void Sweep::FlipScanEdgeEvent(SweepContext& tcx, Point& ep, Point& eq, Triangle& flip_triangle, Triangle& t, Point& p) { Triangle& ot = t.NeighborAcross(p); Point& op = *ot.OppositePoint(t, p); if (&t.NeighborAcross(p) == NULL) { // If we want to integrate the fillEdgeEvent do it here // With current implementation we should never get here //throw new RuntimeException( "[BUG:FIXME] FLIP failed due to missing triangle"); assert(0); } if (InScanArea(eq, *flip_triangle.PointCCW(eq), *flip_triangle.PointCW(eq), op)) { // flip with new edge op->eq FlipEdgeEvent(tcx, eq, op, &ot, op); // TODO: Actually I just figured out that it should be possible to // improve this by getting the next ot and op before the the above // flip and continue the flipScanEdgeEvent here // set new ot and op here and loop back to inScanArea test // also need to set a new flip_triangle first // Turns out at first glance that this is somewhat complicated // so it will have to wait. } else{ Point& newP = NextFlipPoint(ep, eq, ot, op); FlipScanEdgeEvent(tcx, ep, eq, flip_triangle, ot, newP); } }
void Sweep::EdgeEvent(SweepContext& tcx, Point& ep, Point& eq, Triangle* triangle, Point& point) { if (IsEdgeSideOfTriangle(*triangle, ep, eq)) { return; } Point* p1 = triangle->PointCCW(point); Orientation o1 = Orient2d(eq, *p1, ep); if (o1 == COLLINEAR) { // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p1)) { triangle->MarkConstrainedEdge(&eq, p1 ); // We are modifying the constraint maybe it would be better to // not change the given constraint and just keep a variable for the new constraint tcx.edge_event.constrained_edge->q = p1; triangle = &triangle->NeighborAcross(point); EdgeEvent( tcx, ep, *p1, triangle, *p1 ); } else { // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); } return; } Point* p2 = triangle->PointCW(point); Orientation o2 = Orient2d(eq, *p2, ep); if (o2 == COLLINEAR) { // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p2)) { triangle->MarkConstrainedEdge(&eq, p2 ); // We are modifying the constraint maybe it would be better to // not change the given constraint and just keep a variable for the new constraint tcx.edge_event.constrained_edge->q = p2; triangle = &triangle->NeighborAcross(point); EdgeEvent( tcx, ep, *p2, triangle, *p2 ); } else { // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); } return; } if (o1 == o2) { // Need to decide if we are rotating CW or CCW to get to a triangle // that will cross edge if (o1 == CW) { triangle = triangle->NeighborCCW(point); } else{ triangle = triangle->NeighborCW(point); } EdgeEvent(tcx, ep, eq, triangle, point); } else { // This triangle crosses constraint so lets flippin start! FlipEdgeEvent(tcx, ep, eq, triangle, point); } }
void Sweep::FlipEdgeEvent(SweepContext& tcx, Point& ep, Point& eq, Triangle* t, Point& p) { Triangle& ot = t->NeighborAcross(p); Point& op = *ot.OppositePoint(*t, p); if (&ot == NULL) { // If we want to integrate the fillEdgeEvent do it here // With current implementation we should never get here //throw new RuntimeException( "[BUG:FIXME] FLIP failed due to missing triangle"); assert(0); } if (InScanArea(p, *t->PointCCW(p), *t->PointCW(p), op)) { // Lets rotate shared edge one vertex CW RotateTrianglePair(*t, p, ot, op); tcx.MapTriangleToNodes(*t); tcx.MapTriangleToNodes(ot); if (p == eq && op == ep) { if (eq == *tcx.edge_event.constrained_edge->q && ep == *tcx.edge_event.constrained_edge->p) { t->MarkConstrainedEdge(&ep, &eq); ot.MarkConstrainedEdge(&ep, &eq); Legalize(tcx, *t); Legalize(tcx, ot); } else { // XXX: I think one of the triangles should be legalized here? } } else { Orientation o = Orient2d(eq, op, ep); t = &NextFlipTriangle(tcx, (int)o, *t, ot, p, op); FlipEdgeEvent(tcx, ep, eq, t, p); } } else { Point& newP = NextFlipPoint(ep, eq, ot, op); FlipScanEdgeEvent(tcx, ep, eq, *t, ot, newP); EdgeEvent(tcx, ep, eq, t, p); } }