/******************************************************************************* Desc: Copies a database, including roll-forward log files. *******************************************************************************/ FLMEXP RCODE FLMAPI FlmDbCopy( const char * pszSrcDbName, const char * pszSrcDataDir, const char * pszSrcRflDir, const char * pszDestDbName, const char * pszDestDataDir, const char * pszDestRflDir, STATUS_HOOK fnStatusCallback, void * UserData) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; FLMBYTE * pucLastCommittedLogHdr; HFDB hDb = HFDB_NULL; FDB * pDb; FLMBOOL bDbLocked = FALSE; FLMUINT uiDbVersion; // Make sure the destination database is closed if (RC_BAD( rc = FlmConfig( FLM_CLOSE_FILE, (void *)pszDestDbName, (void *)pszDestDataDir))) { goto Exit; } gv_FlmSysData.pFileHdlCache->closeUnusedFiles(); // Open the database so we can force a checkpoint. if (RC_BAD( rc = FlmDbOpen( pszSrcDbName, pszSrcDataDir, pszSrcRflDir, 0, NULL, &hDb))) { goto Exit; } pDb = (FDB *)hDb; // Need to lock the database, because we want to do a checkpoint // and then the copy immediately after without letting other // threads have the opportunity to get in and update the // database. if (RC_BAD( rc = FlmDbLock( hDb, FLM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, 0, FLM_NO_TIMEOUT))) { goto Exit; } bDbLocked = TRUE; // Force a checkpoint if (RC_BAD( rc = FlmDbCheckpoint( hDb, FLM_NO_TIMEOUT))) { goto Exit; } pucLastCommittedLogHdr = &pDb->pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr[ 0]; // Get the low and high RFL log file numbers from the log // header. uiDbVersion = pDb->pFile->FileHdr.uiVersionNum; // Once we get this far, we have exclusive access to the database // and we have forced a checkpoint. The database's contents are // guaranteed to be on disk at this point, and they will not // change. rc = flmCopyDb( uiDbVersion, pszSrcDbName, pszSrcDataDir, pszSrcRflDir, pszDestDbName, pszDestDataDir, pszDestRflDir, fnStatusCallback, UserData); Exit: // Unlock and close the database if (bDbLocked) { FlmDbUnlock( hDb); } if (hDb != HFDB_NULL) { (void)FlmDbClose( &hDb); (void)FlmConfig( FLM_CLOSE_FILE, (void *)pszSrcDbName, (void *)pszSrcDataDir); } return( rc); }
/******************************************************************** Desc: Loads the database with objects. *********************************************************************/ RCODE gigaLoadDatabase( void) { RCODE rc = NE_FLM_OK; FLMBOOL bTransActive = FALSE; FLMBOOL bCommitTrans = FALSE; FLMUINT uiObjsInTrans = 0; FLMUINT uiChar = 0; FLMUINT bSuspend = FALSE; FlmRecord * pNewRec = NULL; // Set cache size, if specified on command line. if( gv_uiCacheSize) { if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmSetHardMemoryLimit( 0, FALSE, 0, gv_uiCacheSize, 0))) { gigaOutputRcErr( "setting cache size", rc); goto Exit; } } // Set block cache percentage, if it is not default. if( gv_uiBlockCachePercentage != 50) { if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmConfig( FLM_BLOCK_CACHE_PERCENTAGE, (void *)gv_uiBlockCachePercentage, (void *)0))) { gigaOutputRcErr( "setting block cache percentage", rc); goto Exit; } } // Set the maximum and low dirty cache, if one was specified if( gv_uiMaxDirtyCache) { if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmConfig( FLM_MAX_DIRTY_CACHE, (void *)gv_uiMaxDirtyCache, (void *)gv_uiLowDirtyCache))) { gigaOutputRcErr( "setting maximum dirty cache", rc); goto Exit; } } // Set checkpoint interval, if one is specified. if( gv_uiCPInterval != