std::string FileSystem::LocateDir(std::string _dir, int flags) const { if (!CheckFile(_dir)) { return ""; } // if it's an absolute path, don't look for it in the data directories if (FileSystemHandler::IsAbsolutePath(_dir)) { return _dir; } std::string dir = _dir; FixSlashes(dir); if (flags & WRITE) { std::string writeableDir = fs.GetWriteDir() + dir; FixSlashes(writeableDir); if (flags & CREATE_DIRS) { CreateDirectory(writeableDir); } return writeableDir; } else { const std::vector<std::string>& datadirs = fs.GetDataDirectories(); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dd; for (dd = datadirs.begin(); dd != datadirs.end(); ++dd) { std::string dirPath((*dd) + dir); if (fs.DirExists(dirPath)) { return dirPath; } } return dir; } }
bool FileSystem::Remove(std::string file) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) return false; FixSlashes(file); return fs.remove(file); }
hsFileStream* FindFilePath(plString path, plString base) { if (path.empty()) return NULL; // Scan first from the provided path: hsFileStream* S = NULL; path = FixSlashes(path); if (hsFileStream::FileExists(base + path)) { S = new hsFileStream(); S->open(base + path, fmRead); return S; } // If that fails, scan the parent, so we can loop around and find // files with explicit locations (sfx/ and dat/ prefixes) base = cdUp(base); if (hsFileStream::FileExists(base + path)) { S = new hsFileStream(); S->open(base + path, fmRead); return S; } // Otherwise, we can't find the referenced file return NULL; }
FILE* FileSystem::fopen(std::string file, const char* mode) const { if (!CheckFile(file) || !CheckMode(mode)) return NULL; FixSlashes(file); return fs.fopen(file, mode); }
/** * @brief remove a file * * Operates on the current working directory. */ bool FileSystem::Remove(std::string file) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) return false; FixSlashes(file); return ::remove(file.c_str()) == 0; }
size_t FileSystem::GetFilesize(std::string file) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) return 0; FixSlashes(file); return fs.GetFilesize(file); }
std::ofstream* FileSystem::ofstream(std::string file, std::ios_base::openmode mode) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) return NULL; FixSlashes(file); return fs.ofstream(file, mode); }
bool FileSystem::CreateDirectory(std::string dir) const { if (!CheckFile(dir)) return false; FixSlashes(dir); return fs.mkdir(dir); }
std::vector<std::string> FileSystem::GetNativeFilenames(std::string file, bool write) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) return std::vector<std::string>(); FixSlashes(file); return fs.GetNativeFilenames(file, write); }
FILE *STEAM_fopen(const char *filename, const char *options) { TSteamError steamError; char wadName[_MAX_PATH]; SteamHandle_t hndl; strcpy(wadName,filename); FixSlashes(wadName); #if 0 strlwr(wadName); if ( strstr(wadName, "client.dll") ) hndl = STEAM_INVALID_HANDLE; // convenient breakpoint spot... #endif if ( STEAMtrackingProgress ) { DoEventTic(FALSE); } hndl = SteamOpenFile(wadName, options, &steamError); CheckError((FILE *)hndl, &steamError); return (FILE *)hndl; }
plString GetInternalName(const plString& filename) { // Different files are stored in different locations; this function // will try to guess where to put things based on the file's extension. // This is all based on the contents of .sum files included with the // games that I examined for this. plString split = s_oldFormat ? "/" : "\\"; plString name = FixSlashes(filename).afterLast(PATHSEP); plString ext = name.afterLast('.'); if (s_oldFormat && ext == "prp") return name; if (ext == "ogg" || ext == "wav") return plString("sfx") + split + name; if (ext == "exe" || ext == "dll" || ext == "map" || ext == "pdb") return name; if (ext == "sdl") return plString("SDL") + split + name; if (ext == "pak") return plString("Python") + split + name; if (ext == "fx") return plString("fx") + split + name; // dat is the default, since so many file types go there... // To name a few, // prp, age, fni, csv, sub, node, pfp, dat, tron, hex, tga, loc return plString("dat") + split + name; }
/** * @brief get filesize * * @return the filesize or 0 if the file doesn't exist. */ size_t FileSystem::GetFileSize(std::string file) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) { return 0; } FixSlashes(file); return FileSystemHandler::GetFileSize(file); }
/** * @brief remove a file * * Operates on the current working directory. */ bool FileSystem::Remove(std::string file) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) { return false; } FixSlashes(file); return FileSystemHandler::DeleteFile(file); }
