static void AlertJsonDnp3(const Flow *f, json_t *js) { DNP3State *dnp3_state = (DNP3State *)FlowGetAppState(f); json_t *dnp3js = NULL; if (dnp3_state) { uint64_t tx_id = AppLayerParserGetTransactionLogId(f->alparser); DNP3Transaction *tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_DNP3, dnp3_state, tx_id); if (tx) { json_t *dnp3js = json_object(); if (unlikely(dnp3js == NULL)) { goto error; } if (tx->has_request && tx->request_done) { json_t *request = JsonDNP3LogRequest(tx); if (request != NULL) { json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "request", request); } } if (tx->has_response && tx->response_done) { json_t *response = JsonDNP3LogResponse(tx); if (response != NULL) { json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "response", response); } } json_object_set_new(js, "dnp3", dnp3js); } } return; error: if (dnp3js != NULL) { json_decref(dnp3js); } }
static int JsonTlsLogger(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data, const Packet *p) { JsonTlsLogThread *aft = (JsonTlsLogThread *)thread_data; MemBuffer *buffer = (MemBuffer *)aft->buffer; OutputTlsCtx *tls_ctx = aft->tlslog_ctx; if (unlikely(p->flow == NULL)) { return 0; } /* check if we have TLS state or not */ FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(p->flow); uint16_t proto = FlowGetAppProtocol(p->flow); if (proto != ALPROTO_TLS) goto end; SSLState *ssl_state = (SSLState *)FlowGetAppState(p->flow); if (unlikely(ssl_state == NULL)) { goto end; } if (ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_issuerdn == NULL || ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_subject == NULL) goto end; json_t *js = CreateJSONHeader((Packet *)p, 0, "tls");//TODO if (unlikely(js == NULL)) goto end; json_t *tjs = json_object(); if (tjs == NULL) { free(js); goto end; } /* reset */ MemBufferReset(buffer); /* tls.subject */ json_object_set_new(tjs, "subject", json_string(ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_subject)); /* tls.issuerdn */ json_object_set_new(tjs, "issuerdn", json_string(ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_issuerdn)); if (tls_ctx->flags & LOG_TLS_EXTENDED) { LogTlsLogExtendedJSON(tjs, ssl_state); } json_object_set_new(js, "tls", tjs); OutputJSONBuffer(js, tls_ctx->file_ctx, buffer); json_object_clear(js); json_decref(js); /* we only log the state once */ ssl_state->flags |= SSL_AL_FLAG_STATE_LOGGED; end: FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); return 0; }
json_t *JsonNFSAddMetadata(const Flow *f, uint64_t tx_id) { NFSState *state = FlowGetAppState(f); if (state) { NFSTransaction *tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, ALPROTO_NFS, state, tx_id); if (tx) { return rs_nfs_log_json_response(state, tx); } } return NULL; }
static int GetCertInfo(lua_State *luastate, const Flow *f, int direction) { void *state = FlowGetAppState(f); if (state == NULL) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "error: no app layer state"); SSLState *ssl_state = (SSLState *)state; SSLStateConnp *connp = NULL; if (direction) { connp = &ssl_state->client_connp; } else { connp = &ssl_state->server_connp; } if (connp->cert0_subject == NULL) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "error: no cert"); /* tls.version */ char ssl_version[32] = ""; switch (ssl_state->server_connp.version) { case TLS_VERSION_UNKNOWN: snprintf(ssl_version, sizeof(ssl_version), "UNDETERMINED"); break; case SSL_VERSION_2: snprintf(ssl_version, sizeof(ssl_version), "SSLv2"); break; case SSL_VERSION_3: snprintf(ssl_version, sizeof(ssl_version), "SSLv3"); break; case TLS_VERSION_10: snprintf(ssl_version, sizeof(ssl_version), "TLSv1"); break; case TLS_VERSION_11: snprintf(ssl_version, sizeof(ssl_version), "TLS 1.1"); break; case TLS_VERSION_12: snprintf(ssl_version, sizeof(ssl_version), "TLS 1.2"); break; default: snprintf(ssl_version, sizeof(ssl_version), "0x%04x", ssl_state->server_connp.version); break; } int r = LuaPushStringBuffer(luastate, (uint8_t *)ssl_version, strlen(ssl_version)); r += LuaPushStringBuffer(luastate, (uint8_t *)connp->cert0_subject, strlen(connp->cert0_subject)); r += LuaPushStringBuffer(luastate, (uint8_t *)connp->cert0_issuerdn, strlen(connp->cert0_issuerdn)); r += LuaPushStringBuffer(luastate, (uint8_t *)connp->cert0_fingerprint, strlen(connp->cert0_fingerprint)); return r; }