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmConfig( FLM_MAX_CP_INTERVAL, (void *)gv_uiCPInterval, (void *)0))) { gigaOutputRcErr( "setting checkpoint interval", rc); goto Exit; } } // Enable/Disable direct I/O if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmConfig( FLM_DIRECT_IO_STATE, (void *)!gv_bDisableDirectIO, NULL))) { goto Exit; } // Create the database. (void)FlmDbRemove( gv_szDibName, gv_szDataDir, gv_szRflDir, TRUE); if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmDbCreate( gv_szDibName, gv_szDataDir, gv_szRflDir, NULL, gv_pszGigaDictionary, NULL, &gv_hDb))) { gigaOutputRcErr( "creating database", rc); goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmDbConfig( gv_hDb, FDB_RFL_FOOTPRINT_SIZE, (void *)(512 * 1024 * 1024), NULL))) { goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmDbConfig( gv_hDb, FDB_RBL_FOOTPRINT_SIZE, (void *)(512 * 1024 * 1024), NULL))) { goto Exit; } // Create the display gv_uiTotalLoaded = 0; gv_ui10SecTotal = 0; f_mutexLock( gv_hWindowMutex); FTXWinClear( gv_pWindow); f_mutexUnlock( gv_hWindowMutex); gigaOutputLabel( MAX_CACHE_ROW, "Maximum Cache Size (bytes)"); gigaOutputLabel( USED_CACHE_ROW, "Cache Used (bytes)"); gigaOutputLabel( ITEMS_CACHED_ROW, "Cache Used (items)"); gigaOutputLabel( DIRTY_CACHE_ROW, "Dirty Cache (bytes)"); gigaOutputLabel( LOG_CACHE_ROW, "Log Cache (bytes)"); gigaOutputLabel( FREE_CACHE_ROW, "Free Cache (bytes)"); gigaOutputLabel( CP_STATE_ROW, "Checkpoint State"); gigaUpdateMemInfo(); gigaOutputLabel( DB_NAME_ROW, "Database Name"); gigaOutputStr( DB_NAME_ROW, gv_szDibName); gigaOutputLabel( TOTAL_TO_LOAD_ROW, "Total To Load"); gigaOutputUINT( TOTAL_TO_LOAD_ROW, gv_uiTotalToLoad); gigaOutputLabel( TRANS_SIZE_ROW, "Transaction Size"); gigaOutputUINT( TRANS_SIZE_ROW, gv_uiTransSize); gigaOutputLabel( TOTAL_LOADED_ROW, "Total Loaded"); gigaOutputUINT( TOTAL_LOADED_ROW, gv_uiTotalLoaded); gigaOutputLabel( ADDS_PER_SEC_CURRENT, "Adds/Sec. (10 secs)"); gigaOutputUINT( ADDS_PER_SEC_CURRENT, 0); gigaOutputLabel( ADDS_PER_SEC_OVERALL, "Adds/Sec. (overall)"); gigaOutputUINT( ADDS_PER_SEC_OVERALL, 0); gigaOutputLabel( ELAPSED_TIME_ROW, "Elapsed Time"); gigaOutputStr( ELAPSED_TIME_ROW, "<none>"); if( RC_BAD( rc = gigaStartScreenThread())) { goto Exit; } gv_ui10SecStartTime = gv_uiStartTime = FLM_GET_TIMER(); gv_ui10Secs = FLM_SECS_TO_TIMER_UNITS( 10); gv_ui1Sec = FLM_SECS_TO_TIMER_UNITS( 1); for( ;;) { // See if we have been told to shut down, or if the user // has pressed escape. if( gv_bShutdown) { break; } // Every 127 objects, see if character was pressed and update // count on screen. if( (gv_uiTotalLoaded & 0x7F) == 0) { f_yieldCPU(); if( (uiChar = gigaSeeIfQuit()) != 0) { if( uiChar == FKB_ESCAPE) { break; } else if( uiChar == 's' || uiChar == 'S') { bSuspend = TRUE; } } // Check for other keyboard options } else if( (gv_uiTotalLoaded & 0x7) == 0) { FLMUINT uiElapsedTime; FLMUINT uiCurrTime; uiCurrTime = FLM_GET_TIMER(); // If at least 10 seconds have elapsed, redisplay the average // rate values. if( (uiElapsedTime = FLM_ELAPSED_TIME( uiCurrTime, gv_ui10SecStartTime)) >= gv_ui10Secs) { gigaUpdateLoadTimes(); } } // Start a transaction, if one is not going. if( !bTransActive) { if( bSuspend) { uiChar = gigaGetInput( "Load suspended, press any character to continue loading: ", NULL); bSuspend = FALSE; } if( RC_BAD( rc = gigaStartTrans())) { goto Exit; } bTransActive = TRUE; bCommitTrans = FALSE; uiObjsInTrans = 0; } // Increment the load counters and determine if this will be the // last object of the transaction. gv_uiTotalLoaded++; uiObjsInTrans++; if( uiObjsInTrans == gv_uiTransSize || gv_uiTotalLoaded == gv_uiTotalToLoad) { bCommitTrans = TRUE; } // Create a new object. if( RC_BAD( rc = gigaMakeNewRecord( &pNewRec))) { goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmRecordAdd( gv_hDb, FLM_DATA_CONTAINER, NULL, pNewRec, FLM_DONT_INSERT_IN_CACHE))) { goto Exit; } // Commit when we reach the transaction size or the total to load. // NOTE: The bCommitTrans flag is set above. if( bCommitTrans) { if( RC_BAD( rc = gigaCommitTrans())) { goto Exit; } bTransActive = FALSE; } // See if we are done. if( gv_uiTotalLoaded == gv_uiTotalToLoad) { flmAssert( !bTransActive); break; } } Exit: if( pNewRec) { pNewRec->Release(); } if( bTransActive) { (void)FlmDbTransAbort( gv_hDb); } if( gv_hDb != HFDB_NULL) { FlmDbCheckpoint( gv_hDb, FLM_NO_TIMEOUT); gigaStopScreenThread(); FlmDbClose( &gv_hDb); // This will cause us to wait for the last checkpoint // to finish. (void)FlmConfig( FLM_CLOSE_FILE, (void *)gv_szDibName, (void *)gv_szDataDir); } gigaUpdateLoadTimes(); gigaStopScreenThread(); f_threadDestroy( &gv_pIxManagerThrd); return( rc); }