std::string FixPath(const std::string& s) { if(s.empty()) return s; const char *p = s.c_str(); while(p[0] == '.' && (p[1] == '/' || p[1] == '\\')) p += 2; if(!*p) return ""; char end = s[s.length() - 1]; if(end == '/' || end == '\\') { std::string r(p); r.erase(r.length() - 1); // strip trailing '/' return FixSlashes(r); } return FixSlashes(p); }
/** * @brief get filesize * * @return the filesize or 0 if the file doesn't exist. */ size_t FileSystem::GetFilesize(std::string file) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) return 0; FixSlashes(file); struct stat info; if (stat(file.c_str(), &info) != 0) return 0; return info.st_size; }
HANDLE STEAM_FindFirstFile(char *pszMatchName, STEAMFindFilter filter, WIN32_FIND_DATA *findInfo) { TSteamElemInfo steamFindInfo; HANDLE hResult = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SteamHandle_t steamResult; char tmpMatchName[_MAX_PATH]; TSteamError steamError; if ( STEAMtrackingProgress ) { DoEventTic(FALSE); } strcpy(tmpMatchName, pszMatchName); FixSlashes(tmpMatchName); steamResult = SteamFindFirst(tmpMatchName, (ESteamFindFilter)filter, &steamFindInfo, &steamError); CheckError(NULL, &steamError); if ( steamResult == STEAM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { hResult = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { hResult = (HANDLE)steamResult; strcpy(findInfo->cFileName, steamFindInfo.cszName); // NEED TO DEAL WITH THIS STUFF!!! FORTUNATELY HALF-LIFE DOESN'T USE ANY OF IT // AND ARCANUM USES _findfirst() etc. // // findInfo->ftLastWriteTime = steamFindInfo.lLastModificationTime; // findInfo->ftCreationTime = steamFindInfo.lCreationTime; // findInfo->ftLastAccessTime = steamFindInfo.lLastAccessTime; // findInfo->nFileSizeHigh = ; // findInfo->nFileSizeLow = ; // Determine if the found object is a directory... if ( steamFindInfo.bIsDir ) findInfo->dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; else findInfo->dwFileAttributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; // Determine if the found object was local or remote. // ***NOTE*** we are hijacking the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE bit and using it in a different // (but similar) manner than the WIN32 documentation indicates ***NOTE*** if ( steamFindInfo.bIsLocal ) findInfo->dwFileAttributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE; else findInfo->dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE; } return hResult; }
std::string GetFileDirectory(const char *source) { std::string r = source; FixSlashes(r); const std::size_t pos = r.rfind(GetDirectorySlashA()); if (pos != std::string::npos) { r = r.substr(0, pos + 1); } return r; }
std::string GetFileName(const std::string& source) { std::string r = source; FixSlashes(r); const std::size_t pos = r.rfind(GetDirectorySlashA()); if (pos != std::string::npos) { r = r.substr(pos + 1, std::string::npos); } return r; }
std::vector<std::string> FileSystem::FindFiles(std::string dir, const std::string& pattern, bool recurse, bool include_dirs) const { if (!CheckFile(dir)) return std::vector<std::string>(); if (dir.empty()) dir = "./"; if (dir[dir.length() - 1] != '/' && dir[dir.length() - 1] != '\\') dir += '/'; FixSlashes(dir); return fs.FindFiles(dir, pattern, recurse, include_dirs); }
/** * @brief locate a file * * Attempts to locate a file. * * If the FileSystem::WRITE flag is set, it just returns the argument * (assuming the file should come in the current working directory). * If FileSystem::CREATE_DIRS is set it tries to create the subdirectory * the file should live in. * * Otherwise (if flags == 0), it dispatches the call to * FileSystemHandler::LocateFile(), which either searches for it in multiple * data directories (UNIX) or just returns the argument (Windows). */ std::string FileSystem::LocateFile(std::string file, int flags) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) return ""; FixSlashes(file); if (flags & WRITE) { if (flags & CREATE_DIRS) CreateDirectory(GetDirectory(file)); return file; } return fs.LocateFile(file); }
std::string FileSystem::LocateFile(std::string file, int flags) const { if (!CheckFile(file)) { return ""; } // if it's an absolute path, don't look for it in the data directories if (FileSystemHandler::IsAbsolutePath(file)) { return file; } FixSlashes(file); if (flags & WRITE) { std::string writeableFile = fs.GetWriteDir() + file; FixSlashes(writeableFile); if (flags & CREATE_DIRS) { CreateDirectory(GetDirectory(writeableFile)); } return writeableFile; } return fs.LocateFile(file); }
std::string AddLastSlash(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { return ""; } std::string r = path; FixSlashes(r); const std::size_t lastChar = r.size() - 1; if ( != GetDirectorySlashA()) { r.resize(lastChar + 2); r[lastChar + 1] = GetDirectorySlashA(); } return r; }
