number of nodes and allocate the memory to hold them
    m_numOfNodes = lumps[kNodes].length / sizeof(tBSPNode);
    m_pNodes     = new tBSPNode [m_numOfNodes];

    // Seek to the position in the file that hold the nodes and store them in m_pNodes
    fseek(fp, lumps[kNodes].offset, SEEK_SET);
    fread(m_pNodes, m_numOfNodes, sizeof(tBSPNode), fp);

    // Store the number of leafs and allocate the memory to hold them
    m_numOfLeafs = lumps[kLeafs].length / sizeof(tBSPLeaf);
    m_pLeafs     = new tBSPLeaf [m_numOfLeafs];

    // Seek to the position in the file that holds the leafs and store them in m_pLeafs
    fseek(fp, lumps[kLeafs].offset, SEEK_SET);
    fread(m_pLeafs, m_numOfLeafs, sizeof(tBSPLeaf), fp);

    // Now we need to go through and convert all the leaf bounding boxes
    // to the normal OpenGL Y up axis.
    for(i = 0; i < m_numOfLeafs; i++)
        // Swap the min y and z values, then negate the new Z
        int temp = m_pLeafs[i].min.y;
        m_pLeafs[i].min.y = m_pLeafs[i].min.z;
        m_pLeafs[i].min.z = -temp;

        // Swap the max y and z values, then negate the new Z
        temp = m_pLeafs[i].max.y;
        m_pLeafs[i].max.y = m_pLeafs[i].max.z;
        m_pLeafs[i].max.z = -temp;

    // Store the number of leaf faces and allocate the memory for them
    m_numOfLeafFaces = lumps[kLeafFaces].length / sizeof(int);
    m_pLeafFaces     = new int [m_numOfLeafFaces];

    // Seek to the leaf faces lump, then read it's data
    fseek(fp, lumps[kLeafFaces].offset, SEEK_SET);
    fread(m_pLeafFaces, m_numOfLeafFaces, sizeof(int), fp);

    // Store the number of planes, then allocate memory to hold them
    m_numOfPlanes = lumps[kPlanes].length / sizeof(tBSPPlane);
    m_pPlanes     = new tBSPPlane [m_numOfPlanes];

    // Seek to the planes lump in the file, then read them into m_pPlanes
    fseek(fp, lumps[kPlanes].offset, SEEK_SET);
    fread(m_pPlanes, m_numOfPlanes, sizeof(tBSPPlane), fp);

    // Go through every plane and convert it's normal to the Y-axis being up
    for(i = 0; i < m_numOfPlanes; i++)
        float temp = m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.y;
        m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.y = m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.z;
        m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.z = -temp;

    // Seek to the position in the file that holds the visibility lump
    fseek(fp, lumps[kVisData].offset, SEEK_SET);

    // Check if there is any visibility information first
        // Read in the number of vectors and each vector's size
        fread(&(m_clusters.numOfClusters),	 1, sizeof(int), fp);
        fread(&(m_clusters.bytesPerCluster), 1, sizeof(int), fp);

        // Allocate the memory for the cluster bitsets
        int size = m_clusters.numOfClusters * m_clusters.bytesPerCluster;
        m_clusters.pBitsets = new byte [size];

        // Read in the all the visibility bitsets for each cluster
        fread(m_clusters.pBitsets, 1, sizeof(byte) * size, fp);
    // Otherwise, we don't have any visibility data (prevents a crash)
        m_clusters.pBitsets = NULL;

    // Like we do for other data, we read get the size of brushes and allocate memory
    m_numOfBrushes = lumps[kBrushes].length / sizeof(int);
    m_pBrushes     = new tBSPBrush [m_numOfBrushes];

    // Here we read in the brush information from the BSP file
    fseek(fp, lumps[kBrushes].offset, SEEK_SET);
    fread(m_pBrushes, m_numOfBrushes, sizeof(tBSPBrush), fp);

    // Get the size of brush sides, then allocate memory for it
    m_numOfBrushSides = lumps[kBrushSides].length / sizeof(int);
    m_pBrushSides     = new tBSPBrushSide [m_numOfBrushSides];

    // Read in the brush sides data
    fseek(fp, lumps[kBrushSides].offset, SEEK_SET);
    fread(m_pBrushSides, m_numOfBrushSides, sizeof(tBSPBrushSide), fp);

    // Read in the number of leaf brushes and allocate memory for it
    m_numOfLeafBrushes = lumps[kLeafBrushes].length / sizeof(int);
    m_pLeafBrushes     = new int [m_numOfLeafBrushes];

    // Finally, read in the leaf brushes for traversing the bsp tree with brushes
    fseek(fp, lumps[kLeafBrushes].offset, SEEK_SET);
    fread(m_pLeafBrushes, m_numOfLeafBrushes, sizeof(int), fp);

    // Close the file

    // Here we allocate enough bits to store all the faces for our bitset

    // Return a success
    return true;