static int GetSNI(lua_State *luastate, const Flow *f) { void *state = FlowGetAppState(f); if (state == NULL) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "error: no app layer state"); SSLState *ssl_state = (SSLState *)state; if (ssl_state->client_connp.sni == NULL) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "error: no server name indication"); return LuaPushStringBuffer(luastate, (uint8_t *)ssl_state->client_connp.sni, strlen(ssl_state->client_connp.sni)); }
static void AlertJsonSsh(const Flow *f, json_t *js) { SshState *ssh_state = (SshState *)FlowGetAppState(f); if (ssh_state) { json_t *tjs = json_object(); if (unlikely(tjs == NULL)) return; JsonSshLogJSON(tjs, ssh_state); json_object_set_new(js, "ssh", tjs); } return; }
static void AlertJsonTls(const Flow *f, json_t *js) { SSLState *ssl_state = (SSLState *)FlowGetAppState(f); if (ssl_state) { json_t *tjs = json_object(); if (unlikely(tjs == NULL)) return; JsonTlsLogJSONBasic(tjs, ssl_state); JsonTlsLogJSONExtended(tjs, ssl_state); json_object_set_new(js, "tls", tjs); } return; }
/** \warning modifies Flow::alstate */ static int DetectTlsStorePostMatch (ThreadVars *t, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Packet *p, const Signature *s, const SigMatchCtx *unused) { SCEnter(); if (p->flow == NULL) return 0; SSLState *ssl_state = FlowGetAppState(p->flow); if (ssl_state == NULL) { SCLogDebug("no tls state, no match"); SCReturnInt(0); } ssl_state->server_connp.cert_log_flag |= SSL_TLS_LOG_PEM; SCReturnInt(1); }
/** Handle the case where no JSON support is compiled in. * */ static void AlertJsonHttp(const Flow *f, json_t *js) { HtpState *htp_state = (HtpState *)FlowGetAppState(f); if (htp_state) { uint64_t tx_id = AppLayerParserGetTransactionLogId(f->alparser); htp_tx_t *tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, htp_state, tx_id); if (tx) { json_t *hjs = json_object(); if (unlikely(hjs == NULL)) return; JsonHttpLogJSONBasic(hjs, tx); JsonHttpLogJSONExtended(hjs, tx); json_object_set_new(js, "http", hjs); } } return; }
/** \internal * \brief Condition function for TLS logger * \retval bool true or false -- log now? */ static int LogTlsCondition(ThreadVars *tv, const Packet *p) { if (p->flow == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (!(PKT_IS_TCP(p))) { return FALSE; } FLOWLOCK_RDLOCK(p->flow); uint16_t proto = FlowGetAppProtocol(p->flow); if (proto != ALPROTO_TLS) goto dontlog; SSLState *ssl_state = (SSLState *)FlowGetAppState(p->flow); if (ssl_state == NULL) { SCLogDebug("no tls state, so no request logging"); goto dontlog; } /* we only log the state once if we don't have to write * the cert due to keyword. */ if (!(ssl_state->server_connp.cert_log_flag & SSL_TLS_LOG_PEM) && (ssl_state->flags & SSL_AL_FLAG_STATE_LOGGED)) goto dontlog; if (ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_issuerdn == NULL || ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_subject == NULL) goto dontlog; /* todo: logic to log once */ FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); return TRUE; dontlog: FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); return FALSE; }
/** \internal * \brief Condition function for SSH logger * \retval bool true or false -- log now? */ static int JsonSshCondition(ThreadVars *tv, const Packet *p) { if (p->flow == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (!(PKT_IS_TCP(p))) { return FALSE; } FLOWLOCK_RDLOCK(p->flow); uint16_t proto = FlowGetAppProtocol(p->flow); if (proto != ALPROTO_SSH) goto dontlog; SshState *ssh_state = (SshState *)FlowGetAppState(p->flow); if (ssh_state == NULL) { SCLogDebug("no ssh state, so no logging"); goto dontlog; } /* we only log the state once */ if (ssh_state->cli_hdr.flags & SSH_FLAG_STATE_LOGGED) goto dontlog; if (ssh_state->cli_hdr.software_version == NULL || ssh_state->srv_hdr.software_version == NULL) goto dontlog; /* todo: logic to log once */ FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); return TRUE; dontlog: FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); return FALSE; }