/* =================================== STEAM_GetLocalCopy Get a local copy of a remote file so that future accesses to this file do not go out to the server. =================================== */ void STEAM_GetLocalCopy( const char *fileName ) { char tmpFileName[_MAX_PATH]; TSteamError steamError; if ( STEAMtrackingProgress ) { DoEventTic(TRUE); } strcpy(tmpFileName, fileName); FixSlashes(tmpFileName); SteamGetLocalFileCopy(tmpFileName, &steamError); CheckError(NULL, &steamError); }
int STEAM_stat(const char *path, struct _stat *buf) { TSteamElemInfo Info; int returnVal; struct _stat tmpBuf; TSteamError steamError; char tmpPath[_MAX_PATH]; if ( STEAMtrackingProgress ) { DoEventTic(FALSE); } strcpy(tmpPath, path); FixSlashes(tmpPath); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct _stat)); returnVal= SteamStat(tmpPath, &Info, &steamError); if ( returnVal == 0 ) { if (Info.bIsDir ) { buf->st_mode |= _S_IFDIR; buf->st_size = 0; } else { buf->st_mode |= _S_IFREG; buf->st_size = Info.uSizeOrCount; } buf->st_atime = Info.lLastAccessTime; buf->st_mtime = Info.lLastModificationTime; buf->st_ctime = Info.lCreationTime; _stat(path, &tmpBuf); } CheckError(NULL, &steamError); return returnVal; }
long STEAM_findfirst(char *pszMatchName, STEAMFindFilter filter, struct _finddata_t *fileinfo ) { TSteamElemInfo steamFindInfo; long hResult = -1; SteamHandle_t steamResult; char tmpMatchName[_MAX_PATH]; TSteamError steamError; if ( STEAMtrackingProgress ) { DoEventTic(FALSE); } strcpy(tmpMatchName, pszMatchName); FixSlashes(tmpMatchName); steamResult = SteamFindFirst(tmpMatchName, (ESteamFindFilter)filter, &steamFindInfo, &steamError); CheckError(NULL, &steamError); if ( steamResult == STEAM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { hResult = -1; } else { hResult = (long)steamResult; strcpy(fileinfo->name, steamFindInfo.cszName); fileinfo->size = steamFindInfo.uSizeOrCount; fileinfo->time_access = steamFindInfo.lLastAccessTime; fileinfo->time_create = steamFindInfo.lCreationTime; fileinfo->time_write = steamFindInfo.lLastModificationTime; // Determine if the found object is a directory... if ( steamFindInfo.bIsDir ) fileinfo->attrib = _A_SUBDIR; else fileinfo->attrib = _A_NORMAL; // ??? Is there anything we can do with bIsLocal? } return hResult; }
/* =================================== STEAM_FileIsAvailLocal Determine if the file is available locally. =================================== */ int STEAM_FileIsAvailLocal( const char *file ) { char tmpFileName[_MAX_PATH]; TSteamError steamError; int result; if ( STEAMtrackingProgress ) { DoEventTic(TRUE); } strcpy(tmpFileName, file); FixSlashes(tmpFileName); result = SteamIsFileImmediatelyAvailable(tmpFileName, &steamError); CheckError(NULL, &steamError); return result; }
std::vector<std::string> FileSystem::LocateDirs(const std::string& _dir) const { std::vector<std::string> found; if (!CheckFile(_dir) || FileSystemHandler::IsAbsolutePath(_dir)) { return found; } std::string dir = _dir; FixSlashes(dir); const std::vector<std::string>& datadirs = fs.GetDataDirectories(); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dd; for (dd = datadirs.begin(); dd != datadirs.end(); ++dd) { std::string dirPath((*dd) + dir); if (fs.DirExists(dirPath)) { found.push_back(dirPath); } } return found; }
/** * @brief find files * * Compiles a std::vector of all files below dir that match pattern. * * If FileSystem::RECURSE flag is set it recurses into subdirectories. * If FileSystem::INCLUDE_DIRS flag is set it includes directories in the * result too, as long as they match the pattern. * * Note that pattern doesn't apply to the names of recursed directories, * it does apply to the files inside though. */ std::vector<std::string> FileSystem::FindFiles(std::string dir, const std::string& pattern, int flags) const { if (!CheckFile(dir)) { return std::vector<std::string>(); } if (dir.empty()) { dir = "./"; } else { const char lastChar = dir[dir.length() - 1]; if ((lastChar != '/') && (lastChar != '\\')) { dir += '/'; } } FixSlashes(dir); if (flags & ONLY_DIRS) { flags |= INCLUDE_DIRS; } return fs.FindFiles(dir, pattern, flags); }
gs2d::str_type::string AddLastSlash(const gs2d::str_type::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { return GS_L(""); } gs2d::str_type::string r = (path); FixSlashes(r); const std::size_t lastChar = r.size()-1; if ( == GS_L('\\')) { r[lastChar] = GS_L('/'); return r; } else if ( != GS_L('/')) { return r + GS_L("/"); } else { return r; } }
std::string AddLastSlash(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { return ""; } std::string r = (path); FixSlashes(r); const std::size_t lastChar = r.size()-1; if ( == '/') { r[lastChar] = '\\'; return r; } else if ( != '\\') { return r + "\\"; } else { return r; } }