static int JsonSshLogger(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data, const Packet *p) { JsonSshLogThread *aft = (JsonSshLogThread *)thread_data; MemBuffer *buffer = (MemBuffer *)aft->buffer; OutputSshCtx *ssh_ctx = aft->sshlog_ctx; if (unlikely(p->flow == NULL)) { return 0; } /* check if we have SSH state or not */ FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(p->flow); uint16_t proto = FlowGetAppProtocol(p->flow); if (proto != ALPROTO_SSH) goto end; SshState *ssh_state = (SshState *)FlowGetAppState(p->flow); if (unlikely(ssh_state == NULL)) { goto end; } if (ssh_state->cli_hdr.software_version == NULL || ssh_state->srv_hdr.software_version == NULL) goto end; json_t *js = CreateJSONHeader((Packet *)p, 1, "ssh");//TODO if (unlikely(js == NULL)) goto end; json_t *tjs = json_object(); if (tjs == NULL) { free(js); goto end; } /* reset */ MemBufferReset(buffer); json_t *cjs = json_object(); if (cjs != NULL) { json_object_set_new(cjs, "proto_version", json_string((char *)ssh_state->cli_hdr.proto_version)); json_object_set_new(cjs, "software_version", json_string((char *)ssh_state->cli_hdr.software_version)); } json_object_set_new(tjs, "client", cjs); json_t *sjs = json_object(); if (sjs != NULL) { json_object_set_new(sjs, "proto_version", json_string((char *)ssh_state->srv_hdr.proto_version)); json_object_set_new(sjs, "software_version", json_string((char *)ssh_state->srv_hdr.software_version)); } json_object_set_new(tjs, "server", sjs); json_object_set_new(js, "ssh", tjs); OutputJSONBuffer(js, ssh_ctx->file_ctx, buffer); json_object_clear(js); json_decref(js); /* we only log the state once */ ssh_state->cli_hdr.flags |= SSH_FLAG_STATE_LOGGED; end: FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); return 0; }
static int LogTlsLogger(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data, const Packet *p) { LogTlsLogThread *aft = (LogTlsLogThread *)thread_data; LogTlsFileCtx *hlog = aft->tlslog_ctx; char timebuf[64]; int ipproto = (PKT_IS_IPV4(p)) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6; if (unlikely(p->flow == NULL)) { return 0; } /* check if we have TLS state or not */ FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(p->flow); uint16_t proto = FlowGetAppProtocol(p->flow); if (proto != ALPROTO_TLS) goto end; SSLState *ssl_state = (SSLState *)FlowGetAppState(p->flow); if (unlikely(ssl_state == NULL)) { goto end; } if (ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_issuerdn == NULL || ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_subject == NULL) goto end; /* Don't log again the state. If we are here it was because we had * to store the cert. */ if (ssl_state->flags & SSL_AL_FLAG_STATE_LOGGED) goto end; CreateTimeString(&p->ts, timebuf, sizeof(timebuf)); #define PRINT_BUF_LEN 46 char srcip[PRINT_BUF_LEN], dstip[PRINT_BUF_LEN]; Port sp, dp; if (!TLSGetIPInformations(p, srcip, PRINT_BUF_LEN, &sp, dstip, PRINT_BUF_LEN, &dp, ipproto)) { goto end; } MemBufferReset(aft->buffer); MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "%s %s:%d -> %s:%d TLS: Subject='%s' Issuerdn='%s'", timebuf, srcip, sp, dstip, dp, ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_subject, ssl_state->server_connp.cert0_issuerdn); if (hlog->flags & LOG_TLS_EXTENDED) { LogTlsLogExtended(aft, ssl_state); } else { MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "\n"); } aft->tls_cnt++; SCMutexLock(&hlog->file_ctx->fp_mutex); hlog->file_ctx->Write((const char *)MEMBUFFER_BUFFER(aft->buffer), MEMBUFFER_OFFSET(aft->buffer), hlog->file_ctx); SCMutexUnlock(&hlog->file_ctx->fp_mutex); /* we only log the state once */ ssl_state->flags |= SSL_AL_FLAG_STATE_LOGGED; end: FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); return 0; }